Once again we
have a nice sunny morning, and the
sunshine, or sunny spells, should
continue to at least 3pm, but after that
rain takes over. The middle of the day
will be 7° C, like yesterday, but the
wet air responsible for this evening's
rain, some of which could be heavy rain,
will push the temperature up to 9° C. It
hasn't been that "warm" for ages now, or
so it seems. It's just a shame it will
happen when I'll be tucked up in bed.
The rain should finish in the early
hours of tomorrow, and tomorrow's
daylight hours should be bright and
sunny, and once again, 7° C.
I think I can say that
yesterday was a good day, although there
were elements of sadness about it. The
day went pretty much as planned,
although from late afternoon it was just
free wheeling. After I finished writing
here I had a shave. Washed my hair, and
had a shower.
I managed to get all that done in
time to give myself 30 or more minutes
to cool down before getting dressed to
go outside and in my walking boots. I
left with three quarters of an hour to
get to the pub. That was a very generous
time, and allowed me to walk in the
wrong direction, to the cash machine by
Catford Station, and to feed a few
squirrels along the way.
I initially went out with my coat
undone, but before I reached the main
road I had to stop to do it up. I
thought the sun on my (faux) black
leather jacket would be very warm, but
any warmth was just blown away by the
icy feeling breeze. By the time I
reached the cash machine, just 5 minutes
later, I was starting to feel moderately
I stopped long enough to withdraw
a wodge of cash, and then headed into
the park. I expected to get very warm as
I walked through the park, and bits of
me did. I could even feel some dampness
on my arms, but it was worth it to keep
that cold air off my chest. I did have a
few twinges from my chest, generally
around my operation scar, when I started
walking, but they went away once my
chest warmed up a bit.
One of the first things I noticed
when I went out was that the signs by
the school had changed. Last week they
said "Shool Street", as if that was
important, but now it seems they are
encouraging the primary school kids to
play with the cars in the road. I
suppose the next thing is to build
schools in the middle of motorways or
I noted that the shop units, at
the bottom of the block of flats that
back on to Catford Station, that have
been unused since built, are now partly
in use. There was some work going on in
there behind whitewashed windows for
many months, but now the two left hand
units have become one shop Dolce -
Desserts and Cafe, is now open and doing
business. I'm not sure if it will ever
be any use to me. The right hand unit
now has a sign up "Craft barbers", but
looks to be still being fitted out. I am
very sure I won't be making use of it !
I wasn't sure if ducks could, or
even should try and eat almonds, but
they demonstrated that they will, and do
! I had taken a handful of almonds with
me to feed the squirrels, and wondered
what would happen if I tossed a few into
the water - the ducks, and drakes,
grabbed them as the sank towards the
bottom, and then came back for more.
I only spotted a few solitary
squirrels yesterday, and none were in
good places where I could try and hand
feed them. This, like another one who
grabbed a few nuts, was behind a fence.
If it felt bold, maybe egged on by it's
mates, it could have sat on top of the
fence in milliseconds, and could have
taken a nut from my hand, but it was
quite content to sit on the ground 6ft
from me, and munch on an almond.

Angela looked very happy when she
came in the pub. I get the impression
she was looking forward to out quick
lunchtime drink as much as I was. Now
she has made up from the little rift she
had with her daughter she is far more
relaxed, and sort of loving.
There were several things she
said that were about wanting to be able
to spend more time with me. These things
were not prompted by me, and weren't
just about drinking. One was that "I
wish we could spend all afternoon in the
pub together", and she also said that
maybe one day we would. There was also a
suggestion that we might have a quick
drink in The Black Cat after work some
day - possibly before Xmas. I have an
idea to make that a bit more
The saddest thing was when we
were talking about eating. As she has
said a few times in the past, she would
like to cook me another dinner, but
circumstances make that almost
impossible, and "it's all a bit of a
fuck up really". Self delusion can be
really strong when thinking about this,
but I do feel that she only stays with
lover boy out of a sense of duty rather
than love. We seem so close that
if he were out of the way I wouldn't be
surprised if we rekindled our lover
The picture above was not taken
by me, but was a selfie Angela took when
she was back at work.
After a big hug outside Angela's
office I walked home through the park.
The sun never did quite make it out, but
this picture shows that there were areas
of blue, albeit a slightly grey blue,
were visible, and just left of centre
the sun was almost burning through the
clouds. The camera has flattened to
picture, but to the naked eye the
position of the sun behind the cloud was
obvious by the dazzlingly bright area in
the middle of the clouds.
It was nice to get home, and out
of the wind/breeze. It felt quite warm
once I had closed the front door behind
me. At any other time it would feel a
bit cool because there was no heating on
while I was out. In some ways I probably
didn't feel all that hungry, but of
course a bite to eat after a walk, even
just a 2.3 mile walk, always feels like
a good idea. On this occasion there was
another factor in play.
Before going out, and maybe even
the night before, I realised I had all
the ingredients to make tuna and bell
pepper sandwiches. I knew they would not
be quite as good as the tunas a and
pepper baps I used to buy from the
bakery in Beckenham when I used to work
in the telephone exchange there. They
were orgasmically good ! The ones
I made yesterday were poor by
comparison, but still very nice.
After eating the sandwiches I
checked through the photos I took, and
edited the selection I have shown here.
With that done I could lay on my bed to
do some reading, and relaxing. I'm not
sure how long I read for before my
eyelids started to droop. I put the book
down, and it could have been no more
than a few minutes before I was having a
good snooze. I can't be sure, but I
think I snoozed for as long as an hour.
In theory I had almost eaten
enough earlier to just need a quite
light dinner. Maybe a cheese and onion
sandwich would have been enough, but I
opted for a hot meal. I oven grilled
some German "Frikkadelen", or whatever
they are called (similar to a spiced
pork patee), and I ate those with some
Heinz "no added sugar", but still
moderately high sugar, baked beans. It
was rather filling, and it was good to
have a few hours to let it settle before
I attempted sleep.
I say "attempted sleep" because
after a bit of TV, and then reading some
more, I tried to get to sleep, but
nothing happened. On this occasion I
can't blame it on any discomfort - I
just didn't seem to be tired. It was all
a bit extreme because I think it was
getting on towards 2am before I got any
proper sleep. I think I may have dozed
off for a few odd minutes once or twice,
but I just couldn't seem to stay
sleeping. From 2am I slept almost
This morning I did my best to
have a long lie in. I was thinking of
not getting up until 9am, for instance,
but shortly before 8am I realised I was
not going back to sleep again. It was
then time to check my blood glucose. I
had a bot of a shock. I got the reading
I was expecting yesterday after eating a
lot of stuff I shouldn't have. I knew
some stuff I ate yesterday was not good
for me, but I didn't think there was
much of it. I am almost willing to
believe that the reading of 11.4mmol/l,
that is dangerously high, was the result
of what I ate the day before yesterday.
I will try and eat more carefully
today, but there is a problem - it's
Thursday, and Michael and Jodie should
be joining me this afternoon for another
beer drinking session. Some of the beers
will be strong beers, and so I will end
up drunk enough to not being in full
control of my eating. Sometimes that
doesn't matter because I don't have
anything too bad in the cupboard/fridge,
but today I do !! Oh well, there's
always tomorrow.