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15th October 2021
09:02 BST
Yesterday's weather was so bland that it is
hard to remember it in detail. The morning was
bright, and towards the end of the morning there
was still enough sunshine to make it feel warm
tepid in a black t-shirt, but it was getting more
and more cloudy. By early afternoon there may have
been a bit more wind, or maybe it was just a
strong breeze, and it made it feel quite chilly
when outside in it. The rest of the day is a sort
of light grey blank. Maybe the temperature rose to
the predicted 17° C, but it never felt it.
It barely
seems brighter than it was when the
sun was still only tickling the
horizon. The latest revision to the
forecasts says there should be rain
now. It hasn't happened yet, just 10
minutes into the hour, but the sky
looks like it could drop a torrent of
rain on us. The prediction is that the
dark grey clouds will turn to light
clouds after 11am, and that there
could be sunny spells between 2 and
3pm (not 1pm as shown in the chart
above). The rest of the day could be
light grey, and rather cool with the
afternoon being mostly just 14° C.
Tomorrow may feature light cloud all
day, but it could be a little less
cool with the temperature touching 16°
C for a couple of hours.
guess yesterday only featured two
main things. In the late morning I
went to Poundland, and in the
afternoon I had a drinking session
with Michael and Jodie. I don't
think I did anything else of note
except for somehow keeping control
of my eating better than I thought
I might. That has brought some
rewards as I'll explain later.
I had been thinking of
going to Tesco yesterday morning,
but I thought "why tempt myself
?". I have plenty of soup, some
frozen food (mostly fish fingers)
and some stuff in the fridge.
There were a few things I did
want, like birdseed, and some
green nail varnish ! I have
no idea where in Tesco they
keep their nail varnish, and I
have no idea if they would have
green. I actually wanted the nail
varnish as a very small pot of
paint that I could use to mark one
of my camera bags.
There was one other minor
event yesterday. At about 2pm
Michael dropped off some bottles
of Diet Coke he had bought for me
while shopping in Tesco. I must
confess it is a very arrangement I
have with him for this. I think he
enjoys being useful. I only allow
him to do it because I know he
uses a trolley when shopping in
Tesco (I only use a basket), and
that he drives to and from Tesco.
When he dropped the bottles off to
me he confirmed that he was
looking forward to coming around a
bit later for some beers.
It is always a pleasure
when Michael comes to drink with
us. There are times when Jodie can
be quite boring, spending ages
doing this that and the other on
her phone, but Michael always has
plenty to say - maybe more so
yesterday when he had some sort of
disagreement with his wife. He
didn't say what it was about, but
he did say they weren't talking to
each other for the moment.
Jodie was purposely
drinking slowly because she was
going to leave a bit earlier than
usual to go up to London for a
gig. She still managed to have a
taster of two more whiskies from
the three that I had delivered a
fortnight or so ago. The
first one we had tried was the
Indian whisky. It was very
astringent, and not pleasant to
drink. Maybe a splash of water
might make it more drinkable.
Yesterday we tried the South
African and the Welsh whisky. If I
recall correctly, the South
African whisky was the best. It
was very smooth, not peaty, and
.... errr, it was nice !
Michael stayed later than
usual. He left at about 5.30pm,
and Jodie wasn't that far behind
him. Once Jodie had left I made
myself some dinner. Like the
previous day, I had not eaten much
after my breakfast, but I still
decided I would just have soup for
dinner, and once again I had three
cans of it. That was quite a lot
more of mostly liquid on top of
the beer I had drunk. Maybe it
left me feeling a bit too full.
Later on I did have a bit of acid
reflux, and had a couple of
antacid tablets.
Just before dinner I
brought in the two hand towels
that I had started washing the
night before last, and finished
yesterday morning. They had been
on the line for most of the
daylight hours, and were almost
dry. I hung them on the clothes
horse to dry in the front room
overnight. This morning they were
dry and smelling fresh.
I started feeling tired
quite early last night - the
result of a disturbed sleep the
night before. There didn't seem to
be anything on TV that grabbed my
attention after 7pm, and by 8pm I
think I was asleep in bed. Just
before 9pm I had a phone call from
Lee. I didn't answer it because I
didn't want to spend an hour or so
being bored by him. He tried
ringing three times in quick
succession, but eventually he gave
up after ruining my sleep !
Last night I tried an
experiment that didn't really
work, although it may work when we
get deeper into winter. It was to
try and sleep while wearing
thermal underwear and a pair of
thick socks. The main aim was to
try and reduce my electricity
consumption. Ultimately it left my
feet and legs feeling too hot, and
my torso feeling cold unless I
managed to get the duvet
positioned very carefully. I think
I'll try again once we start
getting frosty mornings.
It probably doesn't feel
like I got enough sleep last
night, but I still got up at just
after 7am. My blood glucose was
not as low as I hoped this
morning, and I think I can blame
one or two of the beers I had
yesterday. On the other hand, the
reading of 8.5mmol/l is just about
my monthly averages average, and
it did lower my running average
for this month just a tiny bit. We
are halfway through the month now,
and it does seem possible that my
average for this month could rank
among the lowest months if I can
keep enough control on my eating.
The other interesting thing
about my eating control is not
just keeping my blood glucose
down, but it also appears I am
losing weight. After making two
fairly substantial deposits in the
toilet this morning I weighed
myself. When dealing with
quantities as small as 100gm it is
all a bit random, but it is
possible that I have lost 100gm in
the last 24 hours (possibly a tiny
bit more because I had to visit
the toilet again just now, and it
wasn't a trivial amount). I am not
keeping accurate records at the
moment, and maybe if this trend
can continue I ought to, but I
think I have lost a whole
1kg over the last week or two.
The 9am rain never fell,
but it is still very dull outside.
It does nothing to inspire me. I
can foresee that I am going to
raise being lazy to new levels
today. With luck I will be
able to have a few nice snoozes as
well. My ultimate plan for today,
although I can't seem to imagine
it happening at this end of the
day, is to go to a gig tonight at
The Swan in West Wickham. It is
easy(ish) to get there (apart from
the walk up the hill from West
Wickham station), and it is an MT
Pockets gigs. It should be very
enjoyable. All I have to do is
overcome the psychological hurdle
of going to the station when I
think I should be going to bed.