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Diary/Blog For the Month of November 2022 |
Wednesday 30th
November 2022 |
Yesterday was definitely a cold day. The forecast said it would be a constant 7° C through the whole day, but my thermometers said the afternoon was just over 8° C, and close to 9° C for a while. It didn't help that it was a very grey day, but at least it stayed dry, and the forecast for morning mist turned out to be wrong. ![]() The forecast suggests
today will be very similar to yesterday, but with a
few added sunny spells. Midday, 1pm and 3pm are now
shown as featuring sunny spells in the latest
revision. Also, most of the afternoon is now shown
to reach 9° C. Tomorrow morning is shown as starting
at a chilly 5° C, but it might reach 8° C by mid
afternoon. Like today, it should stay dry, but apart
from a couple of sunny spells it will be a bright
Yesterday morning started off sort of quiet and lazy. Apart from having a shower I had little need to do anything else in preparation to an afternoon's beer tasting session with Jodie. Of course I could have done stuff like hoover the dining room, although in an ideal world it would be a job better done today - after Jodie had dropped crisps on the carpet, and not before ! It was a slightly bland day, but my day, night, and this morning is described in my full archived page for today. |
Tuesday 29th
November 2022 |
Yesterday featured continuous sunny spells until maybe 1pm, and then a couple a bit later, but while they warmed my bedroom up nicely, it was still a rather cool day with the temperature only reaching about 11° C for a short while. There was one shower during daylight hours, but I only noticed that the road was wet after it had rained. ![]() The stand out thing about
today's forecast is that it will be a constant 7° C
the whole day. Under those grey skies it is going to
feel very wintry. In the latest revision the mist
shown for 8am above has been moved to 9am to give 2
consecutive hours of mist. Apart from still being
very grey, because sunrise is still 15 minutes away,
the air seems very clear. I have doubts about that
mist forming. Tomorrow could be 2° C warmer with the
temperature reaching 9° C for a few hours, but the
morning will be dark grey. The afternoon may only be
light grey. Looking further ahead, Sunday looks
"interesting". In the unlikely event the forecast so
many days in advance has any credibility, it will be
just 4° C during a rainy morning. A drop of even a
degree could bring sleety snow !
My day was busier than expected yesterday. I made slow progress in the morning, but eventually washed a small bath towel, and a couple of face flannels that had gone stinky. What I didn't do was to have a shower. There just didn't seem to be time for that. With a damp flannel and a spray of deodorant, I would probably have not been offensive if Jodie had come over in the afternoon as was expecting. There are more pictures of Brian Bath's birthday party gig, plus a more complete description of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 28th
November 2022 |
Yesterday was generally wet and drizzly, but the sun did manage to squeeze a few rays through the clouds in the morning. It was almost a warm day, or perhaps warm for the time of year day. The forecast predicted 13° C, but according to my thermometers the temperature almost touched 15° C (I saw 14.7° C). Even during mid evening the temperature stayed up to about 11° C. ![]() The sun is certainly out
now, but maybe it won't last a longer...or will it ?
I can see a lot of blue sky, and not many clouds as
I type this (but Sod's law has demanded that a cloud
pass in front of the sun as I write this !). The
latest revision to the forecast has removed the
sunny spells from 11am, and also removed the light
rain at 5pm. Unfortunately it has reduced the time
it will be 11° C, the maximum temperature today,
from three hours down to two hours. Tomorrow can
easily be described as grey, and it will also be
rather chilly. The highest temperature according to
the Met Office will be 9° C, or just 8° C if you
follow the more pessimistic BBC forecast.
Yesterday was a very special day - one that demanded a full shave, shampoo and shower ! It was also a day that came close to being a disaster. Every time I laid on my bed to read and relax I would fall asleep. I almost missed two important things. The first was a brief shopping trip to Tesco to buy a birthday card. Of course I bought other stuff too, but not all that much of it. What came later is described in detail, with pictures and a video (if you can play it), along with stuff about my night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 27th
November 2022 |
The later forecasts said there would be sunny spells from mid morning to 1pm, and there were, but what they didn't say is that most were rather hazy as the sun tried to shine thin, misty cloud. In consequence, they carried little heat, and I still had to burn a bit of electricity to stay comfortable. There was rain later in the day, but I am not sure when it started. One revision of the forecast said it could start around 4pm, but I feel sure it started after dark, when I had the curtains closed, and wouldn't have seen it anyway. For most of the day, the temperature was 12° C. ![]() This morning it is soaking
wet outside, but the rain seems to have stopped for
now, but the latest revision to the forecast has it
starting again at 11am. It could then continue
through to 4pm, but for that whole time it is only
shown as being a 50% chance of rain. So some of that
time maybe dry. There is also a 50% chance of rain
at 7pm. The afternoon should start at 13° C,
and it may only fall to 11° C after sunset. Tomorrow
could feature a scattering of sunny spells, but at
just 10° C it will be a very cool day.
The great highlight of yesterday was a shopping trip to Aldi. Other than that I don't really have much to show for yesterday. I think the problem was the cold and greyness in the afternoon did nothing to inspire me. I don't think I mentioned it yesterday morning, but In was contemplating a quick flick around with a damp flannel before going to Aldi, but I had a full shower. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my full archive page for today. |
Saturday 26th
November 2022 |
Yesterday was a lovely sunny, but still rather cool day. The skies were blue from sunrise to sunset, but the temperature only peaked at about 11° C ![]() Things have changed a bit
in the latest revision to the forecast, or changed a
lot compared to yesterday's very gloomy prediction
for today. The latest revision has extended the
sunny spells to last from 10am to 1pm, although it
looks like once the sun is a bit higher in the sky
the sunny spells, or even full sunshine could happen
very soon. The rain, originally said to start at 6pm
in the early forecast, is now due to start as early
as 4pm. The afternoon temperature remains at the
originally predicted 12° C. Tomorrow could also see
12° C. The chances are the forecast for tomorrow
could change beyond recognition tomorrow, but at the
moment the prediction is for rain from 10am until
the end of the day (and beyond).
I am racking my brain trying to think of another example of what I am sure has been happening a lot recently, but I cannot think of anything, although I am sure that the day turning out completely different to expected has happened a lot this year. Yesterday morning's trigger point was a message from Angela - a good message ! You can read all about it, and the consequences of it in my complete archived page for today. It also includes my dreams last night, and what has already happened this morning. |
Friday 25th
November 2022 |
The weather forecasts for yesterday kept changing, and the BBC and Met Office rarely agreed about the fine details. I must admit I can't remember the fine details, but the simple description is that it was sunny in the morning, dull in the afternoon, and raining after sunset. The afternoon temperature reached 13° C, but that was after it clouded over, and there was no sun to make it feel good. ![]() The very latest revision
to the forecast has not changed the prediction of a
day of full sunshine - for the now limited hours of
daylight ! For all that the afternoon temperature
will only rise to 12° C, one degree less than
yesterday. There will be clear skies for a lot of
tonight, but surprisingly the temperature may only
drop to 8° C tonight. It will be that tomorrow at
sunrise - except the sun won't rise. The forecast
predicts an all grey day, with a chance of rain at
6pm. The temperature should still rise to 12° C.
I have to confess I had a very lazy morning yesterday. Apart from having a quick shower, I couldn't raise the enthusiasm to do any more. In fact I couldn't even think of something I could do, but still wouldn't have ! Things started to speed up in the afternoon. I had to do a few preparations for a visit from Michael, and also Jodie, who had decided she had a few hours to kill before going to a gig. She decided to waste an hour or two here with a couple of cans of beer. The full description of my day, night, and this morning, continues in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 24th
November 2022 |
After a wet start, featuring mostly light rain, rather than the heavy rain forecast, The sun came out, and most of the afternoon featured glorious sunshine. What was notable was how early the sun seemed to lose it's heat as the sun became low in the sky. At 1pm it felt hot in the sun, even though the air temperature was just 11° C. By 3pm the sky was still blue, but the sun had no warmth, and it felt quite chilly. ![]() I think the forecast for
8° C is very optimistic. The reality is closer to 6°
C, but the forecast sunshine, that does seem to be
happening, should warm things up a bit. By 1pm we
can expect 13° C, but also the start of a rainy
afternoon with the rain extending to at least 7pm.
Of course I should have checked the latest revision.
That shows only a couple of sunny spells at 9 and
11am followed by several hours of dullness before
the rain now starts at 3pm. Such a big change
strongly suggests that today's weather forecast is
not worth the paper it's printed on, and we can
expect something completely different. Maybe the BBC
forecast will be closer to reality - after
refreshing the page it starts at 9am. 9am, and 9am
only features sunny spells. Just light rain starts
at 2pm, and continues until 7pm. They agree that the
afternoon should see 13° C. Both forecasters show
tomorrow as being sunny, although the BBC says
mostly sunny spells, and the Met Office offer full
on sunshine. Both agree on 11° C.
Yesterday didn't turn out as expected, and in some ways it may have turned out better than expected. I had started writing so late yesterday morning, and maybe I was writing slower than usual (but still making just as many, if not more spelling errors) because I ended up with not a great deal of time to get myself washed and dressed to go out into the glorious sunshine. My day, night, and this morning's consequences of last night's delicious dinner, are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 23rd
November 2022 |
The sunshine, in sunny spells started several hours earlier than forecast, and although there were a few long gaps between sunny spells now anjd then, they continued until maybe 3pm. After that it became a little dull. It was still a cold day, and I think the temperature only reached 10° C for a very short time, and 8 or 9° C is probably more representative of the day. ![]() It may be 9° C now, but
sometime in the very early hours, perhaps 1am, I saw
an average of 4° C on my outdoor thermometers. If
the latest revision to the forecast turns out to be
correct we should be coming towards the end of a
very wet start to the day. The sun may not
appear until midday, but from then on until sunset,
we can expect/hope for full, non stop sunshine. It
might even raise the temperature up to 11° C.
Tomorrow may start with sunny spells, but they might
finish after midday. The next weather event will
then be two hours later when rain will start to fall
until a few hours after sunset. With luck the
temperature may briefly peak at 13° C,
I suppose it is typical for life, maybe just my life, that yesterday was generally good, but ended with what, in certain circumstances, could be called a disaster. Although maybe not a big disaster, and in the grand scheme of things may not really have been a disaster. If it was a disaster it was a pleasant one. You can read about that, and the rest of my day, night, and the start of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 22nd
November 2022 |
It was grey and wet for a lot of yesterday. The rain was predicted to start at about 11am, and to be followed by 4 or 5 hours of more rain. The first rain was predicted to be heavy rain, and I think it was a bit heavy, but most of the rain was in that category of seeming fairly light, but persistent enough to soak through all protection. By 3pm it was just patchy drizzle or less. After a very cold, 5° C, morning the day finally warmed up to a still rather cold 9° C. ![]() The coldest part of today
was probably around 1am when my thermometers said it
was just 5° C, but it warmed up a tiny bit after
that, and, errrrr, seems to have dropped again to
about 5.5° C. The BBC weather forecast page say the
current temperature feels like 2° C ! At the
moment it looks like the sun could burst through
once it rises a bit more. There seems to be a lot of
gaps in the cloud towards the east. The latest
revision to the forecast shows sunny spells for
11am, 2pm, and 3pm. The temperature may briefly peak
at 10° C today, and it should be a dry day. Tonight
should not be as cold as last night because of thick
clouds that will bring some heavy rain in the
morning, but from midday there could be sunny spells
until sunset, and those sunny spells may push the
temperature up to 11° C for a short while.
Yesterday was the day to further recover from whatever ailed me on Sunday. Sleeping well after leaving the heater on all night helped a lot, and yesterday morning I didn't feel too bad. In fact while sitting at my PC with the heater on I didn't really have anything to complain about. Going down to the cold kitchen revived a few aches and pains, but only until I warmed up again. I did have some fairly strong aches and pains for a while later on. The reason for that, and a description of the rest of my day (not written quite in chronological order), plus how I slept, and how I seem to feel this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 21st
November 2022 |
Yesterday started with some rain, but that was followed by sunny spells from something like 10am to 2pm. After that the day reverted to being light grey. It was a cold day. The afternoon temperature may have briefly blipped a degree higher, but 10° C was the general afternoon temperature. By 11pm the temperature dropped to 7° C, and it seemed possible that this morning could have started with frost. ![]() This morning it seems very
cold, but not cold enough for a frost. It was 5° C
at 7am, and it will only be a couple of degrees
higher in the early afternoon. Just 9° C is
expected. The only good news about today's weather
is the latest revision showing it won't start to
rain until 11am. There will then be 4 hours of heavy
rain followed by one of light rain. It will end up
clear tonight, and that could give another chance of
frost this morning, but apparently it won't go below
5° C. It is going to be a dull, but dry, even colder
day with only 8° C expected in the afternoon.
It had it's rewards, but yesterday was a dreadful day on account of me feeling so ill. There were times when I wondered if another heart attack was brewing, but an aching chest was just one of very many places to ache. Probably many of my joints ached, but oddly I had no upper or lower back pain. Keeping warm, and several large vodka and Cokes in the late afternoon helped to loosen some stiff joints. The rest of my is illustrated with quite a few pictures, and comments, along with how I slept, and thoughts this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 20th
November 2022 |
A single hour of sunny spells was forecast for yesterday, and then it wasn't and then it was, and then it wasn't. It happened anyway, and probably around the original forecast time of 9am. The rest of the day was sometimes dull, and sometimes very dull. It was also quite chilly with no sunshine - no more than 10° C, but at least it stayed dry. ![]() The forecast for today has
already changed a fair bit. Once the morning rain
has finished we might have to wait until 11am before
we see the sun, but it should still continue until
2pm. The last hour may be a full hour of non stop
sunshine. Of course these things could change a lot
more in the next revisions. Once again it will be a
cold day with the temperature now shown as being no
more than 10° C (not the 11° C shown in the early
version). Apart from the morning rain, it
should be a dry day. Tomorrow is currently looking
very grim. There will be no sign of the sun, and it
may rain from 10am to 4pm. The temperature may
briefly hit 9° C after from a 5° C start, but most
of the day will be just 7 or 8° C.
Yesterday was a good day, but it had it's consequences. After a shave and shower, followed by things like camera preparation I set out to get the 12:20pm train from Catford station - except I had made a huge blunder ! The train was actually at 20 minutes to 1pm, but my brain seemed to get stuck on the idea of 20 minutes, and I thought it was 20 past, and not 20 to ! I had rather long wait for my train to arrive. Where I was going is revealed in my complete archived page for today. It includes some of the pictures I took, what a terrible night's sleep I had, and how I still feel really rough this morning. |
Saturday 19th
November 2022 |
Yesterday started very cool, but bright and sunny. The weather forecast kept changing the time the sunny spells were due to end, and as is often the way with these things they sometimes predicted too early, or too late. The medium between the two, was about right, and it was around 1pm. It is difficult to put an exact time on it because of the way the sunny spells got shorter, and the dull periods became longer, and without realising it, the final sunny spell had happened. I suppose the temperature was typical for the second half of November, 12° C. ![]() Today is going to feel
rather cold with no supporting sunshine. It was
close to 8° C at 7am, and the afternoon high may
only be 10° C. In the latest revision to the
forecast the single hour of sunny spells at 9am has
been replaced by light cloud. It should be light
cloud as I write this, but it looks really dull
outside. The day is forecast to be dry, but I am not
sure I trust those dark grey clouds midday and 5pm
(as per the latest revision). Overall it looks to be
a nasty day. Tomorrow may be no warmer, and it is
likely to be a wet morning, and wet in the late
afternoon. For a few hours between 10am and 1pm it
may be sunny. I am predicting that the forecast for
tomorrow, tomorrow morning, will be nothing like the
current forecast for tomorrow !
Yesterday was sort of entertaining in a twisted sort of way. I seemed to spend most of the day playing with the laptop that Alan, Jodie's boyfriend, gave me. I can quite see how he wanted to off load it's problems on someone else. I spent hour after hour on it, and by last night I thought I might have got it into a stable condition - I was wrong ! The difficulty is turning it on and off again, but otherwise it seems to work perfectly. My trials and tribulations are more fully described in my complete archive page for today. As usual it also includes some words about my night, and thoughts this morning. |
Friday 18th
November 2022 |
The weather forecast for yesterday, as issued at 7am was very pessimistic (12 hours earlier it actually came close to getting it right). The morning did start with a little bit of rain, and that was followed by grey skies, but as early as 10am there were short bursts of hazy sunshine. Later on the clouds started to break up, and the afternoon featured quite a few very pleasant sunny spells. That was what was shown in the forecast 12 hours earlier. Quite why the fools changed it to just be grey, grey, and more grey is anyone's guess. The afternoon sunshine, shining through my bedroom window, did manage to keep the chill off my bedroom without having to use the heater. Outside it was a mere 11° C. ![]() The forecast for today at
9pm last night showed far more sunshine than this
morning's forecast. The screenshot above, taken at
7am has not really changed in the 9am revision. It
is sunny as I type this, and sunny spells should
continue unto midday, but after that it will be
grey. Fortunately it should stay dry. The forecast
at 9pm last night, which I will show further down
the page, said the sunny spells should last until
gone 3pm. It is possible that early forecast will
turn out to match reality just like the forecast for
yesterday made the previous night. It would seem the
this morning's sunshine will push the temperature up
to 12° C, but it may not take long to drop again to
11° C. Last night was a cold night, and maybe
tonight will be even colder...Tomorrow morning is
predicted to start at 7° C, and a whole day of grey
sky may only see the temperature briefly touch 10° C
with 9° C more representative of the day.
Sometimes insanity seems the better path ! The reason for that idea will become clearer as I describe my day, yesterday. Once I had finished writing yesterday a lot of the morning had already passed. It must have been getting on for midday before I had a shower, and then, because it was quite a hot shower, I spent a lazy half hour cooling off before going to Tesco to get a bit of shopping. I have written a lot more about yesterday, last night (which was awful) and the start of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 17th
November 2022 |
I find it pretty amazing that the early version of yesterday's weather forecast got it about right. Later revisions got it all wrong ! Yesterday started with some rain, but as early as 10am the first glimpses of the sun appeared. It was probably not until 11am, the original forecast time, that we had long sunny spells. Sometimes the sun was out for so long that it could be called "sunny". There was a glitch just before 1pm when a single, solitary cloud parked itself in front of the sun. It took maybe 20 to 30 minutes before the sun was out again. As 3pm approached we effectively lost the sun for the day. The evening featured a lot of rain. When there was no sun it felt quite cool at just 12° C, but with the sun it felt warm. ![]() The forecast for today, as
predicted yesterday afternoon, was for a day a lot
like yesterday - sunny spells in the afternoon. That
changed to rain all afternoon in last night's
forecast. This morning they have settled on it being
dry after this mornings rain, but it will be rather
dull. Maybe there is still hope because the very
latest revision does show midday as now featuring
sunny spells. Maybe there will be more in reality
(fingers crossed). Whatever happens it is going to
be very cool at just 11° C. Maybe tomorrow
will feature a lot of sunny spells, but the
temperature will remain at just 11° C as we head
into full winter in maybe just a few weeks.
I think I have to describe yesterday as a good day, although perhaps good until mid to late afternoon was good. I suppose sunset killed any remaining enjoyment of the day. It is hard to enjoy deep gloom, and a bit later, heavy rain ! The sun had started to appear before I finished writing yesterday, and that spurred me on a lot - not that I needed a lot of encouragement. My full writing for today, all 2037 words of it, can be read in my complete archived page for today. It includes a description of my day, night, and the start of this morning. |
Wednesday 16th
November 2022 |
Yesterday morning was rather wet, but not as wet as the forecast seemed to suggest. By midday there were the first hints of the sun breaking through, and the afternoon was almost sunny. Sunny spells and sunshine were forecast for 3 and 4pm, but there were sunny spells before that, and they seemed to fade out at 4pm when the forecast said pure sunshine - although having said that, the sun is so low at 4pm now that is as good as over. The brief afternoon high was just 14° C, but most of the day was either 11 or 12° C. ![]() Both the BBC and Met
Office agree that this morning was wet and
drizzly. Their forecasts diverge after this
morning, and it is the Met Office that gives the
most optimistic forecast (as in the screenshot
above). Late morning to mid afternoon should feature
sunny spells...although having said that, the latest
revisions to the forecasts show both forecasters
agreeing that the afternoon is going to be dry, but
dull. Both agree that from early evening it will
resume raining again. The Met Office says the
afternoon will be just 11° C, and the BBC reckon it
might be 12° C. It is going to feel cold today, and
it gets worse. The BBC forecast says tomorrow will
feature drizzle, or light rain almost all day, and
it will be just 10° C, and the Met Office says
tomorrow will be mostly dry and 11° C.
The big question is "what did I do yesterday ?", and I can't think of any positive answer beyond eating more than I probably intended to. Having said that, maybe it was actually less than that. My belief of too much is probably based on lunch which was essentially chips with Houmous - a word my spell checker says should be spelled probably the American way, but I now know better ! I present evidence of the correct spelling, along with a description of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 15th
November 2022 |
The forecast said yesterday would be a terrible grey, and even dark grey day, but it wasn't quite that bad. The morning was mostly misty, but fog did descend for a short while. During the afternoon the clouds started out quite thick and grey, but later on they did start to break up, and we had some sunny spells. Towards the end of daylight hours some were quite long sunny spells. Sadly there were not enough of them, and sometimes the sun was shining through thin, misty cloud. The sun just did not have the heat to warm my front rooms up, while outside it was quite a chilly feeling 14° C. ![]() This morning started out
dry, but when I opened the curtains just before 8am
I saw the first light rain. It is still light enough
to be almost invisible when looked at through the
window, but it is still getting the road very wet.
If the forecast holds it will soon turn to heavy
rain, and that could last until midday. The latest
revision to the forecast shows light rain for 1pm,
and then from 2pm to 4pm there could be sunny spells
or even full sunshine - just as the sun is setting.
The light rain following sunset in the screenshot
above is not shown on the latest revision. Today's
temperature should rise from 11° C this morning to
14° C for a couple of hours in the mid afternoon.
Tomorrow may only see a high of 12° C after a wet
morning. The afternoon may see sunny spells, but
rain is expected again later.
I am doing my best to limit my electricity consumption this winter. It is because the price of all fuels is rising so high now. I am hoping to build up a bit of credit for when it gets so cold that I need to use the heater up high, and for most of the day. However, now and again, a little luxury is called for, and yesterday I turned the heater up full blast for half an hour, or maybe even nearly a full hour. To find out why, and read about my whole day, very bad night, and my thoughts this morning, read my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 14th
November 2022 |
The forecast mist or fog never materialised yesterday, and the afternoon of sunshine or sunny spells was underwhelming. There were a few sunny periods from as early as midday, and for a few hours there were more, but before sunset the sky had clouded over. Looking back it feels like most of yesterday was grey. With an afternoon high of just 14° C it was quite a cool day. ![]() The forecast for fog and
mist was right this morning. It is not a thick fog -
more a sort of thick mist as I write this. That is
in accordance with the forecast, and now we wait to
see if it thickens at 9am. The latest revision to
the forecast says only 9am will see fog, and 10am
now shows dark cloud. Mist for midday is still
shown. It is going to be a very dull day, and the
latest revision throws in some light rain for 6 and
7pm. Like yesterday, the maximum temperature is
going to be 14° C. Tomorrow looks like it is going
to be very wet, and even colder. Just 12° C is
The most important job yesterday was to finish the laundry that had been soaking for nearly 24 hours ! It wasn't my intention to leave it soaking at all, but somehow I just never got around to finishing it on Saturday. Plunging my Marigolded hands into that freezing soapy water would not be pleasant, and so I wasted a lot of hot water to slightly warm it up before I went through the rest of the washing process until I could hang the 6 items up to dry. The story continues...and the rest of my day, night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 13th
November 2022 |
After a grey start yesterday turned sunny by very late morning. Most of the afternoon stayed sunny, but there were a few times when a small passing cloud dimmed the sun. The afternoon temperature of 16° C felt quite good in the sunshine. ![]() The BBC forecast said
mist, and the Met Office said fog, but all I saw was
a sort of haze. I guess it was thin mist. The latest
revision to the forecast now shows dark clouds until
the sun breaks through sometime around midday. There
will then possibly be a couple of hours of sunny
spells, and then full sunshine until sunset. The
latest revision offers 15° C in the afternoon.
Before leaving today: The latest revision to the BBC
forecast shows mist until 10am. That seems like it
could easily be right. Tomorrow may, or may not
start with a couple of hours of fog. That will be
followed by a dull grey day, but the temperature may
well be similar to today.
I didn't feel particularly motivated yesterday. I almost went out for a bit of shopping, but found I didn't seem to have time for it - which is strange because I wasn't really doing anything. I did start some laundry yesterday. I got as far as leaving a couple of t-shirts, and some underwear soaking in detergent, and then never getting around to do the rest of the job ! My entire day, night, and the first few hours of this morning are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 12th
November 2022 |
The very first version of the BBC weather forcast turned out to be right yesterday. What a shame they changed it an hour later to be dull and dismal like the Met Office forecast. Instead of a dull and dreary day, the sun managed a few very short sunny periods mid morning, and from about 11.30am there was no stopping it. From then on it seemed that every hour included a few sunny periods, and some of them were so long that it could be called "sunny". Unfortunately it didn't really affect the temperature, and that stayed pretty much as forecast - a mild 15° C. ![]() Like yesterday, the day is
starting off rather grey, but if the weather
forecast holds it should end up better than
yesterday with full sunshine predicted. That should
raise the temperature to 16° C. There has already
been a revision to the weather forecast, and that
has only brought the first sunny spells forward to
10am. Meanwhile, the BBC forecast says only sunny
spells today, but insists they should be starting at
8am - there is still 45 minutes left of the hour,
and the chance of the sun breaking though in that
time seems to be close to zero, but fingers crossed
for 10am. The BBC and Met Office agree that tomorrow
will be sunny from soon after sunrise until sunset.
The BBC says only sunny spells, but the Met Office
says most hours will include full on sunshine. It
should be between 15 and 17° C tomorrow.
I think I would say that yesterday got off to a good start, and then all went wrong in the early evening. After having a morning shower I put some clothes in to soak in detergent, and would do the rinsing and fabric conditioner later. I allowed maybe half an hour to cool down after my shower before going out for shopping. I continue to describe yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 11th
November 2022 |
There was some initial hope for a bit of sunshine yesterday, but later revisions of the forecast removed any mention of sunshine, although I am sure I can remember a very brief, say one single minute, when the sun did break through the grim looking clouds. It was those often grim looking clouds that ruled the day - at least none of them leaked, and it was a dry day. At 15° C, and with no supporting sun, it was in that twilight zone between cold and warm. ![]() Like yesterday, the latest
revision to the weather forecast has "stolen" all
the sunshine. It is now shown as a predominantly
grey day, but it should be dry, and the temperature
should still be 15° C until mid afternoon when it
will slowly sink towards 12° C. It would be nice if
the BBC forecast turned out to be right. They still
predict even more sunny spell through the entire
afternoon with the temperature briefly peaking at
16° C. Considering that as I write this we are
almost having a sunny period, which neither forecast
admits to, today's weather could be another lucky
dip sort of day. After a dull start, tomorrow could
see sunshine or sunny periods from mid morning to
sunset, and the temperature could reach 17° C.
Yesterday was not a particularly productive day. In fact I think the only productive thing I did was to cook my dinner, and do a few items of washing up. Despite doing so little it was a day when I wasn't bored, and I think I can easily classify it as a good day. To find out why you'll need to read my complete archived page for today, and which also contains moans about a poor night, and an undecided morning. |
Thursday 10th
November 2022 |
At last, another fine day ! Yesterday felt quite mild in the sunshine, and there was sunshine or sunny spells for almost the whole daylight hours. The afternoon temperature was only 14° C, but it felt a lot warmer in direct sunshine. ![]() The BBC are currently a
nice cheerful forecast with loads of sunny spells.
The Met Office is far less cheery as the screenshot
above shows. The copper coloured sunrise suggests
this forecast is going to be a lot closer to
reality. After updating both forecasts the BBC has
changed every sunny spell to grey clouds. The Met
Office is holding out for 11am, and only 11am to
feature sunny spells. It also keeps the periods of
grey clouds. I expect the time of them will shuffle
around during the day. The afternoon temperature
remains at 15° C (the BBC says 16° C). Tomorrow may
see 16° C, and sunny spells through the afternoon.
With all day sunny spells, it was difficult for yesterday to be a bad day, although it did have it's disappointments. One very small disappointment was not seeing Angela, but it was very small because I didn't really expect to see her - just a few high hopes that came to nothing. The full description of yesterday, plus some new phone camera test shots, plus how I slept, and my plans for today can be seen in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 9th
November 2022 |
Yesterday's weather was a right mix ! There was some sunshine, but not much, and there was ranging from light drizzle to full blown cloud burst ! The most spectacular was probably around 2pm when the rain was so heavy that combined with some strong winds, it almost bypassed the roof guttering, and just blew off the roof. After 10 minute of fury it dwindled down to just mere "heavy rain", and another ten minutes later the sun came out. The temperature did briefly peak at 15° C, but most of the day was 14° C. ![]() The rain shown for 8am, in
the screenshot above, probably fell just before 8am,
and as I write this there is bright sunshine. The
latest revision to the forecast still shows 9am as
being dull, but after that it still shows a mixture
of sunshine or sunny spells/periods until sunset.
Today's temperature should see a short peak of 14° C
this afternoon, and that could feel nice in the
sunshine if the wind is not too strong. The ends of
the day will not be a lot cooler at 11° C. Tomorrow
should see the temperature reaching 15° C for the
whole afternoon, but there may only be sunny spells
mid morning, and then late afternoon.
I did contemplate the idea of some sort of walk yesterday, but maybe it was some sort of sixth sense that stopped me. After seeing several bouts of heavy rain, including one which was very heavy, and which started with little warning, I am rather glad I stayed in. It did make for what should have been a boring day, but somehow the day seemed to pass quite smoothly. The full story, with a couple of pictures, can be read in my complete archived page for today which includes last night and the start of this morning. |
Tuesday 8th
November 2022 |
There was less than expected yesterday, but even "less" was quite a lot. The good thing was that the rain was not non stop, as the forecast often seemed to suggest, and there were periods when it was dry. There was no sunshine yesterday, except for a brief glimpse as a bit of sun filtered through a thinner bit of cloud for a minute or two. The temperature reached 15° C in the afternoon, as per the forecast, but it still felt rather cool. ![]() I think I have found what
that strange symbol is - the one showing a white
cloud with a sun above it, and raindrop below. It
doesn't seem to be raining at the moment, and nor is
it sunny, but there is a blinding area of cloud
where the sun is behind it. Over to the west I can
see some blue patches among the clouds. It would
seem that most of today will be bright, but also it
is going to rain quite frequently throughout the
day. Some of it could be heavy rain. The temperature
will reach 15° C again, but it will only be a brief
peak near midday. 14° C is going to be more
representative of today. After some rain that should
end around sunrise, tomorrow could be dry and sunny.
Sadly the temperature is unlikely to go above 14° C.
All the best bits of yesterday were in the morning. The afternoon, and evening were quite bland. After writing in the morning, I started the rest of my day with a shower, and washing my hair. I think I may not have washed at all on Sunday, and if I recall correctly I only had a flannel wash last Saturday. So a good shower, plus washing my hair with hot water felt rather good. It was only when doing some washing up on Monday that I turned up the gas on the water heater to go from what was feeling increasingly tepid to slightly hot. The story of yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning continues in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 7th
November 2022 |
Yesterday was yet another horrible day, and yet it was forecast to be even more horrible ! The morning was definitely very wet, but by midday, or possibly even 11am, it was merely damp. There was no obvious rain in the afternoon, but there might have been some occasional drizzle that I didn't bother to look for. Late in the afternoon the sun broke through the clouds. It was nice, but too late to do anything useful - like warm up my front rooms. The best temperature yesterday was 13° C, and it was fairly constant through the day. ![]() Today is one of those days
where it seems the weather forecasters are throwing
random symbols at the weather chart, and hoping some
stick. In the space of an hour or two the forecast
has changed a lot, but not for the better - same
ingredients, different times ! Instead of the rain
at the start of the chart above, it has been dry for
the last hour or two, although when I say dry I mean
not actually raining - there are still plenty of
puddles to see. The best forecast for today would be
something like: random rain at any time, some heavy,
and some light, with the chance of a sunny spell
sometime in the day. The temperature forecast for an
afternoon high of 15° C is the only feature that may
prove to be correct. Tomorrow may start with sunny
spells, but most of the middle of the day will
feature that peculiar symbol of a white cloud with
nthe sun peeping over the top, and a drip of rain at
the bottom. It officially translates to "light
shower (day)". The thing I can never understand is
the difference between that and a "light shower" an
hour later, but still in the middle of the day, but
"(day)" not shown by "light shower". Anyway,
tomorrow could be 15° C like today.
Yesterday was another day when I hardly did anything at all. This time I can't seem to think of a single physical thing I did that was productive unless I include a bit of washing up, but the washing up was essential because I needed some of the stuff that was in the sink. Other than that I read a lot, watched half a dozen episodes of Drop The Dead Donkey, and learned a bit more about my new phone. The other stuff I did, illustrated by a few pictures, during the day, during the night, and my thoughts this morning, can be seen in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 6th
November 2022 |
I can't say I was happy with yesterday's weather. The whole day was dull, often gloomy, and at times it was rather wet ! I can't recall seeing a single sunbeam through the whole day. It was also rather cold even if the afternoon temperature reached 13° C - which would have felt OK in sunshine, but shivery cold in the gloom. ![]() This morning's forecast
brings no joy. At first I thought it had started
wrong, but when I looked out of the window again I
could see that it was raining. Just to be awkward I
think I would describe what is falling right now as
very heavy drizzle. In other words fine raindrops,
but so many that everything is immediately
saturated. If there is anything good about it all it
is that it was a mild night, and the current
temperature is a tad over 14° C. If the forecast is
right it will soon drop a degree, rise again, and
then fall to 11° C at the end of the day. One
weather curiosity is that the BBC forecast has a
headline that says heavy rain, but each individual
hour is shown as light rain. They don't even mention
the thunderstorm that The Met Office predicts for
3pm (in the latest revision it has moved by an hour,
and so may never happen). One other oddity is that
4pm is now shown as full sunshine ! Tomorrow may be
a little bit warmer, and may only feature some
passing showers, but probably no sunshine.
I seemed to do very little yesterday, but it wasn't until late afternoon that I became bored. Before then time seemed to pass by quite quickly. For a while it was helped along by a shopping trip to Tesco. I suppose one other thing I did was some washing up, but with all that time on my hands I didn't even seem to find the enthusiasm for a nice warm shower. Prior to going to Tesco I did have a quick flannel wash of all the usual places. You can read about the rest of yesterday, and see the pictures, on my complete archived page for today, including last night and the start of this morning. |
Saturday 5th
November 2022 |
Yesterday was a good day in one respect. The forecast all day sunshine had a few blips in it, but it was enough to warm my front, south facing rooms up to 22.8° C. That broke through the barrier between cold and warm. Outside, which I didn't personally sample, it was only 12° C in the afternoon, but I expect that felt OK in the sunshine. Clear skies meant the temperature dropped a lot after dark. ![]() This morning started very
chilly, just 7° C on my thermometers, and there was
a glorious, but doom laden red sunrise ! The latest
revision to the forecast has brought forward the
first rain to 9am. The worst of the rain may be over
after midday, but there could still be passing
showers popping up any time today. It is surprising
that with no sunshine forecast at all today, the
afternoon temperature could reach 13° C, but with no
supporting sunshine that will feel cold. Tomorrow's
forecast uses lots of that strange symbol of a white
cloud with the sun behind it, and one or two drops
of rain falling from it. It seems to suggest it will
still be bright when pouring with rain, but I don't
think that is ever the case. Anyway there could be a
lot of it tomorrow, but it might actually be a
couple of degrees warmer at 15° C.
Yesterday was one of those odd days when it didn't seem I was particularly productive, but the hours seemed to slip past so easily and painlessly. The best thing about yesterday was that after priming my bedroom with some heat from my fan heater, I could turn that off until the evening to leave the sun to warm it up - and it warmed it up a lot ! The rest of yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning is described in my full archived page for today. |
Friday 4th
November 2022 |
Yesterday started off very wet indeed, but from late morning there were just occasional light passing showers. Unfortunately there was no sunshine, and the day remained cold and grey. The afternoon temperature wasn't much over 11° C (the forecast did say 12° C for just one single hour, and I forgot to check that hour). The clouds really thinned out during late evening, and the temperature dropped a lot. ![]() The clear sky during the
night meant that this morning the temperature was
actually slightly less than the 7° C shown in the
early version of the forecast above.The forecast has
got off to a good start. It is sunny as I write
this, but the sun only came out within a few minutes
of 8am. The latest revision to the forecast spoils
things in only a very minor way. It now shows 4pm as
just sunny periods. I hope that subsequent forecast
don't bring the change any earlier. It is going to
be one of those funny days where 12° C could feel
nice in the sunshine, but freezing in the shadows.
Hopefully the sunshine will warm my front rooms up.
Tomorrow we will probably return to cold and wet.
The morning may feature light grey cloud, but at
11am it is currently shown as a dark shade of grey,
and from midday there is a 50% chance of rain until
the end of the day.
Yesterday started awful, but ended up as being good. The morning was so dark and so wet that I just wanted to draw the curtains again, and try and ignore reality beyond the four walls of my bedroom. With no sun to warm the room up it felt so cold even with my thick trousers, and thick, sleeved top on. The cold was making me feel awful. Once upon a time it would be merely unpleasant, but these days it triggers all sorts of joint and chest pains. As I explain in my complete archived page for today, the chest pains are only old scars (from when my chest was opened for my heart bypass operation) being triggered by the cold. |
Thursday 3rd
November 2022 |
Just like many recent days, there was more sunshine, as sunny spells, than the weather forecast said there would be. There just wasn't quite enough sunshine to warm things up, and in particular not enough to warm my front rooms up by more than a degree. The afternoon temperature barely reached the forecast 15° C, and the wind made it feel a bit cooler. I seem to think there was one shower some time in the late afternoon, and I know for certain that there was some heavy rain in the night. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast brings even less joy (which is none at all)
than the earlier forecast shown above. The only
positive thing is that as I type this there appears
to be a lull in the rain that seems like it has been
falling since 9 or 10pm last night. The thick cloud
has kept the temperature up a bit, but starting at
11° C is far from warm, and sadly it seems the
temperature won't change until 7pm when it will
start to go down. The other change in the latest
revision is that rain is now also forecast to fall
at 1 and 2pm. The thick cloud above us may finally
dissipate in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
This will mean two things. By 6am the temperature
may have dropped to just a chilly 8° C, and from 8am
until sunset there could be bright sunshine. That
should raise the temperature to 12° C - which may
not feel too bad in the sunshine.
Some of yesterday was quite good, but it ended bad. One of the good things was that I got myself ready to go out shopping earlier than expected. I was in Tesco by 11am buying mostly essentials, and one frivolous, and dangerous thing. More about that later. After getting back I had about 45 minutes to waste before the main mission of the day. I think it is all explained in my complete archived page for today that also includes some stuff about last night and this morning. |
Wednesday 2nd
November 2022 |
There seemed to be more sunshine, or sunny spells than were forecast for yesterday. The day was forecast to be mainly light, medium, and heavy rain. We definitely saw all three of them, but in a few random bursts through the day. For all the sunshine, it was a rather cool day, and the sunshine only just kept my front rooms in the tepid region. Outside the temperature was in the region of 15° C. ![]() Today may be a little
brighter than shown in the early version of the
forecast above. 8, 9, and 10am are now shown as full
sunshine, and 2pm is now predicted to have sunny
spells. I would not be surprised if later revisions
improved on that. For all that it will be another
cool feeling day. The afternoon high will be 15° C,
but this morning was over estimated to be 10° C. All
my thermometers agree it was between 7 and 8° C.
Rain is still predicted to fall from 8pm
tonight. The first half of tomorrow is
forecast to be very wet, but that will also be the
warmest part of the day if 12° C can be called
warm. The afternoon may not be any higher than 11°
C. Winter is coming !
Just after I finished writing yesterday I received a text message bearing bad news. My "punishment" for not being enthusiastic about going to Angela's wedding next year is that she is going to stop seeing me on Wednesday lunchtimes. She actually said "she will be giving Wednesdays a break for some time". I guess that leaves room for a reconciliation in the future, but I can help think I'll just be flogging a dead horse if I don't give up on her, and let her live her life in the marital bliss she obviously hopes for. The rest of yesterday, last night, including an unpleasant dream, and my thoughts this morning, are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 1st
November 2022 |
The early version of the weather forecast for yesterday turned out to be close to reality ! There was nice sunshine or sunny spells until after 1pm, but before 2pm it went from blue sky to a dark grey sky, and eventually there was a shower. I can't think of any specific time when it rained in the afternoon, it, or they, were just light passing showers. The rain started to fall in earnest much later in the evening. At times it really bucketed down ! There was also quite a strong wind to heighten the storm. The afternoon temperature reached 16° C, and there was just enough sunshine in the foirst half of the day to take the chill off the front rooms. ![]() November seems to have
started with a very autumnal vengeance ! The
temperature now has been correctly forecast at 13°
C, which is almost mild for early morning. It will
rise to 15° C by midday, but after a couple of hours
it will fall again, ending up at just 11° C late
tonight. The temperature is not much to write home
about, and it will be partly because off all the
rain that is forecast. I strongly suspect that the
forecast as shown above is only a guide to give a
flavour to the wet weather, and that will fall at
times of it's own choosing. All we can say now is
that today is going to be very wet ! Tomorrow may
have a bright start, a slightly dull afternoon, and
then more rain in the evening. The maximum
temperature is likely to be just 15° C again.
Yesterday was not a great day. There was stuff I thought I might do, but somehow I never got around to it. It was partly because I got into a very lazy mood when I saw sunshine landing on my bed, and warming it up. I couldn't resist laying down on my bed and quietly reading. Of course the sunshine didn't last more than an hour or two into the afternoon. I did do other stuff, and my whole day, night, and the start of this morning are described in my full archived page for today. |