During the
early hours of this morning some very
slightly warmer, but much wetter air
moved in. This morning the temperature
had risen to 5° C, but maybe the air was
not as wet as forecast. Instead of heavy
rain there was just a light passing
shower. The latest revision to the
forecast just shows light rain for much
of today. There is even a chance that
the sun could peep out at 11am, and
during the last two hours before sunset.
The very early afternoon temperature may
only reach 8° C. From 2pm the
temperature will start to drop towards
3° C at the end of the day. Then things
might get interesting ! At 2am tomorrow
morning the temperature may have fallen
to 2° C, and the light rain, that is
predicted to fall for most of tomorrow,
may fall as sleet. I would not be
surprised if it fell as snow. It is not
unusual for snow to fall when the
temperature near the ground is only as
low as 3° C. Of course it wouldn't
settle unless enough snow fell to chill
the ground. Tomorrow's highest
temperature may only be 4° C. On such a
disgustingly horrible day some bright
snow flakes would actually look
I didn't feel all that good
yesterday morning. It was nothing in
particular, and much of it may have just
been in the mind. I did try to overcome
that bit because on such a bright sunny
day I felt I had to go out and try and
enjoy it. One of the first mistakes I
made was eating a big breakfast. It was
only fish fingers, and so from one
perspective a light breakfast, but once
I got moving it seemed like I could feel
it swilling around in my stomach.
My original plan was to go for a
walk in the linear park. Provided I kpt
my back to the bright sunshine it could
have been good for some photography -
assuming I could find some good targets
that were actually in the sun, and not
in the shade. On a day like yesterday,
with sun so bright, but also so low in
the sky, the contrast between light and
shade could have been like night to day.

I put on a nice thick coat and
set out. The coat was the same one I had
worn when I went shopping to Poundland
and the Polish shop a few days ago. That
day was overcast, and I felt really
comfortable in that coat until I went in
Poundland where I quickly over heated. I
spent the rest of the shopping trip with
the coat open trying to cool down.
So I set out, walking towards the
station. It soon became apparent that
the coat, being a dark navy blue, was
soaking up the sunshine, and I was soon
feeling hot under it. Meanwhile, my face
and fingers were feeling like they were
turning to ice. I had my rose tinted
sunglasses on, and in summer, when the
sun is high in the sky, they work really
well, but yesterday the sun was at about
eye level, and I was being blinded.
I was also suffering other
discomforts. My right knee seemed very
still and painful (although it did ease
up a lot later on). I was also suffering
from my bruised left little toe. It had
seemed to be mostly OK later in the day
before, and through the night, but my
worst fears were partly confirmed when
walking in my boots. If that toe had
been my only complaint I would have done
my best at ignoring it, and I am sure I
could have done so quite effectively,
but with all the other stuff I just gave
I was tracking my walk, and it
turned out that I walked 0.777 miles. I
think in Chinese society those three
sevens would be considered good luck,
but I have yet to notice any good luck.
Having got as far as the station I
thought I may as well try and make the
walk useful for something, and apart
from picking up a copy of the Metro
newspaper, something I haven't done
probably since before Covid kicked off
in 2019, I also stopped there long
enough to photograph the first two
trains I saw.
I was rather hoping I would see
more of the "new" class 707 trains, but
the first train, which arrived after a
very short wait, maybe less than 5
minutes, was a class 376 train heading
towards Hayes (Kent). It was 376036, and
seems to be quite a popular train around
these parts. I seem to have photographed
in 4 times this year.
This is the rear unit of the
train heading towards Hayes (Kent). This
picture was taken towards the position
of the sun, and most of the train was in
the shade. I had to give the picture a
good tweaking to get the rear of the
train easily visible, while above the
train the sky is almost completely
bleached out. This was the first time I
have ever seen 376009 according to my
records (which are not actually complete
The next train arrived a minute
or two later on the "up" or London bound
platform, and so came out of the sun. As
far as I am aware it was the first time
I had seen 466025. It is a 2 car unit,
and was coupled to two 4 car class 465
units to make a 10 car train - which
would have been very lightly loaded in
the middle of the day.
With the sun now behind my back,
this picture of the rear of the London
bound (probably Charing Cross) train
looks so much better (although the
actual rear of the train looks almost
over exposed. With two trains
photographed I started to head back
home, but not before taking one last
The last time that trains served
Catford Bridge on Xmas day is lost in
the mists of time. I am sure I can
remember a boxing day service, but even
that was ages ago. In recent years,
maybe the last 5 or even 10 years, the
idea of closing the whole railway line
for nearly a fortnight, so engineering
work can be carried out, is now ever
popular. It would be nice to think that
there would be a train service from
Catford station over the Xmas holiday
period (except Xmas day, and boxing day
day), but I haven't checked, and I am
not that optimistic.
I felt much better when I got
home again. My stiff and aching knee had
sorted itself before I got home, but if
anything, my sore little toe may have
been feeling worse. The best thing was
taking off my coat. Even with the front
undone, and my chest/ribs/scar tissue
starting to complain in the cold, the
rest of my felt boiling hot. It was soon
after I got home that I began to feel as
if I might be going down with something.
I definitely felt sort of weird, and it
was reinforced by my nose getting really
drippy. I think the latter was just the
result of breathing in the cold air
while outside.
It is hard to explain how I felt
off colour because there were so few
definite symptoms. Some of it was
possibly just annoyance at having to
waste a sunny day. Some of it may have
just been a subconscious excuse to lay
on my bed, with the sun pouring through
the windows, directly onto my bed, and
revel in being totally lazy. Apart from
preparing the pictures to show here, and
logging the trains on my spreadsheet, I
did very, very little for the rest of
the day.
I knew I would not be seeing
Jodie for an afternoon beer session, but
I would be seeing Michael. It was
probably around 3.30pm when he called
round to drop off the 6 bottles of Diet
Coke he had kindly picked up for me in
Tesco while out shopping with his car. I
was going to suggest that we might go to
a pub for a pint or two instead of
staying in, but in the end I told him I
just didn't feel like drinking beyond a
few large medicinal whiskies (which I
did end up having later).
Considering some of the problem
with my attempted walk was the feeling
that my breakfast was swilling around in
my stomach, it didn't seem sensible to
have any more than the lightest lunch,
or even any lunch at all, but I seemed
not to pay any attention to that idea. I
had some lovely slices of cheese on
toast - two slices made with Warburton's
wholemeal, no added sugar, loaf, which
has small sized slices, and two bigger
slices of the bread I bought in the
Polish shop. The first two slices were
good, and the latter two were excellent.
4 or 5 hours later I was very
much looking forward to dinner. It was
to be a couple of small ready meals. One
was a cottage pie, and the other was a
shepherds pie. I couldn't decide which
to eat, and both were only chilled, and
had been in the fridge since Monday
morning. It seemed safer to eat them
both ! They were both that curious mix
of sloppy muck, and totally delicious.
One thing I must do in the future,
beyond not actually buying them, is to
be patient enough to cook them in the
oven, and do it for long enough that the
mashed potato on top gets brown and
crispy - like mum used to make !
I did wonder if those pies were a
bit rich, and whether an antacid tablet
might be a good idea before going to
bed, but I was fine without. Once again
I seemed to sleep well except for two
minor annoyances. One was tat for some
reason my PC screensaver, that shows a
clock on a black background, didn't seem
to kick in for some reason. After
sleeping for 3 or 4 hours, I woke up to
find the PC still showing a bright
picture. I got up briefly for a pee and
to sort the PC out, but I was probably
fast asleep little more than 10 minutes
The next time I woke I was
expecting to be kept awake for ages. I
was suffering from an affliction that
happens now and then. Part of my foot
(either foot) develops an unscratchable
itch. It is of some concern that it
might be a diabetic problem to do with
poor blood flow to the foot, but maybe
not because I have learned that some
light massage of the affected area with
some hand cream seems to work wonders. I
was possibly awake for no more than 15
minutes, and maybe even less than 10
minutes after treating my foot with that
hand cream.
It seemed like I needed as much
sleep as I could get last night. That
possibly indicates I was, or I am,
fighting some naughty little bug. I woke
up around 6am, and got up long enough to
have a pee, and turn the heater up full.
The basic plan was that I would get up
again at 7am to warm room. I was
actually asleep for almost 2 extra
hours. At that time it was supposed to
be heavy rain, but I don't think it had
even started to rain. Even when it did
start it was so light as to be
ignorable. I felt no worries or need for
speed when I went out to top up the bird
table when the forecast was telling me
there was torrential rain !
This morning my prediction that
my blood glucose would have gone up,
mainly as the result of eating those
ready meal cottage/shepherds pies.
It was only 8.8mmol/l, and not as high
as I feared. It was in that region that
isn't terrible, but lower would be
better. It was also in the region where
it would raise my my running average for
the month above the average.
I am not sure how I feel this
morning. I don't feel great, but I don't
feel too bad either. As I wrote these
words I am getting a bit of a boost by
an unexpected period of sunshine. The
latest revision to the forecast says
there is still a 20& chance of rain
from a mid grey sky, but doesn't
actually show any rain. Light rain is
now forecast for midday, and again at
4pm. Other than that, all the rain has
disappeared from the forecast. Whether
that means I could do anything outdoors
is a decision I will probably make on
the spur of the moment. If anything it
is likely to be no more than a trip to
Poundstretcher for more bird food, and a
few other things.