screenshot above is of the early
morning version of the weather
forecast. It shows sunshine and sunny
spells this morning, but the last bit
of sunshine I saw was around 7am, and
even then it had only been sunny
spells. The latest revision doesn't
show those early hours, but what is
shown is the same as above until the
evening when only sunny spells for
8pm, just before sunset are predicted
- 6 and 7pm are now shown as heavy
clouds. With the temperature only
reaching 18° C, it is going to feel a
bit cool today. Tomorrow may be
dry, and at 20° C, a bit warmer, but
most of the day may be very dull.
Two main things happened
yesterday, and the second would cause
small happenings of it's own. The
first thing was that I hand washed a
double duvet cover, and dried it in
warm sunshine on the washing line.
After getting the duvet cover on the
washing line I couldn't really think
of anything exciting to do, and I was
almost prepared for another very
boring day, but then I had an idea. I
would take a short walk (although it
was nearly a one mile round trip) to
the Sainsbury's Local shop by Catford
As I walked down the road I
passed one of those annoying planters
that is part of a road block. I am
pretty certain it has a tomato plant
growing in it. I feel sure it was not
part of the original seeds planted in
it. My guess is that someone, maybe a
kid having a tantrum, threw a tomato
containing sandwich, or just picked
out a slice of tomato and threw it in
the planter. After that mother nature
took over.
I principally wanted just two
things - some of their ready made
salads, and some wholemeal (and
hopefully sugar free) bread rolls.
Apart from some of the very long
walks, when I would be in a lot of
discomfort as I approached home, I
have always regarded the walk to
Catford station as being the worst bit
of the walk. There is nothing special
about that bit of a walk, but until my
legs warm up it feels like hard work.
This was true even in, for instance,
2009 when I was doing some long
coastal walks.
Before going in Sainsbury's I
used the cash machine next door to
withdraw some cash. That was something
I have been meaning to do for a few
weeks now. Once inside the store I
found some salads, and I found a 6
pack of wholemeal rolls. That was
fine, but I also found some stuff that
had some big price reductions on it,
and some stuff that had some longer
term price reductions. The only
trouble with a lot of one off price
reduction stickers is that they were
things I really shouldn't be eating.
The chicken tortilla wraps had an
obscene amount of sugar in them !
The walk back home felt a lot
easier than the walk to the
Sainsbury's Local store. I was
possibly walking faster, but then
again, walking home always feels good.
Once i got home I started slowly
demolishing some of the things I had
bought. I used a load of rice crackers
to scoop up and eat the little tub of
seafood spread (half price), and the
tub of premium coleslaw (reduced to
about a third of the price). I also
ate that three pack of chicken
tortilla, and too much sugar, wraps.
I'm sure I ate other stuff too,
but I did try and keep dinner simple.
It was a ready made "simple" salad
from Tesco with added tomatoes, basil
leaves, and diced cheeses. I'm also
sure I ate something after it too, but
I can't think what it was unless it
was just another chunk of cheese. I
don't think I had any beer yesterday,
but I did have a few whiskies - one in
the afternoon, and a couple in the
There were a few things on TV
last night that were worth watching,
but there were problems...On Sky Arts
there was a documentary about Jimi
Hendrix, but I didn't realise until it
was almost over. That was followed by
a documentary about The Doors, but
right in the middle of it The Talking
Pictures channel was showing that
classic railway/General Post Office
film "Night Mail". It has been ages
and ages since I saw Night Mail, and
even then I am not sure I saw all of
it. I decided to not only turn over to
watch it, but to make a digital copy
of it.
My sleep was fairly good - I
think - but I do seem to recall having
lots of dreams, and most of them were
about travel, as in walking to places.
Most walks seemed to be within big
buildings. In one peculiar sequence
was with several people, and we were
going to take a short cut that we
seemed to have used often in the past,
but maybe something had changed to
stop it being usable. It involved
walking through a pub, and out through
a back window onto a roof, across the
roof, and down through a skylight into
another bar. We got as far as the
skylight and realised we couldn't get
through it. The dream faded out at
that point.
Another dream was partly
dreamed in the third person. I
remember walking through a big
building until I got to an escalator,
but then the view changed to something
like a computer map. It seems I was
trying to avoid some people for some
unknown reason, and the computer
display showed them at the bottom of
the escalator. I turned around, or
somehow crossed to the up escalator,
and went to the top again. I could see
on the display that I could walk to
the end of another corridor, and exit
the building at ground level. With
most of the action as just markers on
a computer display it wasn't the most
exciting of dreams. I guess it was
interesting on other levels though.
I knew I had to expect trouble
after eating all the junk I ate
yesterday, but instead of my blood
glucose being well above the danger
line, it was only 9.0mmol/l. That is
much too high, but in intent. In
reality it is under the danger line of
10.0mmol/l, and not that much above my
apparently well controlled average of
about 8.5mmol/l. I should be taking
steps to try and get it lower
tomorrow, but there is a problem that
I shall come to soon.
This morning I dared to go
shopping in Aldi. I say dared to go
because of the stupid situation of the
installation of loads of self
checkouts to replace the staff
operated checkouts. I bought less than
usual, partly as a way of not tempting
myself to eat too much, but I still
had a fair amount of shopping in my
trolley when I approached the
checkouts. The remaining two were not
staffed, and I was getting ready, and
almost looking forward to, dumping my
trolley in the middle of the aisle in
I noticed there was just one
member of staff rushing round like a
blue arsed fly trying to help several
people at once at the self service
checkouts. I called her over and asked
if the staffed checkouts were now
permanently closed. She said no, but
they had two people call in sick this
morning. My observation was that they
needed another two just to help people
at the self service checkouts. I said,
oh well, I'll give up, but she said
she could get someone to open a
checkout out if only that would
satisfy me - and she did. It was one
of the multi skilled shelf stackers. I
get the impression that many staff
have been laid off before they have
even trialled the self service
checkouts. I expect they will find the
losses from theft are going to sky
rocket now.
Self service checkouts are not
the only madness in Aldi. What sort of
person would get excited about
Marmalade flavoured sausages ? Maybe I
should have bought some. They couldn't
be that bad, could they ? Actually
they probably could be truly awful for
someone like me who really doesn't
like Marmalade (although I used to
like lime marmalade).

A more sane thing is flavoured
rum, and I bought these two small
35cl, bottles this morning for just
over £7 each. I have already had a
very small taster of the coconut and
lime, and I liked it. It doesn't even
seem sugary - which is good. It
reminds me of something else that I
can't quite put my finger on. I think
it was something edible rather than
sun cream !
All my plans, as vague as they
were, are in disarray this morning
after I took a better look at the
weather forecast. For some reason I
expected sunny spells this afternoon,
but maybe that was how it was forecast
24 hours ago. The biggest fly in the
ointment is the predicted rain for
2pm...on the other hand that has now
disappeared, and the latest revision
has reduced the chance of rain to just
It will probably stay dry now,
and that is good because one positive
thing I will be doing today, because I
started it after I got out of my
shower early this morning, is to do
some hand laundry. I have 2 or three
t-shirts, and some underwear soaking,
and once I have finished the job I am
rather hoping they can dry on the
washing line - sadly not in sunshine
I did have some fanciful ideas
of going out today. Last night, while
waiting to fall asleep, I was even
thinking of going to the coast. All
such desires seem to have evaporated
under today's grey skies. Having said
that, it does seem to be bright as I
am typing this. Maybe not bright
enough to cast an obvious shadow, but
it can't be far off. What's the chance
of the weather forecast, made by
humungous super computers, staffed by
the finest in the land, being wrong ?
I think we all know the answer to that