just refreshed the weather forecast
hoping to see something a bit better
than the screenshot above, and indeed
things have improved....a bit ! The
filthy grey clouds are now due to change
to lighter clouds an hour earlier at 1pm
instead of 2pm, and by 6 or 7pm the sky
should be clear of all clouds for a
while. Other than that, the screenshot
above tells a fairly accurate picture of
what a nasty day today will be. Tomorrow
may bring good and bad. There will
probably rain, some of it heavy from the
earliest hours until, maybe, 9am. The
afternoon may feature several hours of
sunny spells before more rain falls. The
best bit is that the afternoon
temperature may reach 12° C. The wind
may be fairly light tomorrow afternoon,
and because of that those sunny spells
may even feel warm.
I made the
mistake of saying I seemed to feel OK
yesterday morning, but it was less good
than that. By midday I found myself
feeling bad, not terrible, not awful,
but still sort of bad. I seemed to
develop a selection of aches that
individually would have been ignorable,
and would have been ignorable in total
if sufficiently distracted, but I felt
bored and restless. That made the impact
of even a small fleeting itch, or
something else ordinarily of no
consequence, feel much worse.

I have to admit I was also
feeling rather edgy as I waited with
baited breath for my delivery of booze
from Amazon. It didn't leave the depot
until 10:45am, and so I knew it would
not be arriving until later in the
afternoon. I must admit I fooled myself
into thinking that now the Xmas rush is
fully over, the load on the delivery
vans would be less, and that the
delivery could turn up as early as 3pm.
Of course it didn't.
I never did get around to doing
the one thing I intended to do yesterday
morning - transferring the last part of
the Horizon "Red Star In Orbit"
documentary from VHS tape to digital
file on (initially) my old PC. I left
the gear all set up to do it, but I
couldn't seem to raise the enthusiasm
until it was too late. By about 2pm I
realised I would have to pull my finger
out, and clear the PC and VHS machine
off the dining room table to make way
for booze.
Having finally got started, I
found I got everything ready for a
boozing session quite quickly. It wasn't
too long after 3pm that Jodie turned up
for another illegal drinking session.
This time she brought only one very
dubious beer - another sour fruity beer
that featured a Japanese citrus fruit
that I think was called a Zuma or
something like that. The other two beers
she brought over were nice. One was a
Belgium beer called Golden Drak. It had
a typical "Belgiummy" taste (which I am
told is now an official beer taste).
I think it was about 6pm before
my delivery arrived. It was just in time
for a "one for the road" before Jodie
left, although to be accurate, it was
actually nearly an hour before she left
to get her train - it seems to get later
and later ! The booze was Aquavit. It
could be described as a caraway
flavoured vodka, but it is more complex
than that. I bought two bottles of it.
Yesterday we had the weaker of the two,
just 38%, but maybe next time I'll open
the other which is 43.5%. It is rather
nice !
Once again I had not prepared any
dinner for after the boozing session,
and a few extra spirits on top of some
strong beers, meant I was in no mood to
start cooking. I didn't want to order a
takeaway, and so I went down the pot
noodle route. I had the last of the
extra sized Pot Noodles that I had
ordered in my last Star Bargains
ordered, and I had two Pot Pastas (or
whatever they call them). They were hot,
semi filling, and terribly unhealthy.
I ended up eating my dinner while
watching old episodes of 'Allo, 'Allo.
There were three episodes on last night,
but I only watched two. After the second
one ended, which was the last ever
episode which ends with a sort of
reunion 20 or 30 years after the end of
WW2, I brushed my teeth and went to bed.
I tried to read for a while, but I was
feeling the booze, and pretty soon I put
the book down, turned out the light, and
fell asleep almost instantly.
I wish I knew what time that was,
but I have no idea. What I do know is
that it felt like I had been sleeping
for ages and ages when I woke up and saw
that it was only eight minutes to Monday
! (11.52pm). From then onwards I had
trouble getting asleep, and staying
asleep. Some, maybe most of the problem
was my hangover, but maybe only in the
sense that it made existing things
worse. I seemed to find all those lumps,
bumps, and creases in the sheets and
mattress that only come out on special
days. I was too hot and too cold -
sometimes at the same time !
I probably did manage to sleep in
a few blocks of several hours, but I
also seemed to be awake a lot. There was
probably one other problem that would
only reveal itself later, and towards
morning I was also on the edge of
getting painful cramp in my lower legs.
Fortunately I managed to get my legs in
a better position before that
excruciating vice like grip of a pain of
cramp fully started.
One problem, or maybe it was the
opposite of a problem when looked at
correctly, was that I wanted to get up
early enough to go and getting some
shopping from Aldi soon after they
opened at 8am. I managed to get there at
about 8.20am, and that was good enough.
I could have got there earlier but I was
held back by the need to go to the
toilet three times. I remember going to
the toilet yesterday morning, and
thinking "that's not much". This morning
I probably shifted a backlog in three
sessions. No specific pain was obvious
last night, but maybe some discomfort
was adding to my sleeping problems.
This morning I feel very tired,
and I am going to limit my initial
ambitions for the day to just laying on
my bed, with the heating up, and a book
in my hand until I feel like a snooze,
or two snoozes, or three snoozes, or
perhaps one really long snooze. Laying
on my bed will probably make me ache
more. I don't ache at the moment,
probably thanks to my walk to and from
Aldi. It was almost a nice walk - even
when carrying the heavy shopping home
again. The cold fresh air certainly woke
me up, and cleared out some of the
hangover fog from my brain.
This morning was one of those
shopping trips where you think you have
bought a lot, and yet the cost was the
lowest for quite some time. I made a
point of not buying anything too naughty
- or at least naughty with regard to
sugar content. I was not surprised to
see my blood glucose up at 8.8mmol/l
this morning. Maybe that figure put a
restraining hand on my purchases,
although it was less than expected, and
I have done far, far worse after an
after noon boozing session.
Well, January is now behind us,
and February is only a short month.
March should see some improvements in
life. There is fair chance the weather
will improve a lot by then, and there is
even a chance that some of the covid
restrictions could be lifted in March,
but sadly the edicts on mask wearing may
not be lifted until much later in the
year. I'll still have to walk
everywhere, but maybe by summer I can
build my stamina up again, and try for 8
or even 10 mile walks.