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Diary/Blog For the Month of August 2022 |
Wednesday 31st
August 2022 |
My hope that yesterday might be sunnier, and maybe warmer, that the forecasts predicted was dashed yesterday. My theory that the weather forecast may be wrong was correct. It turned out that the first sunny spells were from about 11am, and continued for a few hours into the afternoon, but by, or soon after 2pm the sky filled with some very dark looking clouds. They were fairly fast moving, and parts of the sky only had white cloud from time to time. The forecast for it being 22° C turned out to be about right. The temperature seems to be the only thing that several forecasters agree on, and is generally correct. ![]() This morning the forecast
has got off to a good start. I can see a bank of cloud
to the west, but most of the sky is clear, and the sun
is shining. It is still very cool outside though -
just 15° C. Judging by the first revision since I took
the screenshot above, it seems that the forecast for
today is a bit random. The latest revision has juggled
the times of the sunny spells around, and maybe added
one or two. It is probably safe to say that today will
be dry, and the late afternoon temperature
should be 22° C. There is something familiar
about the forecast for tomorrow. I am sure it was the
forecast for today yesterday. It shows a bright
morning, but sunshine will give way to clouds, maybe
before mid morning, and the rest of the day will be
cloudy. It will also be a degree warmer at 23° C.
Yesterday was another in a series of strange days. The strangeness was probably just the mood I was in, and that was formed from various inputs. The weather being a significant input. Although there were 3 or 4 hours of sunny spells, the rest of the day was not inspiring. In fact during the sunny spells deep grey, evil looking, clouds could still be seen in the distance. I didn't feel inclined to go out, but I did. Read why I felt so depressed, and where I went out, plus the rest of my day, evening, night, and the start of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 30th August
2022 |
Yesterday's weather was pretty manky. The few sunny spells/periods in the morning were the last view of the sun for the day, and contrary to even the worst versions of the weather forecast, the afternoon was often very dull with huge great dark grey clouds in the sky. With a top temperature it can only be described as "mild". ![]() The screenshot above shows
white cloud for this time of the morning, but when I
look out my window I see a very grey sky. It is almost
as if the sun has forgotten to rise this morning. It
seems unlikely, but sunny spells are predicted for 9
and 10am, plus 6 and 7pm. The rest of the day is
described as "cloudy". That doesn't specify the colour
of the clouds. The chart shows them as white, but like
this morning they could be a dirty grey colour. Maybe
the only slightly good thing today will be the
temperature which is predicted to be 22° C. Maybe
tomorrow will save us from thinking Autumn is here
already. There could be a lot of sunny spells, and
even full hours of sunshine, but the temperature will
only be 22° C again.
I didn't mention it yesterday because I didn't expect it to last, but I was suffering from constipation yesterday, and although I didn't feel uncomfortable in any significant way, it did make me not want to go out - just in case ! To my surprise, I still had a fairly productive day, even if it was a bit boring. What I did do is described, along with how my evening and night were, plus thoughts this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 29th August
2022 |
I don't seem to have any specific memories of yesterday's weather. I think it was either nice or pleasant...sort of middling. Some hours featured sunny spells, and others were cloudy, but still bright. The temperature may have risen a degree or two higher than the forecast 22° C. ![]() The BBC weather forecast
started out better than the Met Office forecast in the
screenshot above. The BBC said there would be sunny
spells, and there were. The sun is now quite dim, but
still able to cast a feint shadow. The BBC says sunny
intervals (rather than sunny periods) for about half
of today, while the Met Office paints a much duller
looking forecast. Both agree it will be 21° C this
afternoon. For tomorrow the Met Office remain more
pessimistic than the BBC. The BBC say some sunny
intervals, and the Met Office say it will be dull all
day, but both say the temperature will be 22° C.
After my very late night on Saturday I felt rather tired yesterday, but I still achieved two of the things I wanted to do yesterday. One of which was to go to Tesco where I bought quite a lot of stuff, and none of it was bird food this time ! More of my shopping basket, plus what I did during the day (with the pictures to prove it), plus my evening, night, and the start of this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 28th August
2022 |
Yesterday was a better day than the forecast predicted. The days started sunny, and there seemed to be either sunshine or sunny spells for most of the day. It was a mildly warm day with the temperature about 1° higher than the forecast 23° C. ![]() This morning is a lot like
yesterday morning. Plenty of blue sky can be seen
among the thin streaky clouds high up in the sky, and
at the moment there is full sunshine, albeit maybe
very slightly hazy. The latest revision to the
forecast says 9am should be dull - the sky now has
just 24 seconds to cloud over if it wants to follow
the forecast. Fortunately it seems reality is kinder.
The latest revision says the sky will eventually cloud
over for the rest of the day at midday. Here's hoping
it will be like yesterday, and most of the day will
actually be bright. The highest temperature today, and
apparently it will be for just a single hour at 2pm,
will be 22° C. For tomorrow the forecast is a pot
pouri of a forecast. Some sunny spells in the morning,
and a 30 to 40% chance of a shower late in the
In many ways, perhaps all ways, yesterday could be described as a waste of a day, although that wouldn't apply to the evening. The only thing I had actually planned for the day was to go shopping in Tesco. It got to midday, and I realised there was nothing I needed that day. I then decided I just couldn't be bothered to go out. However, I did get out in the evening, and went all the way to Purley. You can read about my whole day, last night, and this morning, and maybe even watch a video on my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 27th August
2022 |
It was a rather nice day yesterday. There was a mix of sunshine and sunny spells from morning until very early afternoon. From about 2pm there were some times when the sky got very cloudy, and the day seemed a bit dim, but the sun still managed to break through now and then. The afternoon temperature was only 23° C, but in the sunshine it felt very pleasantly warm. ![]() Contrary to what the
forecast predicts, it is bright and sunny this
morning. There is a fair amount of what looks to be
very high thin clouds, and so maybe the sun will be
dimmed a bit now and then. The latest revision to the
forecast predicts white cloud for 10am, sunny spells
for 11am and full sunshine for midday. Then it gets
cloudy again, and there is just a 30% chance of light
rain at 3 and 4pm followed by white cloud until
sunset. Of course the only part of the forecast that
will probably turn out right is the temperature. It
was just 16° C early this morning, and the highest
today should be 23° C. Tomorrow is shown as generally
cloudy, but it could stay dry, and the afternoon
temperature should reach 22° C. There might be an
appearance of the sun in the late morning.
I think I can say that yesterday was a rather good day. It seemed to take a long time before I was ready to go out, but I eventually made it to the 320 bus stop to go to Bromley. That was quite an unpleasant journey. The bus may have started off with few people on it, and so I could grab my favourite seat (2 back from the front), but we seemed to stop at every stop, and more and more people got on. To find out what I did there, and the rest of my day, my night, with it's gruesome nightmare, and the start of this morning, read my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 26th August
2022 |
Yesterday morning, and afternoon featured completely different weather. The morning featured a lot of rain, and there were several hours with very heavy rain. By contrast, the afternoon was generally bright with some sunny spells. It was a slightly cool day with the temperature only just reaching 21° C. ![]() Today promises to be a lot
nicer than yesterday. The latest revision to the
forecast has changed a few of the hours of sunshine,
shown in the screenshot above, to just sunny spells,
but has extended them to 4pm. It should be a little
warmer than yesterday with a maximum of 23° C,
although it looks like it could take until 5pm to get
there. A lot of tomorrow may be dull, but at the
moment the prediction is for a few hours of sunny
spells in the afternoon, but also one hour might
feature a light shower. Once again the temperature
should reach 23° C, but maybe only briefly.
The main feature yesterday was the rain, and there was a lot of it. The worst, and the thunder and lightning, was over by 7 or 8am, but rain continued to fall, sometimes heavily, until almost midday. It was probably weird, but with little else to do, I decided to go out in the rain. I went to Poundland where I did want a few things, and of course I took my waterproof Fuji Finepix XP71 camera with me. You can see the pictures I took, plus read about my day, night, and the start of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 25th August
2022 |
Most of yesterday morning was dull, but the afternoon was fairly sunny with some lone sunny spells, and even a couple of hours of full sunshine. The temperature rose to 27° C, and didn't drop that much during the evening. That was the classic ingredients to what would come later - a thunderstorm, but not until the next morning. ![]() The first very heavy rain
fell at about 2am this morning. It wasn't long before
it became much lighter rain. There was another heavy
downpour about 2 hours later - heavy enough to wake me
up again. I'm not sure when I heard the first peel of
thunder, but it seemed to be rather distant. I don't
think the thunderstorm passed overhead despite the
very heavy rain, but it possibly passed closest just
before 6am (although it may have been 5am - I was
doing my best to sleep, and time was a bit vague). The
latest revision to the forecast doesn't change a lot
from that shown in the screenshot above. The main
change is that from 1pm it should be dry, with white
clouds except for a light shower at 2pm. It will be a
cool day with the temperature only reaching 21° C.
Clear skies tonight will mean a cool start to
tomorrow, but also a lot of sunshine for the morning.
The second half of the afternoon may feature white
clouds, and the temperature may be back to 23° C.
I started yesterday morning with a few visits to the toilet, and at the time it seemed my food poisoning was still active. That may have been a bit pessimistic, because apart from an odd rumble in my gut during the day, nothing else happened. I still didn't feel inclined to do much, but I did wash my hair, and have a shower in case I went to meet Angela at lunchtime. I never did go out to meet Angela. You can read how my day, night, and the start of this morning went in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 24th
August 2022 |
The forecasters had a valiant go at predicting when rain might fall yesterday. The early Met Office forecast came closest to when it actually rained. They said 3pm, and the rain actually fell at about 1.45pm. Later revisions of the forecast said it would stay dry with just light cloud for the entire afternoon, but that was obviously complete nonsense. I think they got the temperature about right at 25° C, but almost everything else was wrong except maybe he sun did break through again just before sunset, although I will admit I wasn't paying much attention to the weather for a lot of the day. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast has correctly changed 9am to dark clouds, but
still insists there will be sunny spells, and even a
few hours of sunshine later. It seems that the weather
is, once again, in a state of flux, and the forecasts
will change every hour to try and get some sort of
match with reality. The prediction of a top
temperature today of 27° C is most probably correct.
For tomorrow it is easiest to copy what the forecast
headline says "heavy showers changing to overcast by
lunchtime". It will probably be cooler with the
temperature only reaching 23° C.
It seems I was definitely ill yesterday - and I'm still not over it. My one achievement yesterday was to was wash a few items of clothing. I would have liked to leave it until another day, but one item demanded quick attention. My bigger achievement for yesterday was to take laziness to a whole new level ! This is all described in more gruesome details (sort of) in my complete archived page for today. It also includes how I slept, and how this morning has started. |
Tuesday 23rd August
2022 |
After a sunny start to yesterday the clouds gathered, and the sun was no more. There were many times when it looked like it might rain, and the forecast did say rain with several possible times for it, but there was no rain during daylight hours. It did look like there might have been a shower in the night. It was forecast to be a cool day, but I feel sure the temperature went a little higher than the forecast 22° C. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast adds a few more sunny spells to the early
morning version shown above. The reality is that there
are a still a lot of clouds in the sky, and the sun
only finds a gap through them now and then (we just
had a 47 second sunny spell !). In the latest revision
it is shown as white clouds from midday until the end
of the day except for a possible sunny spell at 8pm,
just before the sun sets. The temperature is now shown
as reaching to 24° C today. Tomorrow is currently
shown as having lots of sunny spells, or even sunny
periods, and the temperature could reach 27° C.
Yesterday morning was a productive time, but from then on not a lot happened until 4am this morning - and then a lot happened ! My morning plans included going along to the surgery, and then go to Aldi to buy some stuff that is either cheaper, or not available from Tesco. Alternatively it is just that I prefer the Aldi version - mainly through ignorance of the Tesco equivalents. The rest of my day is described in my complete archived page for today, although much of it is about unpleasant events in the early hours of this morning ! |
Monday 22nd August
2022 |
Yesterday's forecast was back to front. It said sunny in the morning, and dull in the afternoon. It was the other way round. The morning was dull, and from about 2pm there was glorious sunshine. Admittedly it was mostly sunny spells, but they continued until sunset. The temperature was possibly a bit higher than the forecast 23° C. ![]() This morning it is cool but
sunny, but it seems it will cloud over around 11am,
and the afternoon could be very dull. There is even a
40% chance of rain from 6pm. It is going to feel
slightly cool with maybe only a single hour when the
temperature reaches 22° C. Tomorrow could reach 25° C,
and there could be a few hours of sunny spells during
the morning, and a few more later in the afternoon.
Yesterday didn't work out as expected, but I did get a few sort of useful things done. In the morning I went to Tesco again, and this time I did remember the bird food, and the Marmite rice cakes that I wanted. Of course I also bought other food for myself, and that included some sort of nice, sort of crap, sausage meat burger patties. I had those for my dinner last night. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 21st August
2022 |
Yesterday had a cool and sunny start, but by midday it had clouded over. A few hours later and the temperature hit it's maximum of 23° C, and it is probably then that the sun broke through the clouds again to give a sunny (late) afternoon. During the night the temperature dropped to chilly again. ![]() I suppose it is possibly
that the sky may clear in the next 30 minutes, but
there is enough cloud to block the sun at the moment.
Both the BBC and the Met Office say a sunny start, and
so maybe it is just too early now, and it will happen
later. Both got the temperature about right, a very
fresh feeling 16° C. If we do get some sunny spells
they may only last until midday, and then the rest of
the day will be dull - unless the BBC are right, and
there will be sunny spells from about 5pm. Once again
the afternoon temperature will only reach 23° C. Most
of tomorrow will be dull with a small chance of a
shower in the morning. Maybe just a single hour
tomorrow afternoon will see 23° C.
I think I started the day as if I was planning to be OK to go out in the evening to a gig. I guess that got boring, or perhaps I just wasn't in the right sort of mood, because I didn't go out. Today it doesn't feel like yesterday was boring, and I'm not sure I found it that boring yesterday. The fact is that I did very little of note yesterday. As usual, you can read what I did yesterday, how my night was, and thoughts this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 20th August
2022 |
There were a few sunny spells yesterday morning, and a lot more from mid afternoon. Between them it was a bit dull. It was a dry day. There was often a fair bit of wind that made the maximum 23° C feel slightly cool. ![]() Today is probably going to
end up very similar to yesterday, but one difference
is that after a clear night it was a chilly morning
with the temperature down to just 14° C. The sky is
still mostly clear and the sun is shining. The latest
revision shows the full sunshine may last until 9am,
and then there may be a couple of hours of sunny
spells before the clouds rule the sky until a few
sunny spells at 4pm, and more at 6pm until sunset.
Once again the maximum temperature will be 23° C.
Tomorrow may feature more clouds, and less sunshine,
but the temperature is predicted to be 23° C again.
I seemed to have another day when it seems I couldn't be bothered to make things happen. I did have an idea that it might have been nice to go out for another exploration on the trains, but while there wasn't a train strike on National Rail, there was still some disruption. My probable route would have needed to use London Overground, and possibly the tube, and there was strike action taking place on those. What I did do yesterday is described on my complete archived page for today. As usual it includes last night and the start of this morning. |
Friday 19th August
2022 |
Yesterday was one of those days when the weather forecast kept changing, sometimes a fair bit, every hour. After a dull and murky start, which was forecast, the afternoon became very sunny, which was not forecast in the early versions. Temperature wise it was always summer, with an afternoon high of over 25° C, but morning and afternoon was like spring and summer. ![]() Like yesterday, the first
revision to the forecast has added a few more hours of
sunny spells to that shown above, and I would not be
surprised in later revisions add even more sunny
spells, or even sunshine. On the other hand it could
go the other way.... Today seems like it will be a bit
cooler than yesterday with only 23° C forecast. At the
moment the forecast for tomorrow is looking a lot like
today - which is always a good bet at being right.
Yesterday was another day when very little happened. The rail strike meant no train based adventures, and to be honest I just didn't feel like going out for a walk. The reason for that was probably because by the time I could have gone for a walk I seemed settled down in a different rut. Read what I did do in my complete archived page for today which also includes notes about last night, and the start of this morning. |
Thursday 18th August
2022 |
Yesterday was yet another date when much rain was promised, but rather less rain fell. The original forecast for the day showed mist for 7am followed by three hours of rain. The first two hours were shown as thundery rain. For most of that time there were occasional sunny spells, and not a drop fell. There was a moderately heave fall of rain between about 1.30pm and perhaps 2.30pm. That wasn't in the forecast ! More thundery showers were forecast for 4 to 7pm. I was not aware that there was even any drizzle during those hours. The maximum temperature was initially a fairly fresh feeling 22° C, but after the rain it did feel predictably muggy. ![]() As usual, today's forecast
has been revised in the last couple of hours since the
screenshot above was taken. It now shows just a 30%
chance of light rain for 10 and 11am. In compensation
it has added more sunshine or sunny spells between 4pm
and 8pm. The rest of the day will be dull but dry -
possibly ! It will feel warmer today with 25° C
expected in the afternoon. Most of tomorrow is shown
as being sunny, but the temperature may be a couple of
degrees cooler than today at just 23° C. It is
"interesting" that the BBC website shows a very
different picture for today. It shows no rain and no
sunshine, but the same 25° C. It basically
agrees with the Met Office about tomorrow.
Yesterday was dominated by two things. The first was my latest beer delivery. The estimated delivery time was between 11:43 and 13:43. If the delivery was in the middle of those two times, 12:43, I would still have time to get to the pub to meet Angela for a drink. It was, and you can read about my extended drink, he rest of the day, the night, and what I have already done this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 17th
August 2022 |
There was less rain than forecast yesterday, and certainly no thunderstorms (although I did hear there were a few claps of thunder in other parts of London). Rain did start to fall a little after 11am, and occasionally it would be semi heavy for a short time. It finished at around 1pm, and as far as I can recall it stayed dry for the rest of the day. I even recall a few seconds of sunshine at some point. It was a generally cool day by recent standards with the temperature only reaching around 22° C. ![]() This morning's forecast
paints a pretty grim pictures, but so far it is wrong,
and of course it has now been heavily revised. 8am is
now shown as sunny rather than a thunderstorm. A few
sunny spells follow, and the first rain is now shown
to fall at 2pm, and it could be as a thunderstorm.
There is a high chance of rain and thunderstorms until
7pm, and then maybe some lighter rain in the late
evening. I strongly suspect the forecast will have
several more major revisions before the day is over.
The one constant may be the 22° C temperature this
afternoon. Tomorrow may be dry, and even feature some
sunshine. It will also probably be warmer with 25° C
currently predicted.
Yesterday was another day when not a lot happened. The poor weather, particularly the grey light, but then actual rain dampened my spirits. It was certainly not a day to go out with a camera. However, in what seemed to be a break in the rain, but actually was the end of the rain for the day, I did go out shopping. To find out what I bought, and what I did with the rest of the day, read my complete archived page for today. It included my night and this morning. |
Tuesday 16th August
2022 |
Later forecast for yesterday came up with a complete fantasy about heavy rain and thunderstorms. The reality was a brief sprinkle of light rain at about 6pm. The day started dull, but in the end there were quite a few hours of sunshine or sunny spells before it clouded over. There were plenty of time when it looked as if it was about to rain, but there was just that one brief shower. The idea of a thunderstorm did have some validity because by the end of the afternoon the temperature had risen to 30° C according to my thermometers. It was a fairly sticky evening. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast makes some important changes to the
screenshot above. The 30% chance of rain for 3 to 5pm
now shows just mod grey cloud with an unlikely 10%
chance of rain. The biggest change is around midday.
10am is now shown as light rain, 11am as heavy rain,
and midday as thunderstorms, and finally 1pm back to
light rain. After that it will be dry, but dull. When
I look at the sky I feel this revision to the forecast
could turn out to be reality, but like this revision
it could all change again. The chances are that that
an afternoon temperature of 22° C is probably right,
although having said that it seems all three of my
thermometers agree it is already 23° C. Maybe the
rain, if it falls, will cool things down again.
Tomorrow is shown as just 21° C, and rain all day long
- some light rain, but maybe a few thunderstorms
thrown in as well.
Very little happened yesterday ! In fact no big things happened, but there were some small things. Although in a way two of those small things were big things. Confused ? You ought to be ! I would define big things as a walk in the park, or a railway station spotting expedition, and maybe even doing a load of laundry, or some hoovering. None of that happened. What did happen is recorded in my complete archived page for today. It includes my night, and some of this morning. |
Monday 15th August
2022 |
Sometime yesterday afternoon we lost the sun, but the temperature still rose to a very sultry 32° C. The clouds in the evening were a hint of what might be coming - rain ! ![]() I must admit that I don't
even see signs of any rain on today's forecast, and
yet there is a yellow warning for thunderstorms. There
are similar warnings for tomorrow and the day after.
At least the headline icon for tomorrow shows a bolt
of lightning. The latest revision to the forecast now
shows light rain from 5pm to 8pm. Today is probably
going to be one of those days where the weather
changes a lot during the day. That is further
indicated by the fact that this morning started quite
dull, and only now are there signs the sun might
possibly push it's way through the clouds. It is still
going to be a warm day with 27° C expected this
afternoon. The headline icon for tomorrow may show a
lightning bolt, but only a 40% chance of light rain is
shown for a handful of random hours in the afternoon.
With an afternoon temperature of 24° C it might feel
almost cool tomorrow.
Yesterday was another strange day. Again it felt like everything was in slow motion, but it still proved to be productive in several ways. I thought I should take advantage of the last hot and sunny day to do a bit more laundry. Yesterday it was only 4 items - two white t-shirts, a pair of shorts, and a pair of underpants. The rest of my day, night, and the start of this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 14th August
2022 |
Yesterday was another very sunny day, and the temperature rose to about 32° C by my reckoning, although the forecast said 33° C. ![]() Today's forecast shows a big
change compared to recent days. The sunshine will only
last until just after midday, and the afternoon will
be cloudy. There is still an amber warning for extreme
heat, and 32° C is predicted. One change in the latest
revision to the forecast is that 2pm is now shown with
full sunshine, but at the moment it is predicted to by
cloudy after 2pm. Another change to note is the yellow
triangle for tomorrow instead of an amber triangle.
That is a yellow warning for thunderstorms, and in the
latest revision the icon for Monday has changed to
falling rain. The temperature tomorrow will be a
cooler 28° C, and the rain might start late in the
afternoon. No actual times for a thunderstorm are
Yesterday was a strange day. It was like everything was in slow motion. I guess one factor for this was that I had a lot to say yesterday, including describing all the photos, and after a late start, I didn't finish writing until almost midday. From then on all my plans for the day were carried out late, and I suppose you could say in a leisurely way. The few things that did happen yesterday are described in my complete archived page for today, that also includes the night, and the start of this morning. |
Saturday 13th August
2022 |
Last night was very hot and sticky, but during the day it didn't feel as bad as the "Amber weather warning for extreme heat" suggested it would be yesterday. The temperature did reach the predicted 31° C, but that was mild compared to the 38° C that was reached back in July (or was it June ?). ![]() Today may feel a bit hot.
The forecast predicts 33° C today, and maybe the amber
warning is deserved. I think that a yellow warning
would have been good enough for yesterday ! Tomorrow
may be the last day of "extreme heat", but only 32° C
is predicted. From Monday we can look forward to a
sprinkle of rain - maybe on Monday, but more likely on
Tuesday or Wednesday.
I very nearly didn't get out yesterday. It was one of those morning when I didn't seem to stop making visits to the toilet every 30 to 90 minutes to pass yet more poo. I didn't feel confident until I had just missed the train I wanted to get from Catford Bridge to Lewisham. Rather than wait half an hour for the next train that called at Lewisham I opted to get a bus to Lewisham. The rest of my day, with quite a few pictures, can be read about in my complete archived page for today. It includes tales of a hot sweaty night, and my first thoughts this morning. |
Friday 12th August
2022 |
Yesterday definitely felt very warm, or hot if in the sun, but it didn't seem to reach the predicted 31° C. It only managed to reach 30° C in my bedroom after the sun had been shining through the window for most of the afternoon. I don't think it got any higher than 29° C outside in the shade, and possibly as little as 28° C. It didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, and I am not sure if it earned it's amber warning for extreme heat. ![]() Maybe today the weather will
earn it's amber extreme heat medal. This morning did
start out a good degree higher than yesterday, and so
there is more for the sun to build on. If the forecast
is correct there will be three hours this afternoon at
31° C. Tomorrow may see the temperature touch
33° C for possibly as little as a single hour. The day
after will be the last day of amber warnings of
extreme heat, and it is possible it will start to cool
down before sunset with the clouds blocked by clouds
from as early as 4pm. The day after that could feature
a few hours of rain, or thunderstorms according to the
more pessimistic BBC weather forecast.
I think yesterday can be filed as a quite good day. It was a close run thing, but I think before midday I had finished two important tasks. I had washed two hand towel sized towels, and hung them on the line to dry. I also finished the selecting and editing of the final pictures taken at Petts Wood Calling. Later in the afternoon there was a beer tasting session, all that, plus other stuff is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 11th August
2022 |
Yesterday was the real build up to today's heatwave. There was loads of hot sunshine all day, the temperature reached 28° C. ![]() Today is the first day of a
run of 4 days where the temperature will rise to above
30° C, although only by a degree or two, and not as
hot as the few very hot days we had in June (or was it
July ?) when we almost reached 38° C. There was a
little bit of hazy early this morning, but now it is
full on sunshine for the next couple of days. This
coming Sunday will be the changeover point when the
sun will be mostly hidden by cloud, and the
temperature starts to drop. Monday 15th August might
even feature some rain, or a lot of rain, with
thunderstorms if the BBC forecast turns out to be
Most of yesterday seems to be a blur. I washed yet more clothes, and hung them out on the line, in hot sunshine, to dry. I brought them in feeling hot to the touch 5 or so hours later. Of course there was a highlight to the day when I met Angela in the pub during her lunchbreak. Maybe it is because it was hot, or maybe something else, but just recently we don't seem to be so close. There is no magic spark, but it was still very good to see her, and have a couple of pints of refreshing Guinness. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 10th
August 2022 |
Yesterday was warm and sunny. The forecast temperature was 26° C, but I think it reached 27° C. ![]() The sun was a bit hazy
before 8am, and there are a few thin clouds in the
sky. I suppose it is possible that this hour could
degenerate to sunny spells, but it doesn't seem that
likely. The latest revision to the forecast, which
starts at 9am, shows non stop sunshine until sunset,
and an afternoon high of 27° C. Tomorrow could be same
but even hotter. From tomorrow, for the next 4 days.
there are weather warnings for extreme heat. Tomorrow
and the day after could see the temperature reach 31°
C, and the two after that could reach 32° C. Maybe the
day after that could feature a splash of rain, but any
forecast so far into the future could be very wrong.
I was, or thought I was, too tired to be very productive. I expect I believed that more than was the actual case. For instance I didn't seem to lack any energy when I went to Tesco in the morning. Before going to Tesco I put some laundry in to soak, and it was still there this morning because I couldn't raise the enthusiasm to finish it. What I did do yesterday is explained more in my complete archived page for today, which also includes my night and this morning. |
Tuesday 9th August
2022 |
Yesterday was not quite as forecast. We started getting dull times, as clouds passed in front of the sun, as early as midday, and the afternoon offered nothing more than sunny spells. It was still warm though. The temperature hit 28° C, and the cloudy sky only allowed it to fall a little during the night. ![]() I think it was at least a
degree warmer than 17° C at 8am, and it definitely
wasn't sunny. At that time the whole sky was a
milky colour. That high cloud/mist has dispersed now,
and it is bright and sunny. The latest revision to the
forecast now shows 4pm as sunny spells, but full
sunshine is still expected for the rest of the time up
to sunset. For all that only 26° C is expected. It
seems that the expected heat wave has been put back a
bit. Curiously enough, the forecast for tomorrow shows
only sunny spells for a few hours, and somehow seems
closer to today's reality. By mid morning the sun
should be on full power for the rest of the day, but
only 27° C is expected. Maybe the day after will see
30° C.
Yesterday was another slow day, and it wasn't a lot different to the day before. I did manage to get some washing on the line earlier than the day before. By 5 or 6pm it was hot and dry after being dried by the admittedly intermittent sunshine. I think I brought it all in during one of the longer spells of sunshine, and that was why it felt quite hot as I gathered it in off the washing line. It is how I like it to dry. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 8th August
2022 |
Yesterday was another nice sunny day, and it was a degree or two warmer than the day before. The forecast said to expect 26° C, and I think that was about right. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast shows only 5pm as being without sunshine, and
from 6pm it could be back to full sunshine. Of course
this is mostly nonsense. The forecasters know there
will be one big cloud passing through, but can't say
it's arrival time, or if it will pass overhead, or
towards the north or south of Catford. The
temperatures continue to rise as we head into another
heatwave. 28° C is expected today. Tomorrow may
feature non stop sunshine all day, but surprisingly
the temperature may be a degree less than today.
I don't know if it was a self fulfilling prophecy, but yesterday I was as knackered as I expected to be after my long stint at Petts Wood Calling on Saturday. That's not to say I didn't manage to do anything. I did do a few things, and it seemed like hard work ! Read all about what I did do yesterday, plus how well I slept, and about the start of this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 7th August
2022 |
Yesterday featured some very nice weather. It was sunny for most of the day, and the temperature was a fairly mild 24° C. ![]() This morning was less fresh
than yesterday, and it is warming up fast. After a day
of non stop sunshine 26° C is expected. It might even
get hotter. Tomorrow is currently forecast to be
another sunny day with the temperature reaching 27° C.
If the day before yesterday was the calm before the storm, then yesterday was the storm ! The storm being Petts Wood Calling 2022. It was a great day, but got off to a bad start when I had to wait on Catford station for over half an hour because the train I wanted had been cancelled because no driver was available. The story continues, with quite a few example pictures, on my complete archived page for today, and it covers the whole day, night, and this morning. |
Saturday 6th August
2022 |
Yesterday started out bright and sunny, and it seemed like the start of a nice day, but just as the forecast predicted, the sky started getting cloudy even before midday, and the afternoon was mostly dull. There were still occasional short sunny spells, but they did little to lift the temperature beyond 22° C. With so little sun to warm the place up, the temperature went down to rather chilly overnight. ![]() The forecast for this
morning's temperature is spot on - it was a very
chilly feeling 13° C, and hasn't risen much so far,
but it should reach 24° C by late afternoon. The
latest revision to the forecast shows the full
sunshine giving way to sunny spells at 6pm, but they
should continue until sunset. The lack of rain may
continue to the end of the month ! We seem to be
building up to another heatwave at the moment.
Tomorrow may feature continuous sunshine, and that may
push the temperature up to 26° C. Following days
should see small increments until we hit 31° C for
maybe 4 days in a row.
Yesterday could be described as the calm before the storm. I mostly, but not completely, relaxed in an attempt to gather my strength for today - a particularly hectic day that I shall explain further down the page. The one less than relaxing thing I did was to go shopping in Tesco. I won't get a chance to do any shopping today, and there was stuff I particularly wanted for this evening, and tomorrow. My whole day, or at least the pertinent bits of it, plus my sleep, and the start of this morning, is all recorded in my complete archive page for today. |
Friday 5th August
2022 |
Yesterday started out bright and sunny, but by early afternoon the sky clouded over. There was still an occasional, and short sunny spell later, but generally the afternoon was dull. From a fairly fresh feeling start to the day the temperature rose to about 24 or maybe 25° C by the middle of the afternoon. ![]() This morning felt
particularly fresh with the temperature as low as 15°
C, and today it will only rise to 22° C. As I write
this the sky is very clear, and we are getting a very
long sunny spells - I would call it sunny ! The latest
revision to the forecast has a few extra sunny spells
compared to the earlier revision seen in the
screenshot above. The distribution of them seems a bit
random, and I feel sure the forecast is only
approximating reality. It is entirely possible that
today may feel sunnier than the forecast predicts. On
the other hand it might go the other way and one of
the clouds might rain on us. Tomorrow may feature
clear skies, and non stop sunshine, but it may only be
23° C.
Yesterday my day was planned around an afternoon beer tasting session with Jodie, but that didn't happen. It is probable the she warned me she would not be coming here yesterday the last time I saw her, a week ago. It was possible it was when I had drunk enough beer to blur my memory. I was still expecting her until almost 4.30pm - that being about the latest she would arrive if there were trouble on the trains for instance. What I did end up doing yesterday, plus another terrible night, and a bit of good-ish news this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 4th August
2022 |
It is hard to describe yesterday's weather....Maybe that it was very warm is a good start. The forecast predicted 26° C, but I saw 30° C on two of my outdoor thermometers. The sunshine was rather intermittent, and the day was generally dull, so it is unlikely those thermometers were hot by any stray sunbeams. It was also another dry day. We seem to be in a prolonged drought now. ![]() This morning has certainly
started with a lot of sunshine, and yet there are
quite a few, mostly thin, clouds to be seen in the
sky. The only change in the latest revision to the
forecast is that now 2pm, which was shown as sunny
spells in the screenshot shown above, is now shown as
cloudy. Today may be cooler than yesterday with a
predicted high of just 24° C this afternoon. It is
interesting to note that the BBC weather forecast says
sunny spells, and only sunny spells for nearly the
whole day. Their temperature forecast is also for 24°
C. Tomorrow may feature a bit more sunshine or sunny
spells, but it could be a degree cooler than today.
Like today, and maybe for the next fortnight, it will
be dry.
I guess yesterday could be said to have been a good day. Certainly seeing Angela at lunchtime was good, but the rest of the day was a bit more neutral. I carried on resting like I was doing the day before. I find there is not a lot to say about yesterday, but maybe there are a few things worth recording. Hmm, it seemed I had quite a bit to say about yesterday, last night, and this morning, and it can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 3rd August
2022 |
Yesterday was warm and dry. There were occasional sunny periods, and a few time when the sky got very cloudy, but it was the sort of day where nothing really stuck out, or was particularly memorable. Maybe the temperature reaching 26° C was notable, but only in so much that it was a mere 1° higher than recent days. ![]() It has been dull all
morning, but there is hope for a scattering of sunny
spells later in the day. It seems the latest revision
to the forecast has just moved the hours around when
we might get these sunny spells. That strongly
suggests to me that they can't do an accurate forecast
because the weather is going to be totally random
today. The only strong probability is that there will
be no rain again today. The temperature should be 26°
C. Tomorrow looks to be very similar to today, but it
could be 2° cooler.
Yesterday could almost have been called a day of rest, but I did go out shopping to Tesco. The dull weather until at least 1pm, had sapped any desire to do much more than that. One trouble of it being a day or rest was that I fancied buying something "nice" from Tesco. (Where "nice" usually means something not good for my health). Despite that I managed to control my food/sugar intake quite well. My full day, night, and this morning, are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 2nd August
2022 |
Yesterday was generally dull until late afternoon when there were some nice, but not too frequent sunny spells. It was a warm day, and possibly a low humidity day because 25° C didn't feel hot. ![]() Apart from a few spells of
hazy sunshine this morning, today is probably going to
be a slightly better version of yesterday. Today the
forecast says the sunny spells may start earlier at
3pm, and maybe the clouds will clear enough to give
full sunshine by 5pm. The highest temperature this
afternoon should be 26° C. It's funny that after those
couple of days we had earlier, where the temperature
reached 38° C, 26° C doesn't seem much at all.
I'm not sure why I was looking forward to a good rest yesterday. After 2 days of Chattfest I was feeling it, although maybe not as much as I could have done if I had stayed for the full set of bands on both days. That would probably have knocked me out. Anyway, yesterday was actually a busy day, and far from a day or rest. As usual, yesterday is more fully described in my complete archive page for today, which also includes last night, and the start of this morning. |
Monday 1st August
2022 |
Yesterday featured a couple of inconsequential light showers. One was just after 1pm, and the other possibly around 7pm. There was also some sunny periods, but much of the day was cloudy. It was still warm, and the temperature reached 24° C, and possibly a bit higher. It felt sticky most of the time, but there was a cooling breeze now and then. ![]() I'm sure weather forecasts
from a few days ago suggested today could be bright
and sunny, but that seems like fantasy. Most the day
will be grey, but the clouds may break up late in the
afternoon. The latest revision shows the first sunny
spells an hour earlier at 3pm compared to the earlier
version as seen above. I expect reality to be
different, and maybe an improvement on the forecast,
although the temperature may still be the forecast 25°
C. Tomorrow may feature thinner cloud than today, but
once again it may be late afternoon when the sun
finally breaks through. It should be very warm with
27° C predicted.
I had a good time yesterday. However there were a few annoyances. One of the good things is that the buses were not packed when I went to Chattfest for the second and final day. One of the bad things about the bus, and maybe the only bad thing beyond the usual tedium of a long bus ride, was that we had to stop for a very long feeling 5 minutes to "regulate the service". The rest of my day, with pictures and maybe a video if you can play it, plus my night, and the start to this morning are all described in my complete archived page for today. |