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Sunday 14th May 2023
 08:47 BST

  The Met Office promised a sunny afternoon, and the BBC promised most of the day would be sunny. All we saw was about 1 minute of sunshine during the single sunny spell that happened yesterday. On top of that, the temperature seemed to fall about 4° C short of the forecast 18° C. Overall it was an almost miserable day.
     maybe some
                                  sunshine this afternoon
  On the basis that one day's weather is usually similar to the previous day, we could be screwed today. The latest Met Office revision has already changed today's sunshine/sunny spells to midday to 3pm, and then a single hour at 6pm. It has also changed most of the 20° C hours to 19° C.  The BBC, as usual, are far more generous with their sunshine with sunshine or sunny spells for most of the day, but they also show rain for 6 and 7pm. Their maximum temnperature is shown as 19° C. In other words, we really have no idea what today's weather will bring. Tomorrow may start with early morning rain, but with sunny spells later. It will probably be cooler with a maximum of just 15° C. The BBC show a slightly more pessimistic version for tomorrow.
  I was waiting on the sunshine to spur me on to a more interesting day yesterday, and apart from as little as one solitary minute of sunshine, it was a generally dull miserable day. There was a strong wind that made it worse at times. The one big thing I did was one thing I was wondering if I had time for on the assumption I would be out on a long walk in what should have been a warm and sunny afternoon.

  That one thing was some laundry - a couple of t-shirts and 6 pairs of underpants. I was still hoping that they would all be baked dry in warm, or better, sunshine, but they were still very damp when I brought them all in, off the washing line, some 4 hours later. I had hoped the wind might have dried them, but it seems even that was useless. I have yet to check, but they should be dry now after leaving a desk fan blowing at all the clothes on the clothes horse.
washing on the
  When I stop to think about it, there is no reason to show the picture above, to prove that I hung the washing on the washing line, other than the fact that I took the picture, and might as well use it. It was silly that I slightly brightened the picture so it didn't look so dull when the point of it was to show how miserably dull it was yesterday afternoon - definitely not the weather to enjoy a walk.

  Apart from doing the laundry (by hand) I had a fairly lazy sort of day. I even had a brief snooze before washing my hair and having a shower. That was when I still stupidly believed the afternoon would be warm and sunny, and that I would be going out. By midday, or maybe half past, I was becoming sure that the clouds would never go away, and I might as well start making preparations to stay in.

  Those preparations included a lunch I hadn't originally thought I would have. It was a green salad, with a few baby tomatoes with ready cooked sweet chilli flavoured chicken. Despite being described as sweet, the nutritional panel seemed to say that the sugar content was low - but that was just from looking at the traffic light colours. It may have been low as measured by each mouthful, and enough for a salad would actually contain a lot of sugar. Such are the risks we take....

  While chopping up stuff for the salad I also chopped up about a third of a white cabbage to form part of my dinner. It would actually be the biggest part of my dinner ! Rather unusually, I made up my salad on a dinner plate, rather than in a bowl as I usually do. Maybe it was because I fancied using mayonnaise on it instead of oil and vinegar.  The salad was tasty, but this time it did not seem so filling.
  Sometime in the afternoon I came to fancy a nibble. I decided on some micro chipsticks. Rather than just gobble the whole bag I tipped some out onto a plate. I have attempted to describe them several times, but yesterday I took a picture of them. I included a £1 coin on the side of the small plate to give some idea of scale. I guess each chipstick is twice the size of an ordinary household match.

  I started eating this snack when I started watching the next episode of series three of Star Trek: Picard. It was quite a few days since I watched the previous episode, and I didn't leave myself a note to remind me which episode I had last watched. It took three attempts to find the next unwatched episode. I didn't realise I had already watched 4 episodes of series three already. It feels like it won't be long now before I have watched all three series.
Picard drinks
  One interesting thing gathered from the episode I was watching was that in the 25th Century, Picard, now Admiral Picard, drinks Jameson Irish Whiskey. It is good to know it will still be available in 400 years time in case I accidently forget to die sometime in the next 30 years (or probably less). Once again, the single episode I watched yesterday contained an awful lot of blather, and so could have edited down to half the length without loosing to much of the story. I'm sure there is a reason given as to why each episode is so long in the Wikipedia page, but I couldn't find it in a very quick scan of the page > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Picard

  There was a bit of TV on last night to entertain me, but also to annoy me. Sky Arts showed two back to back episodes of Guy Harvey's "From The Vaults". I'm unsure what years they covered, but the first was mostly OK, and fairly interesting. The second covered a period of time when rap and disco and equally loathsome music flared up. I turned the sound low and read some stuff on the internet before only going back to the TV when something less insulting was being played.

  I was probably asleep soon after 10pm last night, and I think I slept OK. On one occasion I was woken in a sort of muted dramatic way when my duvet, already partly pushed to the side, slithered off the bed. That felt weird, and I also felt a bit cold. I mostly slept under the duvet for the rest of the night, or at least until the heater, running on low, had my bedroom almost comfortably warm without the duvet.

  I probably had some extensive dreams last night, but I could only remember a few short snippets of them. I am now wondering if I will remember any of a second little snippet that I thought I would like to tell while I write the one thing I do remember. It was a dream set at work in a place that was similar to where I last worked. In the dream I was looking after an apprentice or young new recruit. I was telling him about some of the people he would meet, and their names.

  When I came to Doctor Paul Jones the youngster asked if we really had a doctor working with us. I had to explain that his doctorate was in electronic engineering, and not medicine, but that he was still entitled to call himself "Doctor". The deram was based on a real experience. One of the people I worked with was a genuine doctor of electronics. I found it funny that all his knowledge was almost all based on digital stuff, while a lot of the stuff the company did was analogue. There I was, with only a City And Guild in telecommunication, telling a Doctor of electronics, how some analogue things worked !

 I think the other snippet of dream I was going to recount was also something funny, but the memory seems to have completely evaporated now. So back to this morning, and my blood glucose measurement. The good news is that it was back to an acceptable level, but I was hoping it might be a bit lower. Still, 8.7mmol/l is good enough for now. It is unlikely my eating will be any safer, and probably a lot worse today.

  The sky is still looking rather milky, instead of blue, but the sun is now shining, albeit a bit hazy, and the shadows being cast are very fuzzy. It is the sort of day where I could do something, but I think Jodie will be over for some beer tasting this afternoon. I may pop out to get a few things from Tesco this morning - remembering to put low salt/sugar tomato sauce at the top of my shopping list. I am sure there was something else I was going to get, and if I do get to Tesco I hope I remember what that is !
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