Both the BBC and Met
Office agree that this morning was wet and
drizzly. Their forecasts diverge after
this morning, and it is the Met Office that
gives the most optimistic forecast (as in the
screenshot above). Late morning to mid
afternoon should feature sunny
spells...although having said that, the latest
revisions to the forecasts show both
forecasters agreeing that the afternoon is
going to be dry, but dull. Both agree that
from early evening it will resume raining
again. The Met Office says the afternoon will
be just 11° C, and the BBC reckon it might be
12° C. It is going to feel cold today, and it
gets worse. The BBC forecast says tomorrow
will feature drizzle, or light rain almost all
day, and it will be just 10° C, and the Met
Office says tomorrow will be mostly dry and
11° C.
The big question is "what did I do
yesterday ?", and I can't think of any
positive answer beyond eating more than I
probably intended to. Having said that, maybe
it was actually less than that. My belief of
too much is probably based on lunch which was
essentially chips with Houmous - a word my
spell checker says should be spelled probably
the American way, but I now know better !
I feel the label on the stuff should
have the last word on the spelling of Houmous,
and as I mentioned yesterday, I was sure it
had a "U" in there somewhere. It has two ! My
spell checker has now been taught that houmous
is the correct spelling. There was another
revelation yesterday, and it didn't come as a
complete shock because I had suspected it for
a day or two, but yesterday came the
confirmation that the mechanical timer on my
mini oven/grill has gone faulty. It is
probably gummed up with grease.
When I came to retrieve my chips I
found that instead of having 10 minutes to
cool off a bit, the timer was stuck, and they
had 10 minutes more cooking than were good for
them. Fortunately they weren't burnt to a
crisp, but a few had still gone very very
crispy ! Using chips to scoop up houmous was
an experiment. The result of that experiment
was that it had no good purpose, and I shan't
try it again. Combining the two foods provided
no extra enjoyment.
I seemed to spend most of yesterday
either reading a book, reading stuff on the
internet, or snoozing. The main exception to
this is when I did a small backlog of washing
up. It looked like a lot, but the bulk of what
was in the sink was my casserole dish. I had
to give that a good scrub so that the next
thing I could do was to prepare my dinner, and
get it half cooked ready for a final cooking
in the evening.
By 5pm some TV was worth watching.
Having turned on the TV a few minutes early I
noted I could have started watching at 4pm
with an episode of Star Trek: The New
Generation. At 5pm it was Star Trek:
Enterprise, and at 6pm it was Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine. Later TV would include an episode
of The Simpsons, and an episode of QI. There
was another QI on later still, but I declined
to watch that one because it was listed as a
Xmas edition.
I managed to hold out to about 6.30pm
before I had my dinner. It was a thickened
chicken stew made with skinless chicken
breasts with leeks, green bell peppers, and
green finger chillies. The latter didn't seem
to be hot when I ate them, but a little later
I burst into a sweat, and they may have been
responsible for another night time battle
between feeling too hot and too cold depending
on how much duvet I had over me.
I'm not sure what time it was when I
first tried to go to sleep, but I am sure it
took as long as an hour after turning off the
light before I fell asleep. There were two
reasons for the difficulty of getting to
sleep. One was like recently when I just
couldn't seem to find a comfortable position,
but it was only half as bad as that. The other
was, as I mentioned in the last paragraph,
that old battle between feeling too hot when
covered by the duvet, and too cold if
uncovered. Once again it was only half as bad
as it has been in the past, but the two
reasons together really messed up my sleep.

Another disruption to my sleep
was when the phishing text message arrived on
my phone at 1:48 am. It was probably more
annoying because it was so stupid. A phisher
was hoping I would click on the link, and
reveal my apple ID and password to a false web
page made to look like a genuine apple page.
The biggest flaw in this pointless exercise is
that I have an Android phone, and not an
iPhone. as far as I am aware you can't have
Apple Pay on anything except an Apple phone!
Fortunately I got back to sleep fairly
quickly after this interruption to my sleep.
If I had ended up staying awake I might have
been tempted to follow their dodgy web link,
and entered some choice language as my
credentials for Apple Pay.
I probably woke up for a pee sometime
between then and about 4.25am when I do
remember getting up for a pee, and also turned
on my bedroom heater. I don't know why I did
it, but once again I made the stupid
assumption that my bedroom would warm up very
quickly, and indeed it might have if I turned
the heater on full, but it was only on low,
and going to sleep partly uncovered could only
have one result - I woke up later feeling
frozen !
Somehow I still managed to get back to
sleep again, but at sometime I must have
kicked the duvet aside again, and once again
woke up feeling freezing at nearly 7.30am.
That is when I got up - almost 90 minutes
later than I might have got up.
I must interrupt the narrative
at this point to say that for the last 10 or
15 minutes, full sunshine has been pouring
through the window, and not only is it
earlier than forecast, but it also feels
rather glorious !
Upon getting out of bed, and before I
had a drink to wet my dry and gummy mouth, I
checked my temperature. It was a typical value
that I would get when the weather was warm
enough to completely ignore the duvet, and
still feel very comfortable, perhaps even too
warm. That reading was 34.8° C. I also
checked my blood glucose once I had washed any
sweat or other contamination off my hands. A
nice clean little bead of blood on the test
strip showed my blood glucose to b a very nice
8.1mmol/l, and once again my average for the
month took a little dip. In the highly
unlikely event I can keep this up to the end
of the month I could get the lowest monthly
average so far this year !
My plans for today are fairly simple.
It is a Wednesday, and I shall do what I do
most Wednesday's with or without Angela. I
shall be going to the pub, newspaper with
crosswords inside in hand, to the pub for a
couple of pints of Guinness. There is a
microscopic chance that I could see Angela
today. I have left mention that I shall be
heading to the pub in a place that Angela can
see. Whether she takes the bait or not will be
revealed later. I suspect she won't, but at
least this week she should know where I will
be if she does feel thirsty, and maybe fancies
a walk in the sunshine - if we do get the
sometimes promised sunshine at 1pm.