The latest revision
of the forecast for today has juggled around
when there will be full sunshine, sunny
spells, or no sunshine, and also reduced the
amount of sunshine. It is bright and sunny as
I write this, and it is supposed to be dull
right now. It is evidently going to be one of
those days when it is just pot luck when a
could may cover the sun, and went the sun will
shine freely. The afternoon high,
according to the latest revision may be just
13° C. That would have been a luxury a few
weeks ago, but today it feels like we have
been cheated. Tomorrow could be another very
variable day. The BBC forecast a mostly sunny
day with the temperature peaking at 16° C, but
the Met Office are far more pessimistic. They
say the best we can hope for is about half a
day's worth of sunny spells, and a top
temperature of 15° C - which I guess isn't
I'm starting this very late because I
have been selecting and editing photos from
last night, but more about that later. I
actually had a very boring day yesterday as I
was mainly waiting for the evening. It meant
that I didn't fancy doing anything that might
distract me from getting in the right frame of
mind to go out in the evening.
There was one thing I started
yesterday, and that was another attempt to
repair the leaking hot tap in the kitchen.
Once again I failed to undo the mechanism. It
is like it is welded together. I am thinking
that the only way of undoing it would be to
clamp the tap body in a vice, and then
possibly use a hammer to wallop a spanner of
the exact size for that nut. I am thinking
that I will have to replace the whole mixer
tap (with two conventional taps) and that is
going to be a bugger of a job that will
involve getting the dead washing machine out,
undoing a few screws that hold the sink unit
to the wall, and swivelling it around, and I
don't fancy doing that !
One thing I did do was to be very
careful about my eating yesterday. I didn't
want to feel full/bloated when I went out, and
so I limited what I would eat. I had my usual
bowl of instant noodles in the morning. At
lunchtime I opened a single can of soup, and
later in the afternoon I had some rice cakes
with cream cheese. I felt mildly hungry when I
went out, and so I guess I achieved what I set
out to do.
The occasion last night was a a gig at
The Honor Oak pub near the boundary of
Catford, Forest Hill and Brockley. I was
very much inspired to go by three or four
things. It was an early start (compared to a
lot of gigs) at 8pm. It was supposed to be a
warm evening (it wasn't). It was easy to get
to with a choice of two bus routes, and a
travel time of little more than 10 minutes.
Also, it was Carrie and Steve who are always
interesting to see (and Carrie makes nice
comments about my pictures, but never seems to
use them in any of their publicity).
I arrived at the pub earlier than
needed thanks to only a short wait for the
bus. It was quite handy because I got to chat
with Steve and Carrie before they started. One
good bit of information is that they, and the
rest of the band, as Hell On Tap, have been
booked for this years Chislehurst Rocks
festival. I reminded them to invite me into
the back stage area so I have a safe place to
keep my camera(s) bag, and also to have an
occasional sit down.
As a (semi) acoustic duo they didn't
play the usual hard rock stuff, but played and
sung an assortment of music including at least
one classic soul song. Last night I used my
Nikon D300s camera, and my big Sigma 18 - 24
lens. It was the forst time I have used that
lens at a gig. I also used a flash gun with
"soft box" attached to it to give a softer
looking flash.
I was very pleased with that lens. I
originally bought it as much as 10 years ago,
but took it back saying it was faulty because
the electronic focus didn't work. It was many
years later before I knew why - you need an
older Nikon camera for it with the focus motor
inside the camera body. I asked for a refund,
or for a heavy discount because it was still
possible to manually focus it. I got it for
just £150, and I think that they normally go
for £500 or even more (secondhand).
I was originally going to show these
pictures almost as I had taken them because I
was in a rush to finish them this morning.
This picture, and the one of Steve, I did
darken the background a bit to give a sort of
spotlight effect. It was more noticeable on
the photo of Steve. Incidently, the sign
behind Carrie is intended for people drinking
outside in the garden, although if Hell On Tap
were playing it could refer to the band as
well !
One thing Carrie is good at is doing
dramatic poses, or as some say in the rock
business, "throwing shapes". Of course in the
picture above it is not a pose for the camera
but her typical style when on stage.
I only stayed for the first set, and I
don't know if Steve did any more solo stuff,
but I did capture his single solo spot in the
firsts set. He sung a Jimi Hendrix song. It
might have been "All Along The Watchtower" and
so it could be said to be a Bob Dylan song.

At the end of the first set I decided I
had taken enough pictures, and that I would go
home again. In the end I didn't go straight
away because Steve or Carrie bought me a pint
of Guinness. We sat in the garden to drink it,
and chatted a little more. It was my first
taste of how cold it was starting to feel.
That was significant because I only wore my
sleeveless denim jacket over a short sleeved
As I left the pub I checked the times
of the next buses. It seemed like I had missed
the 171, and then next one was due in 20
minutes. So I walked down to the main South
Circular road, and along it for 100ft of
something to the 185 bus stop. The app on my
phone said the next 185 was not due for 15
minutes. Rather than wait, I decided to prove
what I said would be possible - walking home.
As can be seen in the route map on the
left, it was 1.14 miles from the bus stop on
the main road to home. I am pretty sure that
could be rounded up to 1.2 miles when the walk
from the pub to the 185 bus stop is added to
the distance.
I must admit it wasn't long before the
cold air was making my chest hurt, and a few
other bits also ached. Occasionally I would
slow down to look at my progress on my phone,
and even come to a complete stop for a few
seconds to get my breath back. Nevertheless, I
seem to have kept up an average speed of 2.8
mph. I used to reckon that for any sustained
walking I would rarely go faster than 3mph. If
it hadn't been for the few slow bits, and the
couple of complete stops I may have even
managed it at 3mph. Maybe I am not as unfit as
I think I am - it's probably "mostly" instead
of "completely" !
One naughty thing I did do on the way
home was to stop to buy some chicken and
chips. Now I have to admit that a few minutes
in a warm shop seemed to restore my
energy/vitality, or whatever it is,
completely. I knew it was a bad thing to get
that greasy takeaway, but I did make a point
of ordering just two bits of chicken (I would
usually order three bits) and I asked for a
small fries. What I got was certainly less
fries that I used to get there. I don't think
they specifically do a "small portion", and so
maybe it is just a cost cutting exercise so
they can try and keep their prices down during
this period of bad inflation.
It was nice to get home to eat my hot
food, although it was not so hot when I came
to eat it. before I got my fingers all greasy
I transferred some pictures and video from my
phone to my PC, and even did a quick and dirty
trial edit of the video. Maybe I'll do a
shrunken, instead of a full hi definition
video, version of a video to show here later.
After stuffing myself with now just warm food
I brushed my teeth and went to bed. That was
about 11pm, and I fell asleep very quickly.
I slept really well last night, and
only got up for a pee twice that I remember.
That suggested my blood glucose was quite low,
and maybe for some of the night it was because
I hadn't eaten much during the day before the
chicken and chips, and the chicken and chips
were only just starting to be digested.
Evidently the process was complete by the time
I got up because my blood glucose was well
into the red area. It was 11.2mmol/l. That is
quite dangerous, or it would be if it was
sustained, but I checked again just after
10am, almost 4 hours later (maybe 3.5 hours
later) and my blood glucose had already
dropped back to the safe side of the red line
at 9.5mmol/l. It is possible it will be back
to normal at lunchtime.
I am not sure what I am doing today. It
all depends on what I do tonight. I could
possibly go to another gig for an hour or so.
M.T. Pockets, who I like a lot, are playing in
The Railway pub in Blackheath (which I don't
really like that much) tonight. It would be
nice to take advantage of this sunny weather
(it is still sunny despite what the forecast
might say). Interestingly enough, the Met
Office are getting more pessimistic about the
rest of today's weather while The BBC are
getting more optimistic !
There is one factor about what I should
do today, and it hangs on dinner. Yesterday I
should have eaten a nice stew done in my slow
cooker, but I didn't want to eat it before
going out, and I didn't want to go to the
trouble of heating it up when I got home again
(of course I could have used the "warm"
setting on the slow cooker to keep it warm for
me while I was out). That is something I could
do tonight if I go out. Oh well, I'll just
have to see how the day goes.