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Wednesday 10th May 2023
 08:46 BST

  Yesterday was a far, far better day than the forecasts predicted. From time to time predictions of thunderstorms were included in the weather forecasts, and indeed I think I was just able to hear a very far off rumble of thunder. The reality is that there were more sunny spells than falls of rain yesterday. There was a light passing shower at 3pm, and some rain around sunset, but none of the later rain appeared to be heavy, although maybe there were a few moments here and there when it was heavier. It was quite a warm day, and the consensus of my outdoor thermometers was that the temperature reached 20° C, or 3° higher than the 17° C forecast.
     sunny start
  It is bright and sunny this morning, and iut could stay that way for a few hours yet. This afternoon is just pot luck. It probably will rain sometime, but the latest revision only shows light rain at 2 and 3pm and another shower at 6pm. It seems like no one can really predict this weather, and it could equally end up as a dry day, or one with heavy rain. It is still predicted to be 17° C in the early afternoon. The forecast for tomorrow is probably just fantasy at this time, but for what it is worth....it should be bright in the morning with some sunny spells in the early afternoon, but rain towards the end of the afternoon. Once again 17° C is predicted, but even that could be very different tomorrow.
  I guess I could describe yesterday as being a sort of quiet day. I didn't do much, but then again I didn't have a lot of free time. The most significant thing I did was the housework in the dining room that I suggested I might do when writing yesterday morning. I did slightly more than hoovering up all Jodie's crumbs from the floor while hoovering all the floor. I also scrubbed the "wipe clean" PVC table cloth in the dining room. All the beer and food stains are gone, but some splashed of red candle wax will have to stay for now.
                              tablecloth, and hoovered floor
  After the hoovering and tablecloth cleaning. It would almost look quite good, but apart from some stuff on the floor (in boxes) that I would really like to store elsewhere, the ancient carpet has seen better days, and some stains are so old they are now probably holding it together. If I ever finish the painting in the dining room, I may look out a cheap bit of off cut/end of roll carpet to put down in the dining room - possibly using the old carpet as underlay.
warm day

  I thought I had better record some confirmation of my saying that the temperature rose to 20° C yesterday. The bottom figure in the picture is the room temperature, and it was being heated just by sunshine - on a day when there wasn't really supposed to be any sunshine. All three outside sensors are on the north side of the house, and very rarely see the sun, and then only for a few days either side of mid summers day when the sun is at it's highest. They can see reflected infra red radiation from the clouds, and maybe that might have added a degree at best to these readings (but of course that is really just a figure drawn out of thin air). Maybe the best indicator is that I went into the garden for a minute or two, with no shirt one, and while there was no hot sun on bare skin feeling, it did feel warm out there.

  The thing that took up a lot of my time was a return to copying stuff from recordable CDs and DVDs onto exteranl USB hard disks. It all came about when I was cleaning the dining room table. I needed to take two candles in old bottles off the table, and I decided I would put them in the front room, above the TV in there. They can stay there until autumn when a bit of extra heat and light would be useful. Before putting them above the TV I had to removed about a 4 inch high pile of recordable DVD disks.

  I had made them as video DVDs to make playing video files easier on the TV using a DVD player. The annoying thing is that my TV can play some video files direct off, for instance, a USB thumb drive. But it is very fussy, and I have yet to find a definitive answer about what kind of files it can play, and those it can't. In the end, to avoid delays and disappointment, I just burned the video files to video DVD. Not all the disks were video DVDs. Some were data disks, and one was a VCD disk.

   As I say, the pile was about 4 inches high, and that was without the disks being in boxes or sleeves ! I had hoped that I could find the original video files I had burnt as DVDs, and in some cases I could. That speeded up the process, but in quite a few cases I couldn't seem to find the originals, and I had to resort to ripping the DVDs back to mp4 video files - a rather slow process.

  All through the day I was keeping an eye on the weather, and comparing reality with the ever changing forecasts. One oddity was comparing the BBC forecast and their animated weather map a bit further down the page. That animated weather shows the clouds, and the strength of their rainfall zipping across the sky. While their main forecast showed the possibility of all hell being let loose, the animated weather suggested we would just be touched by the very bottom, and quite narrow portion of a single rainy cloud, and that was the light shower at 3pm

blue skysunshine

  I took the two pictures above at approximately midday - when the first heavy rain was originally predicted. The top picture, looking north, shows a large area of blue sky, and mostly fluffy and streaky clouds - the type that don't usually drop rain. The lower picture shows bright sunshine (look at the shadows cast by the cars, for instance). A lot of the morning was like this, or better, and although it may have got slightly duller for the next three hours, it wasn't until 3pm when we had the first light shower (and only shower until very late afternoon). I could have gone for a nice sunny walk in my shirtsleeves if only I had known it would be like this.

  My eating was a bit variable yesterday. I had a double dose of instant noodles for breakfast. A packet of cheese flavours micro chipsticks for elevenses. Lunch was two little "salad pots" of puy lentils. Dinner was going to be diced beef stew with broccoli, but I didn't have it ready on time because I was stupidly trying to cook the broccoli with the heat turned to low on the slow cooker.

   I went for something faster to cook. It was a pack of cheese croquettes. They were supposed to be cooked from frozen, but they were defrosted when I bought them from the reduced price shelf in Tesco. Maybe if they had started frozen they may have kept their shape during cooking, but mine just sort of melted. In that state, and with some of it stuck to the foil I lined the cooking tray with, it came out looking a lot smaller than expected. It topped off that small dinner with haolf a tub of low calorie/sugar ice cream.

  I did my typical TV viewing yesterday evening, and by 10pm I was feeling rather tired despite doing so little during the day. It was remarkably easy to fall asleep once I had put my book down, and turned out the light. I could have slept really well last night but for one problem - the temperature. It was almost warm enough to sleep uncovered, and a little too warm under the duvet. After waking up feeling cold twice I gave in and turned the heater on low. That helped but it didn't seem to be a complete cure.

  The outcome of my unusual eating yesterday was not terrible, but 9.2mmol/l is a higher blood glucose reading than I am happy with. Tonight I will definitely need to eat my beef and broccoli stew, and hopefully I'll get a better reading tomorrow morning. Of course there is one factor that may send things awry today, and that involves Guinness !

  Until this morning I was looking forward to seeing Angela in the pub at lunchtime. A few days ago I spoke to her and she was looking forward to it (as far as I can tell), but this morning she messaged me to say she couldn't come because today she is getting a ceiling re-plastered. It was ages ago she told me it would have to be done some time because a large chunk of plaster had fallen down after a water leak.

  It looks like I'll be on my own in the pub today, but I shall go there via the railway so I can grab a couple of copies of The Metro, and do a bit of train spotting. It is possible I could stay for three pints of Guinness today, and who knows how I could ruin my diet after that !!! All I have to do now is to see if I dare go without a coat. If it is like it is as I write this, it would be fine without a coat, but it could pour with rain when I leave the pub.....
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