I guess I could say
I was quite cross with the weather forecast
for yesterday. It got the temperature about
right through the day, and the sunny spells in
the morning, but it didn't say that the sunny
spells would continue well into the afternoon.
What it did say was that there would be rain
around midday, and then in a later revision it
showed rain for 4 or 5 hours, but instead of
rain we just had more sunny spells. Admittedly
the afternoon did get quite cloudy, and the
sunny spells tended to be short and far apart,
but it didn't rain. I doubt a single drop fell
any time from pre-dawn until midnight. The
prediction for 17° C turned out to be about
right, although I seem to think it may have
been a degree or two higher at some point.
The early forecast
for today is not too different to how
yesterday actually turned out, but of course
it has been revised since taking the
screenshot above. It is now saying that the
sunny spells will last until midday, and then
the thickening clouds will not let a single
ray of sunshine through for the rest of the
day. I have my doubts' but maybe I am being
overly optimistic. One change for the better
is that now it says there will be three hours
in the late afternoon when the temperature
will be 19° C. Tomorrow may feature a lot of
sunshine or sunny spells, and the temperature
might briefly peak at 20° C.
The forecast for a wet afternoon, plus
the fact that Angela was not at work, and so
we couldn't meet for a lunchtime drink, sapped
any enthusiasm to do anything at all. I ended
up doing almost nothing yesterday, and that
included getting up properly - i.e. I couldn't
be bothered to have a shower, or put on fresh
clothing. I did consider having a quick wash
with a damp flannel, and clean clothes to nip
out to the shops, but I couldn't be bothered
to even do that.
I spent a fair amount of time just
reading. Then just after midday (I think) I
got a phone call from Sue, and as usual she
kept me talking all afternoon. I had all the
time in the world and so a mega length phone
call didn't matter, and it was probably good
that it distracted me from food. I could
easily have snacked too much while partly
Although it was not the original reason
for the call, we ended up first on the subject
of photography. Sue claims she can only accept
unedited pictures, and thinks things like
airbrushing is wrong. I managed to convince
her that not all "air brushing" is wrong
because it is a lot more than making American
models look thinner. In it's simplest form to
can be "painting out)" something that intrudes
on a picture. I gave her a typical example of
when she is taking snaps of a band playing in
one of the local pubs, and she gets a perfect
shot of the singer, but there is a disembodied
hand on the edge of the picture. That hand can
often be removed in a photo editor, and it
doesn't change a thing about the look of the
main subject - the singer.
There were other simple forms of
editing that Sue thought she disapproved of -
mainly because she hasn't got the tools to do
them with. When I explained them to her she
did agree that doing things like making a face
a little bit lighter can improve the looks
when the picture is taken in a dark pub. She
did admit that she does use the simple photo
editor in her iPhone to brighten some dark
looking pictures. That rather disproves her
idea that editing pictures is somehow
completely wrong. She still has this fixation
that her pictures should look "natural", but
is that natural to the human eye, or to the
camera's eye. The human eye has some wonderful
inbuilt vision processing, and can pull
pictures out of all sorts of problem that the
camera can't - although many things can be
corrected in a good photo editor.
All the talk of phones and taking
pictures lead on to the perpetual problem that
people have who do everything on their phones,
and don't use a computer. It doesn't take much
to fill the entire memory of a phone. It is a
problem that Jodie is always coming up with. I
have solved Jodie's problem. I bought her a
memory stick that she can plug straight into
her phone, and move all her pictures to that
until that fills up. At which point she can
buy another.
Sue's problem is that she has an
iPhone, and I know very little about them. I
had a look on Amazon and found a possible
solution to her problem. It is a little box
that costs about £14, and plugs into the
iphone. The box has sockets for standard and
micro SD cards. Provided that Apple has
provided a basic file manager, and I think
they have, and Sue can learn to use it, she
can start to transfer her pictures to a stack
of SD cards. I opted for free delivery, but it
seems the adapter box, and a cheap 32GB SD
card will be delivered to her today. If it all
works she owes me £23, and if it doesn't she
can give it all back to me. I may not be able
to use the card reader, but I can always use
SD memory cards.
It got to 4pm, and I was feeling
hungry. That seemed a good enough excuse to
hang up, and sort myself out a snack. On this
occasion I kept in control, and just had two
cans of soup. One had a fairly low sugar
content, and the other, a can of Tesco smoky
bacon and lentil soup was even lower. It's
effect on my guts, particularly after I added
a generous amount of hot chilli sauce, is
probably going to be explosive, but today is
not a day when I am likely to go very far from

I had my dinner a bit later than usual
- I think it was even later than 7.30pm. It
was some rather greasy feeling, despite being
grilled, sage and onion flavoured chipolata
sausages. I didn't know they would seem so
greasy when I decided that, just for a change,
I would have a bottle of cider.
It did recommend it was drunk ice
cold, and I think that would have improved it.
It would definitely have given it more "bite"
when it came to flushing the sausages from my
mouth. I am not a cider lover, but this one
tasted fairly pleasant at first. Maybe that
was because it was cool, but not chilled, when
I started it. Towards the end, maybe after it
had warmed up a bit, I found I was not really
enjoying it. Of course I still finished it the
the very last drop !
There were two episodes of QI on last
night (one was an XL version which lasts for
an hour). I watched both episodes, and the
second finished at about 9pm. I was in
bed, very soon after, and I read until
almost 10pm before going to sleep. Last night
was one of those now very common nights when
it can feel a bit too warm under the duvet,
and yet it feels too chilly to leave too many
bits uncovered.
It must have been around 2am when I
turned the heater on low, and after a while I
was comfortable to sleep with an arm and/or a
leg or two uncovered. I can remember having
dreams, but I can't remember anything from
them this morning. On the whole I slept well,
but at 5am I discovered I had a problem. At
that time it was either not so bad, or I was
too sleepy to worry about it.
That problem was more apparent when I
got up. I think the semi-circular canals one
one ear were misfiring. I didn't feel dizzy,
but I definitely had balance problems. It was
mild, and with enough concentration it was not
enough to stop me doing anything. It was
remarkably mild compared to a time about 15 to
20 years ago*. I had noticed some odd
clicking, almost like a bit of loose ear wax
in my left ear, a day or two ago. I am
guessing the problem is in my left ear,
although I don't think I can blame it on wax.
Maybe it's some sort of mild infection.
* On that occasion, I was working in my second
job (out of the three I had during my entire
working life - the last one lasted 10 years,
and I was between jobs for about 3 years. That
suggests the first time I had something
similar, but far worse, was probably at least
15 years ago, and maybe more like 20 years. On
that occasion, I woke up feeling like a
drunken sailor. I had to hold on to the wall
to get to the toilet. Having a shower was
"interesting". The clearest memory is going to
work. I was fine if I held my head perfectly
still. I couldn't look left or right to cross
any roads, and fortunately I didn't have to
cross any busy roads. Whatever the problem
was, it just faded away during the day, and I
was completely normal when I left work to go
Of the three easy measurements I can
take to give some sort of indication of my
health, all were good except my blood pressure
which was still OK, but not as low as it is
later in the day. The systolic pressure was
132, and the diastolic 72mmhg. That is about
normal for when I first get up, and I am
rushing around and stuff. My temperature was a
very typical 34.9° C for just out of bed. My
blood glucose was a very typical 8.2mmol/l. I
would like that to be under 8.0mmol/l. but it
is rare to keep it under that for more than a
day or two at a time.
I've just been to the toilet, and I
thought my slight lack of balance had faded
away, but it was one of those visit where use
of the bog brush was indicated, and I
definitely felt very strange as I bent over to
look down the pan. I think that is a very
strong indicator that the problem lies in
(probably) just one ear. However, the
improvement over just a couple of hours
suggests it won't be long before it is just a
I think I can say there are two
definite things I will be doing today. One is
to take a 24 hour late shower, and while I am
at it I shall wash my hair - hopefully my ear
problem will not be too distracting as I hang
over the edge of the bath to wash my hair. The
other definite is that Jodie is, or at least
was definitely going to join me for some beer
tasting this Thursday afternoon. Of course in
these dynamic times anything could happen in
the next half hour (according to Stingray).