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Saturday 4th March 2023
 08:02 GMT

  Yesterday's weather was just plain horrible ! Now admittedly there was a very brief sunny spell in the morning, but the other 99% of daylight consisted of cold grey light coming from cold grey clouds. The afternoon temperature reached just 7° C, and wind chill made it feel colder. A thoroughly horrible day !
     gloomy all
  Apart from probably zero chance of a brief sunny spell this morning, today looks like it will be like the forecast for yesterday - cold grey light coming from cold grey clouds with a cold air temperature of 7° C, and wind chill will make even that feel colder. There is a 10% chance of rain today, as there was yesterday. Yesterday stayed dry, and today will probably stay dry, but there is always that small chance for a shower. Tomorrow continues the trend except for an afternoon temperature of just 6° C - before wind chill. Next Wednesday looks likely to feature sleet or snow, and we will have to wait until next Saturday before it is possible the temperature may reach double digits - a possible 11° C.
   There is not a lot to say about yesterday. The brief sunny spell in the morning was uplifting for a few tens of minutes, but after that my mood turned back to match the colour of the clouds. There was another brief uplifting moment - my latest gas bill arrived in the morning post. I owe the gas company just £100. That was less than I feared, but it does mean I am going to have to double my small(ish) monthly standing order to match the new price of gas.

  I didn't really do much for the whole day yesterday. I just didn't feel like doing anything more than just very lazy. The only good thing was that I did seem to control my eating well enough. Breakfast was the usual instant noodles, and I had more instant noodles for an early lunch. A bit later in the afternoon I had a snack of cream cheese on Marmite rice cakes. I made sure that dinner was what I hoped was very lean. It was 95% defrosted prawns with salt, pepper and vinegar.  That was followed by a couple of small oranges.

  It was a shame the prawns were not all at room temperature when I ate them because I am sure they would have tasted better. I had had those prawns in the freezer for possibly over a year, and so I was rather happy to see their best before date was not until October this year. I think I'll try and keep a bag of prawns in the freezer for those odd occasions when I feel the real need for prawns - which is quite rare.

  In the evening I watched my usual selection of TV, and then had the usual break from TV while nothing was on. At 9pm I switched on again to watch QI on Dave, but as soon as I saw one of the guests was Johnny Vegas I switched off again and went to bed. I was going to have an early night, but I got stuck into the book I was reading, an anthology of short SciFi stories, and I think it was almost 11pm when I put the book down, and turned the light off.

  It took about 20 minutes, or that is my best guess, before I fell asleep. Once asleep I seemed to sleep quite well. I had one instance of feeling too cold and then too hot, but for most of the night I stayed under the duvet. I am pretty certain I had one block of sleep that lasted over three hours before I needed to get up for a pee, although if I recall correctly, it was barely needed.

  Only needing maybe three pees in the night was suggestive of a very low blood glucose level. It wasn't very low, but my efforts yesterday got it down to a tiny bit below average at 8.4mmol/l (my current average for February was 8.48mmol/l). I have reason to doubt tomorrow may be as good because one thing I will probably do today is to go to Tesco for a bit of shopping. That usually leads to unwanted temptation that I usually fall into !

  Maybe today I will finally fix, or try and fix the dripping tap in the kitchen. I have got as far as putting all the tools, and hopefully the parts I might need, next to the sink, but I am still held back by being unfamiliar with the tap mechanism. I have a fear it might use a ceramic tap washer, and I have nothing to replace one of those. I really want to do the job on a bright sunny, warm and happy day ! It seems I'll have a very long wait for one of those.

  It doesn't feel like I'll be doing anything else today. The cold grey weather just does not enthuse me to do anything, and certainly not to go out (further than Tesco). I would like to go to a gig tonight, but what is the point if I am not going to enjoy going out ?
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