There were quite a few dark clouds
occasionally floating about in the sky
yesterday, but overall it was a nice bright,
and warm day. The temperature climbed to 25°
C by mid afternoon.
The weather forecast from the Met
Office has been revised since I took the
screenshot above. It is now roughly in
agreement with the BBC forecast (which
hasn't been revised yet). It says sunny
spells from 8am, and then full sunshine
from 2pm to 4pm before a return to sunny
spells. It is going to be a little cooler
than yesterday with the temperature
reaching 22° C (Met Office) or 23° C
(BBC). Tomorrow may include some light
rain for an hour or two either side of
midday, and some heavier rain in the late
evening. The temperature should still
reach 22° C.
Yesterday seems like it was an odd
sort of day. It started off as OK, then
slowly rose to a peak, and finally slowly
slipped into depression. I took the
morning moderately slowly because my only
aim was to get myself ready to go out for
a couple of pints of Guinness in The Jolly
As I mentioned yesterday, I knew
that Angela had returned to work after a
very long time off on a doctors sick note,
on Tuesday, and so she could possibly go
to the pub yesterday lunchtime. Maybe it
was stupid, but it feels like she has been
mostly ignoring me for the last 5 or 6
weeks. I thought I would return the favour
by not saying I was going to the pub. It
would (hopefully) be wonderful if she
decided to go anyway, but it had to be her
Things got off to a good start
after picking up two copies of The Metro
(one for me, and one for Ayse the barmaid)
at Catford Bridge station. At
Ladywell station I saw the back of the
train I had been travelling on, and the
number of the rear unit was 466012, a
number I later found I had not got a
photograph of.
I got to the pun at about a quarter
to 1pm, and so I had just over 15 minutes
to wait to see if Angela would turn up.
She didn't. I had better luck doing the
two crossword puzzles in The Metro. I can
usually do the quick crossword, but for
ages now the cryptic crossword has
defeated, and usually defeated me badly !
Yesterday I managed to complete both
crosswords before I had drunk more than
one and a half pints of Guinness.
If you click on the picture
you'll see a far larger version of the
image. You still won't see the clues
though. Maybe I am not 100% convinced I
got every answer right. I can't remember
which answer it was, but I recall two
different words would fit, and both had
similar spellings and meanings. It is
possible I chose the wrong one. I felt so
elated I had finished both crosswords for
the first time in years, probably many
years ! I stayed to have two double
Jamesons to celebrate.
The off thing is that I didn't seem
to feel very drunk, or even drunk at all.
However I realised I had just missed a
train back to Catford Bridge, and decided
to walk home. Maybe that was a sign of
drunkenness, but maybe not because I knew
it was only an extra couple of hundred
feet, maybe yards, to walk instead of
getting the train. It seemed really nice
in the warm and bright park, and it felt
like I could walk for ages if I did it
slowly, and stopped every now and again.
As usual I went striding ahead, and
then it was very desirable to look for a
place to stop to get my breath back -
somewhere with a few worth seeing, like
down into the river as a for instance. I
think I only stopped twice, and both times
lasted probably less than a minute. Once I
had walked through the park the walk
became less enjoyable, and I was happy to
arrive home. Partly happy because although
I had time to grab my lunch, and then get
changed, I was gently needing a wee, and
in another 20 minutes it may not have been
a gentle need.

My lunch was a pair of Tesco Scotch
eggs (which seem to have very little sugar
in them. The nutritional panel says just
0.8gm, but I am not sure if that was per
100gm or for each egg (or even both). If
it was per 100gm the total for both eggs
could have been higher. As I ate I began
to feel depressed, and even the memory of
the clipping on the left, featuring the
wonderful description of "Swearing
Enthusiast), which greatly amused me in
the pub, didn't lift my spirits.
I had a lot of things on my mind. I
was feeling tired, and I had just enough
hangover to induce depression. One thing
that was getting on my mind was the
increasing string of poster type pictures
on the internet regarding Chislehurst
Rock. I was looking forward to it, and
even spent a lot of money on photographic
stuff for the day, but those posters are
really pissing me off. It could be read
that they are expecting a terrorist attack
rather than an unlikely bit of trouble
from a couple of excitable youths -
something the goons (aka Security) can
easily handle.
Council regulations this year say
the event has to be fully enclosed with
only two entrances. Bag searches are
mandatory, and no liquids, not even plain
water, are allowed to be brought in. I
fully intend to sneak in a bottle of water
in my camera bag by making it seem it is
probably a camera lens. If I get turned
away, or ordered to empty it, I shall just
turn around, and walk away.
It wasn't long before I fell asleep
while laying on my bed - initially to read
while thinking negative thoughts. I'm not
sure when it was I fell asleep, but it was
possibly closer to 3pm than 4pm. I didn't
wake up until it was getting very close to
5pm, and time for the first of three Star
Treks. At that point I hadn't prepared any
dinner, and while I could have had cans of
soup, I decided that "to hell with the
expense" and ordered a shish kebab
I did have an ulterior motive.
After breakfast the only thing I ate was
the Scotch Eggs, and they were supposedly
had a very low sugar content. I had had
three days of low blood glucose readings,
and decided to try for a fourth. To be
doubly sure I avoided ordering any extras,
or anything with chips. I stuck to one
lamb, and one chicken shish kebabs. They
were both very tasty, and I didn't feel
the need for any more after them.
Maybe it was my long snooze, but I
couldn't seem to relax enough to get to
sleep initially. It was a warm night, or
at least it started as one, and I was
feeling quite sticky when I went to bed
(the chilli sauce on the kebabs was a good
enough reason for that). It was probably
around 11pm that I got up again to take a
couple of Paracetamol tablets. Once again
they seemed to work, and I guess I was
asleep around midnight.
I seemed to sleep well, although
after a late start I didn't get as many
hours as desired - which might be a
different amount to needed. It's all very
blurry now, but I seemed to have dreams
about Amazon deliveries. One parcel seemed
to contain (presumably) software on 3.5
inch floppy disks. A couple of boxes
seemed to be for my sister. It is hard to
say just how many dreams I had, but it
feels like each was just a means of
passing some time without anything in
particular happening in.
My attempt for another start of the
day with low blood glucose readings seems
to have been more successful that I
expected. My new blood glucose meter read
7.4mmol/l, and the old meter read
7.6mmol/l - the two readings nicely
averaging out to my fantasy target of
7.5mmol/l. That is on the upper limit of
"normal", non diabetic, but it only comes
with great discipline. It is also low
enough to hint at the start of some small
weight loss. If I had done a decent sized
poo this morning I might have dared to
weigh myself before I had a large
breakfast, and several drinks.
There are four things to do today.
The first is to finish washing a hand
towel, and some underwear so I can clear
the bathtub read for me to have a shower.
Once I am clean I think top priority is to
go to the pharmacy to hopefully pick up my
latest repeat prescription. If I
have time I want to go to Tesco. Finally,
it is Thursday, and the Thursday beer
drinking session. Michael will try and
talk the hind legs off a donkey, and Jodie
will be stuck scrolling stuff on her
phone. I don't know why I enjoy these
sessions - except for the occasional good
and tasty beer !