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Diary/Blog For the Month of June 2023 |
Friday 30th June
2023 |
There is no denying that yesterday morning was wet, but maybe the rain finished earlier than forecast, plus it seemed more like light, or medium heavy rain at worst. The afternoon definitely included some sunny spells, and if you include some spells of hazy sunshine filtering between the clouds, there was probably more than expected. Once again the afternoon seemed to be a couple of degrees warmer than the forecast 20° C. I'm sure my three thermometers averaged out closer to 25° C. ![]() I would grudgingly admit there was a bit of sunshine earlier, but I'm sure there wasn't 2 hours of it, and although it is bright outside, I don't think the sun is going to burst through the current cloudy sky. It seems like the cloud is already thickening up to be the very grey clouds shown in the forecast above. The latest revision to the forecast has added light rain for 4pm as well as the 7pm shown above. What seems rather more definite is that the warmest we can expect todat is just 18° C. That seems very poor with July, usually a hot month, starting tomorrow. The forecast for tomorrow shows lighter cloud, and the probability of sunny spells popping up a lot in the afternoon. Tomorrow should also be a bit warmer with 22° C probable. |
Thursday 29th June
2023 |
Once again reality was nowhere near as bad as the weather forecast for yesterday. It may have been a bit dull, now and then, in the morning, but quite a bit of the day was warm and bright. The temperature seemed to be a couple of degrees higher than forecast. It was almost 26° C in the afternoon. In the early morning forecast it showed sunny spells at 9pm. That was almost when it started raining ! ![]() Late yesterday evening the BBC, in their sometimes pessimistic way, were predicting thunderstorms for the early hours of this morning. I heard nothing, but it did seem that the rain that started falling last night continued through all those early hours. The latest revision to the Met Office forecast say the rain should stop after 10am. The BBC say the last rain could be at 4pm ! It is a cool morning with the temperature only now just approaching 17° C. The BBC says 22° C for this afternoon, and the Met Office say only 21° C. Tomorrow could see only 20° C, and maybe 19° C would be more representative of the day. Tomorrow may start bright and sunny, but later on it could be very cloudy, and once again rain could start to fall very late in the evening. |
Wednesday 28th
June 2023 |
The weather forecasts for yesterday were quite doom laden, but a lot of yesterday was almost good. For one thing it was a lot warmer than forecast. My thermometers agreed that the temperature was at least 25, and maybe 26° C during the afternoon. There was even quite a lot of periods of weak and hazy sunshine when the forecasts said there would be none. It made for a warm start to the night. ![]() This morning started off slightly warm, and now (8.24am) it is very close to 22° C. It is also very dull outsid, and the latest revision to the forecast says it will be just as dull, or even duller until the start of the evening. From maybe 7pm, according to the latest revision to the forecasts the clouds should thin out, and just before it sets, the sun could finally break through the clouds. Both forecasters are a bit pessimistic about the temperature. Both disagree with my three outside thermometers, and both say that the best we can expect today is just 23, or possibly 24° C. Rather than the sun breaking through at 9pm, the BBC suggest it could start to rain late tonight. Tomorrow will almost certainly see rain, although The Met Office currently say it will finish as early as midday. The BBC say it could rain almost all day. Both forecasters say it will only be light rain, and both forecasters say it might only reach 18° C tomorrow - which is going to feel very chilly after the last week or more. |
Tuesday 27th June
2023 |
It was still very pleasantly warm yesterday despite the temperature probably being 6° lower than the day before. It was just 23° C in the afternoon. From time to time some clouds gathered and quickly went away again, and it was dry. ![]() The very latest revision to the forecast says that only 9 to 11 will feature sunny spells, and the rest of the day will be generally dull, and maybe very dull sometime in the evening. I note that the time of the dark clouds keeps changing, and I guess they could appear at any time. There is only a 10% chance of rain at any time today, and the chances are that it will stay dry. Today the temperature may only rise to 22° C - which is very comfortable, but not exciting. Tomorrow may be very dull almost all day, but the temperature could rise to 24° C. |
Monday 26th June
2023 |
The temperature touched 30° C yesterday. It was another very sunny day, but there was some breeze that took the edge of the heat. ![]() As I write this the sky is a clear blue, and the sun is shining. Later on some cloud will bubble up, and it will increasingly become cloudy. The latest revision to the forecast now says that from mid afternoon it will get cloudy enough to block all the sunshine. It will also be a much cooler day that the previous few days. Just 23° C is expected, but that is still very pleasant. All that cloud is practice for Wednesday, when rain is expected, but tomorrow should start bright. The afternoon may be dull, and the temperature as low as 21° C, but it should stay dry. |
Sunday 25th June
2023 |
It was hot yesterday. I think the temperature may have touched 30° C. A lot of the day was sunny, but there were several hours in the afternoon when it was quite cloudy, and at one point I wondered if a thunderstorm might brew up, but it stayed perfectly dry. ![]() Today could see non stop sunshine from clear blue skies until maybe a few hours in the evening when maybe only sunny spells might be expected. Once again the temperature forecast is 29° C (Met Office) or 30° C (BBC). Tomorrow should be a bit cooler. There will be fewer hours featuring full sunshine, and maybe some hours with no sunshine in the afternoon. In other words a lot like yesterday, but tomorrow's temperature may only be 23 or 34° C. Looking further ahead, and it seems Tuesday could see little or no sunshine, and possibly a shower or two, as well as being almost cool compared to today and yesterday. |
Saturday 24th June
2023 |
It was a lovely day yesterday, although much of the morning featured enough light cloud to make sunny spells quite rare. The clouds broke up by middy, and the afternoon was very warm and sunny. The temperature hit 27 or maybe even 28° C. ![]() The BBC seem very confident that today will feature mostly sunny spells, but also a few hours of pure sunshine. The Met Office are rather more pessimistic, and say there will be many random hours during the day with no sunshine at all, and only pure sunshine in the last two hours before sunset. Both forecasters agree it will be a hot day with the temperature reaching 28° C.Tomorrow could be very sunny with the temperature reaching 29° C (Met Office) or 30° C (BBC). |
Friday 23rd June
2023 |
Most of yesterday was bright and sunny, although there were a few dull patches. Those could have been when the on and off warnings of thunderstorms could have taken place, but it remained dry, and the temperature easily reached 27° C. ![]() It is supposed to be a sunny day, or at least it was, but the latest revision to the Met Office (but not the BBC forecast) shows 9am as being dull. That actually matches what I see outside. Maybe an hour ago, when there was some sunshine, there did seem to be a lot of light cloud, and it seems it has thickened up now, and the sun is now blocked until, and if it blows away again. I guess the chances are that the sky will clear, and we will have full sunshine again for most of the rest of daylight hours.It should take the temperature up to at least 27° C. Today is similar to how the BBC predicted it would be in yesterday's forecast. Who's prediction for tomorrow will be closest to reality ? The met Office predict tomorrow will be like a version of today where a fair few of the sunny hours are replaced by just sunny spells. The BBC shows 9am to 5pm as just sunny spells, but with full sunshine before and after. They also say it could reach 28° C. |
Thursday 22nd June
2023 |
On the whole. I would say there was a lot more sunshine than forecast for yesterday. I can't seem to recall any time when it seemed dull outside. It was warm too. The temperature easily equalled the forecast 25° C. ![]() The weather forecast has changed a bit since I took the screenshot above. Everything is the same until late afternoon/early evening when both the BBC and Met Office predict a thunderstorm ! It could happen around 5 or 6pm. Before and after that it should be sunny, or at least sunny spells. The temperature should peak at 27° C. Both the BBC and met Office agree that tomorrow should see 26° C, but the BBC say it will be a very sunny day, while he Met Office say just a scattering of sunny spells through the day. |
Wednesday 21st
June 2023 |
Yesterday morning featured dark clouds, copious rain, and from not too far away, many peals of thunder. I didn't see any lightning flashes and I guess the thunderstorm was a few miles away. It was supposed to brighten up from late morning, and in a way it did, but the forecast sunshine was in very short supply. There was an occasional short sunny spells, but mostly the sky looked grey and cloudy. The temperature still reached 24° C. ![]() Today is another day when the weather forecasts from the BBC and Met Office don't fully agree. Both say a nice bright start, but the Met Office say the early hours of the afternoon will be dull. The BBC says it will be sunshine all the way, although only sunny spells until 6pm. The afternoon temperature should reach 24 or 25° C. Tomorrow may see the return of rain, although I guess the garden needs it. Having said that, it is only the BBC that says rain, and then only in the early evening. Both say that the morning and afternoon should feature sunshine or sunny spells with an afternoon temperature of 26 or even 27° C. That sort of temperature could boil up a thunderstorm, although there are no warnings of such. |
Tuesday 20th June
2023 |
Despite the early morning version of the Met Office weather forecast saying that there might not be much sunshine, yesterday was a nice sunny day. The temperature didn't get that high, but probably peaked at 25° C. ![]() I almost wrote that the forecast was spot on this morning, and indeed the BBC forecast was. The Met Office forecast, in the screenshot above, did get the very dark clouds and heavy rain right, but forgot to predict the thunder. The worst of the storm seems to have been a small distance away, and may be moving further away. I haven't noticed any flashes of lightning, but there have been plenty of deep rolling peals of thunder. The Met Office have now added hail to their prediction for 8am. Both forecasters agree that by mid morning it should start to brighten up, and the afternoon could be warm and sunny. 23 or 24° C is predicted. Tomorrow could be sunny with an afternoon high of 25° C. |
Monday 19th June
2023 |
There were dire warnings from both weather forecasters I consult. They both warned of thunderstorms and heavy rain. I didn't even hear the most distant rumble of thunder, and the heavy rain was medium heavy at worst, and often no more than heavy drizzle. A lot of the afternoon featured sunny spells. The there was a dull period, with a light splash of rain, maybe just a passing shower, at about 2 pm, and the heavier rain fell near to 6pm. Some drizzly rain continued to fall for some time into the evening. The afternoon temperature was probably no more than 24° C, and it seemed to fall a lot in the night. ![]() It might have been before
midnight, but if not, not long after that I decided
to close my bedroom window. There was some wind
disturbing the curtains, and that wind felt quite
chilly. This morning at 7am it was only 16° C, and
it may well have been even cooler earlier. It is a
bit cloudy at the moment, and some clouds look a bit
grey, but it should stay dry today. As usual, the
BBC weather forecast is far more optimistic about
the amount of sunshine today, but the latest
revision to the Met Office forecast has filled in a
lot of the gaps, seen in the screenshot above, with
sunny spells or sunshine. They have also reduced the
single hour (4pm) at 25° C with 24° C. The BBC
reckon it will only reach 23° C today. Tomorrow will
probably see similar temperatures, but it is likely
to be a wet day.
Sunday 18th June
2023 |
I think the BBC weather forecast almost came closer to reality than the Met Office, although, as is often the case, reality was a mix of both. Reality was that the day was mostly light grey with maybe one or two brief rays of sunshine finding a small gap between the clouds. The cloud wasn't all that thick, and while little visible light came through the clouds, the warmth of the sun could still be felt. It took the afternoon temperature up to about 24° C for a few hours. ![]() Once again the BBC and Met
Office have conflicting views about the weather. At
the moment the BBC is closest to reality. It shows a
thunderstorm for 7am. Well it is that now, but no
thunderstorm, or any rain, but the pavements were
definitely wet when I looked outside. I'm guessing
there was a shower at around 6am. Both forecasters
warn of thunderstorms today. The BBC chart shows
lightning bolt icons for most of the afternoon. The
Met Office show heavy rain from late afternoon until
early evening - but no lightning bolts at all. All
they show is the yellow bar across the forecast, as
seen in the screenshot above, with it's Yellow
warning of thunderstorms. I think yellow probably
means it won't happen ! The afternoon temperature
could be 23° C (BBC) or 25° C (Met Office). Tomorrow
could feature some or more sunny spells with an
afternoon high of around 23° C.
Saturday 17th June
2023 |
Yesterday was yet another hot, dry and sunny day. The afternoon temperature was about 26° C. ![]() ![]() Today I have to show the
forecasts from The Met Office (at the top) and The
BBC (bottom). As can be seen, they are rather
different ! Both agree that tomorrow will feature
thunderstorms, but today they can't agree whether it
is going to dull, with a small chance of a splash of
rain, or nice and sunny. They both agree on the
temperature, although their timings are about an
hour different. The Met Office has now had one
revision, and it now shows a 50% chance of light
rain at 9am, and 80% for heavy rain at 10am. When I
look out the window I am not sure either forecaster
has got it right. Curiously enough, The BBC has gone
very pessimistic for tomorrow showing thunderstorms
for most of the day, and The Met Office has changed
to optimistic and just shows a thunderstorm for 3
and 5pm with some light rain for an assortment of
hours in the afternoon.
Friday 16th June
2023 |
Yesterday was another hot, dry and sunny day. The afternoon temperature was probably about 26° C. ![]() It seems like today will
be another hot, sunny and dry day. Once again the
temperature should reach 26° C. Tomorrow could see a
big change....or not. The BBC and Met Office have
come up with quite different forecasts. The BBC say
sunny all day with the temperature reaching 24° C.
The Met Office predict a mostly dull day with a 30%
chance of light rain between midday and 2pm, but
they do agree on 24° C. The day after tomorrow looks
more definite, or at least as definite as a forecast
can be for more than an hour or two ahead. Both
forecasters agree that day after tomorrow, Sunday
18th, will most definitely be wet.
Thursday 15th June
2023 |
Yesterday was a hot, dry and sunny day, but it did cool down after dark. The afternoon temperature was probably about 26° C. ![]() Today almost repeats
yesterday's weather. It is a fresh start, just 14°
C, but non stop sunshine from a blue sky should
raise the temperature to 26° C by early afternoon.
One change is that the temperature will not fall
away as much tonight. Tomorrow morning could start a
couple of degrees less cool at around 16° C, but
once again non stop sunshine will raise the
temperature to an expected 26° C. It may be that the
first chink in this run of good weather may happen
at 8pm tomorrow, and which is currently shown as
just sunny spells. Saturday may be cooler with
cloudy skies, and Sunday could see some rain. What
is more definite it that the current forecast for
Saturday and Sunday will be changed a lot by
Saturday morning !
Wednesday 14th
June 2023 |
Yesterday was a hot, dry and sunny day, but it did cool down a lot after dark. The afternoon temperature was probably about 27° C. ![]() As can be seen in the
forecast chart above, this morning was almost chilly
at just 13° C, but the sky was blue, and it is
warming up quite fast now. The met Office predicts
the afternoon temperature should reach 26° C, and
the BBC says even higher at 28° C. Tomorrow could be
the same as today, although it may start a degree or
two higher.
Tuesday 13th June
2023 |
I finally heard two thunderstorms yesterday. One was around 2pm and the other around 4pm. Both were probably a mile or two away, although we did have some semi heavy rain for a short while a bit after 2pm. The morning was fairly bright with some good sunny spells, but much of the afternoon was dull. However it was still quite hot with the temperature probably at least a degree above the forecast 27° C. ![]() After yesterday's heat it
didn't cool down that much overnight, and this
morning the temperature didn't go below about 16° C.
Both forecasters, The Met Office and The BBC, have
not changed a thing in their latest revisions. It
seems today will be hot and sunny, although on a
closer look, it does seem the Met Office have
reduced their afternoon high to only 26° C, but the
BBC still say 27° C. Tomorrow could be the same as
today, but at 6am the temperature may have dropped
to just 14° C.
Monday 12th June
2023 |
There was a lingering threat of a thunderstorm yesterday, but it stayed dry all day, although it did become overcast from about mid afternoon. However, it stayed very warm with the temperature simmering at around 29° C. The temperature remained fairly high through the night - probably no lower than 21° C. ![]() It seems certain that
there will be some rain today, and probably in the
afternoon. The forecast for light rain at 8am may
still be possible, but sunny spells seem more
likely. Just to confuse things, the latest revision
of the forecast shows no afternoon rain (as in the
screenshot above), and moves all the action to the
morning. It currently shows light rain for 9 and
10am, and a thunderstorm at 11am. It is always
useful to see what the BBC says in these situations.
At 7am they said it would rain between midday and
4pm, and that 2, 3 and 4pm may feature
thunderstorms. The latest revision still shows three
hours of thunderstorms, but they are now predicted
to start an hour earlier. It is looking like we may
well get a thunderstorm today, but no one seems to
know when it will happen. The one thing agreed upon
is that the afternoon high will be 26° C. Both
forecasters seem to agree that tomorrow will be dry
and sunny, and the afternoon temperature will be 26°
Sunday 11th June
2023 |
Yesterday was a lovely day with loads of pure sunshine, and the sometimes on, and sometimes off, threat of rain.or even a thunderstorm came to nothing. The afternoon temperature soared to 28° C ! ![]() At 1am this morning (I was
having trouble sleeping) it definitely said a
thunderstorm was due at about 4pm today. By 6am that
threat had been lifted, but as can be seen above,
some light rain was forecast for 2am. That was to be
followed by several hours of no sunshine. The very
latest revision of the forecast shows most of the
day without any sunshine. That was the Met Office
forecast. The BBC still gleefully show sunshine or
sunny spells for the whole day, but they do admit a
10 to 29% chance of rain in the afternoon. The Met
Office doesn't show any more than a 10% chance of
rain for a lot of the day, and 10% usually, but
not exclusively, means no rain. Both
forecasters agree that today's high could be 29° C.
Both forecasters agree that tomorrow will be hot
again, 27° C, that there should be at least sunny
spells, or better, for most of the day, but that
rain, and even a thunderstorm will happen sometime
during the day (with mid afternoon most likely for a
Saturday 10th June
2023 |
Yesterday was actually warm ! Non stop sunshine in the afternoon, plus some sunny spells before the afternoon, drove the temperature up to 24° C, and maybe I might have seen 25° C ! ![]() We are well into summer
now, and it sometimes seemed someone just flipped a
switch to convert early spring to summer. There
should be sunshine all day today, and the
temperature should soar to a very nice 28° C. The
only downside is the thunderstorm warning. There is
no predicted time for one, but in the early morning
forecast there was a 30% chance of rain at 3pm. That
has disappeared from the latest revision, but a few
hours have been changed from full sunshine to sunny
spells. The BBC's weather forecast also warns of
thunderstorms, but once again there is no clue when
they might be, however their animated cloud
prediction screen does show a very dense rain cloud
passing a few miles to the south of us at 3pm. If
that cloud gets blown off course we could get very
wet for a short while. The BBC think tomorrow could
reach 29° C tomorrow afternoon, but the Met Office
say only 28° C. The Met Office have dialled down the
sunshine to include quite a few sunny spells instead
of full sunshine. Both warn of more thundestorms.
![]() Yesterday had its good and bad points, although maybe the good outweighed the bad. Part of the bad was the usual wait and uncertainty of an Amazon delivery, but I was free to do as I pleased for a few hours after I had finished writing yesterday. I didn't have an awful lot to say yesterday, and so despite the late start, I didn't finish writing too late. I think today could be similar, but I am still marshalling my thoughts. Read about my entire day, night and this morning here - my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 9th June
2023 |
Yesterday was almost like a summers day. Initially the sun was rather hazy, but later in the morning the thin cloud causing the haziness seemed to go away, but there were still some more solid clouds occasionally blocking the sun. The afternoon was generally sunny, and it became warm enough, around 21° C, to open some windows to let some fresh air in. The temperature dropped in the evening, but it didn't seem to get any cooler than 13° C. ![]() It started so gradually
that it is hard to say when the sun appeared this
morning, but I feel sure it was probably before 9am,
and possibly before 8am. It is definitely sunny now,
and although the sky looks more white than blue, the
cloud is thin enough for hazy sunshine at worst, and
fairly strong sunshine at best. Later this morning
even that thin cloud should disperse to give strong
sunshine for the rest of the day. That should raise
the temperature to a very nice 24° C. Tomorrow gets
interesting. For a few days now the BBC have been
warning of thunderstorms, and now the Met Office
have joined in. The trouble is that both say that
there will be strong sunshine all day with the
temperature climbing to 28° C. That could "boil up"
a thunderstorm, and it could happen at almost any
random time, but I suspect if it happens it will be
late afternoon/early evening. It could be a real BBQ
destroyer !
I keep thinking of yesterday not being a very good day, but I have to admit it did have some good points. I think the problem is all the times when nothing exciting happened. I could have gone out in the morning, even if it were just to get a bit of shopping, but like today, I started writing so late, and I seemed to have so much to say, that most of the morning passed by while I was writing. I fear the same thing could happen today. Today brings it's own problems, and these, along with other stuff yesterday, and last night, are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 8th June
2023 |
I felt cold for most of yesterday, and that seems wrong when I look at yesterday's weather forecast. It may have been a bit over enthusiastic in the amount of non stop sunshine it forecast. The sun didn't appear until late in the morning, and I would say that most of the afternoon was just sunny spells. As I have mentioned many times before, the sun is now so high in the sky that it can no longer shine straight into my front rooms, and that makes it feel cooler indoors,but mostly I think it was just me feeling cold rather than the actual temperature. ![]() The sun is now shining,
but it is slightly hazy because there is still
enough thin cloud to make the sky more white than
blue. This morning was another cool morning, just
11° C, but the forecast says it should rise to 21° C
by mid afternoon. One small change in the latest
revision of the forecast is that 10am is shown as
dull, but 11am is now shown as full sunshine. That
sunshine should continue until sunset. Tomorrow
morning may start a whole degree less cool at 12° C,
and another day of almost full sunshine could raise
the afternoon temperature to 23° C. Saturday could
see 27° C. The Met Office say light showers for
Saturday, and the BBC say thundery showers ! I
wonder which forecast will come closest to reality ?
I didn't enjoy much of yesterday. I was feeling fairly rotten a lot of the time, and sometimes it was physically rotten, and sometimes mentally rotten. It was probably my negative mental and physical feeding off each other. I can think of a selection of possible reasons why my day should start this way, and once started, to only very slowly fade away. I discuss this, plus other stuff from yesterday, last night, and even this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 7th June
2023 |
Yesterday was typical of recent days (including today) where the morning was all nasty and dull, but the afternoon was bright. That brightness was only sunny spells, but they seemed to be quite long spells with short gaps between them. The temperature seemed to hit the forecast 19° C, but it seemed to fall quite sharply after dark. ![]() This morning's dull start
should be over by now, but if anything it seems even
duller now ! The latest revision to the forecast
shows 9am as being dull, but the forecasters have a
great conviction that the sun will burst through "soon".
The afternoon may yet end up as full on sunshine
until sunset, and that should raise the temperature
up to 20° C. It seems this June is not going to live
up to it's reputation as flaming June.
It is possible that tomorrow may do better. The
current prediction of both the BBC and Met Office
forecasts is for a bright start, and full sunshine
from mid morning. A afternoon high of 21° C is
Yesterday was a rather different sort of day to most days - mainly on account of how it finished. The start was fairly normal - a couple of hours writing here, and then a shampoo and shower. In a clean and fragrant condition I then went shopping in Tesco. The finish of the day involved beer ! Read all about my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 6th June
2023 |
Yesterday's sunshine was very late to appear. It was about 1.30pm when the sun made it's first appearance. The forecast said 2pm was when we should have got full sunshine, but it seemed we only got sunny spells.I don't know if it was just the wind making it feel cooler, but I don't think the temperature rose to the forecast 19° C. ![]() The latest revision to the
forecast has brought the sunny spells forward to
start at 1pm now. The single hour of full sunshine
now says just sunny spells. This is almost the
forecast for yesterday ! Today's temperature may
peak at 19° C, but perhaps only for a single
hour (4pm), and 18° C will be more representative of
today's temperature, and even that only for maybe 3
hours. Tomorrow could see a return to summer. The
best guess the forecasters can make is full sunshine
from 9am, and a temperature of 20° C.
Yesterday was a day of action and adventure...sort of. It took until gone midday before I felt there was a chance that the sun would finally break through the gloomy clouds. I thought it might have been a bit earlier, but it seems I caught the 13:20pm train from Catford Bridge heading towards London Bridge where I could change train for a train to Canon Street station. My full report on the day, with a lot of pictures, plus what happened when I got home, how I seemed to have a dreamless sleep, and the start of this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 5th June
2023 |
Yesterday was finally like a summers day ! There was lots of sunshine all day long, and the temperature reached 21° C. ![]() Today is another of those
days we seem to have had a lot of recently,
yesterday excepted, it has started rather dull, but
the sun could break through enough to give sunny
spells by 11am, according to the latest revision to
the forecast. By 2pm the sky is supposed to
completely clear to give full sunshine ofr the rest
of the day. Sadly, the afternoon temperature may
only reach 19° C today, but that should still feel
hot in full sunshine. It will cloud over late
tonight, and that should usually keep the
temperature up, but tomorrow morning is still
predicted to start at 11° C. The rest of tomorrow
may be almost the same as today - dull, sunny
spells, and then full sunshine in the afternoon. The
afternoon temperature will probably be the same as
today, 19° C.
I had to wait until midday yesterday to send Jodie a text message to ask if she would be coming over for a beer tasting session in the afternoon. About half an hour later she replied to say yes ! From then on I didn't have to think up any alternative entertainment for the day. I did a little more than just drink. My full day is described, plus a dream described, along with a word about this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 4th June
2023 |
It was fairly warm yesterday, but I don't think there was as much sunshine in the afternoon as the forecasts said there would be. The later afternoon temperature touched 21° C. Clear skies in the night allowed the temperature to drop a lot at night. ![]() The weather chart was
quite correct this morning when it said it would
only be 10° C at 7am. I can't be sure, but I think
it may have been just 9° C earlier than 7am. There
was clear blue sky at 7am, and the sky should stay
like that all day as we are bathed in pure, warm,
sunshine. The single hour of 21° C at 4pm has been
removed in the latest revision to the forecast, but
it will still be 20° C all afternoon. Tomorrow may
be like previous days - a cloudy morning and very
sunny afternoon. Once again the temperature could be
quite chilly at daybreak, but the afternoon should
see 20° C again.
I don't think I was in a very bright mood yesterday. I didn't feel much get-up-and-go, or maybe I should say less than usual. As I mentioned yesterday morning, I seemed to have more of a desire to play with computers than do anything else. On the other hand, the sort of thing I was doing with computers was akin to a voyage of discovery, and was a learning experience. Maybe it was not a bad thing to do. All my day, night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 3rd June
2023 |
It felt hot in the sun yesterday afternoon, although the temperature only reached 18° C. The morning started off dull, but by around 11am the sun broke through. It was a while before the full sunshine emerged. ![]() This morning was quite
cool. I think it may have been at 5am I noticed my
thermometers saying it was only 9.5° C. By now we
should be getting sunny spells, but all there is, is
very hazy sunshine that can't even cast more than a
very dull, indistinct shadow. The latest revision to
the forecast now says the first sunny spells will be
at 11am, and then midday will be dull again. 1pm
should/could see the start of full sunshine, and the
temperature could then rise to 21° C by mid
afternoon. Tomorrow may see a perfectly clear sky
from sun rise to sun set, but the temperature may
only rise to 21° C again.
Yesterday was yet another day where my plans never came to fruition - except for one plan. As I mentioned yesterday, I realised that a small parcel delivery from Amazon was due to be delivered yesterday. I had a bad feeling it would disrupt my plan to go to Brockley to watch a few bands playing at the Brockley Max Festival. In fact I could have gone, but in the end I chose not to. More about that and everything else I did yesterday, last night and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 2nd June
2023 |
Yesterday started off dull, and it only marginally improved in the afternoon. There was full sunshine forecast for the afternoon, but for some reason it didn't seem to leave any real memory of it. I think I remember some sunny spells, but that is about all. The temperature probably reached the forecast 19° C. ![]() The weather today looks
like it is following yesterday's pattern. It is
quite dull this morning, but bother forecasters (Met
Office and BBC) that this afternoon will be
gloriously sunny. Both agree that all that sunshine
won't bring the air temperature up any higher than
18° C, and that only for maybe a single hour. 17° C
would seem to be more representative for the
afternoon. Tomorrow could be sunnier than today, and
maybe the temperature will peak at 21° C.
Yesterday was a good day on many levels. The first good thing was that the constipation that was bothering me, despite no discomfort, for a couple of days, came to an end yesterday morning, and did it with no drama at all. That made me confident that I could go out, although only a short distance because there was still a possibility of visits to the toilet to come - which didn't happen. That is all the details about the less interesting bit of my day, the hopefully slightly more interesting details can be read in my complete archived page for today. it also includes some notes about my sleep, dreams, and the start of this morning. |
Thursday 1st June
2023 |
Yesterday started off rather dull, but not as dull as the grey cloud symbols in the forecast seemed to suggest. The afternoon was a bit sunny, but not the sunny of the sunshine symbols on the forecast. I'm not even sure the temperature reached the forecast, although there was a moderately strong cool/cold wind that made it feel cooler than it was. I can't seem to remember seeing 20° C on any of my thermometers, but I think I saw 18° C. ![]() The Met Office came close
to correctly forecasting this morning, and the BBC
were far too optimistic ! This morning was, and is
rather grey, and the forecast for 7am being just 10°
C was correct. The latest revision to the forecast
shows 9 and 10am as featuring light cloud, and then
the first sunny spells at 11am. It also shows midday
as sunny spells. From 1pm the Met Office agrees with
the BBC forecast, full sunshine until 6pm, and then
sunny spells until sunset. The afternoon temperature
should peak at 19° C for a few hours. Tomorrow
should be a slightly better version of day. It
should feature a bit more full sunshine.
Yesterday was annoying. As I mentioned yesterday morning, I was constipated, although I didn't feel feel that. I usually go every morning, sometimes early, and sometimes later in the morning. The day before yesterday I didn't go at all, and in the end neither did I yesterday. As I said, I didn't feel uncomfortable physically, but I did have my brain nagging me to say something could happen "any minute now" - it didn't ! I was generally comfortable the whole of yesterday, but there was still a strong element of doubt about when and if.... I managed to stay in and amuse myself, and all the is described in my complete archived page for today. It includes my night, dreams, this morning, and brief mention that I am no longer officially constipated. |