It has been dull all
morning, but there is hope for a scattering of
sunny spells later in the day. It seems the
latest revision to the forecast has just moved
the hours around when we might get these sunny
spells. That strongly suggests to me that they
can't do an accurate forecast because the
weather is going to be totally random today.
The only strong probability is that there will
be no rain again today. The temperature should
be 26° C. Tomorrow looks to be very similar to
today, but it could be 2° cooler.
Yesterday could almost have been
called a day of rest, but I did go out
shopping to Tesco. The dull weather until at
least 1pm, had sapped any desire to do much
more than that. One trouble of it being a day
or rest was that I fancied buying something
"nice" from Tesco. (Where "nice" usually means
something not good for my health). Despite
that I managed to control my food/sugar intake
quite well.

Let's get a bit of good news out the
way first. I had another look at the flyer
than came through my door about the "Food 'N'
Fun" day in Ladywell Fields. Until yesterday I
was a bit annoyed that it clashed with Petts
Wood Calling - my next musical photography
outing. When I looked again I saw that it was
on Sunday, the day after Petts Wood Calling.
It looks like I may get my pictures of the
birds of prey display.
Those birds were a good reason to take
a walk in the park, and will probably keep me
amused for 15 minutes. It is debatable if
anything else there will attract my attention,
but maybe there is a thin sliver of hope that
someone will play some reasonable music on the
live stage. Knowing Lewisham Council it will
probably be all reggae bands, and some sort of
There is always hope that pigs might
fly, and that the Birds Nest pub in Deptford
will be running a beer tent like they did 8 or
more years ago. On that occasion I spent a lot
of time there slowly getting very drunk on
some excellent beers. I have doubts there will
be any alcoholic refreshments there, but we
live in hope.
Back to shopping in Tesco - My special
treat of something "nice" was a reduced price
pack of a pair of chicken Kyiv - chicken
breasts in breadcrumbs stuffed with herbs,
including garlic, in butter. They sounded so
nice, and I do remember having some which was
excellent, but I have no recollection of it's
source. I am pretty sure it wouldn't have been
Tesco because theirs were rubbish. Maybe it
was just me, but I could barely taste the
herbs, and I am sure the butter was not
actually butter. They smelled nice while
cooking, but that is about the best I can say.
I think the rest of what I bought from
Tesco was fairly safe. I used some of it for
my dinner. After the chicken Kyiv for lunch I
went for a simple dinner of stuff on rice
cakes. I started with four rice cakes with
wild rocket, a slug of mayonnaise, and topped
off with a pre-sliced slice of Emmental
cheese. In an ideal world I should have left
it there, but I guess I was bored, and wanted
more. I also though changing the cheese for
ham might be nice.
There then followed an excellent
example of my subconscious knowing more than I
did. I decided that three rice cakes might be
just right. When I got the already opened pack
of ham out of the fridge there were exactly
three slices left in it. I'm guess that
somehow I remembered that bit of trivia
without even realising it.
I fancied some beers yesterday evening.
I started off with these two strong Trappist
beers from Holland. I have to admit they
weren't good enough to be described as like
nectar, but they were still very nice. The one
on the left was 8%, and that on the right was
10% - which is very strong, and set off a
chain reaction. At the end of the evening I
had drunk my entire beer collection which was
of 7 bottles (two of which were actually
cans). I think all the beers except one came
in half pints. Added together it comes out as
around 4 pints of beer - which is not a lot,
but with those strong Trappist beers I did end
up drunk.

[picture from wikipedia]
One thing I found yesterday was a new
piece of enlightenment. It is called
Invisible Pink Unicorn Theory. You can
read the full explantion by following the link
to the wikipedia page. Basically it put
forward the same theory for the existence of
God, but goes a step further. You can't see
the invisible unicorn, and so it is a matter
of faith that it exists. Also, because you
can't see it you cannot even prove it is pink
! It is, of course, a parody of stuff said by
a lot of the more manic God botherers.
I might have had a good night's sleep
last night, but I can't be sure. I did seem to
wake up at least 4 times in the night, but
each time I can remember marvelling at the
amount of hours passed, but I seemed to have
difficulty getting back to sleep again. I say
seemed to have difficulty getting
back to sleep, but I doubt I was awake for
more than 10 minutes. maybe that short time
was just to build the excitement of realising
that 2 or 3 hours had passed when I woke up
from apparently not being able to sleep.
I think it was in the last hour or two
before getting up that I had some quite rich
dreams. It seemed like one long sequence
edited together from stand alone dreams - and
that was almost certainly the case. It was
another dream of being at work, but it was a
special, and complete fantasy piece. I'm not
even sure what the company was, but I was with
a manager, another senior member of staff,
plus a "media consultant". I was going to be
used as still cameraman for some promotional
material for the company.
There seemed to be no special idea of
what, and where pictures were to be taken, and
I think we were exploring for locations. I can
remember using bicycles and a train. The train
was an interesting hybrid - sort of like a
modern train, but still with slam doors. I
think we ended up in Hastings judging by the
cliffs I could see. Suddenly the media
consultant said what we really needed was a
picture of a man sitting at the top of an
escalator, and that the best place she knew of
for this picture to be taken was in Skegness.
It was soon after that when I thought it
easier to wake up.
There were several reasons why my blood
glucose could have been very high this
morning... The chicken kyiv could easily have
loads of sugar in it (although I can't
remember bothering to look at the nutritional
information. Rice cakes are fine in
moderation, but I thought that 7 of them,
particularly eaten late in the evening might
have been pushing my luck. Then there was all
the beer I drunk yesterday. Some beers can
contain a lot of sugar, but most don't. The
Trappist beers did taste a bit sweet, and the
beer felt almost sticky on my fingers. For all
that my blood glucose was exactly the same as
yesterday, 8.7mmol/l. That is slightly above
average but nothing to worry about in itself.
Today will feature a lot of rest, but
only after the highlight of the day - meeting
Angela for a drink at lunchtime. I think I
feel like using my shorts again today. 25° C
is not that warm, and the chances of direct
sunlight are slim, but it feels like it could
sticky walking through the park. First of all
I had better have a shave, shampoo, and shower
- and I don't seem to have much time to do it
so I had better get cracking.