The one thing
that seems definite is that today is going
to be very cold ! It is still close to 0°
C now, and the afternoon may only see just
2° C. The latest revision says it is misty
right now (it isn't) and that the mist (if
it ever falls) will lift after 11am. Soon
after that the sun may break through the
clouds enough to give several hours of
sunny spells, but the temperature still
won't rise above 2° C. Tomorrow the
temperature may slowly rise from below
zero to as much as 4° C by early evening.
It is predicted there could be a 10%
chance of rain tomorrow. That is a very
small chance, but if it does rain it will
fall as snow with the temperature that
low. I have to confess I am getting very
fed up with winter, but at least a good
snowfall would be a bit of excitement for
a day or two. Maybe it will happen in
February some time.
I had a feeling I wouldn't enjoy
it, but I had to take advantage of the
afternoon sunshine, and go for a walk. I
hadn't got very far before I started
wondering where I would turn around, and
head for home again. There were several
reasons for this. One simple one was that
I forgot to take my gloves with me. They
were in my bigger, hooded, orange winter
coat. My hands felt freezing because of
this, although they didn't quite get
painful like I expected to happen.
Wearing the hooded orange coat,
with the hood up, would have kept my ears
warmer, although they too didn't feel too
bad. Maybe the lack of wind reduced the
chill factor.
The sun has just come out 90 minutes
early, and while it is supposed to be
My legs felt very stiff yesterday,
and the cold seemed to get my right knee
feeling extra stiff and sore. It was not
helped by wearing a new (old) pair of
jeans. I mentioned those jeans yesterday,
but at that time I hadn't realised the
worst thing about them. They seemed tight
around the knees, but that was really only
noticeable when walking up steep steps
such as the "rustic" steps up the river
bank formed of bits of tree that are
pinned into the bank with more bits of
tree. The whole tightness thing was made
worse by the material of the legs feeling
more like stiff canvas than soft denim. I
think those jeans will need a lot of
breaking in !
I was feeling very uncomfortable by the
time I got to the path that leads from
Winsford Road to the footbridge across the
railway. I very nearly turned around
there, and with hindsight it might have
been good if I did. I continued as far as
the bow string bridge, and turned around
there (or in actuality I crossed the river
on the bridge and headed back on the over
side of the river). My legs were aching a
lot as I walked towards home, but as I
walked I became increasingly aware that my
ribs seemed to be clicking and popping a
I am unsure why my ribs were
complaining so much. I am sure that the
coat I was wearing wouldn't have made any
difference, and yet it seems it might
have. I don't think it was any tighter. If
anything I think it was slightly less
tight around the chest, but maybe it was
changing the load or positions of my arms
some how. What is for sure is that the
last part of my walk was very
uncomfortable - except, for some strange
reason, the last few hundred yards. Maybe
it was because I was walking on level
paving stones or something.

All the aches and pains quickly
went away once I got home, and into the
warm. Even the fatigue didn't feel too bad
once I was indoors with my coat off. I had
the energy to do a bit more work to my
paint stripping project. I am getting the
hang of how to use that paint stripping
gel now. With hindsight I wish I had
started on just one panel, and did the
second once I got familiar with the
As can be seen in the picture on
the left, there is now a lot of bare metal
to be seen, and the figure of the Greek
lady is being revealed more and more (I
call her Greek in honour of Angela who has
Greek roots.). After rubbing off the
gloopy paint and gel with a lot of kitchen
paper I gave what I hope is a final coat
of paint stripped gel, and left it to do
it's work overnight. With luck, when I get
around to it today I will get the last of
the paint off. Tomorrow, because there
won't be time today, I will probably be
attacking it with metal polish.
I had eaten no more than a handful
of peanuts before I went out, and although
it seems like it should be the other way
round, because of that, I didn't feel
particularly hungry when I got home. After
cleaning up from the paint stripping, I
went and looked at the pictures I had take
on my walk. I think I only took about 10
snaps. A few of them were OK, but showed
nothing of interest. The others were
attempts at taking photos of birds, All
were failures.
I think there were several factors
at work that spoiled the photos, but all
boiled down to one thing - camera shake. I
think I was feeling too crap to
concentrate on keeping the camera steady.
The problem was made worse by the lack of
light. The sun was often shining, but
being so low in the sky it left too many
shadows near ground level, and it wasn't
strong enough to penetrate the trees near
the river. I noted that even though it
seemed bright enough to my eyes, the
camera was often showing very long
exposure times - some time as long as a
whole 10th of a second - that is a long
time to keep the camera rock steady, and
particularly at high zoom levels. So, no
pictures today.
When I first sat down in front of
my PC to check the pictures I was still
warm from my walk, and I had the heater on
low. It wasn't long before I began to feel
chilly. The first thing I did was to turn
the heater up to it's full 2kw. Then my
thoughts turned to hot food. I opted for
some instant noodles, and further refined
that choice to some tomato flavour instant
noodles. They turned out to be the
tastiest instant noodles I have ever
tasted. I didn't dare try to decipher
their sugar content (very small print
amongst a lot of other small print in
different languages). I have often thought
that instant noodles have had a bad effect
on my blood glucose, but even two bowls of
these tomato flavour noodles didn't seem
to do much harm.
As a brief aside, I have just
returned from going to the toilet for a
wee. I was rushing to finish the
last two paragraphs because I needed
that wee, but i was also feeling
uncomfortable in other ways too. In
particular I was suffering from the
strange pain on the underside of my
right thigh. It seems to originate from
my right buttock, and radiate downwards.
I never used to get that pain until I
tripped on some brambles, and pancakes
among the mud and nettles of Brookmill
Park some time in the summer. I
sometimes wonder what damage I did, but
there is no way to see a doctor over
such trivial things at the moment.
Anyway, for some reason I decided to
(lightly) proof read the last two
paragraphs I wrote in a rush. I
sometimes wonder if I actually write in
Back to the plot... It wasn't long
after eating/drinking my two hot bowls of
instant noodles that I started to feel
really tired. I laid on my bed, and
started reading. I probably managed to
read a single page before I put the book
down, and fell asleep. It is slightly
annoying that I can't remember how long I
slept for. All I can say was that it was
for a "medium", aka nondescript period of
time. I felt better for it. Once I had
gathered my wits together I noticed it was
time to start preparing my dinner.
Dinner was a nice healthy (apart
from a bit of fat) dinner of grilled lamb
shoulder steaks served with nothing else
than some sugar snap peas, and some mange
tout. It was nice, and the on;y thing that
would have made it nicer would have been
if my grill was hotter, and could make the
fat a bit more crispy. For dessert I had
some fruits - some kiwi fruit, and some
Clementine oranges.
I felt sufficiently revived after
that to stay up watching TV until 9pm. I
then read in bed before falling asleep
around 10pm. Apart from a gap in the
middle, I seemed to sleep well. The gap
was that awkward time around 3am. It is a
popular time for heart attacks apparently,
but that wasn't my problem. I think I had
a brain attack. After waking for a pee
just after 2am I glanced at the outside
temperature, and saw that it was
0.9° C outside. That got me thinking, and
for the next two hours I couldn't seem to
shut my brain up. I can't even remember
more than a fraction of what was echoing
around inside my brain for two hours. I'm
sure it was nothing bad, and probably just
stupid things like wondering what the
weather would be like.....
.... I suddenly remember one thing I
thought of doing during that brain attack.
It was a simple way to check what the
weather was like in January (at the
beginning of this just about to end year).
Once I have uploaded screenshots of the
weather forecast for these daily blogs, I
archive the originals on my PC by month.
All I have to do is check the archive
using an image viewer, and there they
should be all in order.....Having done
just that I see that the temperature
mostly varied between 8 and 14° C last
January, and the average was probably over
10° C. It seems the January starting
tomorrow morning is going to be
considerable cold based on the long range
forecast (which is usually complete
I fell asleep again around 4am, and
slept well, although that sleep did seem
to feature many long dreams (or dreams
that seemed to be very long, but probably
only seemed that way). I remember snatches
of two of those dreams. One I remember
because it was getting erotic right up to
the point where waking up spoiled it. I
was in the company of a Polish lady I
really only know as a singer. I have no
idea why she was in my house, but she was
dressed in a (non opaque) night dress, and
so was obviously going to stay the night.
Somehow we ended up in a very intimate
embrace. I found my hand on her breast (by
accident - I think), and I asked her if
she minded. She said yes, and that they
didn't do that in Poland, but she said she
would be quite happy if I put my hand
between her legs. It is the story of my
life that that was the exact time I woke
up !
Another dream was a fanciful
variation on something I have been meaning
to do. In the dream I was sitting on the
toilet, and while I was waiting I decided
to compare my old Wellington boots with
the boots (or shoes) I was wearing. They
seemed no wider, but much longer. That is
about the whole of the dream, but as I
say, it has roots in a possible reality. I
think I still have a pair of industrial,
steel toecap, Wellington boots that were
issued to me when I started my first job
in Post Office Telecommunications. I
recall they were never comfortable, but I
still managed to wear them 20 years later
during some heavy snow. I think my feet
are wider now, and assuming I still have
them, they might possibly still be
wearable after all these years if really
needed. I must admit I was thinking about
wading in the river rather than in heavy
This morning my blood glucose has
dropped to a more acceptable level. It was
down to 8.1mmol/l. The rest of me is not
too bad. At least I don't seem to have any
particular after effects of my
uncomfortable walk yesterday. Today should
be one of the better days, because today
is Thursday, and Thursday is boozing day.
I doubt we will see Michael today, but I
think Jodie will pop in to consume a few
bottles and cans of beer with me. There
are still two strong Xmas beers to drink
today, as well as other assorted beers. I
wouldn't be surprised if Jodie doesn't
bring some more exotic beers with her. All
I have to do now is finish cleaning up the
dining room. That will include washing off
the final coating of paint stripper -
hopefully well enough so Jodie doesn't
complain about the smell !