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Diary/Blog For the Month of April 2023 |
Sunday 30th April
2023 |
It was a beautiful day yesterday. The sun was shining most of the time, and the temperature easily reached the forecast 17° C, and may have reached 18 or 19° C. ![]() I have to say that after
yesterday, today seems rather disappointing. The
latest revision has changed the last hour to feature
sunshine to 10am. After that it will be dull, but at
least the temperature should reach 17° C again. It is
worth noting that the ever optimistic BBC weather
forecast says only 3, 4, and 5pm won't feature at
least sunny spells ! Tomorrow will feature an
hour or two of rain in the middle of a long dull
spell. There may be some sunny spells in the evening.
Once again the temperature should reach 17° C,
although it may be late in the day. Funnily enough,
both forecasters broadly agree on tomorrow's weather.
Yesterday turned out to be a fairly busy day. The one thing I was definitely going to do was the one thing I didn't do. I did get to the Pharmacy, as intended, but I found they have changed their opening hours, and only open for a few hours on a Saturday morning. I got there at (I think) 11:20am, and they had been closed for 20 minutes. The rest of yesterday, with quite a few pictures to illustrate the day, plus, as usual, my night, and my deliberations this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 29th April
2023 |
Yesterday was dry, and should have been a bit better than "mild". I think the temperature went above the forecast 18° C, and almost reached 20° C, but there was no sunshine, and it still didn't feel that warm. Actually there was some sunshine. There were a few sunny spells, where brief was often as little as a single minute, and few was maybe 2 or 3, during late morning, and there were also some sunny spells in the early evening when the sun was too low in the sky to make itself felt. ![]() Both the BBC and the Met
Office say this morning should feature full sunshine,
but it is too cloudy for any sunshine right now. Three
quadrants of the sky are mostly blue, but the last
quarter, the east, where the sun should be is covered
by lots of cloud. It is light coloured cloud, and it
will probably disperse, but for now it is all a big
disappointment. Even if we do get the promised full
sunshine for a lot of the afternoon, the temperature
today is only expected to rise to 17° C. Tomorrow is
currently shown to feature a full covering of white
cloud for the whole day, but the temperature should
still reach 17° C.
The motif for almost the whole of yesterday was fasting. It was a day with no great distraction, and that should have made fasting very difficult, but somehow it wasn't far off being easy. I probably ought to do it a lot more. I might even half doing it today ! You can read how the day went, and the few things I did to help pass the time, in my complete archived page for today which also covers my night and the start of this morning. |
Friday 28th April
2023 |
The best thing about yesterday was it was dry until late afternoon when it poured with rain....although I think it was probably less rain than forecast. There was some very early morning sunshine, and a few very brief sunny spells later in the morning. For some reason the temperature, which peaked around 13° C, didn't seem to feel too cool. Maybe the very light winded helped in that respect. ![]() Contrary to what the
forecast seems to suggest, it is fairly bright at the
moment, and from time to time it sometimes seems that
the sun could break through, or find a gap in the
clouds. It hasn't happened yet, and may never happen,
but fingers crossed..... The best thing about
today is that it should stay dry, and the late
afternoon temperature could reach 18° C. Several
revisions later, and the forecast hasn't really
changed, which could be a good thing, and that
includes the 4 hours of sunny spells before sunset -
which may be sort of nice. Apart from a dull time
between 8am and 11am, tomorrow could be bright with
lots of sunny spells, and even full sunshine later in
the day. It is a shame that for all that sunshine it
could be a degree cooler than today, but I guess 17° C
is still pretty good after all the colder days
I don't think there could be a more mixed day than yesterday. It was just littered with good and bad things. On the whole it was still very enjoyable except for very late evening, and also this morning which was a disaster ! It all started with a walk to the pharmacy to collect my latest repeat prescription. Even this simple thing was good and bad. The full explanation to these statements is described in my complete archived page for today. It includes my night and the start of this morning. I guess I had better warn that one or two paragraphs have some scatological references ! |
Thursday 27th April
2023 |
Yesterday's weather was disappointing, but oddly enough was very similar to the weather forecasts. I think the only thing the forecast missed was a few short, sporadic, sunny spells in the morning. Generally speaking it was a dull day that was dry, and only 11° C at it's ![]() There was some sunshine at
7am, but I think it was more sunny intervals than
actual full sunshine. That has passed now, and the
weather seems to be following the forecast (including
the hardly changed latest revision). Until 4pm it is
likely to be either grey or very grey. From 4pm the
skies will open and we can expect almost non stop rain
until midnight, and then on to 2am tomorrow morning.
Much of the rain could be heavy. On a day such
as this I don't think the temperature being a couple
of degrees higher than yesterday, at 13° C, to be
anything to be excited about. Tomorrow is a mixed bag.
The day will be various shades of grey until the end
of the afternoon when there may be sunny spells until
sunset, but the temperature could reach 18° C !
There were some very significant, very enjoyable highlights to yesterday, but averaged over the whole day it was a sort of average day. Of course the huge highlight was seeing Angela for the first time in 10 (?) weeks. The problem is that like a drug, the high of seeing her is wonderful, but the coming down from that high is not good. All this is described along with such diverse topics as medical tests, pies, whisky, sleeping, eating, plus a lot of photos or pictures, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 26th April
2023 |
The weather didn't follow the path of the forecast yesterday. There was good sunshine at the start of the day, and that was forecast, but the forecast didn't say there would be sunny spells all afternoon - even when it seemed to be quite cloudy because there were still small blue patches among the clouds. The temperature was just as disappointing as forecast with it seeming not to go above 11° C. ![]() The latest revision to the
weather forecast has not changed a thing compared to
the earlier forecast in the screenshot above. It is a
simple, although not pleasant, sort of forecast -
light clouds followed by dark clouds. The transition
is supposed to occur around midday. Once again the
temperature will only reach 11° C. Tomorrow will
probably be in 2 parts - light cloud, and dry, until
3pm when dark clouds and copious rain may take over.
The afternoon temperature could peak at 13° C, but it
doesn't seem the sort of day when that will bring much
Yesterday was an odd sort of day. I achieved lots of small, almost but not quite insignificant, things, and one bigger thing. That bigger thing was a shopping trip to Tesco, and the lesser things were little bits of tidying up here and there. Oh, and I am almost forgetting I did a bit of laundry as well. All my day, night and this morning are described in greater detail in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 25th April
2023 |
Yesterday was one of those days when I didn't really pay much attention to what was going on outside. The forecast said dull until the end of the afternoon when rain was due. I think I saw a few brief glimpses of sunshine during the afternoon, but I can't put a time on when, and if it actually happened. I do know that it rained after dark. The highest temperature forecast was 11° C, and that felt about right. ![]() It is indeed bright and
sunny as I write this, but the latest revision to the
forecast says that we will lose any sunshine or sunny
spells at 11am now. With only light clouds it may
still stay bright, and now there may be sunny spells
at 3pm, but not at 6pm as shown above. Once again the
temperature will only rise to a disappointing 11° C (I
think we ought to be seeing at least a few days at 20°
C now). With no sunshine it will feel close to cold,
and certainly not warm. Tomorrow is currently shown as
dry even though much of the day will feature heavy
dark grey clouds. It will be an even colder day with
no more than 10° C expected.
It seems that these days whenever I do anything that could be called exercise (even if just a bit of walking to and from railway stations) I need the next day to recover from it. Well that was I expected, but I didn't put it to the test yesterday. I had planned a walk to the pharmacy as a bare minimum, but on my third attempt I got through to them, and ordered my next repeat prescription to be ready for picking up on Thursday. The rest of what happened yesterday, with a couple of pictures, plus last night and this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 24th April
2023 |
Yesterday reached 14, and possibly 15° C, and at times it even felt almost warm. Unfortunately a lot of yesterday was wet, although probably less so that the forecast predicted, but then again the forecast kept changing. I don't think any revision of the forecast predicted an hour or more of sunny spells in the late afternoon. There was rain late last night, and maybe some of it was heavy, but the BBC weather forecast got all dramatic and said they would be thundery showers. Maybe someone, somewhere, had some thunder, but I didn't hear a thing. ![]() It is possible that there
was a shower at 6am, but I didn't see it. It seems we
can expect rain from about 3pm, and some of it could
be heavy. Until then it might be bright-ish, but with
probably no sign of the sun. It will be another cold
day with the temperature only expected to rise to 10°
C. Tomorrow may start sunny, but the afternoon may be
cloudy. It should stay dry. Once again the temperature
is nothing to get excited about, although it could be
a degree higher than today at 11° C.
Yesterday was almost good, but a couple of disappointments took the shine off it. On the other hand there were a couple of unexpected good points about the day. The core of the day revolved around Chain doing a matinee gig starting at 3pm in The Shortlands Tavern. It was billed as a St Georges day gig, but unless I missed any references to it, it seemed like a normal Chain gig - except for the early start. All this is described, with some pictures, plus stuff about the rest of my day, night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 23rd April
2023 |
As usual, yesterday's weather forecast didn't really prepare me for the true weather of the day. Of course it didn't help that, once again as usual, the forecast is revised once an hour, and often with conflicting predictions. Having said that, the first forecast in the morning did come close to reality. The morning was fairly bright, although I never noticed the early morning sunny spells. As midday approached it got brighter still, and there were some sunny spells that was not shown in any forecast I saw. At 2pm it was forecast that the clouds would significantly thicken for a couple of hours. It was more like 3 or 4 hours, and although I think it stayed dry, it really did look like it was about to rain. The sun put in another brief appearance just before sunset. Maybe it was because there was no strong wind that it seemed to be a mild day with an afternoon temperature of 12° C. ![]() The great unknown today is
when and if it will rain. It is currently dry, but
could start to rain. The latest revision starts at
10am, and shows heavy rain until midday, and lighter
rain until 1pm. It then may stay dry until 8pm. It
will then rain for the rest of the night. I would not
be surprised if these time change a lot during the
day, and there could be less or more rain. The
temperature may reach 14° C, but with no supporting
sunshine (the latest revision removed the sunny spells
for 4pm) it is not going to feel any more than "mild".
Tomorrow may not see a single ray of sunshine, and the
morning and evening may see light rain. It is going to
be colder again with just 11° C as a short lived
The great achievement yesterday was not going to Tesco, but not eating incorrectly after going to Tesco ! A minor, but not insignificant thing was that at approximately 11am it seemed dry and mild enough to not bother with a coat when walking to and from Tesco. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, which was a good morning, can be read about in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 22nd April
2023 |
Yesterday had some pretty awful weather. The morning, and most of the afternoon was cold, dull and wet. As sunset approached the sky started to clear, and I think the sun finally came out a few seconds before it set. I don't think the temperature went above the forecast 10° C. ![]() I was not aware of any
sunshine early this morning, and no sunshine is
forecast for the rest of today. Mostly it will be sort
of bright with white clouds, but, according to the
latest revision to the forecast, 2 to 5pm could see
darker clouds. No actual rain is forecast for today,
but here does remain a 10% chance of rain for much of
the day. The forecast 12° C is a couple of degrees
higher than yesterday, but I am not expecting it to
feel warm. 11° C is the best temperature forecast for
tomorrow, and it looks like the whole afternoon will
be wet.
Nothing dramatic happened yesterday, but it did seem to be an OK sort of day - whatever that means. The gloomy and wet weather drained any desires to go out, even to the shops, and I was somehow distracted by my desire to fast so I could get my blood glucose down from dangerously high in the morning to slightly above average in the late afternoon. I did indeed fast, and there are a few words about that, plus other stuff I did yesterday, how I slept really badly, but did have one interesting dream, and finally, a few words about this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 21st April
2023 |
Yesterday's weather broadly followed the forecast. The morning, and the first half of the afternoon were bright and either sunny, or had sunny spells. During that time the temperature rose to 15° C. Some wind made it seem a bit cooler than that, but the blue sky and sunshine were still very cheering. Then it all changed. The sky clouded over, the temperature dropped, and rain fell. The last few hours were dry, but were still unpleasant. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast has improved the day a little bit, but the
damage has, is being done right now - it is cold (8°
C), wet and gloomy. What's worse is that it seems it
will stay this way into the afternoon. The last rain
may still be heavy, but the sky could be brightening
up as it falls around 3pm, but the first sunny spell
is now predicted to be shortly before sunset. With a
maximum temperature of 10° C, and grey skies, albeit
in various shades, it is feeling almost wintry.
Tomorrow may be brighter, but with almost no sunshine,
although it might stay dry. It may also be a tiny bit
less cold with a possible brief spell at 12° C
(although at the moment it seems 11° C may represent
more of the day).
Yesterday was definitely a day of two contrasting halves. The first half was most encouraging, and happy. The second half was gloomy and depressing, and it was a bit more than the weather that changed, although the weather definitely steered how the day went. My whole day, with no interesting pictures to provide any relief, is described, along with some words about last night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 20th April
2023 |
Yesterday morning was mostly disappointing. The forecast said sunny spells until midday, and then later revisions stole most of the sunny spells. However, the afternoon was quite nice with enough sunny spells to make the afternoon temperature of 13° C feel nice in the sunshine. The sky remained clear after dark, and last night felt a bit cool, but it only dropped to about 8° C. ![]() The most recent revision to
the forecast is both good and bad. It now shows the
sunny spells, following the full sunshine at midday,
will continue to 3pm, but then make the evening rain
potentially more annoying. There could be heavy rain
at 6 and 8pm, and lighter rain at 7pm. Then also adds
light rain at 10pm. Oh well the afternoon could feel
quite warm at 15° C. Tomorrow could be a really
miserable day. Rain is expected for almost every hour
of the day, with the heaviest in the first half. With
a top temperature of just 11° C as late as 4pm, and a
degree or two less earlier on, it is going to feel
cold, wet and miserable as well as deeply gloomy in
the first half of the day.
I guess I have to admit that yesterday was a mostly enjoyable day. It was annoying to find that the book I thought might be delivered yesterday did happen, but not when I was in, and I have to go to the sorting office to collect it today. The annoying thing is that UPS, who were the first carrier of my book just dumped it on Royal Mail to do "the last mile". There is a bit more about this, and everything else that happened yesterday, last night, and this morning, in my complete achived page for today. |
Wednesday 19th April
2023 |
Yesterday may have started off nice and sunny, but by 10am the clouds got thicker, the sun was hidden away, and was not seen again until just before it set....although I am not sure if I remember any sun at all from about 11am. It seemed to be a cold day with the temperature only reach 11° C at best, and with 10° C more typical. The wind, which seemed to be blowing straight through my bathroom window felt positively icy ! ![]() I'm not too confident it is
right, but I am pinning my hopes on the latest
revision to today's weather forecast. It now shows
sunny spells right up to midday, and hour of no
sunshine, and then sunny spells at 2pm, and full
sunshine from 4pm. The temperature may reach 14° C by
1pm, and stay there for a couple of hours. A clear
night means a cool morning tomorrow. It could be down
to just 6° C at 6am tomorrow, but rise to 14° C like
today. The morning may feature full sunshine, and then
sunny spells in the afternoon. It might end with a
splash of rain at 6pm. I wonder what the real weather
for tomorrow will be....I also wonder how today will actually
turn out.
After such a nice day on Monday, yesterday was a big disappointment. At least it started nice as the picture I showed yesterday of the northern sky proved. It was little more after I took that picture that the whole sky turned grey and cloudy. There was a brief reprieve an hour later, but it only lasted 10 or 15 minutes, and from then on it became cold and grey, and miserable. It killed any ideas I might have had about going out - even to go shopping. All that I did end up doing is described in my complete archived page for today, which also includes last night and this morning. |
Tuesday 18th April
2023 |
Yesterday was a glorious day after a bit of a dull and damp start. It was late in the morning when the sun started to break through a few gaps in the now thinning clouds. By midday there were long sunny spells, and by 1pm the sky was almost all blue. It was, I admit, the afternoon that was the glorious bit. Strong sunshine, and the temperature reaching a very warm feeling 16° C. It was a shame that the temperature started to fall before sunset, and the night was almost cold by comparison. ![]() In the middle of last week
the BBC were forecasting that today could be better
than yesterday, and that the temperature might even
touch 20° C. Well, that shows just how wrong their
forecasts can be because the reality is that apart
from some sunny spells to start the day, most of today
is going to be very dull, but probably dry. It is also
going to feel cold with the temperature only reaching
as high as 11° C. Tomorrow could be a bit like
yesterday, but with sunny spells instead of sunshine,
and just 13° C.
My very high blood glucose, and the promise of a warm and sunny afternoon, were good enough reasons to skip both breakfast and lunch, and go for a walk. My initial plan was to more or less duplicate the walk I did a fortnight ago - about 3.2 miles, but then I had an idea that would enable me to extend the walk as much as I was comfortable with. Where I walked, a selection of pictures taken along the way, plus the aftermath of that walk, my sleep, and how I feel this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 17th April
2023 |
There was very little sunshine yesterday, but it still warmed up to 16° C, and the evening stayed very mild (13° C at midnight). I do recall one light shower around the middle of the day, but the day could still be described as dry. ![]() Compared to the flights of
fancy, mostly from the BBC weather forecast website in
the middle of last week, today is disappointing. That
very optimistic forecast said today and tomorrow could
see loads of strong sunshine, and temperatures
touching 20° C. Now that today has arrived the reality
is very different. Today started damp and grey, but
the sun has just managed to shine now, but much of the
sky is still very cloudy. The latest revision to the
forecast has moved the first "official" sunny spells
forward to 11am, and says at 3pm there should be full
sunshine. For just the one hour at 3pm the temperature
should reach 16° C. The rest of the afternoon should
feature full sunshine, but clear skies will mean the
temperature will drop a lot after dark. Tomorrow, also
once forecast to be like a summer's day will start
fairly cool at around 7° C, but sunny spells will help
it warm up. There could be full sunshine from 9am, but
the sky will cloud over after midday, and the day will
revert to dull, or maybe very dull. 13° C is currently
the best expected temperature tomorrow.
Ultimately yesterday was a very disappointing time, but it had it's better moments. I suppose one good moment was that it was completely comfortable to walk to Poundland with no coat on, and bare arms late in the morning. The actual shopping was a disappointment because they didn't have a few things I needed. There is a fuller description of this and the rest of my day. night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 16th April
2023 |
Yesterday was a little less cool than recently. The late afternoon temperature reached 13° C, which while better than the previous few days, was still rather disappointing - particularly when yesterday wasn't the dull and miserable day forecast. During the morning the sun managed to peep through the colouds, and from then on we had more and more sunny spells. The afternoon was almost sunny, but it all faded away as 5pm approached. Sometime after 5pm we had some light rain. I think there was more rain after dark. ![]() I think I'm pinning my hopes
on the BBC weather forecast for today. Unlike the Met
Office, as in the screenshot above, the BBC thinks
there will be lots of sunny spells today, although
when I look out the window at the dense covering of
clouds I wonder if sunny spells could be a fantasy. At
least they both agree that this afternoon could see
15° C. A few days ago the long term forecast for
tomorrow was warm and sunny. That seems to have been
turned down to some sunny spells and only 15° C in the
afternoon. They day after tomorrow was also supposed
to be warm and sunny may only see 13° C and a few
sunny sunny spells. However, even predicting this
afternoon's temperature seems impossible for the great
super computers the forecasters use, and all we can
say about the day after tomorrow is that it will be
somewhere between a snow storm and a heatwave.
Yesterday was yet another day when it seems little happened, or to put it another way, was a day when I had plenty of spare hours on my hands. At least it was a day when I had a shower, and washed my hair, although I am not sure that a shopping trip to Tesco deserved clean hair ! I have more to say about yesterday, last night, and also this morning, and it can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 15th April
2023 |
At just 9° C it was a rather cool day. It was made to feel cooler still by grey skies, and occasional rain. The forecast changed once an hour, as usual, and each revision tried to predict when it might rain. Some revisions did actually predict when a few showers might fall, but that is not surprising because it seemed totally random when a passing shower might pass by. To sum up, it was a miserable day. ![]() Apart from today probably
reaching 13° C it will probably be a lot like
yesterday. Both the Met Office and The BBC forecasts
throw in some random rain at almost any hour today. It
is currently mid grey outside, and the last rain was
probably earlier than 8pm. Maybe it will rain in the
next hour, or maybe two hours from now. The Met Office
currently says light rain at 1 and 2pm, while the BBC
pins it's hopes on light rain first starting at 4pm,
and finishing at 7pm. Basically no one can predict
when and if it will rain today. Tomorrow may reach 15°
C - both the BBC and Met Office agree on that. The BBC
is predicting a lot of sunny spells, and even some
full sunshine, but the pessimistic Met Office say no
sunshine, but the clouds will be white.
Once again, not a lot happened yesterday. I think the most I can say about yesterday is that I washed another medium sized bath towel. I only used that towel twice before noting one corner of it smelled horrible. I added some disinfectant to the wash in the hope that it would kill any smelly bacteria. It is possible that it was insufficient rinsing was the cause of that bacteria, although how it can live on soap is anyone's guess. Of course that is not the entire story of yesterday, and there is a lot more in my complete archived page for today. It also includes last night and this morning. |
Friday 14th April
2023 |
I think yesterday was brighter than expected, although actual sunshine was at a premium. Any decent sunshine seemed to be over late in the morning. Only light rain was forecast for yesterday, and that, as passing showers, was all we got. Like recent days it felt cold even if the temperature did peak at 11° C. ![]() I think I noticed some
sunshine behind the curtains during a lay in this
morning, but it is definitely dull now. There has
already been a shower, or at least the road outside
looks wet. The latest revision to the forecast shows
the day being just as grey as in the early version
screenshot above, but extra light rain has been added
at random times. Heavy rain has been brought forward
to start at 7pm in the latest revision. It is going to
be even colder today with a peak of just 9° C
according to the latest revision. The BBC says 10° C,
and also shows rain for every single hour of the day
! The good thing about tomorrow is the
temperature may peak at 13° C, but everything else
about it is bad - more gloomy skies, and more rain.
There is not a lot to say about much of yesterday. It was a typical Thursday with a boozy afternoon. Jodie arrived a bit later than usual, and Michael called in sick. He has hurt his back, and my guess would be while gardening. So we didn't see him. Jodie was only part communicative (except with her phone), and left a bit earlier than usual. I say more about yesterday, last night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 13th April
2023 |
It was often wet yesterday, but there were sunny spells during the morning. It was almost like the sun was switched off at midday....well, it wasn't quite that bad, but soon after 1pm the first heavy rain fell. It must have been around 1.30pm that I heard a boom of thunder, but we were too far away to see any flash. At 2.30pm it seemed quite bright out while heavy rain fell, but like a lot of the rain yesterday, it didn't last long. I think there was more persistent rain later, but at sunset I closed the curtains, and ignored what was going on outside. Yesterday was a cold day. The temperature reached just 10° C for a few hours, and then fell away again. ![]() Once again I feel cheated.
The latest revision of the forecast looks quite nasty
compared with the early version in the screenshot
above. It is bright and sunny as I type this, but 11am
and midday will only feature sunny spells, and rain
will start at 1pm. I guess that is actually a tiny bit
better than the early forecast, but then it gets
worse. 2 and 3pm may be dry, but cloudy. After that
the clouds change from white to grey at 4pm when the
rain starts again. At 5pm the clouds will be a much
darker grey, and heavy rain will fall. At 6pm there
could be a sunny spells, and 7pm could see some light
rain and maybe more sunny spells. The maximum
temperature today may be just 11° C, but that, like
everything else in the forecast will probably be
revised to match what is actually happening - which is
not really a forecast ! Tomorrow will probably
be grey and very damp, and it may be a degree colder
than today !
Yesterday had a lot in common with Wednesday of last week. That meant a peak in the middle of the day, and a slow decline in the afternoon. Of course yesterday had one feature that last Wednesday didn't have - foul weather, although having said that the weather probably wasn't too different during the morning. It was the afternoon when things were very different. Read why, and about the rest of yesterday, plus last night and the start of this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 12th April
2023 |
Yesterday morning's sunshine ended around midday, but it still seemed mostly bright until 1pm, and there were still some patches of blue among the increasingly dark and threatening clouds that were starting to build up. The first rain was not that far away. First rain was just a passing shower just before 2pm, but there were more passing showers until around sunset when the rain changed to fairly long heavy showers. It was a cool feeling day although the temperature did rise to 12° C. ![]() Today is another day when
the weather is probably too changeable for a forecast
that has any accuracy. The early forecast, as shown in
the screenshot above, got off to a bad start. It was
sunny at 7am, and 8am, and continues to
be sunny now, although the clouds are starting to
thicken. The latest revision shows that it should be
dull now (9am) but as I write this the sun is still
shining brightly. It also shows sunshine or sunny
spells until 1pm, but 2pm could see heavy rain....or
maybe it won't. It does seem certain that most of the
afternoon will be wet, but whether it will be light
passing showers, or solid heavy rain is anyone's
guess. The temperature will probably peak around
midday, and it may only be a chilly (particularly in
any rain) 10° C. Tomorrow may feature very little
rain, and a lot of sunshine or sunny spells, but it
will be another rather cool day. We will have to wait
for the weekend before the temperature starts to
climb, and by Monday it could be nice and
warm....fingers crossed.
Yesterday was yet another day when not a lot happened except for one unexpected thing. More on that in the next paragraph or two. The big event, if something so mundane can be called that, was going out to Tesco again. I didn't by the air fryer I am thinking of buying this time, but I did get all the bits I forgot to get the previous day. The more full description of yesterday, last night and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 11th April
2023 |
There was some rain yesterday morning, but unlike the forecast, most of it was light rain...maybe with a few minutes of heavier rain once or twice. The rain faded away once the clock passed midday, and although there was a very brief, fairly light, passing shower as late as 2.30pm, the afternoon was generally dry, and against all odds, feature almost continuous sunny spells. It actually seemed rather nice by 3pm onwards. For all that, the temperature was about what was forecast, 14° C. ![]() The sky is blue, and the sun
is shining, and it has been this way for an hour or
two this morning. Unfortunately, if the forecast turns
out to be right, the sunshine will finish soon after
10am. It should stay dull, but dry until 3pm
(according to the latest revision), and from then on
it will get wet. Mostly it will be light rain, but
heavy rain is predicted from 10pm. To make it all seem
worse the afternoon temperature may only rise to 12°
C. The highest temperature for tomorrow is predicted
to be a chilly 10° C, and that is after a sunny
morning. The afternoon will probably be rather wet,
but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to get a better
prediction for tomorrow, and by late morning the
forecast may finally predict what has already happened
in the early morning.
Yesterday couldn't really be described as busy, but it was quite productive. I did three significant things. The first was I finally got to go shopping in Tesco. As I mentioned yesterday, before I could go to Tesco I had to clear the bathtub so I could have a shower. The bathtub was blocked by my two big washing buckets, and one of them had freezing cold laundry in detergent in it. It is all explained with some more light detail, along with stuff about my evening, night, and the start of this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 10th April
2023 |
My thoughts are that yesterday had some fairly nice weather, but I can't seem to recall exact details apart from the fact that for a lot of the afternoon I dared to open some windows to get some fresh air indoors. The official prediction was for the afternoon to reach 15° C, and I don't think I can dispute that. I think the sunny spells matched the BBC forecast better - they seemed to last until late afternoon. ![]() Maybe with some small
differences, both the BBC and Met Office weather
forecasts agree that today is going to be very wet !
In the latest revision the BBC has added a thundery
shower for 2pm. The Met Office now say that heavy rain
will finish at 11am, and then there will be light rain
until 5pm (with a possible break at 1pm). From 5pm
there could be sunny spells until sunset. The BBC
agrees with that too. The afternoon temperature should
be 14° C. Tomorrow may only reach 12° C, but the
morning could feature sunny spells. The evening could
be very wet ! It is odd that both the BBC and
Met Office broadly agree on tomorrows forecast. I
suspect that like so many days around this time of the
year, that the weather is in a state of constant flux,
and the forecast can only provide very broad brush
strokes. For instance this morning's heavy rain has
been more in the form of passing showers between
either no rain, or just drizzle.
Apart from the afternoon beer drinking session, I didn't really have any definite plans for the rest of the day, and in the end that included any plans for dinner. Any vague ideas masquerading as possible plans were all disrupted by the surprise news that I was expecting an Amazon delivery of some books, and that took precedence over everything. The full description of my day, night and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 9th April
2023 |
Yesterday had quite a few sunny spells, the temperature rose to 13, and maybe 14° C, but somehow it didn't seem to be a warm day. It might have just been me. ![]() As is often the case, The
BBC weather forecast is far more optimistic about
today's sunshine compared the The Met Office, as shown
above. I can't confirm there were sunny spells at 7am,
but I know it was bright, but not sunny until the sun
came out again at 9am. This is all per the forecast,
which is a surprise, and if it holds we will lose any
sunshine at 2pm, or 7pm if in the end the BBC
triumphs. The temperature should reach 15° C today,
and there is a chance it could briefly hit 16° C. The
temperature could reach 14° C tomorrow, but both
forecasters agree it is going to be a very rainy day !
Almost nothing happened yesterday. I just could not find the enthusiasm to do a lot, and that was caused by a combination of feeling tired, but also cold. Several times I felt close to shivery, as if I had a fever, but my clinical thermometer said definitely not. The converse was that sometimes when I turned the heater on it seemed to get too hot too quickly. I guess something was ailing me, but I have no idea what. There is a full description of anything worth describing about yesterday, last night, or this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 8th April
2023 |
Yesterday was not as sunny as it was supposed to be. There weren't many clouds, and they were not very big, but they kept getting in the way of the sun. Maybe it was my imagination, but the lack of sunshine seemed to reduce the afternoon temperature from the forecast peak of 15° C to maybe a couple of degrees less. This was more keenly felt in the late evening when it seemed to feel very chilly. ![]() The latest revision of the
forecast for today has juggled around when there will
be full sunshine, sunny spells, or no sunshine, and
also reduced the amount of sunshine. It is bright and
sunny as I write this, and it is supposed to be dull
right now. It is evidently going to be one of those
days when it is just pot luck when a could may cover
the sun, and went the sun will shine freely. The
afternoon high, according to the latest revision may
be just 13° C. That would have been a luxury a few
weeks ago, but today it feels like we have been
cheated. Tomorrow could be another very variable day.
The BBC forecast a mostly sunny day with the
temperature peaking at 16° C, but the Met Office are
far more pessimistic. They say the best we can hope
for is about half a day's worth of sunny spells, and a
top temperature of 15° C - which I guess isn't bad.
I'm starting this very late because I have been selecting and editing photos from last night, but more about that later. I actually had a very boring day yesterday as I was mainly waiting for the evening. It meant that I didn't fancy doing anything that might distract me from getting in the right frame of mind to go out in the evening. All that happened yesterday, yesterday evening, last night, and the rest of this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 7th April
2023 |
There was a fair amount of rain yesterday. It tended to be in passing showers, but some were quite heavy, and the clouds almost blocked the sun for the whole day, although there were a couple of sunny spells. The afternoon temperature reached 13° C, and possibly a degree or two more for a short period, but without supporting sunshine it didn't feel warm. ![]() I thought I had better check
on new revisions before commenting on the forecast in
the screenshot above, and it was worth it. There have
been sunny spells since sunrise, but the latest "sunny
spells" doesn't seem to be stopping. This is in accord
with the latest revision to the forecast. It says full
sunshine until 3pm, and sunny spells until 7pm and
sunset. The temperature may hit 15° C for a while
today, and that could feel very nice in the sunshine.
Incidentally, the BBC forecast has shuffled the
sunshine and sunny spells, and they are a bit random,
but still lasting until sunset. Tomorrow the
temperature may only rise to 14° C, which is still
fairly good, and if it isn't sunny there will be a
sunny spell every hour until sunset.
I seemed to have a pleasant day yesterday, but only two things happened of any note. Maybe the most momentous was the christening of my new slow cooker. The other was a beer drinking session with Michael (Jodie was attending a gig somewhere and couldn't come). There is a fuller description of both these things, plus other stuff about yesterday, last night, and this morning - which includes some speculation about going out tonight - in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 6th April
2023 |
Yesterday was a bit disappointing. There was less sunshine/sunny spells than the BBC forecast. On the other hand it was probably more than The Net Office forecast. At midday, with the sunny spells fading out, it was comfortable enough to go out with bare arms. The temperature then was only 10° C, but by sunset I was seeing 15° C on my thermometers. Sometime after sunset it started to rain. ![]() The potentially brighter
hours seen in the screenshot above have disappeared in
the latest revision to the forecast. It seems now that
the whole day will be sometimes dull, and at other
times even duller. The afternoon could still reach 13°
C, but there could be rain at midday, 3,4,and
5pm....or probably at any time. There could be a lot
of sunny spells tomorrow, and the temperature may peak
at 14° C.
Yesterday morning was a bit busy. After wet shaving, shampooing, and showering, I dashed out to buy the slow cooker that I mentioned yesterday. I felt almost full of energy as I did a moderately fast walk to Tesco, bought the slow cooker, and then did a moderately fast walk home. It seems that wore me out because my next walk, to the station, seemed like hard work. All this is described/explained in my complete archived page for today which also includes stuff about last night and this morning. |
Wednesday 5th April
2023 |
Yesterday was almost a practice run for a summer day, albeit a rather cold summers day. The day actually started with frost, but the strong sunshine soon put paid to that. Sadly that sunshine failed to raise the temperature beyond 12° C, and it seemed ages to get there. The sky clouded over late in the evening, and saved us from a very cold night. ![]() Until this morning the Met
Office predicted that today would be generally dull.
Meanwhile the BBC were more optimistic with
predictions of sunny spells for much of the day. This
morning both predicted some sunshine and sunny spells.
That has now been revised again, and the Met Office
now says the sunny spells will end at midday. The BBC
are far more optimistic and say sunny spells until
4pm. Curiously enough, although both forecasters
seemed to get there by different routes, they agree
there will be rain this evening. Both agree that the
temperature will rise to 12° C. Tomorrow could be wet
in the afternoon, but a few sunny spells before may be
possible, and the temperature should reach 13° C, and
possibly just touch 14° C for a very short time.
I almost failed to take advantage of yesterday's sunshine. As I said yesterday morning, I didn't really fancy another walk because I was sort of recovering from the previous day, although I expect I would have probably been OK if I did a short walk. In the end I did a very short walk - to Tesco and back. I must admit I did not feel too spry walking back with a heavy load of shopping (mostly liquids). There is more about my shopping trip, and the rest of yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 4th April
2023 |
There were occasional short sunny spells before the main event started a bit later than forecast - almost 1pm - but from then on there was plenty of glorious sunshine, and a few hours after that the sky was a wonderful blue from horizon to horizon. The only disappointment was the temperature. It probably reached 11° C, and that was cold in the shadows, but actually feeling very warm in a black coat directly under the sun. Once night fell the temperature dropped a lot. ![]() I think the BBC weather
forecast yesterday wins the prize. Yesterday evening
they were predicting just 2° C this morning. The Met
Office said 4° C. This morning started with frost !
The temperature now (09:19) has now risen to 5° C, and
by 3pm it should reach 12° C thanks to non stop
sunshine until sun set. Once again it will be a
cold start tomorrow, but only as low as 3 or 4° C. The
rest of tomorrow is a mystery. The BBC predict a sunny
morning, and sunny spells until midday. Then sunny
spells for the rest of the afternoon. The Met Office
deny there will be any sunshine tomorrow, although
they do not predict any rain. Both forecasters agree
on a temperature of 12° C. I suspect that there will
be a sharp boundary between the two different
weathers, and the sunny version may pass over us, or
pass a mile away.
This morning got off to a slow (or different) start because my Virgin Media internet connection was dead when I got up. I suspect they were doing early morning maintenance (adding more government taps to their data centre), and once that was done it came up all by itself. Meanwhile, I had to twiddle my thumbs, have breakfast, and read some internet new stories that I had originally got up as separate tabs in my web browser yesterday....but back to yesterday. Yesterday featured a long(ish) walk, and a large selection of photos. You can read all about that, see the pictures, learn how I slept, and my thoughts this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 3rd April
2023 |
Yesterday mostly followed the weather forecast. The day started off pretty gloomy, but the sun did eventually break through, albeit a bit later than the forecast 10am (but then again the forecast was revised a few times to reflect this). The afternoon was gloriously sunny, but the air temperature only reached about 11° C. Clear skies meant it dropped quite a lot in the night. ![]() The temperature only just
made it to 4° C at 8am, but it is rising. We have
already had one sunny spell despite the latest
revision to the forecast saying it will be 1pm before
the sun breaks through. Looking out the windows I see
clumpy clouds with odd islands of blue here and there.
I guess those clouds to thin out a lot more before we
get the promised sunny afternoon. Even in full
sunshine the best we can hope for is 11° C - a figure
The BBC and The met Office agree on. Another clear
night may see the temperature drop to 3° C by 7am
tomorrow morning, but once the sun rises there should
be full sunshine for the rest of the daylight hours.
Sadly, it will be another cold day like yesterday and
today. Just 11° C again. Of course, if the BBC have it
right for tomorrow it will be just 2° C at 7am, and
reach 12° C in the afternoon.
I don't know whether to describe yesterday as good or bad. I guess that like most days it was a bit of both, and maybe I am putting too much bias on the evening - now that was not good, although I suppose it had it's moments. The day started with me doing almost nothing except writing everything I wrote yesterday. How the rest of my day, night, and this morning went is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 2nd April
2023 |
Nearly all of yesterday was very dull and depressing, but late in the afternoon there was an hour or so of sunny spells. As far as I am aware, the light showers, or drizzle, the The BBC forecast didn't happen. It was a very cool feeling day with the temperature only reaching 11° C. As sunset neared the wind made it feel like the temperature had dropped a lot, and I had to close the bathroom window again ! ![]() By now the clouds should be
looking thinner, and closer to white, but it is pretty
miserable as I write this. Hopefully the sun will
break through before midday, and the after should be
gloriously sunny, although still not warm at just 11°
C. I guess in direct sunshine that 11° C may actually
feel nice until you step into a shadow. Clear skies
mean the temperature is going to dip quite deeply
during the night, and it could be just 4° C (The BBC
say 3° C) at sunrise tomorrow. Tomorrow could be even
sunnier than today, but the Met Office predict the
afternoon high to be no more than 10° C - (The
BBC say 11° C).
There were reasons why yesterday should have been quite a pleasant day. I did several important things, and yet that dull weather seemed to draw any sense of satisfaction away. After a shower the day started with a shopping trip to Tesco. It was superficially nice, but the negative effects of the grey sky and cold transferred to negative buying - sort of. It is all explained in my complete archived page for today, and which includes how badly I slept, and the start of this morning. |
Saturday 1st April
2023 |
Once again there was less rain than forecast yesterday, but it could still be described as a very dull and damp day. At just 11° C it could also be described as "disappointing". ![]() The Met Office forecast
actually says today will be dry, but overcast. The BBC
website throws in some random hours of drizzle.
Somehow the BBC forecast seems more likely when I look
at the heavy grey sky bearing down on us. I suppose
that 11° C is better than nothing, but as we are now
over a quarter of the way into the year I would have
expected more. Tomorrow night, and the night after
that are expected to be particularly cold nights with
temperatures down to 3 or 4°, but tomorrow after will
probably be 11° C again, although I would have hoped
it would be a lot higher because both the Met Office
and The BBC agree that tomorrow after should feature
both sunny spells and full sunshine.
Yesterday was not as dull as expected, although here I am not taking about the weather - that was definitely dull. It started with a shopping trip, and after that I did all sort of small jobs. Many were routine stuff, and not exactly exciting, and so involved finance, and that is always very scary no matter which way the money is moving. Everything of note that I did during the day, how I slept and some notes this morning can be read in my complete archive page for today. |