Apart from some
early morning drizzle, yesterday was a dry,
and fairly bright day. Maybe it was the
sunshine, or maybe it was the mild breeze, or
maybe the predicted temperature of only 17° C
was less than reality. In fact I just noticed
a note I made yesterday that said later
revisions of the forecast gave a high of 19°
C. It is possible it was even higher than
There were warnings
for thunderstorms in the small hours of this
morning. There was certainly a fair amount of
rain, but I didn't hear any thunder. The
latest revision to the forecast doesn't change
anything to that shown above. Until 6pm there
will be thick, dark clouds, but only a 10%
chance of rain. At 6pm the clouds will thin,
maybe the sun will peep through the clouds,
it will probably rain ! It definitely doesn't
feel warm now, and even at the highest today,
17° C, it probably will still feel cool under
the leaden sky. Tomorrow is currently not
looking any better than today until early
evening when there could be some sunny spells.

Yesterday was a fairly busy day. The
first thing I did when washed and dressed was
to go shopping in Tesco. As I mentioned
yesterday, I mainly wanted to get a few
bottles of Diet Coke, but I bought more than
that, although half of that was bird seed and
not for me. I was extremely careful about what
I bought for myself. My original intention was
just to get a pack of bacon, and a bag of
mixed salad leaves for another bacon and
lettuce dinner.
I also bought a couple of items from
the reduced price shelves. One item was some
Danish blue cheese. I am looking forward to
having some of that on rice cakes - possibly
today. Another thing was a Greek inspired orzo
salad sort of thing. I ended up eating that
last night because it said the sugar content
was very low. The final reduced price thing
was a pack of mini Scotch egg type things. I
was surprised at how low the declared sugar
content was, although with hindsight I wonder
if that was per mini Scotch egg. I also ate
that last night as well.
The next thing I did was to hand wash
two towels. One was a hand towel, and the
other was small, or medium, sized bath towel.
The odd thing is that I thought my very high
blood glucose would make me feel tired and
weak, but in reality it felt fairly easy hand
washing those towels....although, having said
that, I decided against giving those towels
extra rinses. After my normal three rinses
when doing any hand laundry, I thought I had
done the bare minimum, and that had to be good
The main dish of the day was a fairly
long walk - fairly long compared to anything I
have done since mid April. I didn't
really make it a conscious decision, but I
sort of set myself a minimum target of 2
miles. Beyond that it was open ended. Having
started off walking through the linear park
there were loads of places I could have set as
the point where I would turn around.
Alternatively I could have walked all the way
to Clock House station (slightly further at
3.37 miles), and caught the train back to
Catford Bridge - except I couldn't because
there were no trains running. I just went as
far as the bow string bridge in the Linear
Park, crossed it, and made my way home again.
One of the first things I saw on this
walk was these gates that allow access to the
railway line for maintenance crews, and
emergency services. Although there were no
passenger trains running there could still
have been trains carrying materials for
whatever engineering works were taking place,
and it is possible the live rail was still
powered. There was no railway personnel
in sight, and the gates were still wide open
on my way home after my walk, Any kids, or
vandals could just walk straight off the road
and onto the railway lines.
I spotted reason to stay well clear of
The Catford Bridge Tavern on the 17th June. In
my prejudiced view this is the sort of
entertainment that usually ends with a fight,
sometimes a stabbing, and in rare cases, even
a shooting. I would be wary of even passing
the place on my way back from the station.
I wish I had taken one of my DSLR
cameras, with a zoom lens, yesterday. Maybe I
would have done so if I had predicted this
egret was going to be on the river. The
trouble with egrets is that their brilliant
white feathers always come out over exposed if
the camera, like mine, was on full automatic.
It would help if you could get a lot closer so
the bird more fully filled the frame, but they
seem very shy. If I had my Nikon D3200 and
300mm lens I could have got a fair close up,
but more importantly I could have set a very
fast shutter speed so there was little motion
blur caused by camera shake at high zoom
levels, and I could have turned the expose
down so the white feathers weren't over
exposed. I think I will take the Nikon out on
the next sunny day !
It is obvious this is a path, but it in
not an
official path, and that is why,
several months later, this fallen tree has not
been cleared away from the path. I am
definitely not a limbo dancer, and doubly so
when carrying a moderately expensive camera,
but I did manage to get under it without
embarrassing myself.
When I first saw this flower I thought
it was apple blossom. There is an apple tree,
that has small apples on it in the autumn,
about where I took this snap, but on closer
examination I saw it was a dog rose (at least
I think that is what it is). There are quite a
few of them in various parts of the park.
The curious thing about my walk was
some of it was slightly painful, with creaking
joints and the like, but somehow it didn't
feel tiring. My legs did seem tired, but when
called on to, for instance, walk up a steep
slope on the river bank, or even walk up the
steps from Catford Bridge station up to the
bridge itself, I didn't seem to have any
difficulty at all. It was partly because of
this, but also for another reason, that I
diverted to pop into the Sainsbury's local by
Catford station.
I particularly wanted some bottled
water, but I also got three of their ready
made salads - because they were there (I think
the better ones usually sell out early on a
normal morning). It was good to get home, and
get my boots off, but I did little else until
I had drunk a pint or water I had left
chilling in the fridge, and then started on
one of the bottles of water bought from
Sainsbury's. I didn't realise it at the time,
but it was sparkling water. That made it nice
to drink, but obviously it couldn't be gulped
down like still water.
The reason for the water was an
experiment. In the past, if I had tried to
check my blood glucose after a long walk I
usually got a silly high reading because I was
part dehydrated. After a pint and a half of
water, and a short wait for it to percolate
through my body, I checked my blood glucose.
In the morning it had been a very unholy
11.2mmol/l. After my walk it had come down to
a more reasonable 9.0mmol/l. That was still a
bit high, but I suspect it might have been
lower if I had given a bit more time for the
water to get into my bloodstream.
Regardless of it still being rather
high, it seemed a good enough drop to break my
fast with a couple of the Sainsbury's salads.
I had the goats cheese and beetroot, plus the
"mediteranean style" salad. The latter was
pure salad with no cheese, meat or beans. It
did come with a honey and pepper dressing, but
it was only a tiny sachet. Having eaten I went
through the pictures I had taken, and selected
and edited the ones I have used here.
I could finally put my feet up and
fully relax for a while, but not for all that
long because it was fairly late in the
afternoon, and I couldn't stop thinking about
dinner. I read for a while, and then I think I
had a short snooze. A flick around the TV
channels showed there was nothing to grab my
attention all evening, and so I decided I
would watch my recordings of the extremely
good ITV adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes
stories. I watched two almost one hour
episodes last night.
I was feeling hungry after my rather
light lunch, albeit a late lunch, and I bright
my dinner forward to not that long after 6pm.
It was another salad. It consisted of flame
grilled chicken chunks on mixed lettuce
leaves, but with a slight twist compared to
how I last had it. The chicken was a few days
after it's best before date, and I thought I
could smell a very, very slight hint of it
starting to go off. I decided that if it did
have some bugs growing on it I would kill them
off by cooking the cooked chicken in the oven
for 20 minutes with a splash of oil and soy
It turned out to be a lot nicer than
the fresh product. While I was waiting for the
chicken to cook I ate the Greek style Orzo
salad as a little starter. Maybe an hour after
dinner, and while watching the second Sherlock
Holmes recording, I ate the mini Scotch eggs.
I have to say they were a disappointment.
There was nothing wrong with them except they
just didn't seem very exciting. Looks can
sometimes be deceiving.
It was still light when I went to bed,
and with sunset last night at 9.10pm, I guess
it probably wasn't much before 9pm. I read for
a while, and then tried to go to sleep. I
expected to fall asleep in minutes, but I
guess it was possibly more than 30 minutes.
There was one strange oddity last night. The
night before, when my blood glucose was very
high, and when that usually means a pot of
peeing in the night, or indeed at any other
time, I didn't seem to pee much at all. Last
night I was sometime waking up after only an
hour for another pee. It seems like I didn't
get a very good sleep at all last night,
although, having said that, I probably did get
a full 8 hours even if some of those hours
were a bit lumpy.
After all that peeing I feared my blood
glucose was still very high. I was wrong. It
was actually very nice and low at just
7.6mmol/l, and just 1/10th higher than my self
set target (which I rarely, if ever, reach).
That was good news, and I accidently allowed
myself double instant noodles for breakfast.
The "accident" was forgetting that I had
intended to use up the rather crappy Koo-Lee
noodles first. I started on a pack of Vifon
tomato flavoured noodles, and then decided I
would have some Koo-Lee noodles as well.
Today, weather wise, looks to be total
crap. It does not enthuse me to do anything at
all, and maybe I won't do anything. If I did
do something it might be to go to Elstree
& Borehamwood station - because I can, and
because it is as far as my Freedom pass will
take me on the Thameslink line. It will all be
a balancing act between the negative points of
the weather, and the positive points of the
novelty factor. One other negative factor is
the change required at Blackfriars
station. It is a 25 minute wait for the
next train. I seem to be putting myself off
before I've started....