The clouds
thickened overnight, and today lots of
rain is forecast for the whole day. In
fact light rain is predicted for any
minute now, but the sky, although
cloudy, does not look like it will rain.
This morning is the "warmest" it will be
all day. My thermometers said it was 10°
C and hour ago. By 2pm it could be down
to 7° C, and in potentially heavy rain
that could feel awful. The temperature
will continue to drop overnight, but the
lowest temperature might only be 4° C at
2am. Apart from the morning not starting
as warm as today, most of tomorrow will
be similar to today, and that included a
fair bit of rain. although with luck it
will not rain quite as much as today -
assuming the forecast is vaguely
Yesterday, like most days,
started with a visit to the toilet, and
while it seemed fairly normal, I had a
feeling like it was unfinished business.
That would turn out to be an
understatement. The story continues
later.... Halfway through the
morning I partly forgot about it,
although an odd twinge did remind me now
and then, but it wasn't enough to stop
me going out to The Metro Food Centre
(or MFC).
MFC is another small supermarket
run by either a Greek or Turkish man,
and once you get past all the varied
fruit and vegetables at the front of the
shop, there is a very wide variety of
stuff inside. Much of it is the same
stuff that can be bought at the little
supermarket on Catford Bridge. MFC is a
few hundred yards down the hill, just
past the entrance to the old Catford
Constitutional Club.
I had a good look around in
there, and paid particular attention to
their beer section. I didn't see
anything I hadn't seen before, but I did
treat myself to a bottle of Banana Bread
Beer brewed by the Eagle Brewery
(formerly Charles Wells Brewery). I also
bought some "Onion Chicken" flavour
instant noodles. I had never seen that
flavour before. I also bought some extra
strength garlic sausage for Michael, and
a tin of what turned out to be smoky
bacon in giant beans in tomato sauce.
One thing I noted in there was
that there was a lot of stuff that had
no English language information on it.
It makes me wonder if the little
supermarket on the Catford Bridge prints
and sticks on their own translations. In
the case of the smoky bacon and giant
beans in tomato sauce, the picture on
the label provided enough information to
take a guess at the contents, and
happily it was quite sufficient. What
it, or even a written description,
couldn't describe was the bacon. It was
sufficiently fatty, nicely diced, and
nice and smoky. Those big beans were
nice and soft and squidgy. When I next
visit MFC I will make a beeline for them
to buy more because they were delicious
The afternoon with Jodie and a
Thursday beer tasting session was
typical. Sometimes it was almost as if I
was not there. Jodie first had to use my
microwave to cook possibly her only hot
meal of the day, and then to eat is
slowly while taking the occasional sip
of beer. I could have died of thirst,
but fortunately I had my secret weapon -
the banana bread beer that I had bought
in MFC.
Jodie hates banana tasting beer -
as some wheat beers can taste - and
thought that a blatantly named banana
beer was the work of the devil or
something. I was able to pour the whole
bottle (almost a pint) into a pint glass
and luxuriate in the taste. Jodie looked
on almost enviously, and eventually
asked for a taste. I poured a little
into another glass for her, and she took
one mouthful before declaring it as
awful as expected, and washed the taste
out of her mouth with a gulp of some
awful sour tasting beer were were
sharing between us.
Fortunately not all the beers we
tasted were nasty and sour. At least one
was just plain nasty, but there were a
couple of nice ones. I think Jodie left
at about 6pm to get a 320 bus where she
was going to continue drinking with Alan
at The Star And Garter in Bromley.
Sometime before she left I started to
cook my dinner. It was an interesting
new recipe that was basically invented
by considering stuff I wanted to use up.
I think it could be called a
stew. It was mostly sliced new potatoes,
and diced Polish sausage and Turkish
garlic sausage. For a bit of greenery I
added 5 sprouts. I seemed to be the sort
of mix that would benefit with a very
generous squirt of tomato purée, but I
didn't have any. What I did have, and it
worked really well, was a small can of
Campbells Condensed mushroom soup. I am
sure that on the can is does suggest it
could be used in pies and stews as well
as just made up as soup. It worked
really well. It looked like a very big
dinner once everything had been added
and cooked, but I had nothing else with
it, not even a dessert, and so I ate the
Apart from the repeat of The
Simpsons on Channel 4+1, there was
nothing on TV that grabbed my attention.
That, on top of the booze and and big
hot dinner, left me feeling sleepy. I
read in bed for a while, but I have a
feeling that I was asleep quite soon
after 8pm. I obviously slept well
because the next thing I new was that it
was 1am, and that I was not feeling
good. I had a stomach ache. No so much
as an upset stomach, but the resumption
of the unfinished business I mentioned
at the top of the page.
First there was some wind, and
then a visit to the toilet. It seemed a
reasonable job, and I expected to get
back to sleep. That did not happen. I
had not even found a good comfortable
sleep position before I was up again,
and on the toilet. It suddenly felt like
it was going to be a long night. It may
have been an hour later, after no sleep,
that I thought it prudent to go to the
toilet again. That time it did seem like
I was completely empty, and I could
finally get to sleep, but it seemed to
be a rotten sleep. I seemed to have long
complex dreams, and I sometimes I
couldn't tell if I was asleep or awake.

At roughly 7am I got up feeling
awful. It felt like I hard hardly slept
at all, although the first 4 hours of
sleep had probably been good sleep. Now
the funny things is that while I felt
terrible, all my health measurements
suggested I was fighting fit. My
temperature was 35.3° C, although
admittedly that is a few tenths of a
degree higher than average. The amazing
thing was my blood glucose. I was sure
that if nothing else, the potatoes in my
dinner would push it up, but in fact it
was a really nice and low 7.0mmol/l. I
guess I had pooed all the nutrients out
in the night or something.
Even more remarkable was my blood
pressure. I don't tend to check it first
thing in the morning because it is
usually rather high when I first get up.
This morning I checked it after eating a
breakfast of two bowls of instant
noodles. It was remarkably low, just
95/58. I am not aware of any problems of
low pressure apart from possible
impaired kidney function. This is mostly
because my various doctors are always
going on about it being too high
because it always is when I am in the
I thought all the unpleasant
business was over after my three visits
to the toilet in the night, but those
hot noodles must have stirred something
up. So far this morning I have been to
the toilet anther 4 times, and it feels
like I have passed quite sufficient for
an ordinary morning. I am not sure I
feel empty even now, but I fail to see
where it could all be coming from. It is
probably just as well that today s
forecast to be an awful day - even if
the first rain is now an hour overdue.
There is nothing I have to do
today, although until I realised how bad
he weather forecast was I was
considering going out spotting trains or
something *. Now I feel I
definitely want to stay in to be near a
toilet, just in case... and to try and
catch a few snoozes. I expect I'll find
a few odd jobs that I will end up doing,
but I feel like laying down for a while
before anything else.
* That "something" could be a new
challenge I have recently thought of
while looking at the map showing where
my Freedom Pass is valid. The challenge
is to visit each station at the end of
the Freedom Pass area. There is no
intention to do any more than one single
destination is a day, although there are
a few that might happen naturally. I am
also not setting a time limit on - might
do it by the end of summer, or maybe by
the end of next spring. It is just a
thing to do. Of course I have already
been to quite a few of the stations
already, but I think I will start
afresh, and then tick them off one by
Good news: I have just been to the
toilet for a wee,
and nothing else