By my reckoning,
based on the results of several thermometers,
this morning was closer to 5° C than the
forecast 4° C. It is certainly very dull at
the moment, and at either 10 or 11am it is
going to get even gloomier, but apparently
there is only a 10% chance of rain at any time
today. The sunny spells shown for 1pm in the
screenshot above has now been moved to 3pm in
the latest revision to the forecast. This
could mean no sunny spells at all, or maybe
sunny spells for more than one hour. The best
change to the forecast, in the latest
revision, is that 3 and 4pm are shown as being
8° C. That is not exactly warm, but less cold
than recent days. Apart from the temperature
being lower by a single degree, tomorrow looks
like it might be the same as today.
There were probably more good
bits than bad bits of yesterday, but the bad
still almost outweighed the good. The bad was
all to do with my bodies reaction to the cold,
damp, and probably atmospheric pressure. I
endure a fair bit of pain at times yesterday.
The first bit of good news about
yesterday is that my 12 bottles of hot pepper
sauce were delivered at about 10.30pm. That
was within the window predicted for the
delivery, but towards the late end of the one
hour slot. With the delivery in my hands I
could semi relax, and that meant a nice hot
shower. All that cascading hot water washed
away all my aches and pains. The unfortunate
thing is that it only lasted until I had been
out in the cold for 10 minutes.
With the possibility of it being misty,
and the chances of it were quite realistic in
the park near the river, I put on my bright
orange winter coat. It is not a coat I wear
very often, and that is partly because I find
it a bit tight across the chest. However, a
winter or two ago, when I was fitter, and
probably a tiny bit thinner, I did wear it,
with the hood up, for a couple of 3 or more
mile walks. On those occasions the thick-ish
insulation not only kept me very warm, but I
ended up sweating !
Yesterday it didn't feel all that warm
when I went out in the orange coat, and that
was particularly so across my chest. By the
time I had walked to the station, and over the
bridge to the platform for trains to Ladywell
(and beyond) I was feeling quite
uncomfortable. Mostly it was my chest aching
like I was starting a heart attack. It could
even have been something like that because
once I stopped walking the worst of the ache
faded away.
Considering that it is such a short
journey from Catford Bridge to Ladywell, about
2 minutes, and I arrived no more than 10
minutes early* I managed to do a bit of
trainspotting. 376019 was just leaving to go
towards Hayes (Kent) when I arrived at the
station. It was another train I had never
taken a picture of, and so it was added to my
spreadsheet of trains I had taken pictures of.
* I had deliberately left home early so I
wouldn't have to rush to the station. I knew
rushing would aggravate quite a few aches and
pains that were barely on simmer when I left
home. That idea was a failure because I just
can't seem to walk slowly, and when heading
for a station I actually seem to speed up no
matter how early I am !
I had a bit of trouble at Ladywell
station. I am unsure if my train was a couple
of minutes late, or the Hayes bound train was
a couple of minutes early. It is quite
possible it was just a small change in the
timetable recently that meant the train I got
off at Ladywell blocked my view of the
arriving hayes bound train. I never got to see
the number on the front, but I did snap the
back of the train. It was 466013, and while I
did have a picture of it, it was from many
years ago when the train was in Network South
East livery. Now it is in Southeastern livery
I need an extra picture in my spreadsheet.
I saw quite a few squirrels as I walked
straight to the pub. I had a Nikon camera with
fairly good zoom on it, but I didn't have any
nuts to tempt the squirrels closer, and pose
with their nuts. I arrived at the pub about 25
minutes early. I had informed Angela that I
would be early, and she said she would see me
soon. In fact I think she only arrived about 5
minutes early. Ayse, our favourite barmaid was
off sick, and Emma was barmaid for the day.
She is not so distracting as Ayse, and before
Angela arrived I had done 95% of the quick
crossword, and maybe 25% of the cryptic
crossword before Angela arrived.
As always, it was wonderful to see
Angela. One of the potentially boring bits of
our conversation was about my aches and pains,
and how I found a website that agrees with my
own diagnosis that the cold can inflame scar
tissue - scar tissue like a fair bit of my
chest after my heart bypass operation in 2013.
Either Angela has the knack of appearing to be
very interested, or she was actually
interested in my moaning and groaning.
We did chat about more interesting
stuff such as Angela recently receiving her
long service certificate. She was a bit miffed
that it said "more than 10 years" instead of
25 years, but maybe in this day and age
keeping NHS staff for more than 10 years is
considered really good. She is now expecting
something like a £50 voucher to arrive. All
too soon it was time for Angela to get back to
Despite being in the pub for about an
hour and 20 minutes, I still only drank two
pints of Guinness. I think I was distracted
from drinking by trying to find more answers
to the crossword clues. I decided that it
might be prudent to have a pee before going
out in the cold - although it shouldn't have
been needed for just two pints - but it seems
it was ! When we left the pub it first seemed
that we were walking out into light mist, but
it was actually very fine drizzle. It seemed
to fade away after little more than a minute.
When we got to Angela's office she gave
me a nice warm hug, and then I started walking
towards home. I had not gone all that far
before my chest first started to feel cold,
despite my thick winter coat being securely
zipped up, and it was not long before my chest
started to ache. Once again I couldn't seem to
slow down. I was feeling pretty uncomfortable
when I got home. One thing that was odd was
that initially, when I first took off my coat,
it felt surprisingly warm in my dining room
despite it only being about 13° C in there.
I fancied some hot food, and food that
was completely at odds with the high blood
glucose reading I got in the morning. I
fancied a plate of chips. It turned out to be
more than that. The first problem was that the
bag of oven chips had about enough for a plate
and a half, or something like that. I just
tipped the whole lot out onto a baking tray
and shoved it into the mini grill/oven. My
plan was that I would first eat the top layer
of chips, while leaving the bottom layer to
cook for another 20 minutes. It was going to
be a long process and so I made another
foolish decision and warmed up a can of Polish
beans and bacon.
While I had been out for around two and
a half hours, I had turned the heating off in
my bedroom, and the temperature had dropped
enough to make it chilly until I had some hot
food inside me. Even so, it seemed to take the
heater being on full blast for something like
3 hours before I really felt comfortable.
While uncomfortable I got to thinking about
the nature of my discomfort, and what the root
cause really was because it seemed to be
excessive for just being cold.



am fortunate that I have a selection
of tools to monitor my health. My
blood pressure would be regarded as
very good (I think), and sort of
rules out any major heart problems.
My blood oxygen level of 98% rules
out any lung problems such as from
Covid, and a temperature of 36.8° C
is well below traditional fever
levels, although maybe just very
slightly higher than my typical
As I warmed up my aches subsided,
although not fully, and I resorted to a
fair few shots of whisky, and finally a
couple of Ibuprofen tablets before bed. It
was the case that my eating was appalling
yesterday. After my excesses of a late
lunch, I went for a simple dinner. It was
"Chinese flavoured" pork steaks. I never
did check, but I was sure the brown gloop
they were marinaded in was full of sugar.
In an attempt to go for the minimum
possible harm I ate those pork steaks with
no accompaniments at all. That was
probably a recipe for indigestion, but I
seemed to get away with it last night.
I watched a lot of TV last night,
although not all that was on offer. I did
watch the late showing of Have I Got News
For You, and that finished at 11pm (or was
it 10pm ?). Until that time I had left the
heater on full, but it turned it down when
I got in bed. It seemed easy getting to
sleep with it being so warm, but it might
have been as little as only an hour laer
when I woke up feeling hot. Fortunately I
woke up just as my forehead was getting
damp, rather than dripping, and I pushed
the duvet aside before going back to
I slept mostly uncovered for the
rest of the night, but I think I only made
it until 4am before I turned the heater up
rather than covering myself up properly.
Despite waking a 3 or 4 times in the night
for a pee, I did seem to sleep well last
night. I even had a semi erotic dream.
Perhaps "potential erotic dream" would be
more apt because nothing actually
happened, but it seems that it could
have....maybe if I had dreamed for a bit
longer, but if I had I would probably
still have woken up seconds before the
best bit !
I am not surprised at all that my
blood glucose reading was up even higher
to 9.3mmol/l this morning. Like yesterday
I am not worrying about it too much -
apart from hoping I can control my eating
a bit better than yesterday's disaster. It
might not be that easy being careful with
what I eat. I could do with some bottles
of Diet Coke, and that means a trip to the
supermarket. That brings all sorts of
temptations into play. I think I am going
to hope that Michael goes shopping in his
car today, and offers to get me some
bottles of Diet Coke he will deliver this
I don't seem to feel that bad this
morning. Maybe not going out in the cold
to a supermarket will help me to continue
to feel better than yesterday, although,
having said that, just working in my cold
kitchen for 10 minutes was a bad trigger
yesterday. One task I have to do this
morning could make things better or worse.
Before I can have a shower I have to deal
with two white t-shirts and a hand towel
that ended up soaking in detergent over
night. I had intended to continue washing
them after the pub yesterday, although, of
course, that was a stupid idea.
Once I have done the rinses and
fabric conditioner, and hung those
t-shirts and towel up to dry, I can have a
nice hot shower to prepare me for the rest
of the day. If Jodie is over her cold I
expect she will be over for a beer tasting
session this afternoon. With luck Michael
will join us. If Jodie is still not well
enough to come over, it is possible that
Michael and I could pay another visit to
The Catford Constitutional Club in the old
Argos building on the high street.