It is
very wet at the moment, and
heavy rain could fall until 10am
according to the latest revision
to the forecast. There could be
a couple of hours of light rain
at 2pm, and more at 6pm when it
will also start to brighten up a
bit. Most of today will range
from grey to very grey. The
temperature today will peak at
15° C,
and that only for a single hour
(two hours if the BBC is right).
I am sure that today would not
even be considered to be a good
day if it were in February.
Tomorrow could start bright, but
the temperature may not rise to
higher than 15
° C, and the
afternoon will probably be
wet, although possibly just
from a lot of light rain. It
is hard to believe the summer
solstice is under a fortnight
Yesterday was very
productive, but not an enjoyable
day. Much of the day was spent
editing all the photos I had
taken the day before at Hilly
Fields. I was generally pleased
with the results, but it seemed
a never ending chore. The fact
is that I took far more photos
than I should have needed to
take, but there was that little
fear nagging me that I might
that "special shot".
This the fake Axl Rose
from the Guns 2 Roses, Guns 'N'
Roses tribute band. His singing
style was probably based on
later performances by the real
Axl Rose - i.e, a bit gruff. I
was quite pleased with this
photo. It may be good enough to
appear in a 30 year old rock
magazine like Kerrang !
I guess Slash, from Guns
'N' Roses had the easiest style,
and appearance to copy, and
while I have no idea of his real
name, this "Slash" did look, and
even sounded pretty authentic.
This is one of a couple
of photos that (just about) show
all the members of the band. I
have a feeling that the band
draws on a selection of people
to make up the full band, and is
often seen with different
members, although possibly with
always the same three at the
End of the Guns 2 Roses
set, and end of the festival.
The band say their goodbyes, and
seem pleased with their show.
It was an odd quirk that
the file numbering in my camera
reached 9999, and rolled around
back to 0000. I should have
selected these pictures in the
ordering I took them, but
didn't, and so I showed Guns 2
Roses before Caz and Steve who
were on before them !
Steve doing a solo spot.
It was surprising the sound he
could get out of single guitar.
I like this picture for a
special reason. I am sure Steve
was smirking because he thought
that the camera might have seen
more than was intended. That
outfit Carrie was wearing on top
often seemed only a single bit
of string away from a "wardrobe
malfunction". I'll confess I
would have like to get a picture
of her tits, but at the same
time I would feel very sorry for
her for embarrassing herself.
I blatantly said it -
"While we are all bored waiting
for the interminable raffle to
place, how about a line up of
all available from Guns 2 Roses"
? I'm sure they would do it for
someone just holding a mobile
phone, but I feel that using a
professional looking camera and
lens gives me a bit more
authority. It was handy
that the stage manager and
compère, whose name I think is
Gerry (or Jerry), knew me from
other outdoor gigs, and it seems
seen some of my camera work. He
suggested that I could go
backstage, through the flap at
the back of the inflatable
stage, to take some shots there
- which I did, although none
were really notable.
I also edited up some
pictures of Mahogony Soulz who
were on before Caz And Steve. I
can't say I cared for their
musical style, but took some
picture anyway - trying to act
like a professional. I have not
included any here, but they
appear, along with a selection
of my other pictures, on the
Brockley Max Facebook page. In
fact, the last time I looked,
about 90% of all pictures on it
were mine. It made me feel sort
of proud, and that the expense
of all the cameras I have gone
through to find the perfect one,
and the time spent practising
the art has been worthwhile.
With John Bull (Mr
Rockrpix), the man who inspired
my photo taking, and gave me a
few tips in the early days, now
going more "international", and
spending much more time at big
venues, with big ticket prices,
I feel that is down to me to
cover more of these smaller
festivals. It is just a shame
that when I am probably needed
most, I am not very mobile
because of my current angina
problem, and lugging camera gear
across the home counties by bus
and train is not a lot of fun.
Although I finished the
last of the photo editing as
late as 7pm, I didn't spend the
whole of the day doing it. I
took a few breaks to just lay
back and read for a while, and I
took a few breaks to eat.
Sometimes it was just a snack
that I ate at my PC while photo
editing. I tried to eat sensible
stuff, but I did end up eating
quite a bit in lots of small
quantities. It had repercussions
on both my blood glucose and my
I don't think I watched
any TV last night, not even
while I was eating my dinner. I
can't seem to remember just what
my dinner was. Even looking in
the kitchen sink to see what
might need washing up this
evening shows no clues. I do
know what I had for lunch, and
it was not exactly healthy. It
was a toast sandwich with a lot
of melted cheese and Salami in
it. It was nice, but not the
ambrosia I hoped it would be.
Ah, it just came back to me I
known what I had for dinner, and
I remember tasting it long after
when burping. It was just a pair
of Scotch Eggs because I had a
bit of more like junk food only
an hour earlier.
I felt tired and ready
for bed fairly early yesterday
evening, but I had to read in
bed for at least an hour to wind
down after all the photo
editing. It almost seemed like I
had photos dancing in front of
my face at first. I finally
turned over and went to sleep
around 10pm. At that time the
heater was off because it didn't
feel all that cool in my
bedroom. The first, and only
really significant time I woke
up in the night was a few hours
later when I felt cold and
creaky, as well as needing a
pee. In turned the heater on
low, and left it that way until
this morning when In turned it
off before turning it on again
45 minutes later. It really
feels like we are in early
spring, or perhaps late autumn
at the moment.
I don't think I have any
dreams to report this morning,
or at least not enough remains
of any memories remain to make
any sort of description
possible. In a way that is
surprising because I did wake up
very quickly this morning with
cramp just about to cause agony
if I didn't leap straight from
bed to put weight on my left
leg. That killed the growing
cramp pain, but maybe it was a
big enough distraction to erase
any memories of dreams.
I think I have to blame
the weather for not feeling too
good this morning. There is
nothing I can really put my
finger on, but it is just
typical signs of old age, and
the bad weather blues. My head
feels sort of foggy and dull, a
bit like the weather, and many
joints feel sort of stiff, but
fortunately not actually painful
- at least while I am mostly
sitting at my PC.
My health indicators have
taken a small dip. All the
eating I did yesterday, mostly
undescribed, has increased my
weight this morning by a few
hundred grams. It is still
pretty good compared to weeks
ago, but I hope it is not a
trend, and it will go down again
without having to wait for a
warm sunny day - those being
best for regulating my eating.
The good news is that halfway
through writing this paragraph I
went to the toilet. The amount I
did must surely have offset some
of the additional weight of my
breakfast, and drinks so far
this morning. had I done it
before I ate and drank, my
weight increase may not have
been quite as bad as it seemed.
The worst thing this
morning is my blood glucose
measurements. They are up a lot,
but still well clear of the
danger zone. The Contour
meter read 9.0mmol/l, and the
Sinocare meter read 9.1mmol/l -
both readings in the pink area,
but well short of the red danger
area. The GlucoRX meter read a
more OK, but still high compared
to recently, 8.7mmol/l. I should
try and do better today, but on
such a dull, wet, gloomy and
depressing day it is going to be
There is one possibility
I could try, and that is to
scare myself into more careful
eating. I could have a small tub
of chocolate ice cream for
lunch. It is not very
appropriate on a cold and
sunless day, but it would still
be nice, and although the tub I
have in mind is relatively low
sugar compared to the gigantic
amounts in some ice creams, it
is still high enough to make me
very careful about what else I
eat during the day....well that
seems to be how it has worked in
the past, but on a day like
Despite the weather
looking terrible, it does seem
likely there will be some dry
hours even if it is still as
gloomy as night out there. I may
go out at some time to buy some
stuff from Poundstretcher. I
particularly want some bleach,
and topping up my stock of pot
noodles (by style rather than
trade name) would be useful. I
expect I'll spot other stuff to
buy as well - I usually do.
Other than that it could be a
slightly boring day, although I
can think of one special project
I could get started. It is Steve
Blessing's (half of Caz And
Steve Duo) birthday soon, and I
could dig out a selection of
pictures I have taken of him
over the years. Other than that,
I still have a lot of book to
read, and more books after the
current one.
1924 words today