It wasn't supposed to
rain until about now, but it is very wet
outside. The puddles suggest that it has been
raining for some time. It is not due to stop
until 7pm, and then a few hours later it will
start again. Today is not going to be a nice
day ! Even the temperature hitting 14° C,
although maybe only for a single hour, is no
compensation. Tomorrow, the first day of the
new year, may feature a couple of hours of
sunny spells, but there will still be times
when it rains, and it will also be cooler than
today. Just 11° C is currently predicted.
I had two aims for yesterday. One
was something that would be sort of nice to
do, but really only in better weather. I
didn't do that one, but I did do the other
one. The other was yet another quick(ish)
shopping trip. That turned out to be very
satisfactory, although far from exciting.
There was a time yesterday morning when
it did seem to brighten up, and I wondered if
I could bring myself to go out, travel all the
way to Willesden Junction station where I
could get a train that would travel over a
rarely used diversionary route. I'm glad I
didn't decide to do that because the brighter
period did not last all that long. Apart from
the possible "joy" of travelling over an
unusual route, it would have been mostly a
photographic expedition, and rail photography
is much easier if it is nice and bright.

My alternative reason to leave the
comfort of home was to do a bit of shopping.
Although I was not desperate for anything I
bought, it was still useful to top up my
stocks of vitamin tablets, mouth wash, and
other things sold in Savers. After Savers I
went across the (pedestrian) road to see what
they had in Poundstretcher. I didn't spot any
reduced price stuff for sale ... err, I might
have seen some reduced price strings of LED
"fairy light". I will look into those lights
another time. I ended up buying a spare wrist
and elbow support bandage type things. I think
they help with some pains I get from time to
time. I also found a few smell candles. One
other thing I bought was a packet of cheese
and jalapeño flavoured baked crisps.
Before leaving the subject of the stuff
I bought I must mention one particular thing.
It was the bottle of Wisdom Chlorhexidine
mouthwash. I only mention it because it shares
one strange thing with the Colgate Plax
mouthwash (bought some time ago). After
willing out either of these I am left with a
strange effect. It is as if I can smell fresh
leather, maybe shoe leather. The effect wears
off after a few minutes. I have a suspicion it
has something to do with covid affecting taste
buds and sense of smell. In this case it is
only smell that is affected. Both mouth washes
taste as expected. I am unsure when I first
noticed this. Maybe it only started after my
illness at the start of the month. It is
looking like that may have been a very mild
form of Covid. It was really only annoying for
the length of time I was affected for, rather
than the severity of the symptoms - which were
generally very mild.
One of the first things I did when I
got home from my shopping was to have some
lunch. It was later than I thought, and
rapidly approaching 1pm. My lunch was the
other two mini sub rolls I had bought at
reduced price from Tesco the day before - the
same rolls that I accused of being saturated
with sugar. Maybe there were, or maybe they
weren't, and it was having the sandwiches for
dinner, the day before yesterday, that made my
blood glucose reading quite high when I
checked it yesterday morning. More about this
subject later.
I did my best not to each much more
yesterday afternoon, but I was semi-bored, and
gave in. I had a snack of 4 chilli flavoured
rice cakes with cheese on them. Two of them
also had the last of a pack of corned beef on
them too. That was the last I ate until dinner
time. Dinner was a home made beef stew with
miniature potatoes, and a whole pack of
"tender stem" broccoli. It was a nice-ish
dinner, but I can do better.
One of the curious things about
yesterday was that I seemed to be too busy to
continue my binge watching of episodes of
Futurama. I can't seem to think how I was too
busy because I achieved almost nothing in the
afternoon. I guess I did have a short snooze,
and that would account for maybe half an hour,
perhaps more. Maybe I spent longer reading
than I realised. I had another two books
delivered by the postman yesterday, and I now
have three unread, plus one I have already
started reading.
I am expecting one more book by Edmond
Cooper, and that should arrive sometime next
week. The book I started reading yesterday,
one that arrived in the post the day before
yesterday, got off to a bad start. I didn't
realise it was a collection of short stories.
I started reading, and quickly realised it was
not all that long ago that I had read the same
story. My first thought was that it was the
same book, but released under a different
title (which sometimes happens to books
published in America). Upon investigating this
I was happy to find that the other book with
the same story in it, had almost a completely
different set of short stories. It think maybe
there is one other duplicated short story.
Last night started off badly. It may
have been because the episode of QI I was
going to watch was, or seemed to be, a recent
repeat, and I decided to read in bed instead.
I am wondering if laying in bed for well over
an hour, just reading, made the bed seem
uncomfortable when I finally turned out the
light. Actually I can hardly blame the bed
because it is usually comfortable once I get
to sleep. It is me and my assorted aches and
pains. I had an extra one last night that I'll
explain in a minute. I probably turned out the
light around 10pm, but didn't manage to get to
sleep until almost midnight.
My extra, and new ache/pain was from my
right little toe. I can't see the part that is
probably damaged, but I have a clue about what
is wrong with it. It was possibly the morning
before yesterday morning when I think a loose
loop of thread got hooked on my toe while
putting on my sweat pants (or slouching
trousers as I think of them). I have a memory
of just pulling on the leg of the trousers
until either the thread broke, or it slipped
off the toe. Now I must admit that I thought
it was the toe next to the little toe, but
whatever the exact mode was, it would seem
like I might have had the equivalent of a
paper cut on my little toe - possibly on the
underside of the outer edge where I can't get
in a position to see it. The good news is that
after giving some pain for a lot of yesterday,
it seems (touch wood) to have healed this
Once I finally got to sleep last night,
it was like most recent nights - I slept
rather well, and possibly first woke up for a
pee about 3.30am. Like the last few
nights, or indeed most nights for perhaps the
last few months, I slept fairly solidly until
about 5am, and then more lightly until I gave
up, and got up. That was about 7.30am this
morning - a bit later than usual. Since then I
have read some stuff on the internet, and had
a bowl of instant noodles for breakfast. I
have also checked my blood glucose, and I am
very happy to say it had dropped back down to
a very nice 8.1mmol/l.
I suddenly realise I have a lot of
stuff I should be doing today. It is possible
that I may fit in a shopping trip to Aldi this
morning, but most of the stuff I have to do is
computer related. It is the end of the month,
and time to make backups of this that and the
other. I also need to make spreadsheets to
record my main health readings for next year.
I initially thought that would be
tedious, but I realise now it will only be
ordinary tedious because I think I can just
edit the existing spreadsheets, and save them
under a new year setting. It could still take
several hours though !