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Diary/Blog For the Month of August 2023 |
Thursday 31st August
2023 |
The early two threats of rain came to nothing, and instead there were extra sunny spells. It was a mildly nice day, and although the thermometer only rose to 19° C, in direct sunshine it felt warmer (considerably warmer if you were wearing a black coat !). ![]() Yesterday was almost a good day, and maybe it was a good day in many respects. One very positive thing is that it didn't rain. Less good was that once again I ended up doing lots of photo editing. Washing my hair, and having a shower felt good - washing my hair particularly so. Yesterday is explained in more detail, with pictures, as is last night and this morning in my full archived page for today. |
Wednesday 30th
August 2023 |
The most significant thing about yesterday's weather was the feeling that winter's chill is on it's way. At times it did feel rather cool, although that was probably as a result of sitting quietly at my PC and not using much energy. Other than that, the day may have been better than the forecast. I can remember several, albeit short, sunny spells that didn't appear in the earlier versions of the weather forecast. It stayed dry, and the temperature did seem to reach the forecast 20° C. ![]() I felt really tired yesterday. I think a late gig last Friday, the weekend spent at Chatt Fest, and Monday's manic house cleaning and polishing, took me over the top. I was still able to do some work, but the afternoon featured a long snooze. I'm not sure how long I snoozed for, but some of the time I just seemed to lay on my bed, apparently awake, but with my eyes closed. The long, and full version of yesterday, plus last night, and this morning, is all told in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 29th August
2023 |
It was dry yesterday, and sometimes it was sunny, but there was a period in the early afternoon when it did seem very cloudy. The temperature reached about 20° C, and somehow that felt close to warm. I guess, as I am sure I have mentioned several times recently, my body's thermostat is now changing to winter. ![]() I haven't worked as hard as I did yesterday for a very long time - probably since Patricia last visited (whenever that was). I did loads of hoovering, and other cleaning and polishing. I even found time to wash a couple of t-shirts plus some underwear. Later on I went to Tesco, and I even found time to select and edit some pictures taken at Chattfest over the weekend. The story (with pictures) of yesterday, last night, and this morning continues in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 28th August
2023 |
There was one light rain shower yesterday, but otherwise it was a mostly nice day with some periods of sunshine. Towards the evening it started to feel a bit cool as the temperature dropped below the afternoon high of 19° C, although I must admit the temperature drop shown on the early morning forecast was only a degree or two. It seemed mostly calm during the day, but there was some light wind as the sun went down, and maybe that was the reason for the chill. ![]() Yesterday morning I was so busy (sometimes doing nothing) that I achieved very little before going out, and trying to get to Chattfest before 1pm, but actually getting there 15 minutes late. I had a very long day there, and possibly for the first time, I stayed to slightly after the last band finished at 8pm. I've tried to keep it brief, and as usual I partly failed, but more of my day, night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 27th August
2023 |
It was wet yesterday, often very wet, but there were some sunny spells, and some rainbows too. Fortunately it seemed almost warm enough when I was soaked to the skin even if the forecast only gave a maximum of 19° C. I'm sure it must have been higher - or maybe I have reverted back to my body's winter setting ! ![]() Yesterday can be summed up by one three letter word - WET ! However it was generally enjoyable at the main attraction for the day - Chattfest. I was there for about five and a half hours, and took a stack load of pictures of the 6 band/solo performers I saw. The pictures may have to wait a day or two, but I will eventually show some here. More detail of my day, night, and this morning is written in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 26th August
2023 |
Despite some negative things being shown in some of the revisions to the weather forecast, yesterday was actually a fairly nice day. The first great deviation of the early forecast was that the morning was sunny instead of cloudy. There seemed to be sunshine or sunny spells for much of the afternoon, although late in the afternoon, or early evening, the sky was almost filled by grey looking clouds. However it stayed dry, and the temperature remained almost "shirt sleeve" comfortable almost to midnight.The mid afternoon temperature was only forecast to reach 21° C, but it often seemeed warmer than that. ![]() One of my aims for yesterday was to get to a gig in the evening. To do that meant I needed to check my camera, and select accessories. While I was doing that I thought I might as well get all my photographic equipment from the spare bedroom to my own bedroom. I ended up doing quite a lot of useful work, and that is described, as well as my trip to Purley to see Ransom playing, plus the usual description of my night and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 25th August
2023 |
As I noted yesterday, the weather forecast for yesterday was very volatile, and I think the forecasters were correcting the forecast after the events had already taken place. They did get the morning rain right, although there was less of it than the forecast seemed to suggest. One revision said there would suddenly, and just for one hour, be full sunshine at midday. The reality was more like a few hours of sunny spells. There were a couple of light showers in the middle of the afternoon that may not have appeared on any forecast. The temperature reached the forecast 24° C, but the humidity often made if feel even warmer. ![]() For reasons I'll explain later, I was going to describe yesterday as a disaster, but in fact it seems it was rather a good day - on the whole, although maybe there are still elements of a disaster. In one respect the morning was bad because I kept being interrupted, and distracted from what I was supposed to be doing. All this is more fully explained, along with some notes about last night and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 24th August
2023 |
Yesterday was like a true summers day. It was warm, dry and mostly sunny. The temperature reached 26° C. ![]() Yesterday was neither good nor bad, but it was pleasant enough. The really good thing was the weather - hot and sunny - but I didn't expose myself to it for long enough to really appreciate it. A long walk, maybe on the beach, would be the only way to really soak up the goodness. My merely pleasant day is described, along with some pictures, and my night, with a couple of dreams, plus some good news this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 23rd
August 2023 |
Yesterday was warm, dry and mostly sunny. The temperature reached 25° C. ![]() Yesterday was a relaxed sort of day, or at least that is how it ended up. One less than relaxing thing I did was to hand wash a small hand towel. With the weather dry and mostly sunny, I hung it on the washing line to dry. When I brought it in, late in the afternoon, it felt hot and bone dry. All the other details of my day, last night, and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 22nd August
2023 |
Yesterday was warm, dry and sunny. The temperature reached the 25° C. ![]() I'm not sure how to describe yesterday. A lot of time was spent photo editing, and a lot of time was spent psyching me up for that photo editing. It is curious how once I open the photo editor on my PC what seemed a boring or tedious time, quickly becomes very absorbing. There are 5 more exampled of my photos, plus a fuller description of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 21st August
2023 |
Yesterday was another warm and sunny day, albeit with some of the sunshine just sunny spells. The temperature reached the forecast 24° C. ![]() Off to a very late start this morning because I had lots to do, and I kept putting off starting, but I've started, and so I shall finish. Yesterday involved a lot of photo editing and stuff, but all that came to a halt mid afternoon when tasting beer was the distraction. My entire day, including some photo examples, plus about my night and this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 20th August
2023 |
It was generally warm and sunny, albeit mostly as sunny spells, yesterday. The temperature rose to about 24° C, and that felt very pleasant in the sunshine. ![]() Yesterday, typically enough, was a good and bad day. Not being able to get a back stage pass for Chislehurst Rocks was the cause of the bad, and I shall moan endlessly about it today, and probably tomorrow as well ! There is not a lot to say about the morning. I did little more than check and pack my cameras ready to start out on a very tedious train and bus journey. My "adventures" at Chislehurst Rocks, plus the rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described as fully as I can in my completed archived page for today. |
Saturday 19th August
2023 |
Yesterday was forecast to be a terrible day, but most of it wasn't too bad. There was even a bit of sunshine, albeit as mostly short, rather hazy, sunny spells. There was some rain in the morning, but far less than forecast. It seems like the heaviest rain fell late at night when only light rain was forecast. The temperature may have slightly exceeded the 22° C. At times it felt a bit sticky, but when there was any wind it felt rather cool and fresh. ![]() My intention was to raise my levels of idleness, and general laziness, to new heights yesterday, but I have to confess I failed - at least in the morning. I think I probably said that there was one thing I had to do, and that was to finish some laundry I had started almost two days earlier (actually more like 30 hours earlier). The other things I did, plus the rest of my day, night and this morning are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 18th August
2023 |
It seemed like a nice day yesterday. There was some full sunshine, and the rest of the daylight hours had goo sunny spells. It was probably like a sort of traditional English summers day. Not particularly warm, just 22° C at best, but feeling close and sticky. ![]() This morning I feel physically OK, but maybe the very dull, and wet weather, has worked it''s evil into my brain, and this morning I had little enthusiasm to write this. I would rather just be very lazy - as I have for the last few hours where I did little more than flick through pages on the internet. More about this later..... The full description of yesterday, last night, and this morning, can be read in my complete archive page for today. |
Thursday 17th August
2023 |
There were quite a few dark clouds occasionally floating about in the sky yesterday, but overall it was a nice bright, and warm day. The temperature climbed to 25° C by mid afternoon. ![]() Yesterday seems like it was an odd sort of day. It started off as OK, then slowly rose to a peak, and finally slowly slipped into depression. I took the morning moderately slowly because my only aim was to get myself ready to go out for a couple of pints of Guinness in The Jolly Farmers. The rest of my day, night, and this morning is described, along with a couple of pictures, in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 16th
August 2023 |
Yesterday was generally bright and sunny. It also seemed to be quite warm even if the temperature actually only rose to 23° C. I guess we have not had enough summer to get acclimatised to what should just be warm temperatures. ![]() If I had been able to give a real prediction for what I would do yesterday it would have been wrong. I had no idea what I would end up doing. It all started with hand washing a bath towel. As I mentioned yesterday, I had started the job the day before, and had to finish it yesterday. My day is described in more detail, with some pictures, in my complete archived page for today. It includes my night and some good news this morning. |
Tuesday 15th August
2023 |
The peculiar thing is that I can't seem to remember much about yesterday's weather. That suggests it was a fairly bland day with no notabole extremes. I do remember some sunny spells, but not when they happened, and I do remember some light rain sometime around midday. The forecast temperature was 22° C, and that seems to be about right. ![]() Yesterday was one of those days where it seemed little happened, particularly in the afternoon, but they day felt OK, and so I felt OK too - except for the usual wrist and elbow aches that crop up most days. I did manage to do two very useful things in the morning. The first was to get through, on my first attempt, to the pharmacy to order my next repeat prescription for collection on Thursday. The rest of my day, night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 14th August
2023 |
The BBC weather forecast for yesterday was probably closer to reality than the Met Office forecast. At times it seemed like it was almost a sunny day, but there were some dull hours when the clouds completely blocked the sun. I don't recall the forecast rain, only forecast for one single hour at 1pm, although there was some rain at the very start of the day. The temperature seemed to rise higher than the forecast 22° C, but I think it was just high humidity making it feel a bit sticky. ![]() I'm not sure how to describe yesterday. It had it's moments, but a lot of it was a bit dull, mainly because I was unexpectedly doing a lot of work. It was all to do with the shock announcement that Chris Mayer would be quitting Chain at the end of the year. One person made a photo album of Chris playing his guitar at Chain gigs, but it didn't go very far into the past. I made a photo album that started from when I first saw Chain (then known as The Bluesiscians) in 2010. My entire day, night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 13th August
2023 |
Yesterday was one of those days when the weather hardly hardly any impact on my through the day - mainly because I didn't go out. I remember it as being fairly mild, and a bit dull. The temperature was most probably as forecast, 21° C. ![]() Yesterday was a sort of exciting day. The highest priority thing was waiting for a parcel delivery - which turned out to be two parcels instead of the expected three. It was also a morning which started with a low blood glucose reading and I thought it would be OK to indulge in a big bowl of instant noodles instead of a medium sized bowl. All of yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning are described, and illustrated with some pictures, in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 12th August
2023 |
Yesterday stayed dry, and at 23° C it felt warm, but the day was lacking in sunshine. There were some sunny spells scattered through the day, probably more than forecast, but not enough to make it a bright day. ![]() I think I can admit that yesterday was an OK sort of day. As I said yesterday, the pressure was off after completing all the photo albums from Petts Wood Calling including the extra, bonus, photo album of another 15 or so shots of Ransom. It did mean I did very little yesterday, but far from nothing ! All is described, including going to a gig in the evening (with one sample picture), plus a paragraph about dreams and thoughts this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 11th August
2023 |
Yesterday was quite warm, but sometimes it felt quite muggy. At first yesterday was forecast to be very sunny, but later revisions changed sunshine to sunny spells, and reality changed a couple of hours to "cloudy". For one of those hours it did get very cloudy, and it seemed dull enough to think it was about to rain. Fortunately it stayed dry. The temperature eventually hit 26° C (by my reckoning - the forecast was for 25° C). ![]() Yesterday was a day when there was no pressure to get my Petts Wood Calling photos finished, and uploaded to social media. Of course there was no external pressure, and the pressure was all self generated. It still made it seem sort of good to be able to put my feet up and do very little. Of course that didn't happen ! What did happen is all described, and once again, alongside some pictures to illustrate it, in my complete archived page for today. It also includes some stuff about my night, dreams and other stuff, plus thoughts and plans for today. |
Thursday 10th August
2023 |
It was a lovely sunny day yesterday, and it was nice and warm. The air temperature only reached about 23° C, but the sunshine felt scorchingly hot ! ![]() The most remarkable thing about yesterday was that I finally felt warm and comfortable. By the evening my bedroom was feeling very comfortably warm - about 25° C. Like so many days, it was both a good and bad day yesterday. The good was not all that good, maybe 7 out of 10. The bad was also not that bad - maybe 3 out of 10. I'll explain both further down the page. It is all described, and illustrated with some pictures, in my complete archived page for today, and that includes my night and this morning. |
Wednesday 9th August
2023 |
The weather forecast for yesterday made pretty grim reading - rain, rain, and more rain, albeit only shown as light rain. It did indeed rain, but it mostly seemed to be no more than occasional falls of drizzle. Indoors I was not aware of the rain except when I noticed the road outside was looking damp a few times. It was another sub normal, rather cool day with the temperature only reaching around 18° C during the early evening. Most of the afternoon was no better than 16° C. ![]() Yesterday was quite satisfying in a couple of limited ways. On the other hand, a lot of yesterday was quite tedious. I did almost nothing in the morning apart from writing this blog. After I finished that I found I had run out of enthusiasm, energy, concentration, or something similar that I am not sure how to describe. Fortunately I was able to have some lunch, and get working soon after. The reasons for all this is described, alongside another small selection of pictures, plus descriptions of my night and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 8th August
2023 |
Yesterday was generally bright, and probably had more sunny spells than the forecast predicted. The rain originally forecast as a light shower at 6pm didn't happen. It was also a little bit warmer than recent days, but still poor for August. The afternoon temperature only reached 21° C. ![]() Like the previous couple of days, yesterday was a bit like being back at work again, or in some respects worse than being back at work - long hours of having to be focussed on doing stuff. On Saturday it was taking hundreds of pictures over a rough total of eight and a half hours (including travelling time). I guess Sunday was a half day because I was boozing late in the afternoon, but I still spent a lot of time in my "digital darkroom" selecting and editing picture. Yesterday featured a bit more than photo editing work. There are examples of some of my photos, plus a fuller description of my day, night, and of a terrible result this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 7th August
2023 |
There was one light shower yesterday, but I can't seem to remember if it was during the morning or afternoon (too many distractions). The day was generally bright, and from time to time there were sunny spells. It was a cool day with the temperature only reaching 19° C, but of course that was only for a few hours. One problem with the lack of strong sunshine is that the fabric of my house is cooling down, and my bedroom was starting to feel almost chilly late in the evening. ![]() Yesterday was a very busy day, and I didn't even have time for a snooze. I started writing quite late yesterday, and as soon as that was finished I only managed to get a 10 minute breather before starting on all the photo editing I needed to do for the pictures I took at Petts Wood Calling last Saturday. Some example pictures, plus a full description of my day, night, and this morning, can be seen in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 6th August
2023 |
Yesterday was not as wet as forecast, but at times it was indeed very wet, at other times it was sunny (but there was not a lot of sun), and at other times it was just very dull. It was a rather cool day with the temperature not rising much above 17° C. ![]() Off to a very late start this morning for reasons that will soon become apparent. Yesterday was a good day, and all my fears, generally about the weather, only came partly true. I actually had a slow morning getting myself, and my camera equipment ready to get the 11:40 train from Catford station to Petts Wood via one change of train at Shortlands station. All the rest of my day, night and this morning are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 5th August
2023 |
The cloud cover was pretty complete yesterday, and so there were very few times when the sun managed to peep out, but it usually close to bright. The temperature forecast was about a degree low compared with reality, and the temperature peaked around 22° C. As forecast it was a dry day. ![]() Yesterday was a day when I did lots of little things, and plenty of resting/being lazy. I also managed to control my eating just about. As I already confessed in the morning, I did have a double (small) helping of pork flavour instant noodles for breakfast. My lunch was two tins of soup - one being the ultra low sugar Tesco cream of chicken soup. The other was a a chicken and mushroom soup, which I must admit was very nice, but it did have a bit more sugar in it. The rest of my day, my night, and my plans for today can be read about in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 4th August
2023 |
The forecast for yesterday was for a generally dull, but dry day. The dry bit was right, although there were times when it did get dull enough to make it feel like it would rain, but on the other hand there were many periods that includes some sunny spells. I don't think it got any warmer than the forecast 21° C, but at times it did feel humid, and that made it seem like it was warmer than it was. ![]() Yesterday was one of those days where the more I tried to do things, the less I actually got done. I intended to be washed and dressed, and shopping in Tesco before midday, but it was closer to 1pm when I finally got to Tesco. One reason was that after spending about 3 hours on my PC, just catching up with stuff, I had a lie down to do a bit of reading. I read less than a page before I ended up snoozing ! I did get to Tesco in the end, and there is more about that, plus the rest of my day, my awful night, and this morning's bad news in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 3rd August
2023 |
The forecast for yesterday was really awful. Fortunately reality was a lot kinder than the weather forecast. For one thing there were no thunderstorms. There was some heavy rain, and there was some lighter rain, but there seemed to be many times when the worst was forecast when it didn't rain at all, and it occasionally seemed to brighten up. It was also a bit warmer than the mere 18° C forecast. By my reckoning it reached 20 or even 21° C, although by 8pm it had fallen to just over 18° C. ![]() Yesterday morning was mostly a matter of waiting. Waiting for the thunderstorms that never came, and waiting for the postman who also never came, but the parcel delivery man did come. My parcel arrived at just gone 1pm, and that was too late to go to the pub, although I think if I had timed it right I might have made it to the pub, and possibly home again, without getting too wet - despite both weather forecasts saying I would be completely drowned. My full account of yesterday, last night, and the start of this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 2nd August
2023 |
A lot of yesterday seemed brighter than expected. The morning was, as forecast, bright with either sunshine or sunny spells, but late morning, and early afternoon it did get a bit dull. By maybe 2pm it brightened up, and there were frequent sunny spells almost until sunset. The morning seemed almost chilly despite the early sunshine, but the afternoon seemed to feature a warm breeze, and it felt quite pleasant as the temperature rose to 24° C - a bit higher than forecast. ![]() Yesterday was a curious mix of good and bad. The good was the knowledge that sooner or later I would be getting two deliveries. The bad was the sort of anticlimax after the deliveries arrived. Until they arrived I was on high alert while also resting...or basically doing very little. The main anticlimax was that I had mixed up which of two items was going to come first, and it was the wrong one I wanted for the day. All this is explained in greater detail, along with the rest of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 1st August
2023 |
The hope that yesterday may have been a dry day came crashing down in the early afternoon. I must admit that the BBC were forecasting some light rain for a few hours at the start of the afternoon, and the Met Office only changed their forecast an hour or two before the first rainfall at around 1pm. The rain only fell for maybe a couple of hours, and most of it was fairly light drizzle, but there were a few times when it got a bit heavier. Once it was over it started to brighten up, and by 5pm we had the first sunny spells. By 6pm it was looking quite nice out, and the sun was still shining at gone 8pm. The high, around mid afternoon, was forecast to be just 20° C, and that was about right. ![]() Initially I said that I felt quite good early yesterday morning. I am unsure what happened, but some hours later I was feeling not so good. My right elbow and wrist were quite sore at times, and a few other bits seemed to ache. I also felt quite low. I would say depression was too strong a word for it, but it definitely involved ennui and lethargy. Feeling like that, and bored too, was not a good situation when it came to controlling my diet. However, it seems I didn't do so bad when it came to sugar intake. It is all described, along with stuff about dreams, and thoughts and plans this morning in my complete archived page for today. |