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Monday 27th March 2023
 08:33 BST

  Yesterday started wet, and ended dry. The original forecast featured a lot of heavy rain from sunrise to 2pm, but to my eyes most of it was light rain, and I think it had mostly stopped before midday. However, there were a couple of brief light showers later in the afternoon. I can't recall seeing any sign of the sun yesterday, and it was a cool day with the temperature only reaching 9° C.
     sunny start
  Yesterday evening the BBC were predicting that this morning might have been just 2° C, but this morning they said 3° C. It was 4° C, and that was the Met Office's prediction. Both forecasters agree that it should be, and is, a sunny morning. Both say the sunshine will only last until 11am. The rest of the day will probably be a bit dull, although the BBC predict a few more sunny spells near sunset. It is going to be another cool day with the temperature rising to no more than 9° C. Tomorrow will be an all dull day with some rain for a lot of the day (BBC) or just some showers in the middle of the day (Met Office). Once again it will probably be no more than 9° C. Maybe by Wednesday the temperature could rise to a more respectable 15° C, but Wednesday, and it seems most days for almost the next fortnight will be wet days.
  Yesterday was one of the better days recently. Apart from some washing up, and polishing beer glasses, I didn't really do anything, and I can't think of anything to describe until just after 3pm. That was when Jodie arrived for a beer tasting session. It was unusually good to see her so I could show off my recent beer purchases after not seeing her for a fortnight.

  Amazingly enough, Jodie approved of nearly all the beers I offered her. She only made one mistake when saying she had not tried any of them before. That one mistake was for a beer that she was particularly excited about. It was called Pink Killer, and was beer mixed/brewed with concentrated pink grapefruit juice. It was surprisingly pleasant, although it did seem to be very sweet. When Jodie went to log it on the untappd web site she found that she had drunk it before - about 2 years ago. It is rare for her to make that mistake.

  Maybe 2 hours later we were joined by Alan because he and Jodie planned to visit a pub in New Cross after they left me. It was my first chance to show Alan the picture of the major fault in the laptop he gave me. Some sort of liquid spillage had got on a connector, and rotted the contacts. He agreed that it was a write off. I showed him the laptop that I had found on Amazon for just £89. It was supposed to be the same as the one he gave me, but I was sent the super duper version with high resolution screen, and a faster processor. I offered any spares I had kept before I threw away the old laptop, but nothing interested him.

  It was about 6pm when Jodie and Alan left. I had drunk a reasonable selection of beers, but no extras, and I felt at least 85% sober. I also felt hungry. My lunch was two cans of soup. One was lentil soup, and the other lentil with smoky bacon soup. I suspect it was artificial smoke flavour because I was burping "smoky bacon crisps" flavoured burps well into the evening. I hadn't prepared any dinner because I was going to try to eat the least possible.

  Originally that was just to be some well grilled bacon, but I felt ravenous as I waited for it to cook, and ate 4 Marmite rice cakes with cheese on them as a sort of starter. Once again it was a very lean night on TV. I think there was something I watched for a while, but it can't have been very exciting because I can't even remember what it was ! One thing it definitely wasn't was ...
another awful
                              Hollywood remake
  If there is one thing I hate it is Hollywood remakes of classic films. Maybe they are OK for a younger generation who are too young to know better, but I can't believe they make much money at the box office. Usually they end up on some low budget satellite TV station, or the worst end up dead and forgotten. I guess my Bluray copy of the truly awful American version of The Wickerman is possibly a collectors item now. I bought it in Poundland, for just £1 possibly just a year or two after it had been released. That's how bad it is !

  I probably spent more of last night just reading, although I am sure that didn't occupy me until 10pm (or 9pm GMT) when I went to bed. I don't remember that much about my sleep. I know I woke up for a pee several times in the night, but I think I might have done most of them on autopilot because I don't remember much about them - except for one time, and I think it was probably around 11pm. There seemed to be a really icy feeling wind coming in the bathroom window. I had hoped that I could leave the bathroom window open until next October or November, but there was definitely a taste of winter in that wind. I closed the window until we get 10° C mornings again.

  I had hoped that my eating would see my blood glucose drop a bit more than it was yesterday morning (which was barely acceptable), but maybe several of the beers we had were jokers - with some sugars in them. This morning I was barely clear of the red line at a high 9.7mmol/l. I was going to skip breakfast, and maybe skip lunch today in an effort to get that glucose level down to a saner level, but at the moment I am afflicted by something unpleasant. Along with my morning pills I took a cod liver oil capsule, as I do every morning, and like every morning if I haven't eaten to hold it down, I keep getting that horrible fishy taste. I fear I will have to give in and have just a small bowl of instant noodles this morning.

  I'm not sure what I shall be doing today. I was going to go to get some shopping in Tesco, but there is nothing I need urgently, and I fear there would be too many temptations. One unknown variable is the two cans of lentil soup I had for lunch yesterday. I haven't even started farting yet (as lentils are supposed to cause), and I thought I would be going to the toilet with a big whooooosh, but nothing has happened, and I don't even seem to feel uncomfortable at the moment - except for psychological discomfort knowing that something drastic could happen sooner or later.

  It should stay dry, and even fairly bright after we lose the sunshine today, and late this afternoon the temperature may even hit 10° C. It feels like if I am comfortable it would be a good day to take a camera out and do some train photography or something. Only tomorrow will reveal if I did, or if I decided to stay close to the toilet waiting for what should be inevitable !
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