The weather forecast got off to a
bad start this morning. The temperature
was not 4° C, but 2° C, and it was very
frosty. However, the prediction of a
sunny morning was spot on, and the
latest revision says the sunshine will
continue right up to sunset now. It
still says that it will only reach 7° C
today, although maybe that might not
feel too bad in direct sunshine, but it
all depends on how the wind feels.
Tomorrow may not start so cold, but the
afternoon high may be no more than
today. It should get off to good sunny
start, but the current prediction says
the sun will be clouded out by 2pm, but
that could change in either direction
when tomorrow arrives.
I guess I will have to
admit that I wasted the sunshine and
13° C yesterday. I couldn't raise the
enthusiasm to go out, or to do all
that much indoors. Maybe the reason
for not doing much indoors in the
afternoon was the result of going out
for a bit of shopping around midday. I
guess I had already decided I wouldn't
go further than the shops before I
went to the shop - the little
supermarket on Catford Bridge.
The sun was shining brightly as
I walked to the shop, and because of
what my thermometer said I only wore a
light coat, and everything felt fine.
I did my shopping, and while in the
shop the weather changed completely.
The temperature couldn't have dropped
in such a short time, but the bright
blue sky, and dazzling sunshine was
replaced by a 100% cover of dirty grey
sky. That made it feel cold and
miserable. It may be that the wind had
picked up, and it was that that made
it feel quite chilly. It completely
killed any desire to be outdoors for
the rest of the day.
I suppose the principle thing I
wanted from the shop was more instant
noodles. Most of them they sell are
much nicer than (supposed) UK brands.
It can also be quite exciting trying
them out when you don't really know
what flavour they are. Some have a
white sticker on the back that
translates the Polish or Rumanian (or
other East European) information. That
label uses tiny print, and it is not
easy to read in the non too bright
shop lighting. There was one packet
where I couldn't even identify where
it came from, but I did manage to work
out it is a tomato flavour.

For reasons I can't explain, I
fancied getting some bread while I was
in the shop. I ummed and ahhed as I
gave all the options a good stare, and
my gaze settled on some sliced Polish
sourdough bread. It was made in the UK
(I believe) and had a nutrition panel
on it. It claims that a 100gm serving
(a single slice ??) contains 0gm of
sugar. That was encouraging, but there
is the problem of the bodies enzymes
converting the carbohydrates/starch to
sugar during digestion. I had two
sandwiches (4 slices) of that bread
yesterday, and I think it left it's
Other stuff in my basket were a
few "bean salad" pots. One of which
was actually couscous rather than just
beans. I also bought what seemed an
expensive lump of Polish smoked bacon.
On reflection maybe it wasn't that
expensive because it will do at least
2 dinners.
Coming back under that dark
gloomy sky seemed to suck any
enthusiasm out of me, and I ended up
doing hardly anything useful for the
rest of the day. I did go as far as to
adjust the solar spotlights I
mentioned yesterday, and I slightly
altered the layout of the new bird
feeder to stop the pigeons feeding
from the small bird feeder. That still
wasn't enough to stop the pigeons
eating food from the small tray.
The above picture was a
screenshot from my CCTV camera take at
just gone 8am this morning. I guess
there is nothing to discourage the
pigeon eating from the round tray of
seed. Just after I took this
screenshot the pigeon perched at the
top flew down and got on the tray with
the other pigeon. Of course a fight
broke out, and the intruder was
quickly seen off. I think I'll have to
try and devise a "roof" over that tray
of seed to keep off the pigeons (they
still have seed on the bird table),
but still let the robins, blue tits
and sparrows have their share of the
My original thought was that I
would probably resume making my train
photos spreadsheet catalogue
yesterday, but although I spent a lot
of the afternoon on my PC, catching up
with technical news stories, and
planning possible new walking routes
on Open Street Map (
Open Street Map, a free, community
driven map, is often better than
Google Maps because it tends to show
footpaths more distinctly, and
includes paths that Google simply
ignores. I'm not sure how I managed to
spend so much time on my PC, and so
little time reading my book, laying on
my bed.
When dinner time came round I
had an interesting experiment for
dinner. It was roast sprouts and roast
Polish smoked bacon (which I cut into
cubes). That bacon went far further
than expected, and there should be
enough for one more similar dinner,
and perhaps even a third depending on
how greedy I feel. Apart from the
saturated fats, and probably a lot of
salt, it would have been almost
healthy until I sprinkled dark soy
sauce on it as it cooked. That would
have added more salt, and possibly a
fair bit of sugar. The sad thing was
that it wasn't very nice. The bacon
was well cooked (I think it s almost
cooked in the smoking process), but
the sprouts were still rather hard.
Oddly enough, they made my wee smell
horrible all evening, and into the
It think it was while I
was eating, but of not it was just
after, but I found something good to
watch on TV last night. It was a 1961
black and white film called "What A
Carve Up" (not to be confused with the
2020 film of the same name - which is
most probably crap). It was a "Carry
On" film in all but name, although I
suppose there was not a complete
crossover of actors.
explains more. Wikipedia also gives a
good write up -!_(film)
I almost forgot to include this
picture. It shows a dramatic looking
sky shortly before sunset at 16:40pm.
It is hardly noticeable, but the cloud
almost in the middle of the picture
has a slight hint of pink. There were
more obvious patches of pink on the
other side of the school, but that
view wouldn't show the last of the
brightness on the western horizon.
Apart from that very bright area on
the horizon, the dark clouds look
exactly like those that accompanied me
back after shopping in the little
supermarket in the middle of the day.
After the film finished I went
to bed with my book, and read until
about 9.30pm. It seemed to take ages
to get to sleep, and even when I did
get to sleep it didn't feel like it
lasted long, although maybe that was
an illusion. What I do know is that I
ended up with that silly thing where I
couldn't get comfortable under the
duvet because it felt too hot, but
until I turned the heater up, it was
too cold not to use the duvet. Later
on, after the heater had been on for a
while, it was easy to get to sleep,
although the dry air from a fan heater
was making my throat dry and tickly
leading to frequent sips of drink from
the glass by my bed.
This morning I was not
surprised to see my blood glucose was
back up to 8.5mmol/l. That is not far
above my typical average, and is of no
concern other than it spoiling my
running average. That average is still
a record low, and with tomorrow being
the last day of the month I think the
new record will still stand unless I
manage to make many mistakes today. I
have already had one cheese sandwich
for my breakfast, and I think the
bread was a contributary factor to the
increase in my blood glucose. I must
not have any more of it today. The soy
sauce is also suspect, and I will
avoid that today as well.
I am not suffering from
constipation like I was yesterday
(although only until almost midday),
and I guess that now only the cold is
an excuse for not going for a walk in
the sunshine. Once I have washed my
hair, and had a shower, I will be
considering it. It would probably be
unforgivable to waste another bright
sunny day even if it is only 6 or 7° C
- although the last revision says it
will still be just 4° C at midday !