rain may have stopped before midnight
last night, but it has already started
again rather earlier than the forecast
predicts. The latest prediction is that
the rain will continue until midday. I
have a feeling it might go on longer
than that. Today is one of those days
when the forecast changes a lot with
each revision. The latest change is that
1 to 3pm will see sunny spells, but rain
will fall again at 5pm. From 6pm there
may only be light cloud for the rest of
the night. Today's high is now predicted
to be 10° C. That is not bad, and may
feel OK if we do get those sunny spells
this afternoon. Most of tomorrow will
probably be wet. The day marks a rather
vivid transition back to colder weather.
The morning may be 8° C, but by late
afternoon the temperature could be down
to 2° C, and the rain may turn to sleet.
Yesterday was
quite a mixed day with some highs and
some lows. The lows mainly concern my
Costochondritis flare up - if indeed
that is what it is. There was some
anecdotal evidence to support this idea
of mine. Initially I was feeling OK, but
as I mentioned yesterday, I was also
feeling like the inflammation was just
simmering below the surface, and waiting
to bite back if I did anything foolish.
Sometime the foolish is actually
necessity. It was about midday when my
delivery arrived from Star Bargains
arrived. This time it came in 2 boxes.
The more delicate, crushable items came
in their own box. Taking that in from
the doorstep was easy. The other box,
containing lots of heavy bottles of
drink, plus some canned food, was a real
bugger to pick up and take into the back
I don't think I realised just how
much I had ordered until it arrived. I
just kept adding stuff until I reached
the minimum of £40 when delivery is
free. On the whole most of it was
sensible, but some wasn't. Some items,
like coconut rings, have a rather high
sugar content. Ordering those was
deliberate because I fancied something
nice, and I resigned myself to try and
make them last as long as possible by
maybe only eating one a day - easy for
some, but not for me !
The really stupid, stupid thing
was not only ordering Diet Coke, Cherry
flavour, but also ordering Coke Zero,
Cherry flavour. Coke Zero is OK, but I
have never learned to love it. Cherry
flavour Coke is probably one of their
worst "weird" flavours. It reminds me
too much of vile Dr Peppers, although it
is probably less than half vile as that.
Ordering a couple of small bottles to
pad the order out, and occasionally
drink as a novelty item would have been
fair enough, but 2 full sized bottles of
the Diet Coke version, and 2 smaller
bottles of the Coke Zero version was
just going too far.
I think the heavy box had about
12 litres of drink in it in total, and
so was bloody heavy. Picking it up was
not that hard, and it caused no pain at
the time, but it wasn't long after that
my chest started aching again. As usual
it was not a strong pain, but it came
from two distinct areas either side of
my sternum - slightly lower than my man
boob on the left, and around about the
same height as my right man boob. A
couple of Ibuprofen tablets calmed it
down, but my chest still felt creaky -
and it was literally creaky. A typical
example might be when drying my hands on
a towel I could feel, more than actually
hear, creaking, popping, scraping sounds
from my rib cage as I moved my arms
Before moving on the next main
event of the day (the delivery was the
first) I did some photography. I wasn't
meaning to do any photography, but
sometimes you see things and run to grab
your camera. It is not unusual to see a
fox on a shed roof, and they like this
fairly level shed roof about two gardens
from the rear of my garden. I had to use
full zoom on my little Canon iXus 285 to
take this snap. It has come out a bit
grainy because it was not very bright at
the time. Not being bright is probably
why the fox was posing so well. 10
minutes earlier there was a sunny spell,
and I suspect the fox was doing a bit of
sunbathing. It now looks cross because
the sun had gone in.
After emptying the boxes my
delivery came in I cut them up, and took
them out to the recycling bin. It was
then that I noticed the first signs that
spring is on it's way. These self
propagated daffodils had sprung up
unnoticed until yesterday. I was
surprised to see one bud that could soon
be flowering. Shame it is just one, but
maybe others will follow.
I don't, or didn't think these
were daffodils, but maybe they are even
if they do look stunted. The buds seem
to look too big to be crocuses, maybe
they are. The one thing I do know is
that they are perilously close to being
run over by the brown wheelie bin.
These are two more bulbs
sprouting by the big green tube that
carries the cable broadband/TV cables
across my garden. These sprouts are less
mature than the others, but I think they
will turn out to be daffodils too. Once
I feel the weather has improved enough I
feel I want to do some extra gardening
in my front garden. I would like more
daffodils out there, but it is too late
to plant them now, but I have other
seeds that I will start indoors and
transplant out later when they have
started to grow properly. Like the back
garden, I really out to do a lot more
weed control in the front garden - maybe
even more since it is on public view.
Apart from popping outside to
take the above snaps of my front garden,
I also went outside to say hello to
Michael, and collect the bottles of Diet
Coke he had bought for me in Tesco. We
were outside for 5, maybe even 10
minutes chatting during another sunny
spell, and it felt good outside. There
was no wind, or at least not enough to
register on my memory, and if it didn't
actually feel warm, it certainly didn't
feel cold. I really can't wait until
that is an everyday occurrence.
The second main event of the day
was another Thursday afternoon boozing
session with Jodie. I was looking
forward to my first booze since the
weekend, and looking forward to the
booze taking over from, and being more
effective than the Ibuprofen I had taken
earlier. I needed it because I decided
to search my beer stock for something to
drink. That involved more heavy lifting.
Very soon after that I had a sharp
reminder that I had been stupid. I
needed to go up stairs for something (I
don't think it was for a wee on this
occasion, but it could have been).
As I went up to the second
step of the stairs I felt a sharp
stabbing pain on my right hand side -
broadly in the same place as where I had
earlier had a dull ache. I don't think
it was something bad happening, and
instead I suspect with hindsight it was
something bad
Anyone who has ever had a dislocation
will know the very sharp, but also very
brief pain that happens when a
dislocated joint re-locates. It was a
lot like that. It was as if my
fantasy "twisted rib" had untwisted, and
who knows, it could have been just that.
We had quite a selection of beers
yesterday afternoon, and as usual we
split each can or bottle, so the amount
was less than it appeared. Once again
Jodie had brought a few "beers" that I
didn't really like. One even had
pineapple in it ! They were very tart,
and closer to cider than beer. It seems
she has really tuned her tastebuds to
some of these abominations. Oh well,
they all had alcohol in them - quite a
lot in 2 of the three cans (and maybe
the third as well).

I showed the packet, pictured on
the left, to Jodie. In a way I was
teasing her because she really doesn't
like any spicy food, but she is most
definitely a vegetarian. I'm sure
I mentioned that I had bought two of the
sachets from the same maker, but
different flavours when I was in Aldi on
Monday morning. I'm sure I must have
also mentioned that I had tried one of
them - a sort of vegetarian
I expected the latter to be like
red beans and rice with some spices, but
it had unpleasant lumps of "vegetable
protein" in it. Those lumps had no
obvious taste, good or bad, but they did
have the consistency of damp cardboard -
which was rather unpleasant. If it
wasn't for those lumps it might have
made a nice small meal, or snack. I now
fear that this Spicy Pad Thai will have
similar lumps that spoil it.
Jodie left to get her train home
just in time for me to watch the closing
credits of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
That is then followed by Star Trek:
Enterprise. I watched the latter, but I
hadn't prepared any dinner to eat while
I watched it. I turned to my new
delivery from Star Bargains and "cooked"
two big pots of instant noodles. Maybe
it was the booze, but they did seem very
nice, and two of those big pots did seem
quite filling.
Later on I was full of
booze, and hot food, and in theory I
could have been in bed, and been fast
asleep quite early, but I started
reading. Worse than that, I started
reading the last chapter of the book. I
was two pages from the end when my eyes
started to close. At that point I hadn't
brushed my teeth, so I went and did
that, read those last two pages, and
very quickly fell asleep. That must have
been quite late - maybe 11pm, and
possibly later.
I seemed to get to sleep easily
enough, but I am not sure it was good
sleep. I seemed to be dreaming all
night, although I can't really remember
much from those dreams, but it was worse
than that. I had the heater on low last
night, and with the temperature outside
still at least 9° C by midnight, I
probably didn't need any extra heat. I
didn't always feel that warm, but that
was probably after visits to the cold
bathroom. I would get back in bed, cover
up, and start to cook myself as I slept.
Twice I woke up after it was obvious I
had been sweating enough to make my
pillow damp, and there were damp patches
on the sheet and duvet.
I assumed it was just ordinary
overheating, but it could have been
fever. The latter would explain why I
felt so cold, but not actually shivery
when I went to the bathroom. The other
reason for bad sweating is high blood
glucose, and I was sure that had made it
worse. I expected my blood glucose to
have gone through the roof this morning.
I had eaten several overtly sweet
things, and most of what else I ate was
all carbohydrates. I was very surprised
when I checked my blood glucose this
morning. It was only 8.6mmol/l. That was
up on the 8.4mmol/l yesterday morning.
It is higher than I am happy with, but
mostly, as I have mentioned before,
because it leaves very little room for
those occasions when you deliberately
want or need to have a high sugar day
for whatever reason.
I am unsure how the rest of my
feels. A bit earlier on my chest was
just hinting of a couple of aches, but
as I sit here typing I feel fairly
comfortable - except for the pain I
still get in my right buttock and leg
after I broke my buttock (?!?!??) in a
fall last summer. I would like to feel
enthusiastic about going out for a walk
today. It would potentially do me good,
but I am not convinced the weather would
be good for it. The latest revision to
the forecast still says sunny periods
will follow after the last of the rain
at midday. It is actually getting close
to midday now (I must either be writing
very slowly these days, or writing a lot
more than I used to), and indeed the
rain has stopped early. There are subte
hints the sun could break through the
clouds - particularly to the west where
the sun isn't (yet) !
It is feasible that I could
suddenly decided to grab my coat and
camera, and go out later, but I don't
feel that enthusiasm at the moment. I
have started one diversion already -
some laundry soaking in detergent that I
ought to finish soon rather than leave
it until it is cold and slimy. I seem to
have a feint urge to get out my old PC,
and do some more VHS to digital video
transfers. That may have been inspired
by seeing an awful quality transfer I
had made 3 or 4 years ago. My new video
converter box does a far better job than
anything except my DV camcorder, but
that sees some noise from old tapes as a
copy protection signal. It is really
annoying when digitising an old tape
when halfway through a small wrinkle in
the tape triggers the copy protection
circuit, and kills the recording. I
guess I have plenty of stuff I could do
today - even if none of it is as healthy
as a walk.