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Tuesday 21st March 2023
 07:32 GMT

  Yesterday continued the trend for crap weather. Some of yesterday featured light coloured clouds, but a smaller part featured thick dark clouds. There were a few splashes of light rain during the day, but most of the day as dry. I don't think I can recall a single burst of sunshine. The only good thing (for some levels of good) was that the afternoon temperature seemed to reach 13° C - a whole degree higher than forecast.
     damp start
  Although no rain was forecast, it looks very damp outside as I write this. It could have been left by rain in the small hours of the night.  The latest revision to the forecast shows only light cloud. 2pm is now shown using that odd icon of the rain drop in front of a white cloud in front of a shining sun. I really must remember to look out the window at 2pm to see what it actually means. It seems the cloud will break up later to give full sunshine as the sun sets at 6pm. This afternoon could be close to warm at 14° C. The forecast for tomorrow is almost a clone of today except at this time it is shown as starting with rain until 8am. It currently shows a single hour of sunny spells at midday, and white cloud at other times (after the darker rain clouds in the morning). Once again the temperature should reach 14° C.
  Yesterday was an eventful day, although the main event was not nice, although perversely actually good. Other than that, the day was fairly boring, but there were highlights among the boring parts. It was also a day where I seemed to feel very hungry, and ended up eating more than I should have. I had better explain all this.

  Towards the end of what I wrote yesterday I mentioned that after a day of partial constipation I was happy that I easily passed what felt like a fair sized contribution to the toilet. What I had no idea or at the time was that there was a lot more to come ! I went again just before I finished writing, but didn't comment on it because it didn't seem unusual in any way. What happened an hour later, and 20 minutes after that was unusual. It was like the world fell out of my bottom (to paraphrase the old saying).

  By maybe 11am it seemed, and felt like I had purged the entire contents of my digestive tract. Apart from the stench, and the difficulty of flushing it all away, it was no problem, and once over the shock, it sort of felt good. It also seemed to make me feel empty and very hungry. For a late elevenses I had two sandwiches of sliced liver sausage. They were made with Polish Sourdough bread, and each slice was just over half the size of a typical "Sunblest" loaf.

  Barely an hour passed and I made and ate two more sandwiches, and these were filled with cheese and ham (plus mustard). They went down a treat, but I was starting to feel quite guilty about eating so much. I didn't rally leave it there because an hour before I ate my dinner I had an unusual pre-dinner snack of a single pack of Tesco "Fried Chicken" flavour instant noodles (which seemed to an almost pleasant flavour that was completely unlike fried chicken).

  My dinner was a rather more healthy diced beef stew with a whole heap of white cabbage. I discovered an unopened bottle of dried chill flakes that had possibly been at the back of the cupboard for years. They were still fine, and while they contributed very little heat to my dinner, they did contribute some nice flavour. I didn't eat anything more after that, but I did have a couple of whiskies before bed.

  I didn't really do anything significant between eating - except for one thing, and in a way it was very significant. I looked form and found a complete archive of every Danger Man episode. It was a 40.5GB download from https://ia-petabox.archive.org/details/secret.agent.aka.danger.man.complete.series. I chose the Torrent download option. It took only a couple of hours to download the whole 40.5GB of data.

  I only looked for it because I had found a home made DVD that had four episodes on it. I am unsure where I got those episodes from. I did have the whole of series one and two from some old download ages ago when I was looking for one particular episode whose name I didn't know, but they were not very good quality. The download from the Internet Archive contained every single episode made, and they were all in very good quality - possibly straight from the original film stock.

  I'm not sure if I was ever a fan of Danger Man, and I sort of remember it being a sort of second choice if nothing else was on TV. I'm not sure if it was on late, and possibly post-pub entertainment, but if so it would explain why I remember so little of it. I watched three episodes last night, and I guess it wasn't until I was maybe halfway through the third episode before I started to identify with it, and started to enjoy it.

  I don't think Danger Man influenced my dreams in any way last night. Mostly I seemed to sleep fairly well. I do remember a long series of dreamlets making up a sort of serial dream. It mainly seemed to be about railways. The first few minutes seem to be about looking for dropped tickets in case any of them were interesting. I ended up at the back entrance of a large station that must have been Waterloo station, although it has no back entrance as appeared in my dream.

  I really just wanted to walk through the station to get to the road the other side, but I had to go through ticket barriers for that. I was reluctant to swipe my ticket through because I wasn't (at that part of the dream) intending to go anywhere. There was also the complication that the ticket barriers were sort of like an open maze, and I could see that some ended up as a dead end.

  I don't actually remember going through those barriers, but in the next sequence I was in the station, and meeting a friend. I was explaining the virtues of a Freedom Pass (or Over 60s pass) to him, and suggested he needed to get The London Connections Map to see where he could travel to for free using a pass. At the information desk there were no complete copies of the map, but I found enough ripped fragments to make up the full map. While at the desk I saw a couple of people buying small stacks of old 45rpm vinyl singles. I learned that they had been salvaged form a flooded basement, and would need to be soaked in water to stop them sticking together, and to then wash them.

  I am sure there were more short dreams that continued the basic theme, but they seemed to have faded from my memory since waking up. I can't really define just how I seem to feel oddly good today. Maybe it is looking forward to a beer delivery today or maybe it is the relief of finding out my blood glucose has not gone through the roof after eating so much yesterday. To my complete astonishment it is exactly the same as yesterday - a very good 7.7mmol/l !
advice from DHL
 I find it very good that I can order beer on a Sunday afternoon, and get it delivered to my doorstep sometime on Tuesday. At the moment I have only had the advice shown on the left. I am expecting a text message, probably within the next hour or so to give me a predicted one hour slot when my beers will arrive. (Incidently DHL's web site does confirm that it is at the local depot and it will be delivered some time today - and past experience says it will be around 11am, but any time today would be a good time).

  This beer delivery does not contain the red labelled St Bernadus Brewery "Prior 8" beer that I want, but it should contain some pretty nice brews from other Belgium breweries. I did order a whole case (12) of Prior 8 from Amazon, and I am expecting that either tomorrow or Thursday. The latest news still says tomorrow or Thursday. I am keeping my fingers crossed that if it is tomorrow it will not be while I am drinking in The Jolly Farmers.

  Writing "The Jolly Farmers" reminds me that I exchanged a couple of brief text messages with Angela yesterday morning. She told me she is still in agonising pain, and that even Tramadol does nothing for it. I was surprised that she has already being going to physiotherapy session, and blames them for making it worse. She said that she was strongly considering going to A&E yesterday or today. It does sound as if something is wrong, and new Xrays may shed some light on the problem. I hope she is out of pain very quickly.

  Apart from waiting for my beer delivery I am not sure what I shall be doing today. I may pop out to the shops to buy more Diet Coke. Neither the BBC or Met Office paint a very good weather picture for today, and the chances of getting out the house for other reasons seem slim. Maybe I will spend a fair bit of time today binge watching Danger Man Episodes.
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