Yesterday's forecast
for today got things back to front. I woke up
to snow instead of going to bed while it was
snowing. It looked as if there was at least
half an inch, and possibly even an inch on
cars outside, but almost no snow settled on
the road. The Met Office website seems to have
gone off the air, probably due to overload,
but the last revision I saw says the snow will
have turned to sleet by now, which seems about
right, and from 11am there will be heavy rain
- possibly with a bit of sleet mixed in
because the afternoon temperature may only be
3° C today ! Tomorrow may reach 9° C, but once
again it will rain for most of the day.
I think I can describe yesterday
as being a fairly good day. The big excitement
was the anticipation of the delivery of my
beer order. The actual delivery, and
subsequent opening of the box was an
anti-climax. That is not to say that there was
anything wrong with what was in the box, it
was all delicious, or should be, but it can't
all be drunk in one glorious booze up. Such
nice beers have to be cherished, and drunk
slowly to appreciate them more....or something
like that !

In some ways the crowning achievement
yesterday was the walk I took to the station
to get a copy of The Metro. Yesterday I
measured and timed it. The distance to and
from the station adds up to 0.656 miles, and
curiously enough, that is close to exactly 1
km (actually 1.056km). One good thing is that
I managed to make the average speed of the
walk 3mph.
I don't think I did the same walk the
day before yesterday so fast, and that was
because I was really feeling the strain at the
halfway point (the station). Yesterday the
aches and pains were far less, and I might
even have been puffing and panting less
(although fatigue usually sets in before I
start to pant - probably because of the damage
to my chest caused by my heart bypass
operation in 2013 he left my chest too weak to
breath as deeply as I once could).
What was most satisfying is that it
seems to confirm that I am just out of
practice rather than falling apart at the
seams. I am going to try and keep this light
practice up until some warm, sunny weather
entices me out for some better exercise.
Hopefully the light exercise will make the
transition to longer walks much less
Extra practice at doing the
crosswords in The Metro seems to be paying off
too. I times myself doing both crosswords, the
quick, and the cryptic. I finished the quick
crossword in 7 minutes. I didn't finish the
cryptic crossword, but after 20 minutes I
think I had just 4 clues to solve. One of
those odd tales of going to the toilet, and
how letting the mind go blank while the body
takes over the job worked a treat, and late
last night I suddenly, and quite out of the
blue, realised the answer to one of those
clues I hadn't solved. It was an anagram, and
about a mollusc. The answer was
worm, or Naval Ship worm, that eats wood
under the sea (such as pier supports).
For some reason I can't seem to
remember what I had for lunch yesterday. I
think it was probably some instant noodles
followed by some rice crackers with cream
cheese. Maybe a memory is returning......I now
think the instant noodles was wrong, and the
first bit of lunch was a couple of pea,
lentil, and beetroot "veggie cakes" with ham
and mustard on them. I feel sure I probably
had more rice crackers later in the afternoon,
but all thoughts of food were set aside
earlier than expected.
My beer delivery was estimated to be
between 13:20 and 14:20, but in fact was
delivered at approx 12:45. I recognised
the delivery driver as one who seems to arrive
a bit earlier than the "official" estimated
time. As I was saying near the top of
the page, the actual delivery is a bit of an
anti-climax after the anticipation of it.
After opening the box, and checking all I had
ordered was there, it was also a sort of
anti-climax. I don't really know why that
should be. Near the top of the page I said it
was because of the realisation that I couldn't
drink them all at once, but maybe it is the
flip side of that that is sort of depressing -
knowing I have to ration my consumption, plus
it could be days, possibly even a couple of
weeks before I can sample what I hope will be
some delicious beers I have never tasted
before !
I would have had a very lazy afternoon,
but I had to finish one job I had started
after my shower - leaving some laundry to soak
in detergent. In this case it was a single
t-shirt, but at least a whole weeks worth of
underpants. By the time I returned to the job
the water was freezing cold. It was so
pleasant to wring it all out after the first
rinse in warm water. For some reason I kept
thinking I couldn't be bothered, or even have
the energy to finish the job without stopping,
but I did it regardless. I think the only real
reason I was thinking of taking a break was to
start my afternoon nap.
I don't think I did have an afternoon
nap after hanging up the washing to dry. I
thought I wanted one, but maybe that is just a
bad habit I have got myself into. It is
probably better not to have an afternoon nap
because I expect it interferes with my sleep
at night. I think I just passed the time
reading some stuff from book and internet. I
do remember one particular thought, and it was
how I was feeling almost no guilt about using
electricity to keep my bedroom warm. That
"guilt" was cured when I saw how close my
standing order was keeping up with my
electricity consumption. However, I can't wait
for warmer days when I can cut my heating
I had a rather delicious dinner last
night. It was only delicious because it was so
unhealthy. It was a lamb stew, and ever so
fatty. That made all the vegetables nice and
slippery. The effect works really well with
heaps of cabbage, but last night the
vegetables were a few sprouts, some runner
beans, a few sugar snap peas, and some baby
potatoes. Maybe it was a bit too slippery with
fat because it wasn't long after eating it I
fancied something dry - which turned out to be
rice crackers with more cream cheese.
I watched my usual programmes on TV
last night, and then took an hour break before
turning the TV back on to watch QI.
Unfortunately Dave seems to be repeating lots
of repeats of episodes of QI, and last nights
seemed as if I had only seen it a few weeks
ago. I watched about 5 minutes before turning
the TV off, and going to bed. I read for maybe
half an hour, and was possibly fast asleep by
There is not a lot to say about my
sleep. It seemed to be rather good. I only
seemed to wake up a few times - maybe only
every three hours instead of the more usual
two hours. I do remember having some dreams,
but I don't seemed to have retained enough
memory of them to make any useful comments
about them. I certainly never dreamed I would
wake up to snow this morning.
Most of the snow has now melted, and
there was less than I thought. My first peep
through the curtains centred on the snow on
next doors car. It looked thick, but I failed
to note that hardly any snow had settled on
the road or pavement. The view from the back
windows was better than from the front.
I looks very wintry
outside, but you'll note that most of the
snow is on the cars.
The view out the
slightly dirty/misty back window looks
more wintry still. There is a fair amount
of snow on my unheated bathroom roof, and
it looks quite thick on next door's shed
roof. Not shown is my ever so poor excuse
to a lawn. That was looking very white for
the first hour or so. Any fall now may be
sleety rain, and just plain rain in anther
hour or so. The latest revision of the
forecast predicts copious rain for the
rest of the day, but don't think even
drizzle is falling as I write this.
I was quite pleased this morning to
find my blood glucose reading was down to
8.6mmol/l. That is still not as low as
desired, but is only just above my typical
average. What makes it particularly
pleasing was that I thought that maybe I
had eaten badly through the day, and that
one beer I drank last night did seem to be
quite sweet - but evidently not.
My one single aim today is to put
on my thickest, hooded, winter coat, and
make it to The Jolly Farmers for a couple
of pints of Guinness and the crosswords in
The Metro. I shall go there by train,
because I need to go to the station to get
The Metro, and maybe I'll get the train
back to Catford. I shall try and remember
to measure the distance from Ladywell
Station to the pub, and then I can add it
to the known 0.656 miles from home to
Catford Bridge station and back. Actually
it will be slightly more than 0.656 miles
because that doesn't include walking down
the platform to the footbridge, and
crossing over the footbridge to the
Ladywell bound side of the station.