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Friday 21st October 2022
 08:16 BST

  Yesterday started off pretty awful. There were several heavy downpours in among just general drizzle. One big surprise was that in the early afternoon the clouds broke up and we had some long sunny spells until an hour or so before sunset when it became dull and grey again, although not raining. The afternoon temperature reached 16° C, and somehow that didn't feel too bad - maybe it was warmer than 16° C.
     more heavy
                                  rain sometime today
  Today is one of those days when the weather is in a state of flux. Every revision to the forecast shuffles the features around. The latest revision says it will be sunny in half an hour (that is very unlikely) and that what was shown as light rain at midday will now be very heavy rain. It might be followed by a couple of hours of sunny spells before rain starts to fall again from about 6pm. Some of that rain could be heavy rain. If the BBC weather forecast is right there could be thundery showers today. Both forecasts agree it will be 18° C. Tomorrow may also reach 18° C, but it should be a dry day. It will be mostly cloudy, but maybe there might be an hour or to in the morning that feature some sunshine.

  Yesterday was a mildly good day. I probably can't describe the morning as boring because by the time I had finished writing about the day before, showing some of the pictures I took, and then having a shower, it was almost midday. It was one of those mornings where I just don't know where the time went.

  Early in the afternoon I had to spring into action to get things set up for a Thursday beer tasting session with Jodie. As well as washing most of the dining room table, and putting fresh bar towels down, I had to wash and polish the beer glasses. There was one other thing to do, and that was to find a conveniently sized box that I could fill with 330ml beer cans, and then fit it in the big kitchen fridge - the beer fridge in the dining room was already full.

  Jodie arrived inbetween the two times I expected her - both based on arrival time of the trains at Catford Bridge. She rang me to say she was on her way, but had gone via Lidl in Catford where she bought something like a dozen beers. They were left untouched because we were drinking some of the beers from the Brewdog brewery that were delivered last Sunday after Jodie had left here for her next beer appointment.

  Brewdog brew quite a lot of the nasty sour beers that Jodie seems to like, but apparently not many of those brewed by Brewdog. I ended up drink at least one, less one sip, by myself. Maybe Jodie didn't like them because they were not awful enough. I must admit a few were just about drinkable ! It was a different story for some of their "dessert" beers. One in particular, a hazlenut flavoured stout was particularly delicious.

   There are a couple more similar beers which we didn't have enough to to try, and put aside for another day. There is also 9 or 10 cans which Jodie has had before, and which "are so common that Tesco stock them". She is never interested in drinking beers for the sake of just enjoying them - they have to be new and novel to be enjoyed it seems. That little pile of cans are now all mine - meaning I am allowed to drink my own beers unsupervised at any time I like. The catch is that some of them look awful.

  Jodie left quite late yesterday because she was meeting Alan, her boyfriend in The Star And Garter in Bromley at 7.30pm. It is (allegedly) only 18 minutes on the bus to get there. Allowing time to walk to the bus stop meant I could almost see the whole of the 7pm Channel 4+1 showing of The Simpsons. Unfortunately I had missed all the Star Trek stuff I would usually see earlier. While watching The Simpsons I had my dinner.

  Dinner was diced beef stew cooked in the gravy from the previous day's dinner. I added some sliced red bell peppers, and some washed haricot beans. I really wanted to use kidney beans, but I seem to have run out of them. The haricot beans were still pretty nice. Tip tip, if you don't already know it, when using tinned beans (except baked beans obviously) always wash them in plenty of running water. It is the bean juice that is the main cause for farting.

  The first episode of QI showed was a very annoying Xmas edition. I kept meaning to turn it off, but for some reason I didn't. I kept meaning to switch off the 9pm showing of QI because it didn't seem to be very long ago since I last saw it, but it was a very funny episode, and so once again I didn't switch it off. It finished at 10pm. After that I read in bed for maybe half an hour, and then seemed to fall asleep very quickly once I turned the light out.

  I know I woke up in the night, always for a pee, even if that was not the real reason, but I can't remember any difficulty getting back to sleep again after each time I woke up except at about 6am. I decided it was too early to get up, but I probably only managed to sleep for a total of 10 minutes in the next half hour before I did get up. The only thing that might suggest I didn't sleep all that well was the amount of dreams I seemed to have. I feel sure that some dreams were repeats - either that or they were slight variations on a common theme.

  There is only one bit of dream I remember well enough to describe. The dream seemed to be set in a war zone, but I was waiting for a lul in the fighting because I wanted to go to the beach. I was joined by a nameless but very beautiful dark haired woman. She was wearing drab kharki fatigues, but made them look like designer clothes on her. For reasons unknown we were waiting by what could only be described as an old fashioned wooden outhouse/toilet, but we could see the beach from there. It was all red sand - no doubt inspired by descriptions found in the book I am reading about living on Mars.

  The reason I remember this tiny bit of dream so well is because what happened next. Somewhere, which I can only describe as being from wings of a stage, a voice cried out. The way it said what it said would have failed even the most amateur stage audition. It was said with zero emotion - just like someone reading the words of a book without realising what he was saying. This disembodied voice said "Oh no, I've been hit. My testicles have been shot off". It was a pretty odd end to a dream, but I am pretty sure nothing happened after that.

  This morning was a typical morning. I felt neither good nor bad. The only difference to many mornings is that I needed the toilet pretty much the moment I got out of bed. I can possibly thank the beans for that, but there seemed no gas involved. My blood glucose reading was lower than expected. I thought some of those sweet tasting beers might have ha an adverse effect, but a reading of 8.3mmol/l is pretty good. Not as good as the day before, but still below my typical average.

  Today looks like it is not going to be a nice day, and so I can't imagine getting up to any outside pursuits. One exception  is that I need to go to Tesco to buy some food and drink - and cans of kidney, black eyed, and maybe some other beans. Other than that I am not sure what I shall do today. I still haven't put the hoover away, and I could do some hoovering if I get very bored, but I am sure I can find some more interesting stuff to do - maybe even a bit more digitising old analogue camcorder takes. Now I have found a good way of doing that digitisation I could do some more old VHS tapes. The scary thing is that my new way may produce better quality than the old way (using a Windows PC and program), and I might have to re-do some VHS tapes again - if I haven't thrown them away yet.
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