Yesterday's weather
was a great improvement on the day before, but
it still wasn't very nice. It was generally
dull, although there were some sunny spells in
the early evening. The forecast temperature
was brief peak at 18° C, but most of the
day was a fair bit cooler. Maybe it was a bit
humid because a brisk walk in the park did get
me feeling a lot warmer.
Despite what the
forecast says, there has yet to be any
sunshine so far this morning.It is fairly
bright though, but there are also some grey
looking clouds in the sky. Oddly enough, the
latest revision to the forecast, that starts
at 9am, still shows the same picture as that
above. They seem certain there will be sunny
spells until 2pm. The temperature has been
revised upwards to 21° C, and it may be that
for much of the afternoon. Before getting too
excited, it is worth checking what the BBC
say. They agree on 21° C, but only for a
single hour, and from 9am they paint a rather
dull, and even gloomy picture that features
zero sunshine. Tomorrow is forecast to feature
strong sunshine for most of the day, but the
temperature may only touch 20° C for a brief
There was just the one highlight
yesterday, and that was going out to meet
Angela for a lunchtime drink. Based on some
early version of the weather forecast I was
hoping to be able to walk through the park
without a coat, but it seemed safer to put on
a coat/jacket. That turned out to be a good
idea on the way home because there were a few
raindrops, but not enough to make me want to
do my coat up.
I was a bit worried that maybe Angela
couldn't make it, because she was very late
replying to my email asking of she wanted a
packet of crisps with her drink. She did
eventually reply about 5 minutes before the
arrived on time, and yes, she did want a
packet of crisps. It was a very pleasant hour
together, and Angela said she really enjoyed
it - more so than usual. Maybe I did too, but
I didn't seem to realise it at first.
What I do know is that I felt mildly
depressed in the rest of the afternoon. It
could have been the come down from a really
good lunchtime, but I don't think so, or at
least no more than usual. There was also the
dreaded "see you next week" as we hugged
goodbye. That is always a bit of a downer.
Maybe it is fortunate that at the sort of age
I am, time slides by so quickly, that a week
hardly seems to be anything now.
A good reason for depression was the
weather, although the gloom didn't last beyond
early evening when there were sunny spells.
The worst thing was that thought that I had
nothing to do, correction: there was nothing I
wanted to do in the afternoon and evening. I
could, of course, got out the hoover, or done
some other housework, but I was not in the
right mood to do that, and the two pints of
Guinness I had in the pub were just enough to
slightly alter my enthusiasm quotient.
One bright spot was actually the moment
I got home for the pub. Sitting on the doormat
was a slip of paper from Sue next door saying
she had taken my parcel in. That is a very
rare thing because it is rare that I am not on
high alert at home waiting for a parcel
delivery, and also because Sue won't open the
door to strangers. I didn't ask, but maybe she
saw the Royal Mail van outside, and assumed it
would be safe to open the door, and offer to
take the parcel in. The parcel contained
another 4 seat pads in a different colour, and
slightly different size, and I bought them as
a backup in case the seat pads that came the
day before yesterday were not to my liking for
some reason.
Once I had checked those seat pads out
I made myself some lunch. It was very
different from what I would usually have. It
was a packet of Vesta paella. I hadn't had
anything from Vesta for many, many years, and
that could have been over 30 years ago. Once
upon a time they had to be made on the hob,
but this packet, found in the Pound Shop if I
recall correctly, had cooking instructions for
hob or microwave. I did mine in the microwave,
and it came out OK, although I feel I might
not have added quite as much water as
suggested because the rice was slightly hard.
The sugar content was shown as low of
the packet of the paella, but I don't trust
rice. All that starch can be turned into sugar
by enzymes in the digestive tract. For reasons
I can't divine, some rice is worse than other
- OR - some takeaway rice actually has sugar
added to make it seem nicer (in the eyes of
some). Anyway, the paella was nice, and sort
of nostalgic, but far from wonderful. If the
world was coming to the end, of some other
sort of terminal entertainment, it would be
good to have a stock of Vesta ready meals in
the bunker.

I decided I would finish off all but one
of my bottles of cider. I still have one that
is bottled like champagne with a wired cork,
and in theory that could last for years, if
not decades. I also have some cans of cider,
but they are all fruit flavoured ciders, and I
am very wary of them because of their sugar
content. However the two bottles I did drink
also had a high sugar content.
The first cider was really an alcopop
for kids. It was Brothers strawberry and cream
soda flavoured cider, and it did taste rather
nice, but it was syrupy enough to almost stick
my lips together. The second cider is
shown in the picture on the left. It was very
strange. It smelled disgusting - a sort of
hint of vomit type of smell - but once passed
the nose the strawberry and lime flavours came
through. I don't think it was a great flavour
combination, but wasn't bad.
It too seemed to leave my lips a bit
sticky from the sugar in it, and that spoiled
my enjoyment a bit, but maybe it was not so
bad after all. Of course it wouldn't be until
this morning that I realised I had good reason
to be cautious, but maybe not to panic.
My original plan was to have a similar
dinner to the night before. I had the mixed
lettuce leaves, and some precooked chicken
chunks (flame grilled flavour - or so the
packet claims). Plus I had plenty of
mayonnaise. I could have had all that for
dinner, but I opted for a couple of big chunks
of cod in breadcrumbs instead. I say "big
chunks of cod", but in reality it was a big
thick chunky covering of breadcrumb stuff.
That rather spoiled it, and of course was
another unwanted source of sugar.
I watched just two items on TV last
night, and the second was an episode of QI
being shown on Dave. That finished at 10pm,
and once again I went straight to bed. Just
like the night before, I read a couple of
pages from a book in bed before putting the
book down, turning out the light, and
suffering about 3 minutes of "will I ever fall
asleep" before falling into a deep sleep. I
generally slept OK, but maybe some of that
excess sugar caused me to get up and pee a bit
more than usual.
The funny thing is that "I know" I got
up to pee more frequently than usual, but I
can't seem to remember actually doing it.
Maybe some of the times were just dreams, If
so, they are the dreams I remember most, and
yet at the same time, like dreams, the
memories are really insubstantial. What was a
lot more real was the three time I woke up
with cramp - fortunately while it was still
building up to agony, but before it got there.
The last time was when I actually got up. That
was a tricky one because I was trying to put
some flip-flops on before going for a wee, and
I kept triggering the cramp what I tried to
get my feet into the right position to slide
into (or onto ?) the flip-flops.
This morning my blood glucose was
predictably high, but at the same time it was
a lot lower than expected. 9.0mmol/l is just
over the "usual" threshold, and still some way
from the danger line. It was obviously to be
avoided if possible, but the biggest problem
is that it mucks up my running average. It is
currently running at 8.35mmol/l, and that is
close to typical for last year, but my second
highest for this year. If I ever do get an
appointment to see the nurse (she was supposed
to be phoning me to agree on an appointment)
for my annual (or 6 monthly as it used to be)
checkup, I think my last three months of
readings will be sufficiently low enough to
earn another gold star !
Today a couple of things could happen.
I think I am going to trust the weather
forecast enough to wash some stuff and hang it
on the washing line to dry. This afternoon
think Jodie will be over for another
beer tasting session, but there is always an
element of doubt because she confirms or
denies these things at the end of the previous
sessions when I am generally drunk, and can't
always remember what she says. There is a
possible possibility that we might be joined
by Michael for a short while. I spoke to him
on Tuesday, and his difficulties seem to have
calmed down for a while.