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Monday 26th April 2021
Lockdown day 398
Shopping embargo day 88 277

10:04 BST

  Yesterday was generally bright, but it never felt warm despite the thermometer creeping up to 12 or even 13° C (the weather forecast predicted just 11° C). It was the wind that made it feel a lot colder. It wasn't a very strong wind, but it was still really chilling.
a very dull start
  It has been, and is very dull as I write this, but the sun has started to try and push through the clouds. The latest revision to the forecast has changed to show that this hour will be extra gloomy, but I can see a few slivers of blue in the sky, and if one of those should end up where the sun is.... 11am is when the forecast says the first sunny spells should appear, and midday could see the start of clear skies and 4 hours of solid sunshine....maybe. 2 and 3pm could see the temperature peak at 11° C, but it will only be 10° C for a good few hours either side of that. Once again the wind feels bitterly cold, or at least it did when I walked down the road at just before 8.30am. Tomorrow may feature very little sunshine, but the temperature is expected to be around 15° C.

  I don't know if it was an after/side effect of my 2nd Covid vaccination shot, but I still didn't feel good yesterday. Like the day before it was mostly a case of feeling very sleepy. My muscles seemed to be working OK because I  washed a large bath towel with no difficulties late in the morning. Thanks to the relentless wind, and some sunshine, I took that towel in around 5pm and it was warm and fully dry.

  It was a bit later in the afternoon when I began to feel not only sleepy, but rather strange. I can't quite explain what "strange"means, beyond the fact that I didn't like it. It could have been generated by an upset stomach. I did feel slightly bloated while also feeling empty and wanting to eat - which sounds like a contradiction, but that is how it felt. It could have been trapped wind, but over the next 12 hours it turned out to be not very well trapped. From time to time it did smell like something had died in me !

  I tried to calm it all down with some booze, and this was both easy to do, and occasionally successful. It was easy because yesterday afternoon was another boozing session with Jodie. It wasn't a very enjoyable session though. maybe we just didn't have anything interesting to say to each other because Jodie spent half the time with her face buried in her phone. There was also the ongoing problem with some of the beer.
the good
                                      and the bad
  It was a bit stupid that I didn't take these two picture to the same scale ! On the left was a beer, if it can be called a beer, that was coconut flavoured. I'm not sure I would like to drink it too often, but it as actually nice in a weird sort of way. On the right was something that was the exact opposite. "Sour Suzy" was not really sour, but it did smell like pee, and tasted like cold pee (or as I imagine cold pee would taste). I had bought two cans of it - one in each of two different beer selections as selected by the distributor. It was because I bought it that after two sips I poured it straight down the sink. Jodie announced that she liked it, and would have drunk my can too !

  There was one other thing I did yesterday of great importance. It all started when, after failing to use the governments website because I couldn't electronically prove my credentials, I downloaded the form to ask for a prediction of my state pension, and posted it off. It took a few weeks and I had my answer. As expected it was between a pittance and not very much. It might have been a few weeks after that that I received another latter from the Pension department inviting me to apply for my pension. It suggested I should do it on line, and included a sort of invitation password.

  I had strong doubts it would work, and went as far as to print on the 10 page form to apply for my pension, but yesterday I went online, and to my great surprise it all worked very smoothly. Not having worked abroad and gone through marriages and divorces made it very simple. I doubt it took more than 5 minutes to fill it in, send it, and receive a confirmation.
                                      applied for
  All being well, from the third quarter of June this year I will officially be an old age pensioner !

  My lunch and my dinner were both cold shish kebabs from the previous night's takeaway. Maybe the lamb shish kebab I had for lunch was responsible for upsetting my stomach, but I don't think it was the actual cause. Maybe it didn't help though. I don't think I like the place I bought it from. The lamb did seem to be a bit nicer when eaten cold, but it still wasn't as good as it could have been. The salad was not very good either. The plus point is that there was a fair amount of meat in the kebab.

  Dinner was the spare chicken shish kebab. Once again there was plenty of meat, but the salad was sparse like in the lamb kebab. Despite there being a good amount of meat, I began to feel hungry an hour or two later. I had stayed up later than usual watching TV, and it might have been even before 8pm that I wanted more to eat. I ate a small can of spam with some sauce on it. In theory it should have been sugar free - which was good after also eating a few things with small amounts of sugar in them, plus several beers whose sugar content may not have been that low.

  It is typical reverse logic that the closer I got to bedtime the less sleepy I felt. I expected to have a bad night, but apart from one time in the night, I seemed to get to sleep very easily, and slept well. I think it was just after 2am, when I may have been asleep for 3 hours, that I woke up feeling very cold, and freezing cold once I came back from the toilet. I had left the bathroom window open, and the wind blowing through it felt bitter. Nevertheless, I still wondered if I had a fever, but apparently not. After laying in bed under the duvet for a few minutes I felt too hot, and kicked most of the duvet off again.

  It was around 5am, and after another visit to the ice cold bathroom that I turned the heating up full before going back to bed. I was soon asleep again, and in effect I overslept. It is probably only on a Monday morning that I can oversleep because that is the one morning when I like to be up early enough to go shopping in Aldi when they first open at 8am. It was just gone 7am when I woke next, and I couldn't get ready in time to get to Aldi before about 8.20am.

  I was very curious as to what my blood glucose level would be this morning. I checked it a couple of hours after eating last night, shortly before I went to bed, and it was 8.7mmol/l. It seemed reasonable that it would be lower than that this morning, but it was an annoying 8.9mmol/l. That leaves absolutely no slack for any bad things I might eat today. Fortunately I didn't really buy anything that bad from Aldi this morning.

  Walking to Aldi, and to a lesser extent, walking from Aldi back to home, felt a bit OK, and a bit not OK. That is, or course, nonsense because I can't really describe it properly. My legs seemed to work OK, but there was some stiffness around my right knee. It was probably made worse by the icy feeling wind. Probably the worst thing was that I couldn't seem to walk as fast as I really wanted to. I have no idea how much faster I would have liked to walk, and I wasn't really walking slowly anyway. It was more of an impatience to get there because I was late, and to get out of the icy wind.

  I was originally thinking that I should go for a walk today, but two things have put me off that idea. The grey sky and icy wind were enough to kill my enthusiasm when I was going to going to Aldi. After coming home from Aldi I had some breakfast. There is almost always something I buy that I want to eat straight away. This is why it is always a lot better if I can start Mondays with a much lower blood glucose level. This morning I stuffed my face with breaded haddock for breakfast. It was a large portion, and while it may not have a great effect on my blood glucose, it has left me feeling a bit too full for anything like walking.

  I just checked the latest revision of the full forecast for today. They are still insistent that this afternoon will be pure sunshine, but at the same time there will be an 11mph wind from the east (a cold direction) and the 11° C will feel like just 8° C when the wind chill is taken into consideration. I think I will be staying in today. One thing I might do today is to paint a door and/or a window frame. I have the white gloss paint, and one of the things I bought from Aldi this morning was a set of paint brushes. I have no excuse not to do it but laziness, and I have that in bucketfuls !
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