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26th August 2022
Yesterday morning, and afternoon
featured completely different weather. The
morning featured a lot of rain, and there
were several hours with very heavy rain. By
contrast, the afternoon was generally bright
with some sunny spells. It was a slightly
cool day with the temperature only just
reaching 21° C.
Today promises to be
a lot nicer than yesterday. The latest
revision to the forecast has changed a few of
the hours of sunshine, shown in the screenshot
above, to just sunny spells, but has extended
them to 4pm. It should be a little warmer than
yesterday with a maximum of 23° C, although it
looks like it could take until 5pm to get
there. A lot of tomorrow may be dull, but at
the moment the prediction is for a few hours
of sunny spells in the afternoon, but also one
hour might feature a light shower. Once again
the temperature should reach 23° C, but maybe
only briefly.
The main feature yesterday was the
rain, and there was a lot of it. The worst,
and the thunder and lightning, was over by 7
or 8am, but rain continued to fall, sometimes
heavily, until almost midday. It was probably
weird, but with little else to do, I decided
to go out in the rain. I went to Poundland
where I did want a few things, and of course I
took my waterproof Fuji Finepix XP71 camera
with me.
The view looking
towards the park. It looks, and was, very
grey, but there are few obvious puddles.

I know it is not exactly what they mean by
"local flooding" but it's the closest I
could see near home.

Here's another huge puddle. You'll notice
with this picture, and the one before, all
the ripples from the rain that was still
falling moderately hard as I took these

The high street, looking in the
direction of Lewisham, looking grey and

This is the view looking south, or towards
the centre of Catford.
Apart from a
little light housework, I didn't have
anything special to do after my shopping
trip, and I spent the next few hours just
being lazy. I might have even had a
snooze. I certainly spent some time laying
on my bed reading. Nothing much happened
until about 3pm when Jodie sent me a text
message to say she was running very late
after oversleeping, but would get to me
eventually. Apparently she had been kept
awake half the night by the storm.
Maybe the storm was worse where she
lives in Elmers End, but although it did
wake me up, I slept through most of it. It
was almost 5pm before Jodie arrived, and
we could get down to some beer tasting. A
few of the beers were the very sour beers
that Jodie likes. They can be so acidic it
makes me salivate, and my cheeks cave in !
A couple of the beers were very nice, very
nice indeed.
The last one before Jodie had to
dash off to meet her boyfriend by Clock
House station, was a very sweet tasting
stout flavoured with chocolate. It was
like drinking a thick cocoa with alcohol
in it. The best thing is that Jodie didn't
have time for more than a quick taste, and
I got to drink most of the can. It was
delicious, but I did worry about it's
sugar content.
I had my usual instant noodle for
breakfast, but I didn't have a formal
lunch. I just had a few snacks instead.
Most of those snacks were of Hula Hoop
pufts (or whatever they are called). They
are rings of baked potato and wheat, and
most of them are just bubbles of air. They
were alleged to be grilled steak flavour,
but I just found them to be a nice savoury
flavour. I think that in the end I had
eaten 4 form the packet of 6 I had
bought from Poundland.
My dinner was a bit scary because
it involved "washed and ready to eat"
mixed salad leaves. It was probably these,
although a different bag or different
types of leaves, that was the most likely
cause of my dysentery (or whatever) at the
start of the week. I gave them one more
wash before using them as a bad of leaves
for the 4 small beefburgers I had on them.
It was sort of nice to get a bit of green
stuff back into my diet.
TV was a bit boring last night. By
8pm I had turned off the TV, and took my
book to bed. I think it was as early as
8.30pm that I fell asleep. I was woken up
at about 9.30pm by a scam text message
saying my Apple account (that I don't
have) had been suspended. It directed me
to link that almost certainly went to the
other side of the planet to where Apple
are. I deleted the message, turned over,
and fell asleep almost instantly.
The next time I woke up it was
annoying, but only for the simple reason
that it was still Thursday - but only
just. The only reason was to have a pee,
and I was soon asleep again. I woke for a
pee a couple more times, although some of
the later times didn't seem necessary. I
think it was because I feeling a bit cool
in the last hours of sleep. At about 5am I
pulled the empty duvet cover over me, and
that felt a bit warmer. It doesn't seem
like it will be long before I will have to
put the duvet into the cover, and keep it
handy for the forthcoming cold mornings.
This morning I feel moderately OK,
and after rehydrating myself with a pint
of cold water I found my blood glucose
reading was a very good 8.3mmol/l.
Evidently some of those sweet tasting
beers were not bad for me at all. In fact
those Hula hoops I ate were probably not
ideal, although the nutritional panel does
say they are fairly low sugar. It makes me
wonder if I am going through another phase
of low glucose readings for no obvious
reasons, although it wouldn't come as to
great surprise if tomorrow reading was
very high again.
There were several things I
originally thought I could do today. One
was a bit of trainspotting, or a bit of
exercise. Maybe I might do a little of
each. The main plan is to go to The Glades
in Bromley where, if I can find them, Hell
On Tap (or actually the Caz and Steve
Duo) will be doing a busking sort of
gig between midday and 2pm. Apparently
there have been a series of these gigs
going on all summer, but I've seen no
advance information about whose is playing
except for those by Carrie and Steve. I
missed the first time. Let's hope I find
them today for their last performance