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Saturday 29th January 2022
09:03 GMT

  Yesterday morning started dull, but by 11am the sun broke through the clouds to give a day featuring some long spells of sunshine, and some shorter spells. The temperature rose to 9° C, and possibly 10° C. Thicker cloud after sunset "sealed" the warmth in to give an almost warm start to today.
only a sunny start today
  It was good to wake up with the temperature between 10 and 11° C, and there has even been some sunshine, but it is quite cloudy. The latest revision to the forecast has removed the sunny spells shown on the screenshot above. It should still make 13° C today, and although some cloud could look very dark, there is only a 10% chance of any rain. Tomorrow could feature a lot more sunshine, but it will be a very cold day.

   Since writing up the weather forecast I have had breakfast, done a little online research, had my two bowls of noodles for breakfast, and showered. I am now partly dressed. It is 10:22am, and it is still very sunny. The weather appears to be coming from the west, and the west seems to be almost cloud free. Maybe the sunshine is going to last longer than the forecast predicted it would an hour or so ago. The latest revision to the forecast starts at 10am, and shows no sunshine for the rest of the day. I hope they are wrong - very wrong !

  It's lucky I had no special plans for yesterday because the days turned out different to how I might have even imagined. It was not a very dynamic day, but I did do all the piled up washing up. That included cleaning and polishing all the beer and other glasses that I just left on the dining room table after the Thursday beer session. I also hammered in a stake to help keep my new bird feeder upright. While in the garden I also pointed the new solar powered spotlamps down toward the ground so they didn't shine up at the neighbours back upstairs windows.

  I can't remember when it was, but I also finished the last chapter of Isaac Asimov's "Foundations Edge". I have now started "Foundation And Earth" - the last of the "Foundation" books, and one of, if not the very last book Isaac Asimov wrote before he died. It is the book that ties together his robot and foundation novels.

  I had two bowls of instant noodles for my breakfast yesterday. One of them was from a 5 pack of cheap and really quite nasty curry flavour instant noodles that I bought in Poundstretcher. The funny thing is that I expected them to be nasty, but I think they exceeded my expectations. The "curry" flavour was as expected - not very curry like ! The noodles themselves were almost like they were stale, but I think that was just because they were made from poor quality ingredients.

  My lunch was one bowl of Tesco cream of chicken soup. That soup has just 0.6gm of sugar in it - the lowest figure for any soup I have found, and it is still tasty ! Rather than a second bowl of soup, I tried a can of hot dogs I had bought in Aldi recently. I didn't expect much from them, and I wasn't disappointed. They weren't nasty, but did little to excite.

  It was after lunch that I started something that kept me busy until dinner time. It would be more true to say that I resumed my spreadsheet catalogue of train photos rather than started it. I hadn't done any work on it for weeks, and possibly since last November. Fortunately all the knowledge I had gained since starting the project hadn't left me. The only short cut I took was that some of the pictures I linked to in the spreadsheet were full camera resolution, unedited pictures. I had intended to shrink pictures down to a width of no more than 1600 pixels, but on this occasion I was partly working from an early list I had compiled for class 319 trains (as used on Thameslink services until about 5 years ago). It was merely a list for some future list, and I copied and pasted some of that even though it listed the highest resolution pictures.

  I wasn't working on the spreadsheet all the time. I took occasional breaks to rest my eyes, but I was basically at it for something like 5 hours. It is sort of odd that I never really got into using spreadsheets until after I retired, but when I was working my standard tool was a soldering iron ! Since then I have been using them more and more to record stuff like my health readings (blood glucose, temperature and blood pressure). It is handy for generating averages and stuff (like I showed yesterday for my blood glucose readings). The next thing I ought to master is generating graphs to show these things pictorially. I'll resist the next step, Power Point presentations because I have no one to show them to !

  I felt very tempted to get a takeaway for dinner last night. If I had ordered some shish kebabs I could almost guarantee a low blood glucose level this morning, but I had a strange yearning for cod and chips. The chips would probably have done something awful to my blood glucose, but fortunately I remembered, maybe in the nick of time, that I had some fish burgers and fish cakes in the freezer. I had two southern fried flavour fish burgers (like big square fish fingers) and two cod and pea fish cakes. The latter were not that nice, but were edible. The closest I came to chips was a small packet of ready salted crisps.

  While eating I watched an episode of The Simpsons on TV. When that finished there was nothing on for half an hour until Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I read while waiting for Deep Space Nine. Unfortunately it was like many of the Deep Space Nine episodes - a bit boring ! I was easily distracted from it, and that made the plot even thinner. When it finished I thought I had had more than enough TV for one night, and my thoughts turned towards bed. It was barely past 8pm when I went to bed, but initially just to read in bed.

  It was 9pm when I put the book down and tried to get to sleep. It took some time to get to sleep, maybe over half an hour. Once I did get to sleep I seemed to sleep fairly well, although I was aware of loads of dreaming. I thought there was at least one dream that I could try and describe here, but it seems to have evaporated now. I ought to start this writing as soon as I get out of bed if I am to describe my dreams, although the odd dream does seem to stick in my memory for a few hours after waking.

  Once again I recorded another low blood glucose reading this morning. It was 7.8mmol/l, the same as yesterday. I wonder what I could do to get it down that last little bit to my target of 7.5mmol/l, but 7.8mmol/l is still pretty good, and it has dropped my monthly average to a new low of just 8.2mmol/l. According to this heavy reading, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_sugar_level, I really should be aiming for less than 7.2mmol/l to have a "normal" blood glucose level. Somewhere in that mass of writing it confirms what the diabetic nurse at the hospital told me 2 years ago, that 10.0mmol/ is where the red line is, and above that things get dangerous. Apparently 16.7mmol/l, which I have never exceeded in my life (as far as I am aware) is the point where admission to hospital may happen.

  Like yesterday, I don't feel all that wonderful today. The chief problem at the moment is that I have yet to pass any solids when going to the toilet. At the moment there is no discomfort, but I don't feel like going far from my toilet until I know I feel comfortable. It does look like the sunshine is going to continue for some time yet, and maybe I will get a walk in the sun today. Other than that, I have left some washing soaking, and I will finish that process soon. I also still have plenty of work to do on my train photos spreadsheet. It seems that the sunshine make me want to work indoors as much as spend time outdoors.

  (Postscript: It seems just writing about it in the paragraph above was enough inspiration to send me to the toilet for another, and this time, successful visit).
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