Once again,
the morning was brighter, and sunnier
than the forecasts predicted, but the
clouds got thicker from about 11am, and
as I write this it is almost gloomy
compared to how a lot of the morning
looked. The most recent revision says
midday and 1pm will be particularly
dull, but the threat of rain has now
been reduced to just 10%, and it will
probably stay dry for the rest of the
day. The chances of any sunshine are
very remote for the rest of today, but
it should brighten up a bit. Today's
highest temperature is probably
happening now, and by my reckoning it is
around 12° C. Tomorrow should start with
a lot of full sunshine, but the
afternoon will probably just see white
cloud with a temperature of 12° C.
There were times yesterday when I
felt rather good, maybe even smug, and I
think I had some reason to. One such
time was when Jodie used my new door
handle on the kitchen door without even
noticing it. That by itself was no great
reason to feel good, but it was a
trigger. It is taking ages and ages, but
I am slowing improving my house and
garden after years of neglect. The new
door handles on the kitchen door was
just one of those small improvements
that slowly build up to a big thing.
Another thing that felt good, but
in a different was was when I looked up
at the dining room ceiling, and saw
where I had got paint on the ceiling
while painting the wall. Sooner or later
I need to paint that ceiling, and among
the many things that put me off (trying
to protect me and everything else from
flying paint) there is one thing I
realise is not necessary. To do a good
professional job the ceiling needs
preparing - washing down at minimum -
but maybe not for a "good enough" paint
job. The bit of paint on the ceiling I
was looking at looks to have covered the
old brown paint completely, and it was
only one thin coat from where I missed
the wall, and hit the ceiling with the
It is at times like this I wish
the 99p was still in existence. One
thing they used to sell that I have
never noticed in any other local shops
(although I could easily get them
online) is cheap plastic ponchos. There
are the sort of thing sold for outdoor
festivals as protection from rain. It
strikes me that they would also be great
for when painting - particularly
overhead because they have hoods. Having
just checked I find I still have 4
unopened packs that have been stashed
away for years. I think that should be
more than enough for when I paint the
dining room ceiling at some time in the
indefinite future.

My afternoon beer session with Jodie was
fairly pleasant. We had a couple of
really nice beers. One was a pear and
cinnamon flavoured gose* beer. Another
was apple and raisin flavoured, and a
third was
very strong, 9.3%, apple strudel
flavoured beer. It felt a shame
that I had to share that last one with
Jodie. It was really nice !
* Gose beer -
After Jodie left (to meet friends
at a pub for more beer !) I got my
dinner ready. It was the last of my
takeaway from Saturday night. I started
with all the chicken wings - half in a
sort of breadcrumb, and the other half
just grilled. They were easy to heat up
in the microwave. Part 2 was a lamb
shish kebab with a double helping of
salad. The meat and pitta bread came
separate to the salad, and so it was
simple to reheat the meat in the
microwave. It was a very nice dinner. It
was also quite healthy, but....
It was the beer wot dun it -
while drinking I opened up the packet of
honey glazed cashews and peanuts that I
had bought by accident ( I thought I had
picked a packet of salted, and not honey
glazed). My original intention was to
wash all the sweet glaze of the outside
before eating them, but I made the
stupid mistake of, "oh well, a few won't
matter". I had another few later after
dinner while watching something on TV.
I can't seem to remember what I
watched on TV last night - it was that
interesting ! I do know I watched the
first 5 minutes of QI, but turned the TV
off because the panellists didn't seem
terribly exciting. It wasn't long after
9.30pm that I was fast asleep. I
initially slept well. I think I had two
long periods of sleep, but my room
cooled down a bit. It would have been OK
if it had cooled down a lot more.
Unfortunately it only went down to a
temperature that gave the old, old
problem - still too warm under the
duvet, and too cold without it.
The next bit of sleep didn't last
as long as the first two because I was
trying to sleep partly uncovered.
It was probably around 4am when I
decided it would just be easier to turn
the heater up, and forget trying to use
the duvet. That worked, and at almost
exactly 7am I woke up feeling strangely
refreshed. If I had not eaten those
honey glazed peanuts and cashews, I may
have had a bigger drop in my blood
glucose, but 8.3mmol/l was better than
yesterday's 8.8mmol/l.

I've had a busy morning - somehow. I
wasted some time catching up on some
tech news, and then I had a shower. At
the end of the shower I made a start on
hand washing a couple of tea towels, and
some bar towels. As I write this they
are still soaking in detergent.
Eventually I was ready to go out to Aldi
to get some shopping.
On the way I passed the tree on
the left that was covered in blossom. As
soon as I passed under the tree my nose
started to run, although not pour, and I
started to cough. It was the cough that
was potentiallt the worst thing
considering I was only a few hundred
yards from Aldi. I did not want to go in
there coughing and spluttering like I
had Covid. Fortunately I stopped a few
hundred feet from the store.
It was definitely not planned,
but I seemed to buy a lot of stuff from
Aldi this morning. My runny nose on the
way there reminded me to buy two boxes
of tissues, and while I was at it I also
bought a 9 pack of toilet tissue. A lot
of what I bought was because I bought
two of some things - two bags of bird
feed quality peanuts, two bottles of
mayonnaise and two lots of cider....No,
actually it was a 4 pack of snall cans
of fruit flavoured cider, and two large
cans of fruit flavour cider.
The trouble with those ciders is
that they blatantly list sugar as part
of the ingredients, and there is
probably a lot of it in each can. I will
have to drink them
carefully. The other heavy thing was the
usual 3 x 2.25l bottles of Diet Coke. It
is an odd size, and I don't think I have
ever seen it anywhere except in Aldi.
The rest of my shopping was
probably not that unusual except that it
was biassed towards fish instead of
meat. There was one unusual thing I
bought. It was an extending (to 3
metres) window washing gizmo. After I
got home, and had put away all the food
and drink, I tried out the thing to see
if I could wash an upstairs window. I
could, and I couldn't. It was long
enough to reach the lower window on the
back bedroom window, but not the top
It wasn't quite as conclusive as
that because one problem is what looks
like a locking grip on each section
didn't appear to work. There was very
little friction to stop all the sections
retracting as I tried to use it at full
stretch. I will have to make a deeper
investigation of that another time, but
the preliminary result is that the thing
is crap ! I did use it, or try to, one
some ground floor windows, and I wasn't
impressed with it even then.
The head section has a mop on one
side to do the cleaning, and on the
other side is a wiper blade that is not
made of rubber, but of a sort of soft
plastic. It is totally useless. I
thought I might have been fortunate that
I had bought a small version of a window
cleaner from Poundstretcher. It is only
a metre and a bit long, and so only
suitable for windows on eye level. The
mop seems to be better, and the wiper is
possibly rubber, but it seems to hard to
give a good wipe. Worse than that is
that it is too wide for my window panes,
and so I couldn't give it a fair test.
It will be easy to reduce the width, and
then I'll try it again some time. The
whole thing is probably a better length
for cleaning the upstairs windows from
indoors by dangling it out the window -
After spending some time window
cleaning I cooked what was supposed to
be lunch, but when I looked at the clock
I realised it was going to be a late
elevenses. It was a couple of bits of
cod in breadcrumbs. It was odd, or
annoying that one bit of cod from the
pack of two tasted delicious, and the
other didn't taste very nice at
all.Having eaten my early lunch I could
finally sit down and start writing this.
One nice thing is that contrary to the
weather forecast, we are still getting
the occasion sunny spell. Even now, at
2pm, the sun is having another go at
wriggling through a crack in the clouds.
It almost made it, but didn't quite make
I once had an idea I might go
out, maybe just for a train ride or
something early this afternoon, but it
is early afternoon now, and I am still
writing. I don't think I will be doing
any great this afternoon, or evening,
but I am considering going through all
my old photos and negatives again. Some
might benefit a rescan after some
cleaning, but mainly I want to try and
get a better idea of the date of some of
the pictures. There are clues, like
actual dates written on the folder they
come in back from the developers, but
many have got mixed up over the years.
It could be a tedious job, but it has to
be done one day. Whether today will be
that day will be revealed when and if it