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Tuesday 9th March 2021
Lockdown day 350
Shopping embargo day 88 229

08:21 GMT

  Yesterday saw the temperature rise to 9° C, or 1° higher than the earlier versions of the weather forecast predicted. Those same forecasts also didn't predict that a lot of the afternoon would be bright and sunny !
this is already looking wrong
   I suspect that today's forecast doesn't reflect reality. At the moment I would say it is sunny, rather than a sunny spell. The sky does feature some some thin clouds, but they seem thin enough that if one does pass in front of the sun the sunshine turns a little hazy. In fact the latest revision to the forecast does show now to be "sunny".  My best guess is that the forecast will keep being revised, but the basic thing is that the clouds are thin and patchy, and that will allow sunshine through for long or shorter periods for most of the daylight hours. It should see the temperature rise to a very nice 12° C (or nice in the sunshine). Tomorrow will feature some strong winds and copious rain. The warmest it will get will be at midnight ! It could be 11° C then, but the middle of the day, in the heavy rain, could be as little as 6° C.

  Yesterday was Sunday part 2 in many ways. After the "excitement" of shopping in the morning I didn't really do much for the rest of the day. Much of what I did do consisted of eating and/or drinking. The eating would definitely leave it's mark this morning. The eating, and in particular stuffing my face with pasta, meant that I didn't feel like doing any walking when it became apparent that the early afternoon was going to be quite nice.

  The trouble with "quite nice" is that it doesn't convey the subtleties of the situation. There was actually another problem that stopped me going for a walk apart from being full of that naughty pasta. In a nutshell, the problem was that the sun was hot and the air was cold. The air was too cool to go out without a coat, and yet any coat I could wear would be a dark colour, and that would soak up the heat of the sun. I would be being cooked inside the coat while it would feel like my fingers, nose and ears were about to fall off from frostbite.

  The most significant thing I did yesterday was to make a lot more headway in the book I am still reading (the one I showed a picture of yesterday). By the end of the day I had nearly finished the book, and had passed the climax of the story. Even the climax when things were almost explained was still very trippy, and contained long descriptions of how each character felt. As an example of descriptive writing it could win medals, except the descriptions were hard to visualise without the help of illegal drugs - probably.
                                      taste test
  Even two large Ouzos didn't help me appreciate the book ! I guess I was in the mood for a bit of experimentation of the booze kind. I did a taste comparison between an old bottle of Ouzo I have had in the cupboard for maybe 20 years (the Pythagoras) and the bottle I recently bought (the "12"). I did my best to make both glasses have identical amounts of Ouzo and sugar free lemonade. There was a very subtle difference to the taste, but both were identically delicious. Maybe the Pythagoras, at just 37.5% tasted very, very, very slightly thinner than the 12 at 38%.

  I was very aware that I had eaten some really stupid stuff for breakfast and lunch, and so I decided to keep my dinner simple, or simple-ish. All I had were 4 chicken thighs, complete with skin and bones, that had been roasted/grilled. It wasn't quite that simple because I added some curry powder, and several other "secret herbs and spices". I will reveal the secret - there wasn't one, and there were no herbs, but I did add a sprinkle of Cayenne pepper, and a splash of dark soy sauce. I probably should have eaten them with some green vegetables, but I couldn't be bothered to prepare and cook them.

  I ate dinner while watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and then watched Star Trek: Enterprise. That took me up to 8pm, and I didn't fancy watching any more TV. I did have the option of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but they are still showing the first series, and those early episodes were a bit wooden as the series found it's way and matured. After reading some stuff on the internet I took my book to bed, and read until gone 10pm. It may have been as late as 11pm before I turned the light off and went to sleep.

  I don't remember much about my sleep. I know I woke up several times to go to the toilet, and at 3am it took a fair time to get back to sleep - as it always seems to at that time in the morning. At close to 6am I woke up, and knew it was time to get up. There was no reason I needed to get up that early, but it just felt like getting up time. I don't think I felt that rested, but I knew there was no point of trying to get more sleep at that point.

  I seemed to feel otherwise OK - OK in the sense that it was about the best I could expect, but not the best I could wish for. The only big negative thing was my blood glucose level. I was expecting it to be high, and this time it was. It had risen to 10.4mmol/l, and into the danger zone. Now I need to try and fast until dinner time. I'm not sure I can manage to do that, but if I can't I will try and be very careful about what I do eat.

  My day is partly constrained by waiting for a delivery from Star Bargains. I should get a notification of an estimated delivery time soon, and the delivery time is usually between 11am and 2pm. Once my big box of goodies, some of which I dare not eat for at least a day or two, has arrived I hope I'll be going for at least a 3 mile walk. If the sun feels right, and my legs seem to be working well (once they have warmed up) it would be good to try and extend that, but 3 miles is a good initial target.
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