There was only sunshine yesterday
morning, and most of that was rather dilute,
watery sunny spells. The afternoon was
generally dull, but sometimes duller ! There
was rain in the evening. The afternoon
temperature was just 14° C - not that cold
if you keep moving, but an invitation to
hypothermia if you sleep in it.
I think the BBC's forecast came
closer to reality this morning. They said
just light rain that would continue until
just after 9am. That seems to be what I
think happened/is happening. If the BBC
forecast continues to be correct there
should be sunny spells from 10am until
almost sunset. The Met Office still insist
there will be some light rain this
afternoon, although the latest revision
has moved it to be at 4 and 5pm. There is
a choice of temperature today. In Met
Office world the max will be 14° C, but
over in BBC world it should be 15° C. With
these two different forecasts, and both of
them changing hour by hour, I expect
reality will be even more different.
Tomorrow could start quite wet again, but
there is a chance of some sunny spells in
the afternoon. It may be a cold day with
the temperature between 12 or 13° C.
Yesterday was a partially
productive day. I originally said I
doubted I would go out, unless it was to a
pub with Kevin, because I didn't think
there would be enough sunshine to make any
outside experience very pleasant. In fact
I did go out, not to a pub, but to the
It was after I finished writing
that I heard from Kevin. He turned down my
invite for an afternoon drink, and
suggested that he might be OK for today. A
little later he informed me that he had
just heard that his appointment at the
hospital for 10.30am had been rescheduled
for 4.30pm - right in the middle of a
possible drink. I left it in his court to
suggest another possible time for a beer
or three.
As I mentioned yesterday, I decided
to have a shower in case I was going to go
out, and with nowhere else to go to I
decided that while it was dry, and for a
time almost bright, I would get a bit of
shopping. I did my usual scheme of going
to Savers before crossing over and going
in Poundstretcher. There wasn't a lot I
wanted from Savers, but I got some bleach
and some hand cleanser. I also bought
another couple of the all aluminium, LED
torches they are selling for £1.49, plus a
pack of AAA batteries it go in them.

Those torches are really nice. They
take three AAA cells in a sort of internal
barrel, and are very bright. They are sold
loose with no leaflet, but I can imagine
they are probably waterproof. I now have
three of them, and a fourth I will offer
to Jodie. One thing I like is that they
are like an improved version of some
torches Poundland were selling for £1
each, and those Poundland ones were fairly
good, the Savers torches are better
finished and brighter.
The real bargain came from
Poundstretcher. I noticed they were
selling Trust Web Cams, as pictured on the
left for just £4.50 - reduced from £9.
Even at full price they would have been a
bargain. They are capable of high
definition, or 1280x1024 sized pictures,
and unlike my hardly ever used other web
cams (bought out of curiosity rather than
need) it give a nice bright and sharp
picture even under poor lighting.
Maybe the best thing is that I
plugged it into my Linux PC, and it just
worked first time. The sound didn't
initially work until I found I had to
select the inbuilt microphone from the
audio mixer. I expected to be able to
select it from the apps I was using. It is
the sound that is the poor relation in
this partnership. It sounds like a cheap
telephone sound, but no bass, and no
treble, is probably a good thing when
using it for video calling - it would help
to stop howlround.
Less exciting from Poundstretcher
was some instant noodle pots I had not
seen before. One was a curry flavour. I am
not generally keen on curry flavoured
noodles because the "curry flavour" is
usually very naff, and these were no
exception, although, having said that,
they weren't that terrible. The other one
was a Chicken Curry flavour. It bore
little relation to curry, but was almost,
but not 100%, nice, although I doubt I
will be buying any more of either flavour.
When going shopping I walked
moderately fast. When coming home I got
stuck behind a couple of very slow
walkers. At the first opportunity I put on
full speed to overtake them. I then seemed
to almost keep up full speed all the way
home. I must admit I felt knackered when I
got home after just 3 or 4 minutes of
exertion, but in a curious, and possibly
masochistic way, it did sort of feel good,
and was a reminder of what I should be
capable of more often, and for longer
Once I put my shopping away I made
up one of each of the two new flavours of
"Cup Noodles" (as they like to call them).
Of course I didn't get the full flavour
because I judged each would benefit from a
good splash of hot pepper sauce. As I said
above, they weren't good, and nor were
they bad (although their calorie and
possibly sugar content, may not have been
ideal for me). After that noodly lunch I
laid down, and ended up having a snooze.
I couldn't snooze for too long for
two reasons. One was that it was a bit too
cool in my bedroom to be inactive for
long, and the other was that I had left
some laundry soaking after my morning
shower, and I had to finish washing it. It
was just two t-shirts, but also half a
dozen pairs of underpants. I think it was
as late as 4pm before I had finished it,
and hung it on the clothes horse to dry in
the front room with a desk fan blowing on
it to help it dry.
Despite some other temptations, I
only ate pot/cup/instant noodles - two for
breakfast, and two for lunch. My dinner
needed to be something a bit healthier. I
had left it a bit late to cook anything,
but a random chain of events offered
another option. During the morning I got a
text message supposedly from my bank with
a feasible message, but I did not trust
the link it provided. It basically said
that a new payee had been added to my
others, and did I know about it ?
I completely ignored the most dodgy
web link on the message, but I did log on
to my bank from my PC using a known good
bookmark. That confirmed my suspicions
that the text message was a phishing
message. One good thing was that I noticed
my bank balance was looking very healthy -
mainly because my state pension had just
been paid in. I felt wealthy enough to
order a shish kebab takeaway last night,
and it was very delicious and healthy too.
Last night was a typical weekday
night - three Star Treks, and then nothing
on TV to attract my attention. I didn't
end up having a very early night, but it
was early enough. Maybe it was 9.30pm
before I fell asleep. I didn't wake up for
almost 4 hours. Initially I assumed it was
because maybe my blood glucose was low,
and I just didn't need to pee so often.
Maybe that was the case, but I seemed to
pee enough for three more frequent pees.
I think I ten slept for another
three hours before I woke up again.
I'm not sure if it was during that last
sleep, or the one before it, that I had a
dream that seemed to last for ages, and
yet not a lot happened in it. The dream
was inspired by a childhood memory. My
uncle, who had been in the navy during WW2
smoked "Senior Service" cigarettes. The
cigarette box had a round logo on it, and
one of my cousins had worked out away of
cutting the logo from the box, and then
with maybe another cut, make a chain, or
belt from the logos.
I can't remember how it was
contrived to link each segment together,
and my dream seemed to consist of a lot of
staring at some other round logo from a
box of something other than cigarettes,
and trying to think how I could link them
together. With hindsight it was rather a
boring dream, although one tiny highlight
was the conclusion that I would cheat, and
just stick the round logos together with
One further strong desire for a pee
woke me up at about 5.30am. At other times
it would be quite an annoying time, but on
these cold mornings it was useful to turn
the heater on before going back to bed for
about an hour (although I didn't sleep
much of that hour on this morning).
It wasn't long before the truth of
my eating would be part revealed. The
unrevealed part was to weigh myself. That
has to remain a mystery, but I did, as
always, check my blood glucose readings.
Two of the readings were coloured coded
green in my spreadsheet of results. They
were 7.6mmol/l and 7.5mmol/l. it seems the
magic of shish kebabs has worked again,
although the new, cheap Chinese meter,
gave a higher reading of 8.3mmol/l - which
is still very acceptable.
As I write this there is some thin
watery sunshine getting through a thin
patch of cloud. That is a bit earlier than
expected, and probably won't last long
enough to count. I am sure it is not good
enough to tempt me to go out today,
although maybe later sunshine might
possibly do the trick. I was reminded
yesterday that really I ought to somehow
toughen up.
I was looking at some photos I took
almost exactly 14 years ago during a trip
to Dover and Samphire Hoe (an artificial
extension to the land near Dover using
spoil from the Channel Tunnel). I mostly
remembered all the dark skies, and getting
soaked a couple of times, but my diary
entry says I actually started out in
brilliant sunshine, and the heavy rain
only started when I was very far from any
shelter. All the pictures, and what I said
about them can the seen here
I don't propose doing anything like
that trip to Dover today, and I doubt I
will even consider a walk in the park, but
you never know. More realistically I will
probably do some more laundry today, and I
really do need to do a small backlog of
washing up in the kitchen, plus I need to
prepare my dinner and start to precook it
- I just cannot afford another takeaway
for a while (although one exception would
be if somehow I ended up in the 'Spoons
this afternoon - which has a kebab shops
almost next door. Getting a kebab from
there is much more economical than using
Just Eat).