As can be seen in
the forecast chart above, this morning was
almost chilly at just 13° C, but the sky was
blue, and it is warming up quite fast now. The
met Office predicts the afternoon temperature
should reach 26° C, and the BBC says even
higher at 28° C. Tomorrow could be the same as
today, although it may start a degree or two
I find it hard to describe yesterday. A
few useful things happened, but then there
seems to have been a lot of nothing happening.
Oddly enough the nothing didn't seem to be
boring so I guess I must have been gainfully
employed doing something or another.
What I can say is that I finished the
laundry I had left in soak overnight. There
were just three items - a hand towel, a pair
of lounge pants, and a pair of underpants. The
towel had needed a double wash, first with bio
detergent, and then 4 rinses beforfe being
washed with the other stuff in normal
detergent. The extra wash was because the
towel had loads of dried sweat on it after
being used to protect my pillow at night.
The other thing of note was doing some
garden maintenance. I say maintenance, rather
than "gardening" because a lot of it was to do
with clearing/cleaning the path from the back
door to the garden area. It had loads of moss
growing on it, and all sorts of garden debris
on it. It needed some scraping to get most of
the moss off (I used the hoe for that), plus
lots of intensive sweeping. It was all done
under the midday sun, although the near the
back door is always in the shade.
I did do some limited weed pulling, and
also cutting off the long stems of the Alliums
that had finished flowering, and dropped their
seeds. What I didn't do was to get the
strimmer out and cut the patchy lumps of grass
(and also some cereals thanks to the amount of
spilled bird seed last year) back to a
something that poorly resembles a lawn. After
working in the hot sun for maybe approaching
an hour (although I wasn't timing it) I felt
too knackered to do more.

One of the sadder aspects of yesterday
was that I managed to take a snap of this
magnificent poppy at 11.30am - before the sun
hit it with the force of a flame thrower. It
was self seeded, and seemed to appear almost
over night. A few hours later it was drooping
badly. I gave it a small amount of water, and
later on I poured about a gallon of water
around it's base. It continued to droop, and
by the end of the day it seemed almost dead. I
hoped it would perk up overnight, but while I
haven't been outside for a closer look, I
can't see any improvement from the kitchen
Apart from laundry and garden work,
about all I can say about the rest of the day
is that I did some washing up, and I prepared
a few meals. After working under the hot sun
it would seem that the obvious choice was to
have ice cream for lunch. I actually had 6
sausages - the last of a bag of frozen
sausages. They were Richmond sausages, and to
be honest they were not very good. I bought
them because I thought that was what I bought
last time, but it turns out that the last bag
of frozen sausages were Tesco branded, and I
have to say the Tesco sausages were much
I still haven't managed to find an
Tesco low salt/sugar tomato ketchup despite
the notice I photographed in the store a few
weeks back saying they were expecting new
supplies on 7th June. As I mentioned yesterday
(I think), I couldn't find any Tesco branded
ketchup after everything was moved during the
refit that is going on. It is only the Tesco
brand ketchup that is truly low sugar. The
Heinz low sugar version actually contains
about the same amount of Sugar as Tesco's
ordinary ketchup.
What I did find was already at home in
a box of assorted stuff part hidden under
bottles of spices. It was a very small tub of
concentrated tomato paste. I am sure it had
heaps of natural sugars in it, and so I used
it with great caution on the sausages I had
for lunch. Maybe I should have mixed it with
some vinegar to make it more ketchup like
because by itself it didn't really do the job.
After my lunch I don't think I ate
anything, unless it was a small amount of
peanuts, until I had my dinner. Dinner was a
cheese salad - a very simple cheese salad. The
cheese was ready cubed Feta like cheese (but
maybe not
actually Feta), and I was
quite generous with it to avoid it getting
lost in the whole bag of aromatic salad leaves
which I had seasoned with some balsamic
dressing. That was my entire dinner, although
later on in the evening I did nibble on a
chunk of cheese.
TV has become most boring in the
evening. I was still able to watch three lots
of Star Treks, but from 8pm I could not find a
single thing on that interested me. Once again
I spent an hour or so reading before going to
bed. Like the night before I took a 2 litre
chilled bottle of tap water to bed to avoid
getting dehydrated in the night. It was
probably less important last night because it
seemed to be almost cold in my bedroom in the
small hours of this morning.
Unlike the night before, I had great
trouble getting to sleep. One reason was that
I seemed to have more aches than usual. I
guess I can blame my work in the garden for
that. It made finding a comfortable position
difficult. There was also a three way
temperature problem. It was far too hot at the
start of the night to sleep under the duvet,
and yet it was not hot enough to need a fan
blowing on me. In fact the fan felt chilly
after a while, and probably made my aches
One odd thing about last night was that
I can barely remember dreaming. Even when I
can't remember a thing about my dreams, I
usually can remember that I had dreams. This
morning I just have a very faint hint that
maybe I had a dream, but I can't even say what
part of the night it may have happened. What
wasn't a dream was that as midnight
approached, and I don't think I had slept a
wink, I took a couple of Paracetamols to help
me sleep. I haven't had to do that for some
time now. Thankfully it seemed to work.
I definitely felt chilly during my last
hour or two in bed, and while I soon seemed to
overheat if I pulled the duvet over me, I did
do just that to warm up for 5 minutes, and
slept partly covered. After getting to sleep
so late I was reluctant to get up when I did -
about 6.30am. I had woken up even earlier than
that, and managed to get back to sleep, but
eventually I didn't seem to be able to sleep
any more, and reluctantly got up.
Like the night before, drinking lots of
water through the night, meant my blood
glucose reading was nice and low, In fact it
was the same as yesterday, 7.8mmol/l. That is
almost low enough to bring about some mild,
very, very mild, weight loss, but I have not
dared to get on the scales to see if anything
has changed. Maybe I won't do that until, and
if, it becomes obvious that my trouser belt is
getting looser !
One thing I did yesterday, during the
evening, was to request a beer delivery I was
expecting today to be delivered tomorrow
instead. The DHL website made it really east
to do, and now I feel free to enjoy a
lunchtime with Angela is she is free to come
out and play. There is some possible doubt
about it even though she said that she wanted
a Wednesday lunchtime meet with me some days
ago. Angela sent me a picture of her freshly
stripped kitchen ceiling. The plasterboard
would have gone up yesterday, but I guess that
will need painting, and it seems that is being
done today.
I've just heard from Angela, and she
can't come out today. I could have had the
beers delivered today, but it does mean I am
now free to do something.... I am thinking of
a bit of a walk that will end up at The Jolly
Farmers. Of course everything hinges on the
fact that I am going through another bout of
something like constipation. I didn't go at
all yesterday, and have yet to go today. It is
probably because I have eaten comparatively
little recently. I think I detect movement
now, but it could be just wind. Unlike
yesterday, maybe I am starting to feel a
little uncomfortable, and so it would
definitely be nice to "go".