The latest
revision to today's forecast has
throttled the temperature back to 15° C
by removing the 16° C shown for 3pm in
the screen shot of the earlier version
above. With non stop sunshine still
predicted to last all the hours of
daylight, it should feel warm today -
which it needs to be after a light frost
this morning My thermometers agreed it
was just 1.2° C at 7am, and the thin
veneer of frost on some of cars outside
agrees with that ! Tomorrow, and maybe
the next couple of days might be very
similar to today, except tomorrow may
see the temperature hit 18° C.
Yesterday morning I
suggested I might go to The Metro Food
Centre in Catford to buy a few extra
ingredients for a nice healthy salad I
was planning for dinner last night. I
did indeed go out and bought more than I
intended. One thing was a bit of fennel.
I don't think I have ever tried fennel
before, but I like liquorice type
flavours, and so I thought I would give
it a go. I only bought a small piece
which had some fresh looking greenery
still on it. Before I could try it Jodie
got her hands on it, and announced that
it was probably stale because it seemed
very tough.
As I write this I still haven't
tried it for myself, and that is because
I never did have the intended salad.
I'll come to the reason for that later.
Other things I bought in the shop, apart
from salad ingredients, were another 5
tins from the range that includes bacon
and giant beans. The cans have no
English description, and so it is a
guessing game as to what I have actually
bought. I think 2 of the cans should be
bacon and beans, and it is possible one
of the cans is some sort of vegetarian
There was one other can from a
slightly different range that said
exactly what should be in the tin, and
the pictures looked like what I
expected. It was rissoles in giant
beans. The picture showed beautifully
browned rissoles floating in the beans.
The reality was that it was like a scoop
of spam in beans. It wasn't unpleasant,
but I couldn't enjoy it when it was
nothing like I expected. I also bought
two packets of "Turkish" sausage, and
the one I cooked yesterday was exactly
what I expected. It was delicious.
It wasn't all that long after 3pm
that Jodie turned up for a Sunday beer
tasting session. The idea yesterday was
that we would try and stick to some
light beers because Jodie had a gig to
go to later in the evening. The only
trouble was that I didn't have many low
(under 4%) alcohol beers, and the two I
offered, some tradition English bitter,
were turned down. All this didn't matter
to me because all I had to do at the end
of the session was prepare my salad, eat
it, and if necessary, go to bed.
We didn't have any very strong
beers, but I did have more than Jodie.
She was pacing herself, and I was
getting thirsty. I did have one strong
beer all to myself - or I was about to
when Jodie suddenly piped up that she
had only had it on draught before, and
if she had a least a taster she could
log it in the untappd web site. It is
traditional that before Jodie leaves she
has a small tot of whisky to "keep the
cold out" - it was a tradition that
started in much colder weather. I had a
whisky as well, and then I had tow tots
of Ouzo - because I could !
Those two tots of Ouzo just took
me over the edge. I wasn't rolling
drunk, but I was drunk enough that the
idea of spending time preparing all the
ingredients for a salad was not
appealing at all. I had pre-cooked just
a few new potatoes, having learned my
lesson when I cooked too many and pigged
out on them. I had those potatoes, along
with a few bits of mange tout I found at
the back of the fridge on their last
legs, and had also pre-cooked, with a
large "Turkish" sausage that I
roasted/grilled in the mini oven/grill.
It was a very delicious meal, but not
quite as healthy as intended.
I'm sure I watched something on
TV last night, but it was evidently so
bland that I can't remember a thing
about it. I spent more time after my
dinner reading a few things from the
internet. I then went to bed, and read
for while. The book I am currently read
is "Gold" by Isaac Asimov. Half the book
is made up of some of his earliest short
stories written for SciFi magazines
rather than books. The other half is
series of editorials, or other factual
stuff that he wrote.
One such article was about the
art of writing when seen from his
perspective. It made me think about how
I might wrote stuff, and by stuff I
guess I really mean fiction rather than
all this scribble that makes up this
diary, or blog, or whatever... It was an
interesting 10 minutes, but it carried
over into my dreams. That was no bad
thing except it is hard to remember if
my subconscious came up with anything
good in those dreams.
From what I can remember I was
thinking about how a robot, who
apparently was a successful write, might
describe his craft. Almost all of it has
now evaporated to wherever dreams go to
when you wake up, but one interesting
fact remains. The robot had a cat, and
the cat's name was Morningdale. It was a
name I had read or seen earlier, and I
find the name curiously nice. It
probably has some sort of meaning or
significance, maybe for old English,
possibly even Shakespeare, but on a more
basic level it just sound nice, and
bright, and sort of joyful.
I didn't really sleep that well
last night. It was the old, old problem
of feeling too hot under the duvet, and
just slightly too cool without it. I
seemed to be constantly position with
various bits of me uncovered. Of course
it was obviously not constantly because
I slept for long enough to wake up with
a hand, or some bit of me gone to
sleep/pins and needles. The closer
it got to an arbitrary getting up time
of 7am, the worse it got. I actually got
up at about 6.45am.
It seems not having a salad
for dinner, and having a plate of less
healthy stuff, plus some other maybe
not-too-good stuff during the day,
didn't hurt me too much. This morning my
blood glucose was exactly 8.0mmol/l. I
would have preferred 7.5mmol/l, but it
was still very good compared to some of
the wild readings of a few days ago.
This morning I even checked my blood
pressure, but I didn't do it until I had
had a breakfast of a bowl of instant
noodles. It was a very low 96/58. I
sometime worry that such low reading are
a bit too low, but then again I know I
have to do as little as rush upstairs to
get it
a lot higher !


was my downfall last night. A
few shots of Ouzo, on top of
some beers, and I was
definitely feeling the effects
something I would really have
enjoyed some time ago, but I
almost enjoyed some cream
cheese and celery for a sort
of elevenses today.
morning I have been quite busy.
Before 9am I had washed a double
fitted sheet, and hung it on the
line to dry in today's sunshine. I
also fed the birds while I was out
in the garden. As mentioned above, I
have had a bowl of instant noodles
for breakfast, and I've had a
shower. After my shower I went
shopping in Aldi. It's where I
bought more celery, and the cream
cheese, as shown in the picture
above. (I must admit that cream
cheese does look more like butter in
my picture). I don't think there was
anything of any particular note that
I bought in Aldi this morning, but I
did seem to have a fair amount of
shopping to lug home,
One thing I have no been able
to do this morning is to phone the
pharmacy to order my next repeat
prescription. All morning that has
just been an answerphone on with a
message saying don't leave a message
because they have no means of
retrieving them. What a fat lot of
good that is !
I have one definite plan for
today, and a sort of idea about what
I may do. I have a second, fairly
small load of laundry to do, and to
hang it on the line to dry. After
that I think I may be tempted to go
out and do some train photography. I
will probably head to Denmark Hill
station, and if I get there I have
the option of going on to Clapham
Junction. I think I would prefer a
bit of train photography rather than
a long walk in the sunshine because
my right knee seems a bit tender