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Monday 17th April 2023
 08:32 BST

  There was very little sunshine yesterday, but it still warmed up to 16° C, and the evening stayed very mild (13° C at midnight). I do recall one light shower around the middle of the day, but the day could still be described as dry.
     warm and sunny
                                  later this afternoon
  Compared to the flights of fancy, mostly from the BBC weather forecast website in the middle of last week, today is disappointing. That very optimistic forecast said today and tomorrow could see loads of strong sunshine, and temperatures touching 20° C. Now that today has arrived the reality is very different. Today started damp and grey, but the sun has just managed to shine now, but much of the sky is still very cloudy. The latest revision to the forecast has moved the first "official" sunny spells forward to 11am, and says at 3pm there should be full sunshine. For just the one hour at 3pm the temperature should reach 16° C. The rest of the afternoon should feature full sunshine, but clear skies will mean the temperature will drop a lot after dark. Tomorrow, also once forecast to be like a summer's day will start fairly cool at around 7° C, but sunny spells will help it warm up. There could be full sunshine from 9am, but the sky will cloud over after midday, and the day will revert to dull, or maybe very dull. 13° C is currently the best expected temperature tomorrow.
  Ultimately yesterday was a very disappointing time, but it had it's better moments. I suppose one good moment was that it was completely comfortable to walk to Poundland with no coat on, and bare arms late in the morning. The actual shopping was a disappointment because they didn't have a few things I needed. I still managed to almost fill my rucksack with stuff as compensation - except that some of that filling was some bags of crisps which I can't eat today and probably tomorrow....well actually, I should never eat them, but today is a special case I will come to soon.

  In the early afternoon I had my lunch of grilled wings and chips - the last part of my large takeaway order last Friday night. The theory was that the greasy chips and the meat on the wings would "buffer" my later booze intake. The one flaw with that theory is that it wasn't as big a portion as I thought it was - those wings were, not unexpectedly, mainly bone, and so my lunch had a lot less meat than I thought, and the portion of chips turned out to be moderately small.

  I did a little bit of cleaning up after lunch, and polished the beer glasses. I then say back and waited for Jodie to arrive for a beer tasting session. The only trouble was that once again she arrived with a hangover after some grand adventures the night before, and didn't fancy any beer - not even any alcohol free beer ! She did have two small cans of fruit cider that I fortunately tucked away after a brief flirtation with cider last summer (or was it the summer before ?).

  I still drank beer, and I didn't have to share my bottles with Jodie. They tended to be fairly strong, although I didn't go for the strongest. I guess they averaged out to around 6.5%. Despite my hopes for the lunch I had, I still managed to get just drunk enough to make the session semi enjoyable (Jodie was not great company in the state/mood she was in). I didn't get very drunk, but just enough to spoil, or ruin my inhibitions - with particular regard to food.

  My original idea was that I would have just a few rices cakes or something for dinner, but the booze made me feel very hungry, and also not very careful about what I ate. I grilled a couple of pork chops I had in the fridge, and ate them with peri peri flavoured microwave in the pouch rice. I slightly over cooked the pork, and it was a bit dry, but still quite nice with the rice. After that, in a complete moment of utter madness, I had another tub of ice cream as a dessert. It would all have consequences !

  I think I read articles from one of the humorous spoof news web sites while I ate. Later on I would watch an edition of Have I Got News For You, and I think that was the total extent of my TV watching for the whole of yesterday. I turned the TV off at 10pm and went to bed. Initially I just read in bed, and it might have been just before 11pm when I put the book down and tried for sleep.

  There were two reasons why it was some time before I finally fell asleep. For one thing I was sobering up, and while I didn't seem to have a hangover, it was like my brain was  waking up, and refusing to relax. The other thing is that by than I had started to suffer from terrible wind. Oddly enough I didn't seem to suffer any significant discomfort from it apart from the assault on my nose. Most of those farts were extremely smelly.

  It was probably midnight when I decided I had to try to stop it, and I went to the toilet - except I didn't go. A second (or maybe third) visit to the toilet was slightly productive, and after that I was able to go to sleep. That must have been a little before 1am this morning. It was nice that it was such a mild night or sitting on the toilet could have been a very chilling experience. I actually felt comfortable enough to leave the heater off for the last hours of yesterday evening.

  I can't seem to recall having any dreams last night, which is a bit unusual, but I guess after a late start I was probably in a deeper sleep than usual. I think I got up for a small pee around 3am, and I did turn the heater on low before I went back to sleep. At 5am I turned the heater up full, and then I slept through until gone 7am. It took very little effort to go when I went to the toilet after getting up, but I don't think that is the end of the story.

  I had good reason to be very worried about what my blood glucose would be this morning, and my fears were justified. This morning it was above the danger line, at 10.7mmol/l. It means I need to fast for as long as I can hold out today to get it down insto a safer region. Fortunately I don't seem to be burping cod liver oil capsule flavours like sometimes happens after my morning capsule, and so I don't need to have any breakfast to take the taste away. However I do feel hungry, and I'll just have to resist that.

  Today was the first of two days that I suggested to Angela that I would like to buy her lunch now she is a bit mobile again. I originally suggested today or tomorrow based on the BBC's wildly optimistic weather forecast for today and tomorrow when I made the suggestion in the middle of last week. Today might still be a fair day, and tomorrow may not be all that nice. Angela's last words on the subject was that she would try and work something out soon. I don't expect to hear from her today or tomorrow.

  I had better take a good shower, shave and wash my hair this morning just in case I am too pessimistic, and Angela does call. What I think is more likely to happen is that I will be attempting a walk through the liner park in the sunshine, and hope the wame sunshine invigorates me enough to try for more than 3 miles. I may head towards Clock House station knowing that I can get a train back to Catford from Lower Sydenham, New Beckenham, or Clock House station - or I can even attempt to walk back. It probably depends on how well some painkillers work.  The last 3.2 mile walk really knackered me, but at least it did prove it was still possible, and with better weather I can try and build on that.
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