Yesterday was
gloriously sunny, and at 17° C it felt warm.
The best that can be
said about today's weather is that this
morning has started modestly mild at 11° C.
The first bad thing is that 12° C is the best
we can hope for today, and the other bad thing
is that we are unlikely to see any sign of the
sun today. There is a 20% chance of rain later
today, and so maybe the garden may get watered
- and that is probably the most optimistic
thing that can be said about today's weather.
The only respite tomorrow may bring is that
the temperature may reach 16° C, and maybe
that there could be a little less grey cloud,
but even if the cloud is not grey, it will
still seal us in, and keep the sun out.

I achieved three things yesterday. The
first was to hand wash a couple of t-shirts
and some underwear, and get it all on the
washing line to dry in the sunshine. It may
have been that there was a little less
afternoon sunshine here than there was in
Rochester where I spent the afternoon, because
it didn't seem my washing was 100% bone dry
when I brought it is just after 6pm. It was
very close to it though.
Going to Rochester was actually my
third achievement. The second was having a
couple of productive visits to the toilet so I
felt comfortable to travel - and be away from
any decent toilets for the whole afternoon. As
I mentioned yesterday morning, I was intending
to see The Flame Pilots, but I also hoped to
catch another band or two.
I left home to catch an earlier train
than originally intended. There are basically
two trains per hour from Bromley South to
Rochester - one is a fast one, and the other
slow. I think there may also be a train that
is sort of in between. I wanted the fastest,
and headed for the station to buy my tickets,
and get the 13:40 train. My ticket was £7.55
return from Swanley - which is free to get to
using my Freedom Pass. The train didn't
actually stop at Swanley, but that doesn't
matter. I also used my Senior Railcard for
1/3rd off the full price.
I've been through Rochester many
times, but only once in the past did I ever
get off the train there, and that would have
been the old station which is a little further
down the line than the new station. The fast
train goes direct from Bromley South, without
stopping at any other stations. It is a
reasonable 23 minute journey. When I got to
Rochester I had my first chance to see the new
station. It is another rather ugly "glass box"
station. I can't see it lasting as long at the
station building it replaced, but on the plus
side the toilets are pretty good - something I
found on my way home when I needed a pee.
As well as the view of the station,
just look at that glorious blue sky. It was
from here that my adventure really started !
The things I had seen posted about the
"Songwriters Den" music stage said it was also
called the Star Hill stage, and another said
it was on Star Hill. So I walked to Star Hill,
and walked up it....up and up, and up, and up
- it's a long steep hill, and very taxing. I
think I had to stop three times for 10 or 20
seconds at a time for a very brief rest.
Somehow this picture of looking back
down the hill doesn't quite convey what it was
like to walk up it ! This was probably about
three quarters of the way up the hill. I got
to the very top, and then some more (because I
wasn't sure where exactly Star Hill ended. All
the way up I was looking for any sign that
there could be a stage set up, maybe in a pub
garden or forecourt. I asked a local if he had
any suggestions.
He said that there was a pub down some
steps off the main road, and it was probably
about where I took the above picture, although
on the far side of the road. I started walking
down the hill until I came to the steps, and
found The Rising Sun pub. I went in for a cold
half pint of lager, and asked the bar maid if
she had any suggestions of where the stage
might be. She didn't, and so when I finished
my lager, and went outside, I phoned Mark who
was supposed to be playing there at 4pm. He
didn't know exactly where it was, but that it
was somewhere along the High Street that was
back at the bottom of the hill. I have to say
that walking down the hill was a lot easier
than going up !
When I reached the bottom of the hill
it became obvious where the stage was - I
could hear the band. They weren't very loud,
and not that easy to hear over the roar of the
traffic, but if my timing hadn't been such
that they were still setting up, I feel sure I
would have heard them because they were only a
few shops away from the road junction at the
bottom of the hill. Oh well, all's well that
ends well. The band on when I got there was
Spyplane - who I wanted to see, but I
originally thought were on much earlier in the
afternoon. The silly thing is that while they
are all excellent musicians, I don't really
enjoy what they play.
The main band I wanted to see was The
Flame Pilots featuring Mark who once upon a
time was Jodie's boyfriend, and is now just a
friend, and who I have got to know over the
years. I guess they and Spyplane appreciate my
photography. As far as I can see on their
social media pages, most pictures of them are
taken on mobile phones, and in less than ideal
light...and so rather blurred and murky. I try
to do better than that, and even though I
rarely see them, because they are both Kent
coast based bands, I earned a hug from
Sherrie, lead singer of Spyplane, and a free
CD EP from Fiouse, lead singer of Flame
After Spyplane had finished, and before
The Flame Pilots started, I went for a long
walk from one end of the High Street to the
other, and back again. I was trying to find a
chemist, or anywhere that might sell some nail
clippers. While Spyplane were on I videoed one
song using my Nikon Camera with an external
microphone. That microphone has a "dead
kitten" fluffy windshield, and in trying to
get that on the microphone I managed to bend
and tear a fingernail. It wasn't that bad, but
I didn't want to risk snagging it later.
From one end to the other of the High
Street there was just one chemist - and it was
closed ! It seemed quite a long walk, and was
made to seem longer by all the obstructions
along the way. There were dancing sweeps,
assorted morris dancers, and some people doing
what might have been pagan rites ! On top of
that were the hoards who were watching this
various stuff. It all added to the tally of
how much I walked yesterday. I would be
surprised if the total was any less than 3
miles - maybe including things like the walk
to and from Catford station.
I was too tired last night to do
anything but quickly select a few pictures to
illustrate my day on this page. One thing did
become apparent as I flipped through the snaps
I had taken. It was only 4pm when the Flame
Pilots started, and it was still bright and
sunny (and warm) but the sun was low enough in
the sky to only illuminate the bottom of the
stage - which had no stage lights. It meant
that the Flame Pilots shoes were over exposed,
and the faces under exposed. It is not
something I am used to, and I think that I
have ended up with less usable pictures than I
hoped for.
It must have been a little over halfway
through the Flame Pilots set when my sciatica
started to play up, and the only cure is to
start walking. I said my goodbyes to Jodie and
Alan (who were also there), and gave a quick
wave to the band, before walking to the
station. My timing was part influenced by the
trains. I had checked on my phone, and seen
there was a semi-fast train at 17:10 that only
called at two stations before Bromley South
station (where I would change for a train back
to Catford).
I made sure I got to the station in
plenty of time because I hoped to use a toilet
for a pee - if they had any. They did, and
they seemed clean, bright and well equipped. I
didn't know it, but there could have been
further delays because when I got to the
station I found "Revenue Protection",
supported by Transport Police, were
surrounding the ticket barriers, and two
people were being questioned about ticketless
travel. I had a valid ticket, and just breezed
I think with it's two stops along the
way, the train I caught took about 30 minutes
to get to Bromley South, but maybe it was just
nice to sit down after being on my feet for
hours, and the ride didn't seem too long. At
Bromley South I Faced a 20 minute wait for a
train to Catford station. In the past I have
sometime opted to get a bus rather than wait
that long, but the bus is a pretty tedious
journey, and I think it was quicker to wait
for the train, and it was a far more
comfortable journey.
There was a particular reason why I
wanted to go to Catford station, and not to a
bus stop, and it was because I wanted to pop
into the Sainsbury's Local shop by the
station. I had in mind that I wanted some of
their rather good ready made salads. I also
wanted to see if they had the new truffle
flavoured Marmite that I heard was being
stocked my Sainsbury's first. Sadly they
didn't, but I did buy a few other things
including some new, limited edition, weird
flavoured Diet Coke (which I have yet to try)
and some haddock fish cakes.
Very soon after getting home I tucked
into one salad, and it went down a treat. I
was going to keep the second salad I bought
for today, but I used it as the base for the
haddock fish cakes I had bought. It was far
from horrible, but it was a mistake because
the salad was better on it's own, and the fish
cakes would have been better with a simpler
accompaniment. While the fish cakes were
cooking I brought in my washing. As mentioned
above, it didn't seem bone dry, but it was dry
enough to wear if needed (which it wasn't).
I was going to watch what I thought was
a brand new edition of QI on BBC2, and indeed
I did start to watch it until I realised it
was a repeat, and that it only seemed a little
while since I had seen it as a repeat on Dave.
I soon switched off, and that was when I
finally started to go through some of the
photos I had taken, and did the necessary for
the few I have shown here. At that point I was
feeling very weary, and like the previous
night (I think) I was in bed shortly before
9pm, and after a short attempt at reading I
turned out the light, turned over, and was
soon asleep.
On the whole, I think I probably had a
good night's sleep. It must have been after
around four hours sleep that I woke up
thinking it was time to get up. At first I
wondered why it was still dark, but then I
noticed it was 1am or thereabouts. I had a
quick pee, and was soon asleep again. One
oddity is that I can't seem to recall having
any dreams at all, although I am sure I had
some - probably nightmares about walking up
the bloody hill in Rochester !
I'm sure I woke up at least twice more
for a pee before I woke up at just gone 6am.
It was light, abut I thought I deserved more
sleep. I stretched out in bed to get myself
more comfortable, and I instantly got cramp. I
had to leap out of bed to put weight on my
legs to kill those cramps. Of course the
chances of getting back to sleep after that
seemed to be close to zero. I can't say I was
very enthusiastic about getting up. I didn't
feel all that good. All the walking and
standing around yesterday had left it's legacy
on assorted bits of my legs, and maybe hips
If there was any good news it is that I
have started the month with a decent blood
glucose reading. It was just 8.1mmol/l, and if
it could stay that low for every day this
month it would be a new record low average,
but I can't see that happening when I look at
the predicted weather for the next week or
two. It may get warmer, maybe even 19° C, but
we seem to be more liable to see rain than
I suppose the main effort today is to
go through all the photos I took yesterday to
select the best for editing. It could take
some time because as well as the band photos,
I also did some train spotting, and I have
some photos to add to my huge spreadsheet of
photos of every train I have photographed over
the years. If I get sucked into do more to
that spreadsheet it could take up the whole
day, but I think I am probably having a beer
session with Jodie this afternoon. I will have
to confirm that later so I can get the dining
room table cleared, and the glasses washed and