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Sunday 26th September 2021
11:12 BST

  Yesterday was cold and grey. In real terms it wasn't cold. It was probably 21° C, but with no sunshine it felt cooler, and more significantly with no sunshine to warm my bedroom it felt rather cool when snoozing during the afternoon. In the last hour or so before sunset the clouds did break up, and we finally had some sunshine, but with the sun so low on the horizon it didn't seem to carry much heat.
maybe sunny afternoon
  The weather forecast didn't get off to a good start this morning. The first hours of daylight were bright and even sunny. It did get more cloudy at 10am, but the forecast rain didn't happen. The latest revision to the forecast predicts the cloud will break up around midday, and apart from maybe 2pm, the afternoon could feature sunny spells, and maybe an hour of pure sunshine. I reckon the temperature has already hit 20° C, and so it could climb a bit higher in the afternoon. Tomorrow morning could be very wet, but the afternoon may see some sunny spells. It will probably be rather cool at just 17° C.

   Yesterday was not a good day, and neither was last night, and this morning didn't start that well, but should get better. I'm trying to think of anything I can say about yesterday. There is certainly very little positive to say about it. The best time was the afternoon when I was snoozing, and the worst time was the afternoon when I woke up from my snooze feeling cold. Nothing happened in the morning except for eating a plate of fish fingers for breakfast.

  After waking up from my snooze, and feeling cold, I treated myself to two cans of hot soup. That helped a bit, but I had to wait until 4pm for some real antifreeze. I'm not sure why 4pm sounded like a good time, but I started the first of several large vodka and Diet Cokes. They did warm me up. After all, 20 million Russians and 10 million Poles can't be wrong - legend has it that they can sleep on park benches, covered in snow, without coming to any harm after consuming a bottle of vodka. I consumed rather less than that, but it worked !

  Naturally enough, a series of bog vodkas did leave me feeling merry, but far from staggering. The worst, or the best, was that it reduced my resistance enough to order a takeaway. I went for the safe option of grilled meat and salad, aka a kebab. In fact I had two, and they were very nice. As usual I ignored the pitta bread.

  I headed to bed mid evening feeling quite good. I read for a couple of hours, and then tried to sleep - and completely failed to fall asleep. I didn't really even feel that tired. I thought the vodka and food would carry me over the threshold easily, but they didn't. It was a mix of the temperature being wrong again - too cool without the duvet, and too hot with it. On top of that assorted bits of me would ache. Trying for sleep in one position would make my hand go numb, and another position would, perhaps, make my knee hurt. The stupid thing is going back to the forst position again and something completely different would ache or something.

  It felt like I was hardly getting any sleep last night. For a while I gave up trying, and started reading again until 1am. After that I think I fell asleep for half an hour, and then I seemed to be awake again, and unable to get comfortable all over again. As the night progressed I slept for longer and longer, but I only know this because I could see the clock had moved on a couple of hours, but it felt like I had hardly slept at all.

  At 6am I put the heater on, and I seemed to get some better sleep once I wasn't fighting with the duvet. I was awake again sometime after 7am, or maybe it was 8am, but the significant thing is that it looked bright enough outside to be like it was sunny out there. I managed to get back to sleep, and was quite surprised to see it was gone 9am. I haven't slept that late for ages !

  From then on things were good and bad. The good was that for the second morning running my blood glucose was just 7.7mmol/l again. Even better was the running average for the month dipped below 8.5mmol/l. It seems possible again that I might get a lower average this month after all, but it depends on really controlling my diet for the next 5 days. That was the good. The bad was that I got "ambushed" by a phone call from Lee.

  As usual, Lee rambled on for a good hour, and it was just a repeat of the last 6 long phone calls. Basically, like those last long calls, about one a fortnight, he just wanted to say how awful Sue is, and how he is never, ever going to have anything to do with her ever again...until next time. It is getting very boring - like a stuck record. Maybe the only difference this time is that he was probably sober at 9.30am, but I can't be sure.

  The long, and frankly very boring call seemed to set me back even further after getting up late. Of course that was mainly theoretical because there wasn't really anything I intended to do this morning. On the other hand, I did want to get a shower in, and wash my hair, and to change the smelly underpants I was wearing. Well that's all done now, and I've even had more fish fingers for breakfast.

  I've even washed the glasses for the main event today - beer drinking this afternoon with Jodie. For whatever reason the last couple of drinks with Jodie haven't been as bad as some. I don't think there is much that is exciting in the "beer larder" today, but maybe Jodie will bring something nice over. On the other hand it could well be something awful ! There are some types of "beer" I just can't learn to love !
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