Yesterday was far better than
expected from the worst of the weather
forecasts for the day. I can't recall more
than an extremely light, and extremely brief
shower in the early afternoon. All I noticed
was a few rain drops on a window that soon
dried. The raod outside looked perfectly
dry, and if I hadn't seen those raindrops on
the window I would have said the day was
perfectly dry. It was also sunnier then
expected. Mostly it was just sunny spells,
but there were some quite long spells. The
temperature was pleasant at just 20° C, but
warmer would be more in keeping for mid
Once again rain is predicted
the middle the end
of the morning, but instead of it not
appearing on later revision, even more has
been added. There is now a 70% chance of a
thunderstorm now forecast for 11am, but
maybe it will just be heavy rain
with light rain an hour either side of it.
Light rain has now been added for 2, 3,
and 4pm. All other times should be sunny
spells or full sunshine. The highest
temperature could be 22° C, but it may
only be 18° C when, and if the
thunderstorm happens at 11am. That doesn't
seem warm enough to "brew up" a
thunderstorm, but maybe conditions are
different in the upper atmosphere. A lot
of tomorrow could be dry but dull,
although there should be some sunny
spells, and it may be a degree warmer than
today at 23° C.
Yesterday was another moderately
busy day. After an unusually early shower
I got dressed ready for a short but long
foray into the outside world. My principle
target was to get some shopping from
Tesco, but I went the long way around to
take a picture of the notice board outside
The Catford Bridge Tavern.

This confirmed, and added to what I
remembered when I saw the small, A4 sized,
poster advertising the new open mic night
at The Catford Bridge Tavern. There were a
series of weekly open mic nights in there
for a while under the old management, but
they didn't attract much attention, and
fizzled out. The new management of the pub
are now trying again, but it seems there
was just the one solitary poster to
advertise it. They probably need some good
exposure on social media if it is ever
going to attract more musician, and heaven
knows how they will ever attract the
multitude of musicians from Bromley. The
Bromley lot hate Catford, and that was
before the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emissions Zone)
made it even less attractive from those
"over the border".
My shopping in Tesco was relatively
sane this time, and once again it was
because the new layout seems to discourage
finding stuff that you didn't know you
wanted until you saw it. I guess it will
all settle down soon, and I will
eventually learn where everything is, but
while it is still in a state of flux it is
hard to do that. One thing I was suckered
into buying, mostly because I knew where
to look, was a bottle of Haig Whisky
because they were giving a £11 discount on
the 70cl bottle when bought with a
I think there was only one purchase
that was truly unwise, and yet it was very
delicious. It was a pack of pork belly
strips in some sort of spicy marinade. I
thought it had a reduced price sticker on
it, but maybe I picked up the wrong pack.
Oh well, it was exceedingly scrumptious
when I ate the whole lot for a late lunch.
It was a bit of a mistake to eat them
then. There was, as is always the case
with pork belly, an awful lot of fat on
them - almost 50% meat and 50% solid fat !
Although I can't pin the blame solely on
the fat, once again it was about 50% to
blame, it would have repercussions
Before I started filling my face I
did another little job. It was to hand
wash my new Whitestar t-shirt, plus
another t-shirt and some underwear. I
thought I had no hope of drying it on the
washing line, and so I dried it on the
clothes horse with the usual desk fan on
it all overnight. In fact I could have
dried it on the washing line, and the only
risk would have been in blowing away
during one of the stronger gusts of wind.
One job I almost forgot about was
to finish going through the pictures the
pictures I had taken at the Whitestar gig
the day before. It was gone 1pm before I
finished that job. I was doing it all a
few pictures at a time between other stuff
I was doing. I had my marinated pork belly
strips, with a pile of salad leaves, as a
sort of Sunday dinner, after the last
pictures were done. I then could relax
until about 6pm when I started to get
things together to go out at 7pm.
I am sure it was because I had
eaten such a big pile of dinner that,
despite giving it over 5 hours to settle,
I found the walk to The Catford Bridge
Tavern, nit much more than 6 minutes walk
away from home, to end up almost as a
struggle. I had to do my best to slow my
walking pace, something I am terrible at
doing, because I was getting something
like, but not exactly like, winded while I
was still a couple of minutes walk away.
It was sort of odd how I recovered
within a few seconds of walking in the
door of the pub. The first thing I saw was
the set up for the open mic. it was near
the side entrance, and in a far better
place than where it used to be held....On
the other hand, if it does ever get busy
there is only a limited space for the
audience and those waiting their turn at
the mic. I was just getting the pint of
Guinness when the man who gave every
indication that he couldn't be bothered to
come, turned up.
Michael ended up looking very
happy. It was partly the music, and a lot
to do with his sudden great liking of
Portobello "Notting Helles" 4% "craft
lager". He wasn't going to drink much
after getting drunk the day before, but he
put away 4 pints of that lager before we
left. I was trying to pace my Guinnesses,
but to keep up I had to drink 4 pints as
Centre front in this picture is
Eleanor Kane, the hostess for the open
mic. She was from somewhere in Scotland,
but her accent was not too bad.....but
through the PA I could only make out about
two out of every three words she said. I'm
not sure if it was the mic, the amplifier
or some sort of mic processing that seemed
to make all vocals sound a bit sort of
mumbled. The rather rustic looking man
behind, on the cajon, is either Harry
Demmon or Alexandra Rochford.
Whoever it wasn't I named in the
first picture must be this young man. He
had a nice gold guitar, and he could play
it, but his style was a lot like the
hosts. Michael trier to explain to me that
he (and she) were picking like it was an
acoustic guitar, but of course it was an
electric guitar. It was very staccato
playing, and I didn't like it, but at
least he did actually do a cover song that
I knew, but I would still only give him 5
out of 10. Maybe if he played his electric
guitar like an electric guitar, along with
someone on bass, and someone on the cajon
(to simulate drums) it might have sounded
a lot better.
The irony is that this young lady,
who reminds me a lot of my old friend
Imogen, played that big electro-acoustic
guitar more like an electric guitar. She
certainly seemed to play very confidently,
and sang confidently to. It was a shame
the PA sort of ruined it. As I remarked to
her just before we left, if she ever gets
the chance to play in a good studio with a
good mic, and a good sound engineer, she
should sound really good.
The one thing I didn't find out
before we left was the date of the next
open mic. I did hear it would initially
only be once a month, and I thought I
heard mention of the last Sunday of the
month. So it could either be on the 20th
or 27th of August. I was quite happy to go
home because it seemed unlikely there
would be anything new to be seen, and
Michael was happy to go home before he
fell off his bar stool.
I was quite surprised how drunk
Michael was. Walking down the road he
started to have a rant about people
leaving their wheelie bins out on the
pavement when it was quite obvious they
had nowhere else to put them. he then went
on to rant that it was all so different
when he lived on that road, and how with
so few cars around in the 1950s he could
skate down the road, or play cricket
across the width of the road without
having to worry about cars. This of course
was all true, but had didn't half go on
about it a lot !
Apart from Michael's ranting, and
having to walk a bit slower so he could
keep up with me, it seemed like a very
pleasant stroll with none of the
discomforts of the walk to the pub. (
just noticed that at 10am we have had
our first shower this morning -
amazingly this is in accordance with the
forecast. Will it be the thunderstorm
next ?). When I got home I decided I
couldn't be bothered to look at the photos
I had taken, but I did fancy a light
supper. The lightest thing I could think
of was a tub of icecream. It was the type
that has very little sugar or calories,
and so I took a chance.
I was in bed soon after eating my
ice cream. I read for a little, and then
put the book down, turned out the light,
wondered if I would ever get to sleep, and
then, perhaps 5 minutes later, I was fast
asleep. I think I slept well last night,
but I do remember dreaming quite a lot. A
few dreams had some mildly unpleasant bits
in them, and one resurrected the dead - it
featured a deceased friend of mine.
I can only partly describe one
dream. It was slightly nightmare, and a
lot strange fantasy. In this dream I
wanted to chill some bottles of beer. I
had three fridges, and all three looked
like they had probably come from an old
shop - big an upright. All three seemed to
be more freezers than just coolers. I put
some beers in the first fridge, but they
didn't seem to get cold. The next fridge
looked like it needed defrosting. it was
full of frost, but weirdly the frost did
not feel cold. The third fridge seemed
like it might be the one to work. It had
some sort of slider that had to be pressed
in to move it. I moved it a fair distance,
and I could hear motors start up, and
strange noises came from it. Of course I
never did find out if it worked to chill
the beer because I woke up.
This morning has been busy. After
going to the toilet I checked my blood
glucose reading. After my heavy lunch, and
potentially naughty supper, I was ready to
see a high reading, but in fact the new
blood glucose meter said just 8.5mmol/l -
a very average sort of reading. My old
meter said even lower, just 8.0mmol/l. I
seem to have things under control this
month ! I also took two other readings.
One was my weight after doing a moderate
poo. It was still lower than my
"officially recorded" weight at the
doctors, but not low enough for any reason
to celebrate. I also checked my blood
pressure, and initially it was a bit high
(but still a long way into the "normal"
area). I then decided it would be better
to check it when I wasn't busting for a
pee. After that it came down into the
optimum area 118/57. That's good enough
for me.
Before I started writing all this I
went through and selected the best photos
taken last night. Sadly most were not as
good as hoped for. Initially I was having
trouble balancing the natural light and
the flash I needed to fill in the shadows
(there was a window almost behind the
microphone. I ended up not being shy and
increased the power of the flash enough so
it became the primary illumination. Many
of the photos looked a bit soft, but not
exactly out of focus. I was using my Canon
1200D camera instead of the Nikon I
usually use now.
That camera sometimes seems to
focus on the wrong place, but I am
inclined to blame the lens I was using. It
is a Tamron lens a bit like the one I
won't use on my Nikon camera because the
pictures seem a bit soft. The odd thing is
that I have another Tamron lens, currently
on one of my other Canon cameras, and that
has proved 100% perfect for train
photography. It leaves me in two minds
about whether Tamron lenses are rubbish or
not. Maybe only some of them are, and that
is why they can often be picked up second
hand very cheaply - ideal for beginners,
but after a while you get more discerning.
Other stuff I did earlier was to do
a lot of washing up, left from yesterday,
and to make my breakfast. As usual it was
a pack if instant noodles. today's was
Kimchi flavour. With that enjoyable eaten
I could sit down to write all this rubbish
you are reading.
Today is going to be a day of rest,
but also a day of waiting. Sometime today
I am expecting delivery of three boxes of
15 cans of Guinness. As I write this they
have not left the depot, and at least
initially it is going to be a typical
Amazon "before 9pm" delivery time.
Hopefully it will be early afternoon. I am
also waiting for a delivery of 2 boxes of
a dozen bottles of hot Caribbean sauce.
Amazon thinks it will be delivered today,
but this morning DPD, the couriers for
this delivery, said it hadn't even been
picked up to be taken to the local depot.
I reckon this order will arrive tomorrow,
and being DPD, possibly quite early in the