There is no denying that yesterday
morning was wet, but maybe the rain finished
earlier than forecast, plus it seemed more
like light, or medium heavy rain at worst.
The afternoon definitely included some sunny
spells, and if you include some spells of
hazy sunshine filtering between the clouds,
there was probably more than expected. Once
again the afternoon seemed to be a couple of
degrees warmer than the forecast 20° C. I'm
sure my three thermometers averaged out
closer to 25° C.
I would grudgingly admit
there was a bit of sunshine earlier, but
I'm sure there wasn't 2 hours of it, and
although it is bright outside, I don't
think the sun is going to burst through
the current cloudy sky. It seems like the
cloud is already thickening up to be the
very grey clouds shown in the forecast
above. The latest revision to the forecast
has added light rain for 4pm as well as
the 7pm shown above. What seems rather
more definite is that the warmest we can
expect todat is just 18° C. That seems
very poor with July, usually a hot month,
starting tomorrow. The forecast for
tomorrow shows lighter cloud, and the
probability of sunny spells popping up a
lot in the afternoon. Tomorrow should also
be a bit warmer with 22° C probable.
Yesterday could be described as a
day of rest, or a time to lick my wounds
and recover. The biggest wound was not
unexpected, and it was my very high blood
glucose reading in the morning. It meant
that I just had to fast until the middle
of the afternoon, although later would
have been better.
At first it was easy to fast -
probably because I knew it was essential
to do it. If it had just been "a good
thing to do" I would have been less keen.
Admittedly I did feel very hungry later in
the morning, and I have no way of knowing
if that was real or imagined. By 10am I
decided to start monitoring my blood
glucose every couple of hours - with
interesting results.

By 10am my blood glucose had dropped to
almost safe, although still dangerously
close to the red line (10.0mmol/l). Things
got interesting at midday. It seemed like
my blood glucose level had gone up ! That
didn't seem possible, so I pricked yet
another hole in a finger, and took a
second reading. That showed a reading of
9.2mmol/l, and that seemed like a
reasonable fall. At 2pm I took another
reading. The first was 8.7mmol/l, and
superficially that was really good because
it took me back into my more typical
range. To confirm it I once again took a
second reading. This time it was 9.2mmol/l
- the same as the second reading at
I have long known that these blood
glucose readings are not terribly
accurate, and only to be taken as a guide,
but yesterday I thought that the
differences were sometime a bit extreme
between two readings less than a minute
apart. Maybe that supports my idea that
the test strips I bought from Amazon had
been stored incorrectly - maybe for months
in a steaming warehouse in the tropics or
something. On the other hand, I did open
up the brand new test strips I got from
the pharmacy, and tried just one test
strip. it too gave a very different (and
higher) reading.
I can't rule out a problem with the
meter the test strips are plugged into. To
that end I have splashed out £27 and
ordered a new one from Amazon. It is
branded "Sinocare", and is obviously a
Chinese made machine. It will probably
send all my readings straight back to
Beijing, but I don't I really care who
knows my blood glucose readings (except
the very high ones. I am embarrassed about
them because they are usually my own
fault). A second meter, using it's own
design of test strips, at least gives me
some sort of check by comparing the
readings on the two devices. In an ideal
world I would start getting readings like
I was getting back in April or May before
all the high readings I started getting -
often for no apparent reason, unless it is
the case that my pancreas is now failing.
There was an original, loose, plan
that I would join Michael for a couple of
pints in the roof beer garden of The
Catford Constitutional Club yesterday. The
morning weather seemed like it would not
be a pleasant experience, but the weather
was actually fairly nice when we might
have done it. I warned Michael in the
morning that I didn't really fancy it. I
had a brief chat about it later when he
dropped off some bottles of Diet Coke he
had kindly bought for me when he went to
Tesco to get some shopping.
That was around 3pm, and at that
time I hadn't washed or even combed my
hair (I felt a bit of a mess). I showed
him my scars, and told the story of my
mega high blood glucose, and said that I
fancied staying "dry" yesterday. He said
that it sounded like a good idea because
he considered he was drinking too much
lately. I think it was around 7 or 8pm
that he messaged me to say he had given
in, and opened a bottle or can of beer.
I resisted all booze yesterday, but
soon after Michael had left I thought my
blood glucose had come down enough for a
bite to eat. It was not a great choice of
food. It was a Tesco "Finest" caramelised
onion and cheese quiche. I wanted to get
rid of it because I suspected it would
have some sugar in it. Before eating it I
actually checked the sugar level, and it
was surprisingly high. I hoped that by
having it some hours before the evening I
might just get away with it if I was extra
careful about what I might eat for dinner.
My dinner was actually two cans of
Tesco cream of chicken soup. Somehow that
stuff has a very small amount of sugar in
it (0.6gm per half tin), and not only that
but a can only has something like 196
calories in it. It is the sort of stuff
that diets are made of. I slightly
increased the sugar and calorie content
with a teaspoon of chipotle chilli past in
one can, and some weird (Middle Eastern ?)
sauce with coriander, green chilli and
garlic in it. The actual increase in
calories and sugar was very minor from
such small amounts.
My evening was the usual - dinner
with Star Trek - three different episodes,
The new Generation, Enterprise, and
Voyager. By 8.30pm I was in bed reading,
and by 9pm I think I might have been
asleep. It wasn't too long before I was
dreaming, and most unusually I can
remember the interesting parts of the
dream, although some of it is possibly a
synthesis of the dream and some dreamy
thoughts about is as I lay awake for a
short while after it (or maybe I dreamed
that too).
I think I really only remember some
of the implications of the dream rather
than any action from the dream. It had no
beginning and no end. I seemed to be an
inventor, or a salesman, or maybe a mix of
both and a bit more in the realm of
unmanned aircraft - or "drones" as they
are popularly known. It may have been a
conclusion made after the dream when I was
half awake, but I seemed to be living the
true American dream - worshipping profit
above all.
The drone I was showing to someone
was very basic and I/we were selling it
very cheaply. It had a simple built in
camera, and that was about all. To do
anything useful you had to buy
accessories, and they were expensive. The
basic thing may have been cheap, but when
you started adding all the extras the
price soon got very high. This didn't seem
to matter to accountants because extras
were "running costs" and not capital
expenditure. In theory I/we were going to
end up rich.
To my conscious mind it all sounds
very unethical. On the other hand it
reminds me of a scheme with some
similarities. Now at this point I was
going to say that Gillette, the makers of
razors and razor blades (and other stuff),
decided that they could sell the actual
shaving tool very cheaply, and make their
money by selling the blades for it at an
inflated price. There maybe a hint of that
in the wikipedia article, but it is not
explicitly stated. Oh well, if my dream
had been reality I may still have made
millions and ideally billions, but the
real world was calling.
Once again, on the whole I seemed
to sleep well last night. It is actually
possible that there was one silly problem
- I didn't seem to wake up enough to drink
all the water I intended to drink. Like a
lot of times recently I woke up at just
after 5am, and it almost felt like it was
time to get up, but after a pee I decided
to just get back into bed for "another 5
minutes". I actually woke up again near
6.30am. One oddity was that it was almost
feeling chilly in my bedroom this morning.
The window was closed, and my thermometers
said it was 25˚ C in the room. That extra
sleep was done with one leg and one arm
under the duvet. It just felt too warm
with any more on me.
I knew the quiche I eat yesterday
was far too rich for me, but I still hoped
my blood glucose would be a bit lower than
my first measurement, and a lot lower than
the second measurement mere seconds later.
The first measurement was 9.3mmol/l, and
maybe that was closer to what I expected.
To double check I measure it again, and it
was 10.1mmol/l. With this level of
uncertainty it is very hard to know if I
am winning or losing. I think I'll be
having a diabetic check up in a couple of
months (one now would be useful), and that
will involve a proper blood test that
should reveal just how badly I am losing
the battle - if indeed it is as bad as it
sometimes seems.
I have a sort of plan for
today....sort of.... A couple of things
are fairly definite. Before the morning is
over I want to trim my beard, shave the
rest, wash my hair, and have a shower.
Sometime after that I think I ought to
change all my bedding. It has suffered a
lot during these hot sweaty nights, and
although I can't really smell my own
stink, I expect anyone else would find it
disgusting - not that I am expecting any
of my rare visitors to be going in my
I expect I'll do a fair bit of
reading today, and a little bit of eating.
What I am going to try and do is have a
very light combined lunch and dinner in
the middle of the afternoon. Maybe it will
just be ham, or corned beef on salad
leaves. The point of it is that I am
thinking of going to a gig tonight.
Devanna Music (an acoustic duo) are
playing in The Mitre Hotel in Greenwich. I
sort of like the place, although it does
get very dark in there. Ideally it would
not be so heavily overcast this evening,
and there would still be good natural
light for a while. If I get there I am
only going there to take pictures, and
with no dynamic action taking place (no
electric "guitar faces") to snap I may
only take a dozen or so pictures. It is
possible I may only stay for half an hour.
On the other hand it is possible
that Michael may come along. The loose
arrangement is that either one or none of
will go, and we will make our own way
there (and possibly back again). It is
possible I will only have a single pint of
Guinness - unless it gets more interesting
than I am expecting. Once I get home I
want to try and go straight to bed without
stopping for any supper. There is a small
chance I might even get a good blood
glucose tomorrow morning if I do this.