The forecast
has changed a lot, mostly for the
worst, since I took the screenshot
above. The first significant omission
was of the bright sunshine for the
first few hours after sunrise. That
has all changed, and changed a lot.
The forecast should now show dark grey
clouds at the moment, and I would not
be surprised if it started to rain
soon. The revised forecast does show
heavy rain at 2pm, and a potential
thunderstorm at 3pm. The next three
hours of rain after that, finishing at
7pm, will, or may be just light rain.
I can't help but feeling that if I
check the weather forecast in a few
hours time it will show something
completely different. The only
consistency is that this afternoon
should still be 21° C. With such
variability it is hardly worth
mentioning that tomorrow is predicted
to start with heavy cloud until 8am,
and from midday there could be some
nice sunny spells. The afternoon may
be 22° C.

For some reason yesterday seemed like
a very satisfactory day. In reality it
was not that satisfactory, but that
will be explained further down the
page. As I wrote yesterday, the first
thing of significance that I did was
to go shopping in Tesco. By weight the
majority of what I bought in there
were cans of soup selected to have a
low sugar content. To my surprise I
found that potato and leek soup was
shown as having a very low sugar
Two novelty items were jars of
Korean Kimchee - two different makes
with slight differences in the
ingredients lists. One mentioned
malt, the sugar from which beer
is brewed, but it is near the bottom
of the list, and they are quite small
jars. Not only that, but Kimchee is
supposed to be powerfully spicy, and
therefore probably eaten in small
quantities. I did try some yesterday,
and I was rather disappointed. It
didn't have anything like the "bite" I
hoped for.
The other special item I bought
was part of the reason for going to
Tesco. It was a pot of Rosemary
(pictured on the left). I had intended
to buy just a packet of Rosemary, just
like I did with the Basil I am now
successfully growing, and try and get
the sprigs to drop roots if dangled in
water. The packets looks rather dry,
and the sprigs were cut very short. I
opted to buy Rosemary already growing
in a pot. All I have to do now is to
keep it alive, and eat more lamb
and/or potatoes.
Jodie was off out somewhere for
a gig, and didn't join me for our
usual Thursday afternoon drinkathon.
However Michael dropped by and we
spent a couple of hours drinking and
nattering away. On this occasion I was
drinking Guinness, and Michael had a
can of Carlesberg, and a bottle of
Banks Amber Bitter.
I slowed down my drinking a lot
after Michael went home, but continued
to drink until I had polished off 4
cans of Guinness. The reason for this
was twofold. It was only about 5pm
when Michael left, and it was too
early for dinner. The other reason was
that I couldn't relax because I was
expecting a brief visit from Natalia.
I have never met Natalia before. She
is an Argentinian, and is a friend of
my friend Patricia. Patricia is
currently in Italy, but there is some
important post for her here. The idea
was that Natalia was going to visit
Patricia in Italy and deliver the post
by hand. Yesterday it transpired that
Natalia has not had her full Covid
vaccination, and probably can't
travel. She said she would post the
post to Patricia - something I could
have done - but there is a possibility
that Natalia could do it easier
because of her job - what ever that
Natalia had forgotten what a
rotten interchange London Bridge is
between tube and national rail, and
missed the 18:01 train she intended to
get, but fortunately there are plenty
of trains in the rush hour, and she
got the 18:16 train. I talked her
through the last bit of walking from
the station to here to make it easier
for her. With hindsight I should have
met her at the station to save her the
walk, but we had arranged it with the
idea that I might still have guests at
home (Jodie and Michael).
It was probably easier to have
a short conversation at home rather
than in the middle of the rush hour
crowds. Natalia only stayed for 10
minutes, and then I got on with
cooking my dinner. It was to be a
simple, and probably healthy sort of
dinner - grilled cod in batter (or
breadcrumbs ?) and sugar snap peas. I
garnished the cod with a good dollop
of tartare sauce before I ate it. It
was one of this dinners that was sort
of nice, but somehow unfulfilling. A
bit later I had two wholemeal rolls
filled with liver sausage and kimchee.
They were a bit disappointing too.
It is starting to sound like my
whole day was disappointing, but
enough boxes were ticked to make it
feel satisfactory even if it wasn't.
The real trouble came when I went to
bed. Last night was one of those
nights when it felt like everything
was wrong. The temperature was half a
degree too cool, but boiling hot if I
pulled the duvet over myself. Maybe it
was the change in weather or
something, but I also found it
difficult to get comfortable because
no matter what position I tried to
sleep in something hurt. Not a bad
hurt by any means - just a bloody
annoying hurt !
As well as assorted joints
complaining, I seemed to have a few
muscles complaining as well - probably
muscles that were trying to pull
joints into the most comfortable
position. On top of that I started off
with a stomach ache. It may have been
some sort of reaction to the Kimchee.
A couple of antacid tablets helped a
lot, and Later in the night that
particular discomfort had faded away.
It felt like I had a terrible night,
and kept seeming to wake up. I'm not
really sure I woke more often than
some nights, but I felt that I was
getting very poor sleep. Maybe the
stress of that just made it worse.
This morning I don't feel all
that wonderful. The silly thing is
that I know most of it is in my head.
I didn't have any trouble going out to
the garden to feed the birds earlier.
My body even seemed to be working well
for that 5 minutes of low grade
action. Then things got worse. When I
checked my blood glucose it had shot
up to 9.6mmol/l, and that is too close
to the danger area for my liking (even
if an occasional overshoot like this
doesn't seem to spoil my official
diagnosis of "good blood glucose
I wondered if things could get
worse. Feeling I had slept very badly,
and had allowed my blood glucose to
rise so high, were bad enough, but of
course things could get worse. The
first added worse thing was the
brightness going away seeming very
quickly when the sky became covered
with suffocating thick dark clouds. If
I had any enthusiasm for anything
before, it has been completely drained
The only thing I had planned
for today was to go to a gig this
evening. I wasn't over keen on going,
and it could be said that I was only
going to go because it was the best
out of a very poor choice (for my
musical tastes) and that I feel I am
expected to go to gigs. In reality I
was very ambivalent about it. It is at
The Lord Holmesdale pub, and that is a
fair walk from Bickley station (or a
potentially very tedious bus ride on a
bus that goes the most "scenic" ever
devised to turn an A to B direct
distance of maybe 5 miles into a 20
mile magical mystery tour).
Fortunately foul weather may give me a
good excuse to do what I really want
to do - close the curtains, turn the
heating on, and indulge in many hours
of reading !