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Sunday 28th August 2022
 08:54 BST
  Yesterday was a better day than the forecast predicted. The days started sunny, and there seemed to be either sunshine or sunny spells for most of the day. It was a mildly warm day with the temperature about 1° higher than the forecast 23° C.
                              start, but maybe a mostly dull day
  This morning is a lot like yesterday morning. Plenty of blue sky can be seen among the thin streaky clouds high up in the sky, and at the moment there is full sunshine, albeit maybe very slightly hazy. The latest revision to the forecast says 9am should be dull - the sky now has just 24 seconds to cloud over if it wants to follow the forecast. Fortunately it seems reality is kinder. The latest revision says the sky will eventually cloud over for the rest of the day at midday. Here's hoping it will be like yesterday, and most of the day will actually be bright. The highest temperature today, and apparently it will be for just a single hour at 2pm, will be 22° C. For tomorrow the forecast is a pot pouri of a forecast. Some sunny spells in the morning, and a 30 to 40% chance of a shower late in the afternoon.
very scary
  In many ways, perhaps all ways, yesterday could be described as a waste of a day, although that wouldn't apply to the evening. The only thing I had actually planned for the day was to go shopping in Tesco. It got to midday, and I realised there was nothing I needed that day. I then decided I just couldn't be bothered to go out.

  Before going further I had better explain the picture on the left. I bought this lime and mint flavour toilet gel from Poundland a few days ago. I am pretty sure it cost £1, but I feel it was only worth 75p. What catches my eye is that very draconian looking woman on the label. I have been told that she presents a daytime TV programme called "How Clean Is Your House" (or something like that). From her look it is probably the case that she scares away 99% of the germs leaving only 0.99% to be killed by the bleach. Somehow I am reminded of the film "Personal Services" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Services). I could be confusing it with the TV series "The Secret Diary Of A Call Girl" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Diary_of_a_Call_Girl), but in one or the other (and maybe both) there was a scene where a very dominant woman stands over her "slave" (submissive man) while he scrubs her toilet bowl with a toothbrush.

  Back to yesterday, and all I can really say is that apart from one bit of frenzied activity where I shaved, shampooed and showers, I spent a generally very lazy day. It was all part of a plan to save my energy for the evening. At least that is one way to describe it.

  One important part of the plan was to only have breakfast and lunch before going out for the evening. Breakfast was a bowl of instant noodles, and lunch was cheese on Marmite rice cakes. I can't seem to recall anything more, but I doubt it was as little as that.

  I was just biding my time until 7.20pm when I set out to go to Purley. My route was to get a 185 bus to Forest Hill station, and then a train direct to Purley. I say direct only in the sense that I didn't have to change trains, but the train stopped at every station it could find on the way there. I arrived at The Jolly Farmers pub where Chain were doing a gig at about 8.30pm.

  Everyone was surprised to see me because I gave no prior indication that I was going to this gig. That was because I didn't even know myself until I had stepped outside my front door. I explained to several people that the only reason I made it there last night was because the long journey meant leaving home before I would usually be having dinner, and before I got in that settled, happy to be very lazy, mood that usually happens after dinner. In actual fact I would usually be eating my dinner when I left at 7.20pm.

  The band were due on at 9pm, and that was pretty much when they started. I spent an enjoyable hour watching, and photographing them. I haven't had a chance to see how the photos came out yet. It was pretty dark in there, and I had to use my flash gun for every photo, although my mobile phone almost coped with the low light when shooting a video.

 If your web browser can see this video (some can't - although you may be able to download it to play it later) it is Chain covering an Alanis Morisette song "Hand In Pocket" - a song that I like. I had to brighten the video up in my video editor, and that has added a bit of noise, but apart from that, and my shaky camera work, it doesn't seem too bad.

  I was a bit annoyed when I checked the times of the trains from Purley as I prepared to go home. Earlier in the day Thameslink Trains stop there on their way to Blackfriars station, but it seems at some point in the evening they only stop there going in the wrong direction. That was annoying because travelling via Blackfriars might have shaved a few minutes off the journey even if the distance covered was a bit more.

  I had to resort to the same route I used to get to a Purley - a very slow train, and a tedious bus. Not going via Blackfriars also deprived me of a novelty. Trains to and from Catford Bridge were using Blackfriars as a terminus while engineering work meant no through trains through London Bridge station. Had I got to Blackfriars I would have had the novelty of a choice of trains to either Catford or Catford Bridge. They left Blackfriars about 3 minutes apart, and arrived in Catford at a similar time.

  I left the pub just after 10pm, and I finally arrived home about an hour and 10 minutes later. I was really drawn to the fried chicken shop, but I managed to resist that, although I couldn't resist a can of Irish stew when I got home. It went down nicely as a very late dinner. I didn't feel I had the energy to even copy the photos I had taken from camera to my PC, and as I write this I haven't even looked at them yet. I did stay up late enough to edit the video from my phone that hopefully can be played a bit further up the page.

  It was maybe half past midnight before I got to sleep this morning. I did seem to sleep well, although at 4am (I think it was) I did feel cold after coming back to bed after a pee. I slept the next three hours with the empty duvet cover over me, That was enough to keep me comfortable, but as Autumn approaches I can see it won't be long before I will need to put the duvet in the duvet cover.

  This morning I still feel a bit tired, and I hope to do some serious snoozing this afternoon. Eating the Irish stew for a midnight dinner was obviously going to make my blood glucose a little high this morning, but it was only 8.9mmol/l, and that is a figure I am OK with.

  Once I have finished writing this I will have a quick shower, and finally go to Tesco to get some shopping. That, editing some photos (hopefully at least 10 will be good enough), and having a snooze or two is almost the sum of my plans for today, but I do have the option of going to The Lewisham Tavern (a new name for an old pub - possibly the original name) where the Duo L&K will be playing from 8pm. I don't regard it as important to go, but it is only in Lewisham, and so I guess it is on my "maybe" list.
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