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Tuesday 22nd August 2023
 08:50 BST

  Yesterday was warm, dry and sunny. The temperature reached the 25° C.
dull start
                                    but should be sunny for most of the
  Like yesterday, the morning has started dull, but the first hazy sunshine has recently appeared. It may not last long, but the latest revision to the forecast says the next sunny periods will start at 11am, and then full sunshine for almost the rest of the day except for 6pm which may only feature sunny spells. Today's temperature should reach 25° C. Tomorrow should be a lot like today, and also yesterday - dull start followed by lots of sunshine or sunny spells with, once again, the temperature reaching 25° C..

   I'm not sure how to describe yesterday. A lot of time was spent photo editing, and a lot of time was spent psyching me up for that photo editing. It is curious how once I open the photo editor on my PC what seemed a boring or tedious time, quickly becomes very absorbing.

  There was one other important job yesterday. I'm sure I reported some weeks back that my plastic/fibreglass bath tub had a split in it, and that I had covered it over with duct tape in the hope I could stop it leaking. That worked fine, but a day or two ago I noticed that it had been leaking by a damp stain on the carpet. Yesterday I tried a more drastic, but still ultimately temporary fix. I ran a bead of silicone sealer along the crack, and tried to push some into the crack (which only in one place is not a hairline crack). I then covered it over with duct tape - a couple of layers along the crack, and many more strips across the width of the crack. Fingers crossed I'll get at least a few more weeks out of this repair, but after I will have to consider the awful fact that the bath tub will need to be replaced, and it is going to be an awful, and expensive job beyond my capabilities.

  I first uploaded 10 picture taken at Chislehurst Rocks to social media. I then uploaded an album of 20 pictures. Yesterday I completed anther album of 30 pictures ! I still have approximately 100 untouched pictures, and I quick flick through them suggest I could find at least another ten pictures that show something slightly interesting, but I think that will be overkill. I may not use those 100 photos, or maybe I might leave it a few weeks. Anyway, here's a few examples from the last completed batch.
Chris Taylor
                                  - the drummer
  I always try and get a few snaps of the drummer, sitting there at the back of the stage, and out of the limelight. Thanks to the low sun penetrating to the back of the stage I was able to get some rather good shots of Chris Taylor.
  I did lots of pictures of Carrie pointing upwards, but here's one with a down pointing finger.
Paul Newham
                                  on bass
  With the sunglasses, and the grimace, Paul the bass player reminds me of Arnie in his "I'll be back" look.
  For people and animals the sign of a good photo is if you can clearly see the details of their eyes.... Not in this picture of Steve Blessing you can't !
  I don't think I captured what I thought I had captured in this photo. I'm sure it must be a shadow, but it looks like a bit of the darker skin around the nipple is just showing on Carrie's right (or left from our perspective) boob. One of these days she will have a "wardrobe malfunction" that I will capture on my camera. It is alleged she has had one on stage that no one admits to capturing. Of course if they had they wouldn't be sharing it on social media - but rumours would probably still spread.

  I finished all my photo editing in time to devote my whole attention to the three Star Trek's on last night. In fact I only paid them part attention, and then maybe only while I was eating dinner. I hadn't eaten anything except for a couple of small nibbles during the day, and so a 2 and a bit bowls of my lamb and white cabbage casserole, the one cooked for the previous night, but not eaten, went down a treat.

  There was one final bit of TV I watched before going to bed. I was next on after the last Star trek, and it was UFO. It was a funny sort of series. Some episodes were really good, most were medium, and only one was annoyingly bad. It was the latter that was shown last night. It was more a "human interest" type of story instead of science fiction. I can't say it with any authority, but I'd like to say that a lot of the acting seemed very wooden. It is as if the cast didn't think much of the story.

  At 9pm I went to bed, and read for a while before falling asleep quite easily if I recall correctly. Once again I seemed to sleep quite soundly, although I did wake up at a silly time (just after 5am) and it took some time to get back to sleep so I could get up at a time I thought was better (about 6.20am for this morning).

  I know I dreamed a lot last night, but only a small part of a single dream seems to have hazily stuck in my memory.  I have no idea how it started, or how it ended (unless, as seems likely, I woke up from the dream). The first I remember was sitting on a settee with a young woman sitting sideways across my lap. I was holding her up with one arm, and cuddling her. I have no idea whose she was, and even how she looked except for two things. She had moderately long dark hair, and it seemed like she was maybe three inches shorter then me.

  I can't even remember if she had a t-shirt or a sweater on, but I do remember that my other arm was clasped around he middle with my hand just inches from one of her breasts. The last thing I remember was that I was just starting to ask if she would mind if i put it on her breast when, to my great annoyance, I woke up. The annoyance was that I felt very sure she would say yes. it would only have been a minor thrill, but a thrill is a thrill !

  This morning was one of those rare mornings when I got up, but 10 minutes later I went back to bed. I think I got some sleep, but it was not much....or at least I don't think it was much, but who knows when you don't put a stop watch on these things. After eating almost nothing during most of the day (as far as I can remember), and then eating what should have been a very safe casserole, I expected my blood glucose reading to be quite low this morning. It wasn't. The new meter read a near average 8.8mmo/l, and I suppose the old meter didn't read that much higher at 9.2mmol/l. The average of the two would be 9.0mmol/l, and I would very much have preferred if it had been, say 7.5mmol/l.

  Today I am not going to do any photo editing, and I have to find other things to do. One of them is to go to Tesco to get stuff for more casseroles. I also need to top up my instant noodles cache. I sort of doubt I will do it, but I was considering going out to take more pictures, but this time of trees or trains or something like that.
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