The cloud cover was pretty complete
yesterday, and so there were very few times
when the sun managed to peep out, but it
usually close to bright. The temperature
forecast was about a degree low compared
with reality, and the temperature peaked
around 22° C. As forecast it was a dry day.
I realise the weather in
Petts Wood may be a little different to
Catford, but this morning's forecast is
very similar to earlier, even 2 days old,
predictions for today, and it looks like
we are all going to be drowned. There are
only two reasons for hope. A little while
ago there was a small crack in the grey
clouds, and for a few minutes we had some
sunshine. Also the forecasts says midday,
and just midday, could be dry (as in free
from rain). Are these good omens for a
more enjoyable days at Petts Wood Calling,
or more likely just clutching at straws.
There is no hope from the BBC forecast. If
anything that might be worse, although
mainly in the amount of thunderbolts
scattered across the forecast. Bot
forecasters agree that today is going to
be on the cool side with just 17° C.
Tomorrow may be dry with sunny spells in
the morning, and later in the afternoon.
It should also be warmer with at least 19°
C, or more likely 20° C.
Yesterday was a day when I did lots
of little things, and plenty of
resting/being lazy. I also managed to
control my eating just about. As I
already confessed in the morning, I did
have a double (small) helping of pork
flavour instant noodles for breakfast. My
lunch was two tins of soup - one being the
ultra low sugar Tesco cream of chicken
soup. The other was a a chicken and
mushroom soup, which I must admit was very
nice, but it did have a bit more sugar in
Most of the little odd jobs I did
during were concerned with getting stuff
ready for Petts Wood Calling. It included
making sure the batteries in my rarely
used waterproof cameras were fully
charged. I think I am going to need them
today if the weather forecast is even
twice as bad as it really is. I made a
final decision on what main cameras I
would take, and the lenses for them. Plus
I checked the batteries were full.
There was other little things I did
that were insignificant by themselves, but
needed to be done. I am using my rucksack
style camera case, but that doesn't have
room for all I want to take. I am going to
take my courier bag as well. That now has
a small bag of ginger Biscuits in it. They
have too high a sugar content to enjoy
more than one a day (if I am being very
strict with myself), but they will provide
a boost during a long day with no food
after breakfast until possibly quite late
in the evening.
I also put a few other things in
the courier bag. There is a face flannel
that I might change for a small towel. A
carrier bag in case I do some shopping on
the way home, plus things like tissues and
stuff. Just before I leave I'll put in a
bottle of chilled water - possibly two,
but one will probably be enough because I
usually pop out for an occasional Guinness
at The Daylight Inn (where I have been
promised a free pint or two in return for
some photos of the pub).
After my poor sleep i tried to have
a couple of snoozes today. The silly thing
is that I can remember laying on my bed
with my eyes closed, but I am not sure if
I ever fell asleep. It is all going to be
a bit of a rush this morning, and I won't
have time for a lie in. Last night's
dinner was just some sausages. I washed
them down with a very carefully decided
amount of whisky - enough to get me to
sleep easy, but not too much to keep me
awake.....or something like that.
I stayed up to watch QI last night.
It was just sufficiently old that I only
remembered some of it, and so it still had
some entertainment value. It finished at
10pm, and I went straight to bed - rather
later than originally intended. I read for
a short while, just to finish the last
couple of pages of a short story, and as
far as I can tell, I was probably fast
asleep by 10.30pm. For nearly 4 hours I
slept OK, and then something broke. I am
sure I slept very little until about
6.30am when I got up.
I am unsure why I couldn't sleep,
although there is probably a big clue in
the dreams I had when it seemed like I was
awake, but obviously sleeping. I can't
remember any details of those dreams, but
I am pretty sure they were influenced by
the knowledge that Petts Woods Calling is
going to be a very unpleasant experience
in the heavy rain. I'm lucky in that I can
shelter in the green room behind the
performance hall that we are not allowed
to use. Apparently the last time it was
used, 3 or 4 years ago, the floor was
slightly damaged (some say just lightly
scuffed). The organisers offered to pay
for the damage, but have been barred from
using the hall ever since. That is a shame
because it made a far more fluid
experience, and the theatre lighting made
for some great photography. Anyway, we can
use the green room to store equipment and
personel, and it has real toilets - those
who pay to watch the show have to use
I was hoping for lower blood
glucose readings this morning, and I got
them after being quite careful yesterday.
The new meter said 8.2mmol/l, and the old
meter said 8.1mmol/l. Curiously enough, 3
or 4 days ago those readings were
reversed. It is more evidence of how
unreliable blood glucose meters are. They
are great to show a trend, but the actual
readings can be out by 10 or 20%. Despite
those low readings I feel pretty crappy
this morning, and I am going to be taking
a couple of paracetamol before going out.

I think it is safe to say that
beyond shaving, shampooing, and showering,
the main item on today's menu is Petts
Wood Calling. It is possible that I might
come home early if I feel it is just too
wet to work. In fact I will be going home
in one sense. I have no desire to stay to
get more than the first 15 minutes of
Glamstar, the headliners, photographed. I
don't really like them. All that glittery
glam stuff with silly great platform
boots, seems a bit creepy to me. Oddly
enough, I really like their alter ego as
Run For Cover where they just cover
classic rock songs - and do it damn well.
In fact there are just two bands I
will lavish a lot of attention on, and
they are Burning Chrome and Ferrets. The
Dirty Perks are fairly good, but I don't
have any affection for Mahogony Souls or
The Kristian Baker Band. I think Ransom
may be OK, but either Fat Salad or The
Heat may be poor entertainment for me. Oh
well, it is a good event to practice my
photographic skills, but I am not sure how
keen I am to subject me and my best
cameras to torrential rain. I will have a
hooded raincoat, and I am taking my two
small waterproof cameras with me. Maybe
they are going to get a lot of use today