It isn't
shown in the original, or the later
revision of the forecast, but it is
currently sunny, and has been for an
hour now. The sky looks slightly hazy,
but I can still see it is blue, and I
think this sunny spell may go on for a
while yet. There are sunny spells
forecast for midday and 1pm, but the
rest of the day is supposed to be
lightly cloudy until 8pm when the cloud
will thicken up, and the chance of rain
will increase to 10%. This afternoon
should be a bit warmer with 13° C
forecast. If by any chance it should
still be sunny then, then it should feel
quite nice unless it is too breezy.
Tomorrow is looking very grey, but no
rain is forecast (although it does say
there is a 10% chance of rain for the
whole day), and it should be 13° C.

I finished writing yesterday
saying that if I was ready in time I
would try and get in a couple of miles
of walking before meeting Angela in the
pub at lunchtime (if she was available).
Sometimes it seems that time just slips
away, but yesterday morning I was ready
to go out well before it was practical.
If I had left as soon as I was ready I
could have walked something like 5
miles, and arrived at the pub feeling
I decided not to be too hasty,
and waited until midday before going
out. The good thing about that was that
it gave me enough time to cool off after
a hot shower, washing my hair, and blow
drying it. That lot really cooks my
head, and it takes a long time to cool
off again.
Before I set out I had been
thinking of walking to Ladywell, and
maybe having a walk around Ladywell and
Crofton Park cemetery. I did contemplate
walking up to Hilly Fields as an
alternative, but at the last moment I
thought I would tackle walking up to the
top of Mountsfield Park. That can be
quite taxing.
As can be seen in this picture,
it was a lovely day for walking. It was
a bit cool, but I was perfectly
comfortable with bare arms. At this
point I am just before the steep bit
(off to the right) that takes me to the
very top of the hill.
It feels almost obligatory to
take a snap here of the view towards
Upper Sydenham, or Crystal Palace as it
is usually called. The BBC TV
transmitter mast can be seen in the
distance. I probably take this picture
to prove I have reached the highest
point or something. Of course it is also
a good excuse to stop and take a few
seconds breather.
Mountsfield Park does have a few
trees that display noce autumn colours.
Here's a few with the skyscrapers around
Canary Wharf as a backdrop.
This white dove (or pigeon ?) and
fat looking pigeon seem to be sharing a
nest in the roof space of the park
Yesterday was the first time I
got to see the final result of the
rebuilding of the old cinema that used
to stand on the corner of George Lane
and Hither Green Lane. There was a
planning stipulation that the outline of
the old cinema must be preserved when
the site was developed. The interior was
stripped bare, and apart from the ground
floor, it had flats built in it, but the
ground floor was reserved for retail
purposes. Yesterday I saw that it was
now in use as a Cafe, Boulangerie and
Patisserie. I didn't look inside, but it
seemed to be busy, and there were some
nice smells coming from the inside.
My walk took me along Hither
Green Lane until I cut through one of
the alleys to take a short walk in
Lewisham Park. The curious thing about
that park is that Google Maps shows it
as having a pond. Well it does, and it
doesn't. For some strange reason there
is a set of basketball hoops on a pole
in a small depression in the ground. In
summer it is bone dry, but when it has
rained it fills up to become a pond. I
snapped this crow wading in the pond,
and it looks like it might have found a
bit of bread left for the pigeons.
I noted it was just about exactly
2 miles when I arrived at the pub. My
timing was pretty good because I arrived
just before 1pm, and Angela joined me 5
or 6 minutes after 1pm. We had a nice
drink and chat together, and maybe there
was some of the old warmth back. Angela
certainly seemed happy. We talked of my
health, and of her upcoming short
holiday. She'll be spending that with
lover boy (of course) in Seaford where
lover boy has some old school friends.
At 2pm I walked Angela back to
work, and then continued on to home via
the park. I didn't take the most direct
route, and that added the final 0.8
miles of my walk. I felt quite tired
when I got home, but I think the two
pints of Guinness I had can take much of
the blame for that. I also felt very
hungry. I hadn't eaten anything since
the night before, but once again the
Guinness would have made the hunger
worse. I had a couple of cans of soup to
keep me going.
After the soup I selected and
edited the pictures I've used today. I
used my old Canon Powershot SX40 camera
for these pictures, and unlike the
pictures I took the day before using my
Nikon D80 camera, they needed very
little work - just a bit of cropping and
resizing mainly. The only problem with
that Canon SX40 is that it does much
prefer to focus on more distant things,
and so rarely takes a good picture of
something like a close up of a flower.
With the photos done I could lay
on my bed. I barely managed 1 page of
the book I am reading before I fell
asleep, and had a good snooze. Before I
fell asleep the sun was shining through
the window directly on to my bed, but
when I woke up it had moved around
enough to only hit part of the side wall
of my bedroom. It was surprising how
quickly it started to feel chilly with
no sun, and I put the heater on low to
compensate. I think it was about
4pm when I woke up, and another half an
hour later and the sun would have set.
There was still 2 hours to go
before dinner, and I snacked on a chunk
of cheese and some salted peanuts.
Eventually it was time for dinner, and I
had oven cooked cod in batter with
tinned peas. It was nice, but it didn't
feel quite filling enough. I topped up
with 4 oatcake type biscuits with cheese
and sliced jalapeños. That either made
me feel full, or those really rough
oatcakes had hurt the inside of my mouth
enough to stop me wanting to eat more.
I wonder if someone had slipped
me some drugs before I went to bed
because my initial dreams were very
strange. Strange by subject, and strange
by the way so little happening could
apparently take up so much time. It is
hard to give a detailed description
because there was so little detail to
describe. The dream was about me, and an
unseen friend or two, coming into
possession of 5 bars of gold. I don't
know how this happened - they were just
of there.
What was obvious is that who ever
originally owned them would be worse to
meet than the police. We wanted to hide
those gold bars until the heat died
down, but the only thing we could think
of was to paint them green, and hide
them in the long grass. That is
essentially all there appeared to be of
the dream, but it seemed like it lasted
half an hour or more. It is quite
possible it all happened in a few
seconds, but it just seemed to go on and
On the whole I seemed to sleep
fairly well last night. I seemed to get
up for a poe less often than usual, and
I can't remember being awake for any
more than a few minutes at any time.
After getting up for a wee at 6am, and
turning the heater up full blast, I
attempted just another few minutes
sleep, and got almost 90 minutes ! The
annoying thing is that I think I felt
worse after that extra 90 minutes than I
seemed to before. Even "worse" wasn't
actually that bad.
Once again I hoped my blood
glucose would be lower, but once again
it was 8.8mmol/l, and once again that
was not bad, but I was hoping for
something nearer 8.0mmol/l (or less). I
am not sure what to blame for it not
going down. I think the tinned peas may
have played their part, and maybe eating
those oatcakes late in the evening
didn't help. This morning I have
recklessly eaten a couple of southern
fried flavoured fish burgers (aka big
square fish fingers).
I now have a busy morning ahead
of me. I need a shower, and then I need
to clear the dining room table from the
spread out debris of Jodie's mum's other
old PC. That will take a bit of tidying
up, and then I had better give the table
a wipe down. If I have time after that I
might go to the little multi ethnic
supermarket on Catford Bridge for a loaf
of crusty bread. My blood glucose was
low when eating the last couple of
loaves I got from there despite me
thinking they should make it go up.
Maybe I have got things backwards, and
now I have to prove it one way or
another. This afternoon should be a beer
session with Michael and Jodie.

As I finish writing this the sun
is still shining in all defiance of the
weather forecast as last revised at
about 8am. I thought it worth looking to
see if it had been revised to match
reality, and it has - with some
enthusiasm. Now and 11am are shown as
full sunshine, and midday and 1pm as per
the original forecast of sunny spells.
I recently read that the Met
Office has ordered a new super computer
to improve their forecasts. As someone
commented on that new item "if you have
to look out the window to see what the
weather is doing, it is not a forecast
but a news report, and anything in the
future is just guesswork". I look
forward to this new super computer being
able to look nearly half a day into the
future to predict when the sun will come
out at least an hour before it actually
does come out !