Today has started
rather dull, and cooler than recent days. It
seems to be about 11° C now, but around 5am it
was down to 8° C. The latest revision to the
forecast has moved the first sunshine up to
9am, and I would speculate it could end up
later than that, but ultimately it should turn
into a sunny day, albeit just sunny spells at
first. The latest revision shows the
temperature could reach 20° C today. It may
reach 20° C tomorrow, but perhaps only for an
hour or two. It should be a bright start, but
much of the day will be cloudy and dull.
I had another busy day yesterday, or at
least that is how it felt to me. I spent many
more hours photo editing. One thing became
very apparent as I got to the last 20 or so
photos I had taken, and it was that I was
right to leave the gig when I did. Judging by
the sloppy photography I was getting quite
tired at the end.
I was also getting tired selecting and
editing the best photos yesterday. At first I
was happy experimenting with extra editing -
stuff like painting out stuff on the edges of
the picture that distracted from the main
subject. I was also selectively lightening and
darkening areas of the picture. In the last of
the pictures I was doing little creative stuff
- except for one picture. The very last
pictures I took were of Chain doing their
three songs at the open mic.
In one respect it was less Chain, and
more Jo and Chris with the house band, but the
drummer used to drum for them before being
sacked for being a twerp. I took about 20
pictures, and all but three were dreadful, and
the remaining three were not exactly
sparkling. One of the three was actually
fairly rubbish, and I did spend a lot of time
getting it to look better. Basically it was
out of focus because there was no enough light
for the camera to focus properly. I ended up
using far more smoothing than usual to kill
any noise, and then loads of sharpening to
make the image look a bit sharper. The picture
was a fairly long shot of Jo, and so there
were less details to begin with. The entire
effect was to make her look a lot younger - an
effect enhanced by the way her hair had almost
fallen towards, but not across her face.
The original picture was in portrait
style - maybe three times higher than the
width, but I've cropped off the top and bottom
to show here. There are some horrible
artefacts, left from the heavy processing, but
they may not be visible if you haven't spent
ages looking the overall picture. I must admit
one artifact is that Jo's face looks so
unblemished it looks more plastic than human.
Maybe it would be how a waxwork of her might
look. I wouldn't have used this photo, but it
seems I only took this one photo of Jo.

I can't quite remember what time it
was, but I would guestimate it could have been
around 11am, when the doorbell rang, and it
was an unexpected delivery of a Hell On Tap
t-shirt that I had ordered on the 12th May.
It's arrival inspired me to do a small batch
of laundry so I could give the t-shirt a wash.
It seemed to have a moderately unpleasant
paraffin sort of smell, probably from the
paint used for the drawing on the front. I had
one other t-shirt in the washing bag, along
with several pairs of underpants.
I can't say I was terribly enthusiastic
about doing that laundry. I seemed to have
lots of minor aches that added up to not a
good feeling. I first left the washing soaking
in detergent, and came back to it several
hours later. The first time I bent over to
start all the squeeging and general battery of
the stuff in the soapy water, it felt like my
back might break, and my right arm fall off,
but by the end of the first rinse it was like
all my muscles had warmed up, and all the
aches faded (although maybe not quite to
zero). I had left it too late in the day to
dry it all on the washing line, and I am not
sure it was the best of drying days anyway. I
hung it all on the clothes horse in the front
room, with the desk fan blowing on it. It all
seems dry and ready to wear this morning, but
I think it could be next Thursday before I
wear the Hell On Tap t-shirt for the first
The next thing I did of any
significance was to do all the washing up, and
then prepare my dinner. For lunch I had a
single individual Tesco steak pie. I am not
sure if it was just that I didn't fancy a
second one, as I have in the past when cooking
individual pies, or if I was deliberately
trying to be more healthy, more disciplined
and stuff like that. It was probably a bit of
both. It might also have been that I expected
the pie to be rubbish, and maybe it was.
Dinner was to be a great heap of salad,
but it wasn't. I started preparing it, taking
the ingredients out of the fridge as I needed
them. The one exception might have been a red
onion because I knew I didn't have any spring
onions, but I decided against using red onion
as a substitute. I washed and cut in two half
a dozen baby tomatoes. I cut into double
postage stamp size a small red bell pepper. I
roughly shredded some basil, and cubed two
different types of cheese. I then went to get
the bag of baby salad leaves from the fridge,
and they weren't there.
I had to check the till receipt, which
fortunately I still have, from my last visit
to Tesco. That confirmed that I definitely
hadn't bought and baby salad leaves, or any
other type of salad leaves. It made my salad a
bit smaller, but it was still quite tasty, and
still have a good texture - possibly better
than if it had a load of leaves in it. It
still felt a bit small, and against all logic
I decided to start on a tub of low
calorie/sugar ice cream. Unfortunately I
didn't stop until I had reached the bottom of
the tub.
As usual I watched three lots of Star
Trek, but then I noted there was nothing on
Dave to watch until about 11pm (I think it was
Have I Got News For You). I could have checked
the programme guides for each channel to see
if I could find any alternate entertainment,
but I was feeling tired, and decided to not
bother with TV. I did do some quite reading
from the book of short stories I was reading
until I finished the book last night.
That time reading was good because it
gave time to allow my dinner to settle better.
Also I didn't drink any gassy beers, although
I did drink a few large whiskies. I took one
other precaution an hour before trying for
sleep, and that was to take a couple of
Paracetamol tablets. It seemed to all work,
and I had none of the acid reflux, plus
assorted aches and pains that had spoiled my
sleep for the preceding two nights.
I had left the heating off before going
to bed, and I seemed to be comfortable until I
think it was 1am when I woke up to find
I was too hot under the duvet, and my pillow
was damp with sweat. I went back to
sleep partly uncovered, but by then the
temperature was dropping fast. At 3am I put
the heater on low, and I was able to sleep
comfortable again. I am not sure if
"comfortable" is the right word because before
I got up I had a dream that could be called a
The dream was a bit random, and didn't
always follow a linear plot. I can't possibly
describe it like a story, but I can describe
the basic premise that classifies it as like a
nightmare. I had flown, with some friends, to
an unknown airport in an unknown country. I
was relying on the friends to guide me, but
somehow we got separated, and so did some of
my luggage. The scenes seemed to jump around a
lot, but the closing scene before I woke up
was particularly horrible, and was probably
good reason to wake up a little earlier than
I had walked a little way away from the
airport, and I was on an area of pavement that
had signs saying that stopping was not
allowed. Oddly enough, nearly all the writing
I saw was in English, but I "knew" it was a
foreign country. I had stopped to get my
camera out of the one bag I had with me. I
wanted to take a picture of the name board
above the entrance to the airport. It was my
only point of reference, and I could possibly
show the picture to anyone who might help
point me back in the right direction to it (I
think the name I saw looked very foreign, and
hard to pronounce. I fumbled around with the
camera, but I didn't seem to know how to
operate it, and eventually I concluded the
battery was flat.
I guess as nightmares go, it was fairly
tame stuff, but it was a relief to wake up
from it. I think that was at one minute to
6am, and it did feel a bit early, but I needed
to go to the toilet, and so it wasn't worth
going back to bed. This morning was the great
experiment - to try checking my blood glucose
with test strips from two different canisters.
Just to back track a bit. It was some time
yesterday afternoon when I checked strips from
both canisters with some test solution I had
never ever tried before.
The test strip from the canister I
thought might be faulty read 8.7mmol/l. The
test strip from the other canister, which I
expected to give a lower reading, actually
gave a
higher reading of 9.0mmol/l. At
that time I wasn't sure what to expect from
the test solution, but later on I found on the
test strip canisters that a reading of between
8.6 and 9.1mmol/l was to be expected. That
seemed stupidly vague.
This morning I made sure my pinprick of
blood continued to flow long enough to do a
reading using a test strip from each canister.
The first reading, once again from the
canister I suspected of reading high, gave a
rather good 8.5mmol/l, and indeed I was
expecting something like that based on what I
had eaten. The test strip from the other
canister said 9.0mmol/l. It is evident that
this testing method is far from accurate, and
no wonder the doctors and nurses don't trust
it, and rely on a laboratory blood test. I had
one last thought on the subject, and the
results will be apparent tomorrow. Although
the test meter didn't suggest the batteries in
it might be getting weak, I put brand new
batteries in it ready for tomorrow.
A little tiny bit of today is mapped
out for me.This morning I shall go to Tesco to
buy the missing salad leaves, maybe even two
bags of them, plus other stuff that might be
useful. Tonight I am being "bullied" to go to
a gig. I suppose "bullied" is far to strong a
term, but I am sort of expected. I don't think
it will be a good gig, but it is easy-ish to
get to, although I don't like the bus route or
the areas it goes through. I may just go for
something like an hour, take a pile of snaps,
and then head home again.
Between Tesco and the possible gig I
should go for a nice walk in the sunshine, but
that, if it is as long as it would be
desirable would leave me too tired to go out
tonight. I may just have a lazy day doing
stuff I haven't had time for over the last
half week or whatever. I fancy a snooze or
three, plus watching at least another episode
of Star Trek: Picard. I am halfway through the
last season, and it is starting to build up to
a climax !